
By mawande002

192 68 5

Naive girls make decisions that they will regret Join Mandy in her story of her regretful decision More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
A/N 😊
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37

chapter 10

4 2 0
By mawande002

We all watched as Michael stood up and walked towards my group and sat down with us, his eyes never leaving mine.
Once we were all settled into our groups we all started to discuss amongst ourselves.

"Okay" Jeremy started. "I just wanted to start by asking if you guys can dance because I left my group because they suck, I don't want the same problem here." Everyone mumbled some yeses and of courses.
Then all eyes were on me.
"Mandy can you dance?" Jenny asked.

"I try, but I'm not that good." I said.

"Okay just give us a little taste so we can see for ourselves if you're not that good or you are that good and your just being modest." Jenny insisted.

"I guess I could show you something but I'll need some music." I said to them and they nodded their heads and smiled at me. Michael still hadn't spoken to me since he lashed out on he in the hall, but I didn't expect much from Jason's friend.
Jeremy started playing 'Sweet Melody' by little mix and at first I started moving side to side waiting for the chorus so I could dance.

As soon as it started I started dancing to it swinging my hands back and forth in an opposing action, and moved my feet to the rhythm. I was lost in the song now, forgetting everything bad that has happened to me and forgetting the people around me and just dancing. I love dancing and singing and music in general because it helps me forget all about the world, my insecurities, my horrid life and most of all its my escape from here.

When the song ends I stop dancing and tune back to reality, I look up to my group and two of them had huge smiles on their faces and Michaels mouth was open just staring at me. I got a little nervous so I just looked down at my sneakers.

"Bitch you can dance!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"Bitch you can really dance, what was with the modesty saying your not that good, after what I just saw Im never believing a word that comes out of your mouth." I laugh at his statement and so did everyone else.

Michael reached out to touch me and I flinched and closed my eyes. It had been kind of a reflex thing. I'm so used to people hurting me that I can't trust anyone, except Darius of course.
Michael just gave me a weird look, like a mixture of shock and sadness. I was still kinda scared of him since he's friends with Jason now and he did lash out on me not so long ago so I had the right to react the way I did when he reached out towards me.

"I just wanted to say that what you just did was amazing, you're really are good." He said. Compliments weren't really something I was used to, so it wasnt something I could react to in a normal way.
I just thanked Michael and looked down at my feet.
For the rest of the period we discussed the song we were gonna dance to and we ended up choosing to just dance to 'Dancing -by Jason Derulo' and just do their dance.
After deciding what to dance to we looked up the dance online so we could learn it and practice it. We had divided ourselves into two pairs. I was with Michael and Jenny was with Jeremy.

I was a little uncomfortable since there was a bit of touching and I'm not used to being touched, well besides Darius today, but because this was for marks and its dancing I was just gonna ignore it.
After practicing three times we all sat down and started chatting, just the four of us.

"So guys does anyone have any special talents here, I know were in the same class but we've never gotten to talk and just get to know each other a little bit better." Jenny asked. It is true, we've never talked in class we just knew of each others existence and that was enough for us, but since we were all here and sitting together why not just sit and chat.

"Well I can dance as you guys know, I am an amazing designer and I've always wanted to be a model." Jeremy said with a huge grin on his face. And we all noded and smiled at him.

"Okay I'm next" Jenny exclaimed while clapping her hands together. "Okay so I can dance to, I'm an amazing cook and I've always wanted to travel the world and see new things." She said with the same wide smile as Jeremy's and we all smiled at her.

"I'll go next" Michael said. "Well, I dance and play guitar and I've always wanted to discover and expose something new and beautiful to the world." We all looked at him in awe till he cleared his throat and  muttered a quick 'who's next' and they all looked at me.
"Oh uhm well I dance to, and I kinda sing a little, I try when it comes to cooking and I've always wanted to be a psychologist, to help people because I know what its like to not have someone to talk to about things that bother you." I say and look down.
They all clap their hands and look at me with bright smiles.

"Okay im just gonna say it, Bitch you have to start talking more cause this shy girl thing, I don't agree with." Jeremy said while touching my shoulder.

"Guys we are just the most perfect people ever, if I were the other people in this class I'd be so jealous." We all laughed at what Jeremy said. I know I'm not perfect and it is nice thinking I am even close to being perfect since I'm sitting with these perfect people with perfect faces and bodies and families. I wonder what it would be like to have all these qualities.
My thoughts were quickly cut short by coach talking to the class.

"Okay class, we have half an hour left of the period now so I'll need you guys to step forward and present your dances." He sat down and waited for the first group to present their dance and grade them.
The first group danced to 'levatating by dua lipa' they were good but not amazing and I could tell coach thought the same to. They had good dance moves but they weren't in the right formation.
The next group was also good and coach was impressed. After them it was our turn, to say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was shaking and my breathing started to go faster. I decided to close my eyes and just let the music take me.
As the song started I felt someone's hands around me and a jolt of electricity went through my body and from there all of my nervousness and fear was gone. We did an amazing job with our performance and I could tell coach was impressed, by the smile on his face that he rarely shows, it was quite obvious.

Jason's group was next and even though I hated them I was not gonna deny the fact that they are amazing dancers. Ever since eighth grade when there used to be dance classes, they used to be the best ones there. Most of us in this class took dance classes thats why we can dance so well.
They were dancing to 'savage love' by Jason Derulo and they were killing it. Jason was able to pick Megan up and toss her around and do amazingly coordinated flips because he was muscular and strong and Megan was small and fit to, they made an amazing team along with Dan and Andrea.

After the performances coach instructed us to change back into our clothes if we wanted to. As I was changing because I didnt feel comfortable going out like that the bell rang and I was on my way out to meet Darius.
Suddenly I feel someone tap on my shoulder.

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