Alternate universe..(Naruto f...

By Kaylahotthunder

416 4 2

Naruto has lived in this world full of abuse for 12 long years. He had to suffer being an orphan. Being kicke... More

Naruto is born
6 years..
12 years/graduation.
Missions and the first c-rank mission part 1
C rank mission final part
Back home/ new teamate?
Genin exam part 1 (universe 1)

C rank mission part 2

53 1 2
By Kaylahotthunder

Minato was sitting in his office when mikoto busted in.
" did you summon him? Kaina says he just disappeared!" She asked in a worried rushed fashion. Itachi watching her right now so she could go ask the hokage.
" what do you mean who disappeared?" Minato asks worried.mikoto sighed and calmed herself.
"Kaina and fuguka was training in the back yard when kaina rushed inside to me with tears in her eyes scared saying fuguka disappeared." Mikoto says and minato' s eyes widen.
" was there a fight or anyone else's chakra out there?" He asks standing up. Mikoto shakes her head. Minato comes around the corner and grasps her shoulder to comfort her. "We will find him." He says with determination. Then his little girl comes in crying with very large tears.
"Daddy!" She says and runs and jumps on him. He is takin back because she is always the happy kid. She never cried. He rubbed her back gentle and kissed her check.
" what's wrong baby girl?"he asked and she started sobbing again. Mikoto gave him a really look. Because he could've handled that a lot better but he is not a mother so he doesn't know.Mikoto then walked over to her and also rubbed her back.
"It's ok sweet girl. What happened?" She asked and little himiko calmed down.
" mommy disapeared. I sayed in my room because there was a lot of things she was breaking but when it shopped I went in there to see a light on her and she then just disappeared!" Himiko says dramaticly and Mikoto and minato winces at her loud screech. But then they look at eachother.
"Is that-"
"AMBU! Search high and low for kushina uzumaki and fuguka uchiha!!" Minato growled which scared himiko and she started crying again.  Minato also called in the 3rd hokage to.
"You wished to see me Minato?"he asks opening the door.
"Yes I need you to fill my hokage passion for a week while I figure out why people are disappearing." Minato said and before the 3rd could object Minato left with his daughter clutched to his chest and Mikoto followed behind him. They both decided to grab the kids from the academy and go to the uchiha house where itachi was trying to calm kaina. Who Mikoto quickly grabbed and calmed her.
"Mom what's going on why did you and Minato San come get us?" Kiyomi asked. Ryoko looked at Minato with the same question in his eyes.
"Your mother/ father has disappeared and we need to find them." Mikoto and minato explained. That's earned a lot of questions from kiyomi and Ryoko ans the little ones.  Then they took all the kids out side saying they need more training just in case they Somehow disapear to or something. But then a messager hawk arrived on his shoulder and he read the note from Akira explaining how they need back up.
"Itachi can you?" He asks and throws the scroll to him. Itachi then reads and nods.
"Mom I will be back in a week." He says and disappeared in a thing of crows.  He then starts training Ryoko and himiko. He teaches himiko how to Throw kuni first and shockingly she's ok with it but not great. Mean while he asks Ryoko to put his chakra into the paper to see his infinity. It's earth. Like minatos.
"Earth style stone pillars." Minato says and stone pillars raise up. Ryoko then does it almost half way which is amazing for his age. Meanwhile Mikoto trains kaina on shirikan to which she sucks at. And kiyomi she finds out her infinity is water like mikotos. So she teaches kiyomi water bullets.
Itachi arrives just in time to stop Zabuzas from cutting the kids in half. Although they where pretty skilled Akira wasn't as fast as she needed to be. Suomi was laying on the ground almost dead.Suishis little brother was throwing kuni and shufikan at him scared. And Sakura was trying to protect the bridge builder. So when he arrived he immediately put Zabuzas into the tsukuyomi. And quickly killed him and the hunter ninja that got in his way. Which released kakashi from his prison and the 6 of them continued on their way. Itachi quickly got Suomi to a hospital.When they got to the house kakashi filled him in on everything and itachi set out to find gato while kakashi and the kids stayed by the bridge builder.the when he did find the band of theifs he found 8 little kids that had no home and brought them back with him. 2 baby's stayed with Tazuna and the runt. Meanwhile the other 6 came back with them to the village. The ones that could where 5 kids that where 5 or 6 and 1 baby that was a new born. But the thing with that is they all had bright red hair like Akira and Ryoko s. And kushinas. They said that their parents all had red hair two but weren't ninjas. They were just just used for labor. And none of the kids had names.the baby was a little boy. Actually all of them where boys but one. And then they all returned to the leaf village when they got back kakashi went to the hokage tower with a report. Kakashi,Akira, and suishis brother took the kids to their family.Minato groaned and had them tested for the uzumaki clan genes and told them they could stay with them. He also named them.
And for the little girl her name was
Then 5 days later the results to all of them came back that they where uzumakis. Haruki and jiro was the only sibblings. And nao was blood related to kushina. She was kushinas neice. They all wanted to be ninja to. So they were in roled in the academy exepted for Haruki because he is a baby. Arashi, jiro,and haru would start tomorrow. But little Arata and nao would start with himiko and kaina. Little haruki never opened his eyes tho and nobody ever new why until sharingon discovered that he had the rinagon. Which has Jiraiya shocked and sworn to be his teacher when he is older. But right now Jiraiya was still pining after Tsunade.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////it had now been two weeks since kushina and fuguka dissapeared on them and still no sign of them. The new kids settled In and started school today or Mikoto is watching them right now. And team kakashi has trained non stop since they came back 3 days ago.they won't be getting a mission for a while because of the last one.
But the Chunin exams are coming up at Minato was dreading it.
A week and 5 days before to the boys. They had all just woke up and headed down to the kitchen to eat food and kushina was helping Tsunami cook food. She smiled at naruto when she saw him. Which threw him off even more.
'Man what's up with this woman. She's so nice to me. What does she want?' Naruto wondered. And stared at the lady as she cooked. Then sasuke and his father came in and sat down. Anyone paying attention would notice that they keep glancing at eachother both worried the other one would disappear. Kakashi then came in with Tazuna. Who had a small smile on. He had regret. If he hadn't Lied maybe their team mate wouldn't have died. Naruto who's thoughts some how travels to the topic of Sakura and he got really sad. Sasukes mind also wondered to that topic and he clenched his jaw and his hand.his heart ached. The worst part tho. He didn't understand why. He didn't want to feel this way and he thought he never would about his new found dead friend but all he wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep forever or just punch stuff.
" alright kids dinners ready!"kushina said and helped tsunami carry the food over to the kids and men. She then sat by naruto and fuguka sat by sasuke. Tsunami sighed as she looked around.
" I better go get Inari." She said and walked upstairs. She then woke her grumpy son and dragged him downstairs to eat with everyone.
" so naruto. Kushina is gonna be training you today. And sasuke fuguka will be training you today as well." Kakashi said and was about to tell Sakura he was gonna train her but remembered that she was dead.. then everyone at the table ate in silence. When they where done kushina and fuguka took their sons in different directions.kushina took hers to the town to get to know him.meanwhile fuguka took sasuke to the trees waterfall that his sharingon heard to get to know him.
Kushina and naruto looked around the stores shocked at the prices.
" your crazy!! Why would someone ever buy this stuff!! It's way to much money!" Naruto yelled at the shop keeper which earned him a smack on the head from kushina.
"Naruto be more respectful to your elders!"kushina scowled. Naruto poubted and rubbed the lump forming on his head.
" why do you care so much lady." Naruto asked. Upset. Kushinas eyes softened.
" naruto come with me." She said and lead him to sit down by her on the bench.
"What is it?" He eyed her.
"Has anyone ever talked to you about your parents before?" Kushina asked and naruto looked down.
" old man hokage said that they died during the attack from the 9 tails." Naruto said then looked up. "Why do you wanna know?" He says and kushina grabbed his hand.
"I don't know what has happened in the past naruto but.. I'm your mother naruto. Where I'm from your supposed to be dead. But then bam I came here where I'm dead but your. Your not." Kushina rambled. Naruto sat there for a minute but then got up mad.
"Your telling me that your my supposed to be my dead mother?" Naruto asked incredulously kushina nodded and smiled.
"Yes naruto." Kushina said gently reaching out to grab his hand. To which naruto snatched away.
" don't play with me like that what do you want from me?" Naruto asked tears building in his eyes. That statement rendered kushina speechless. And before she knew naruto had ran off into the small city. She of course then followed worried. An hour and a half of looking later and she found naruto beating up some goons and she decided to help she flung two onto the ground making them unconscious and naruto beat up the other two. Then when he saw her he started crying and hugged her infrount of everyone.
"Mom!" He cried. And she smiled and cried to.
" I'm so glad you are in my arms datteybeyo!"
" me to datteyayo!" Then they both cried. After awhile naruto and kushina made their way through town again. This time with naruto asking a million questions.
"So are you or dad an uzumaki?"
"I am-"
"That's so cool. Do we have any secret justu like sasuke and the sharingon? How many of us are there? What's your favorite food? What's dad like? Who is dad?" Naruto rambled on and on with questions and kushina grinned.
"I'll tell you about the secret clan techniques when we start our training. There are only 3 of us that I know of. 4 counting you. My favorite food is ramen and your, uh Minato is your father . We will have to talk about him later." Kushina says and naruto nods and grins. "Ramen is my favorite to!"he says and she Grins.
"Wanna go get some?" She asked and he nods with a wide smile. But that smile drops.
" I can't I don't have and money." He says and she knocks him on the side of the head.
"I'm your mother I'll take care of that!" She says and warmth flows through his heart. And they make their way to the ramen stand with big smiles. And 18 bowls later the uzumaki mother son duo is finished with their food. They then make their way to the forest to start training. Kushina then adjusts the seal alittle bit to help him learn his chakra control exercises. That night kushina carries in a sleepin/exhausted boy. Who made it to the top of the tree in the first night.
"Keep going son." Fuguka said and sasuke finally reached the top. But then fell down exhausted. Fuguka caught him and huffed.
" that's my boy." He said when he saw sasuke was asleep. They had a long day. They spend the morning doing water excersised that somehow ended up with them just fishing. Then after they got some lunch fuguka taught him the tree climbing exercise. And since sasuke was having so much trouble with it fuguka turned on his Sharingon to look at the boys chakra. And that's when he discovered he was using to much. And at the end of the day he finally mastered it and fuguka carried him to Tazunas house.
An hour later the food was ready and the boys raced to scarf it down. . That's when inari started his crap and naruto shut him down and the kid left the room. Then tazuna told the story to them about inaris dad. Then they all want to bed . Kushina fell asleep snuggling naruto and fuguka fell asleep beside his son.

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