
By CassB0214

57.3K 3.7K 844

Sang just wanted a little space. She wanted out of the house, to have a little freedom before school started... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

2.5K 185 20
By CassB0214

Thank you for voting! This chapter is a lead-in to Chapter 8 and maybe 9. I hope you like it.


            My eyes were focused on the door, chest heaving with every breath. Sweat beaded along my hairline. My hands shook and every breath they took had my skin crawling. Why has everything been going wrong lately? Ever since moving to South Carolina, it's been one thing after another.

That was on my father though. My father has hardly been around since I was about eight years old. He's always leaving to go on business trips. I remember all the attention and love that I would get from him the few years before I turned eight. My father worked in a lab, and always brought me with him. He kept me entertained the whole time. It's where I developed my love for science.

A little before my eighth birthday though, my father started getting irritated with me and his work. I never knew what caused the change though. Maybe that was when they found out that my mother was ill. She was hospitalized a few weeks later. Then once she came home, my father started taking business trips. He'd be gone for weeks; I'd missed him at first. Then, after a while, it was like he never even lived with us anyway.

The vehicle came rolling to a stop. I pushed all thoughts of my father away and tugged on the door handle. I wanted out of the vehicle. My door was still locked. I glared at the boy behind the steering wheel. He turned towards me, his dark eyes locking on mine.

"Listen, I know that you don't really know us, and a lot has happened. There are things that you don't know though. Let Mr. Blackbourne explain it to you." His voice was gruff, but he wasn't scowling at me anymore.

"I want to go home," my words were quiet, nearly a whisper.

I'm scared. Ever since Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green showed up at the house, I've been scared. Scared of my reaction to them and their reaction to me. Scared of myself. I knew something strange was happening to me. And I do want an explanation, but I need to getaway. I don't know how to get home. I don't have a phone; not that it mattered I have no one to call. I'm at the mercy of these strange boys that I shared some kind of connection with. I'm not comfortable with it at all.

His dark eyes softened, "if, after you've talked to Mr. Blackbourne, you still want to go home. I'll take you. We aren't keeping you prisoner."

Luke leaned a little closer, "you can trust North, Sang. You can trust all of us, but especially my little brother."

My head tipped to the side, "brothers?"

North rolled his eyes at Luke. "We're step-brothers." He focused back on me. "Are you willing to hear Mr. Blackbourne out?"

"If I say no, what happens?"

He reached back and captured my hand in his much bigger one. His skin rough and warm, yet also comforting. "We won't keep you here Sang. Not unless where you're going is unsafe. If you want to go home, I will take you."

The other giant, Silas, turned back to look at me. "Don't worry, Sang. We'll keep you safe." Black eyes searched mine. "Even from our brothers." North gave him a strange look but nodded his head in agreement.

I felt myself relax a little. Knowing that these two intimidating giants would help me melted away some of the fear. I was being overwhelmed. I went from knowing no one in this new town, not having any friends, ever really, being injured; to meeting nine new people was extremely difficult to wrap my head around. Especially when you throw in a first kiss, odd feelings, a first shopping trip, and then some threats.

The whole thing was extremely draining. My body was in flight mode. I wanted nothing more to hide away, to protect myself. I was too wound to even consider taking the nap my body desperately wanted. But just hearing North and Silas say that they would protect me, relieved some of the anxiety. They'd have to prove it before I was completely comfortable, but I was glad for the help.

I leaned my head back against the seat and released a long sigh. The doors unlocked and the boys got out of the vehicle. Silas opened my door for me, he leaned against the door his dark eyes watching me. He acted like he was in no hurry, that he'd wait there until I was ready to get out even if it took all day. Not one to like people waiting on me, I slid out of the backseat.

North moved to my other side. Victor's was already parked in the driveway next to a familiar brown sedan. He and Gabriel must already be in the house. Luke walked ahead of us heading inside, his shoulders were hunched, and he kept glancing at me over his shoulder.

When we got in the house, my spine straightened. The air was tense. Gabriel, Luke, and Victor stood off to one side of the living space. Their heads were together, and they were whispering. Mr. Blackbourne stood stiffly in the center of the room with Dr. Green standing next to him. Opposite Mr. Blackbourne stood Kota and Nathan.

"Pookie," Dr. Green smiled and started in my direction.

An arm draped over my shoulders and a heavy hand rested on my head. Silas and North. A deep growl echoed through the room when Dr. Green neared. The smiling man froze, his posture changed, and his smile disappeared.

"North?" His voice was quiet, but hard.

The boy in question shook his head, "no. She needs answers. You have her scared out of her mind."

"What are you talking about?" Victor questioned.

"I told you that we messed up," Luke mumbled.

His eyes were downcast, and he looked defeated. My heart hurt from making him look like that. I didn't mean for my reaction to affect him. I didn't say anything though. What could I say? Besides that, they didn't mess up.

North shook his head, "I don't think it was you Luke, and I don't think there was anything you could do."

"She was fine when she was with us," Victor said, his eyes blazed as they tried to connect with mine.

"She wasn't," North growled. "She was having a panic attack or something outside of the mall. I made it worse when I put her in the Jeep, which I'm sorry for by the way."

His fingers massaged my scalp. It felt good. Not as good as when Gabriel did it, but it was more reassuring when North did it. Mr. Blackbourne moved towards us, slowly. His face was blank, his eyes full of questions. I didn't want to answer his questions. Not until he answered mine. He owed me that at least, even if he had done a lot for me already.

"If you made it worse then why does it look like she's trying to hide between you two?" Gabriel asked.

"I told her that we'd protect her. Even from the rest of you," Silas's voice was quiet but strong. He had a deep voice and there was something about him that made you listen when he spoke.

Gabriel reeled back, "what the fuck? We'd never hurt her."

"Calm down, Gabe. Silas didn't mean it like that." Luke tried to quell Gabriel's ire.

North chuckled as Silas tucked me into his side. He radiated heat and comfort. "You're wrong. She's confused and scared. Sang asked if she could go home. North said he'd take her. I think that she was afraid that you all would try to stop her. So, we offered her safety."

A snort came from across the room. The redhead, Nathan, seemed to find something particularly funny. "The two of you couldn't win against all of us."

My eyes widened. There was something off about him. How had I wound up at his house? Did he do something to me? How did he even find me in the woods? I slid behind North, fisting my hands in his shirt.

I hated this. Being weak. Acting weak. I was too drained to be any other way. I hadn't slept well, and I haven't been eating enough. I had also been injured. I was positive that if I had a few nights of sleep and warm meals that I'd act different. I was sure that it wasn't in my nature to be timid even if I'd been forced to act that way.

"Nathan," Mr. Blackbourne growled. The redhead straightened and lowered his eyes, almost begrudgingly. They all seemed to defer to the stunning man in the suit. It was odd that students would act like that around their teachers outside of school.

"Sang," his voice was soft a contrast to how he just spoke to Nathan. "Would you be willing to talk to me about the mall?"

I couldn't stop myself. I rushed right over to him. Despite everything, the secrets, the odd feelings, all of it; I felt connected to him. I didn't ever want to let this perfect man down. I wanted him to keep that millimeter smile on his face. I wanted to keep him happy.

His arms wrapped around me; a satisfied smirk flashed across his face before smoothing out. I was pleased that I'd made him happy, the moment was ruined by Kota, whose voice was almost as stern as Mr. Blackbourne's.

"When you're done can we talk about her?"

Kota's hair looked like he had run his fingers through it too many times. He stood stiffly and he wouldn't look at me. Did I do something to make him uncomfortable? Or was it just me in general?

Mr. Blackbourne paused, his eyes looking over Kota. He gave a short nod. "I'm sure there are questions that I need to answer. Sang will be involved in the conversation." His tone left no room for argument.

Kota pressed his lips together but didn't say anything. Mr. Blackbourne released me, keeping one hand on my lower back, and directing me toward the backyard. The backyard had a brick patio and a beautiful wooden pergola. Beyond that was a beautiful garden. My eyes moved over the garden before landing on the roses. Chrysler Imperial. The most abundant flower in the garden, and my favorite.

"Sang, can you tell me what happened at the mall? Victor told me that they lost for a bit and then they found you with Lisa."

My nose wrinkled at the sound of her name on his lips. I kept seeing her outraged look when I called him Owen, and the pain from her nails digging into my arm. I didn't like the woman, and I certainly hadn't liked how she spoke of Victor and the boys.

I cleared my throat, "I'd never been to a mall, so when we got there, I was a little overwhelmed by all the people. The boys stood close and everything felt like it was closing in on me..."

Mr. Blackbourne grasped my hand. "You were panicking. It's normal to be overwhelmed when you've had so much going on."

Nodding, I continued, "I slowed down, and the boys kept walking. I looked away for only a moment and then they were gone. When I found them, they were surrounded by girls and I wasn't comfortable approaching them." I shrugged my shoulders, "I was only there for a moment before that woman, Lisa, approached me. She started talking about Victor and you then she sniffed me."

Mr. Blackbourne kept his face blank waiting for me to continue. "She talked about how you are her favorite, and I agreed that you are attractive, but I used your first name. She corrected me. I didn't know that you didn't allow anyone to call you Owen."

He released my hand, to cup my face between his. "I explained to you earlier that I am quite formal. Only those close to me call me Owen, and sometimes not even then. It's somewhat of a respect thing. You may call me whatever you choose."

"That woman got really defensive. She dug her nails into my skin, and I...I may have growled at her." I lowered my head in embarrassment and shame. I didn't understand what was happening with me.

Owen grasped my arm and pushed my sleeve up. The nail gouges were nothing but faint pink lines. His thumb stroked across the skin of my arm, sending a shiver up my spine. His lips twitched. "Don't you worry about her, Sang. I'll handle it." He pressed a soft kiss to my arm before pulling my sleeve back down. "What was North talking about when he said you were having a panic attack?"

I nibbled on my lip, pondering my words. Did I tell him about the masked person? How would he react? Would be upset or angry? Would he distance himself again?

His thumb stroked over my face pausing on my lip. He tugged it from between my teeth. "Sang, you can tell me anything. I am always here for you." His gray eyes were soft as he stared down at me. I leaned into his chest, resting my head over his heart.

"I think that I was anxious after everything that happened with Lisa and shopping. I don't understand why I was growling, and then Victor was so tense when he said that we had to leave. They were so close as we walked out that I started panicking again. Then I saw the masked person and he held a finger up to his lips, and I didn't think I was supposed to say anything," my voice grew more frantic.

Owen stroked my hair, "calm. Tell me again about this masked person."

I swallowed hard, "there was a figure standing in a store next to a mannequin wearing a white mask. We make eye contact and signaled for me to not say anything, but when I looked back the person was gone."

A low sound rumbled in Owen's chest. "Then you walked outside mid-panic attack and saw North and Silas." I nodded against his chest. "I can see how that would distress you more. North apologized for scaring you. Do you forgive him?"

"Yes, I should probably apologize to him and Luke. I growled at the both of them. Why do I keep doing that?" I tipped my head back to see his face.

Something flashed in his eyes. Guilt? Regret? Or was it shame? "I can explain it now or I can explain it when we're inside, which would you prefer?"

"Inside." It didn't matter. I could feel whatever he was about to tell me lingering over my head. I knew that there was a chance that I wasn't going to like the news, but I didn't want to have to hear it twice. If it were really that bad, I would have North take me home. He said that he would.

Owen pressed his lips together before offering me his elbow. I linked our arms together and he guided me back inside. The guys were seated in the living room. I found North and Silas standing together. They were both focused solely on me. Owen gave my hand a squeeze before releasing me and I went to stand with the two boys. North tucked me into his side and Silas held my hand.

Owen took a deep breath then slowly released it. "As you probably have figured out by now, Sang was bitten." His eyes landed on me, "Sang, you were bitten by a shifter. A born Alpha shifter."

"The wolf," I murmured my eyes darting between his. The wolf that looked like the one in his bedroom. Gabriel had made such a big deal out of it for a reason. My body started shaking. "You."

"Me," he nodded. "My wolf has been anxious for the last few months. I always found myself waking up in that clearing. Until I woke up with you next to me. I thought that I had killed you."

The guilt that he felt was obvious in his voice. My legs shook and my knees threatened to give out. North and Silas both tightened their grips on me. Not enough to seem like they were going to force me to stay, but just enough to keep me standing.

"He called me. I sent the boys away and Owen brought you to Nathan's." Sean said.

My eyes darted toward the surly redhead who looked even more an annoyed than he already had. That explained why I was at his house then.

"I left to talk get you a change of clothes while Owen showered, but when I went to check on you; you were gone."

Owen moved until he was standing in front of me, "I couldn't figure out where you went because you have no scent to follow. Then we heard yelling from across the street. A man left and a woman yelled your name. We didn't know it was you until the registration."

I was rendered speechless. It made perfect sense and no sense at the same time. The growling. The bite. The healing. It was all because of him. Was the bond I felt with them because of him too?

"S-show me." My mouth moved before my brain could think about it.

Owen didn't even hesitate. I stared in horror as I heard the popping of bones and then there was a wolf before me. I wasn't scared of the wolf this time. I could appreciate the gray wolf for his beauty and grace. His yellow eyes held an intelligence that I didn't notice that night. I reached my hand out and touched one soft flurry ear.

I closed my eyes for minute before releasing a breath and turning to North. "Will you take me home?"

North simply nodded and walked me out of the house. As we walked to his black Jeep, the voices in the house started raising. My chest ached. I wanted to go back inside and let him finish explaining, but I knew that it was all too much. I desperately needed sleep and in my own bed. North said nothing, but he held my hand as he started driving. I told myself that things would be better in the morning.

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