Wild Card

By Kaylor-Love

160K 5K 1.1K

"I've learned that you can’t predict [love] or plan for it. For someone like me who is obsessed with organiza... More

The One With The Brit
Dressing Rooms
Green Eyes
The Boyfriend
Two Drunk Girls
Silent Dinner
Matching Onesies
The One With The Jokes
Welcome To New York
A Judgement Call
The Morning After
A Little More Brave
What Now?
Fair Game
She Likes Me, She Likes Me Not
The One With The Café
Rain Came Pouring Down
A Promise
Like The Weather
The One With The Awkward Silence
Shoe In Mouth
Two Meanings
A Scribble
Screaming Infidelities
Happy Birthday
White Lies

Hair & Makeup and Morning Coffee

18.8K 247 23
By Kaylor-Love

"What about extensions?" suggested Donna, a tall red headed woman.

Taylor sat there as Jeff, the woman's co-worker, looked over her, a hand on under his chin with a finger tapping it occasionally. After a second of thought, Jeff nodded in agreement.

"Would that be okay with you sweetie?" Taylor simply nodded.

Both of them proceeded to discuss which extensions would be best fit for the singer. Taylor sighed and closed her eyes, trying to zone out their conversation.

She usually enjoyed photoshoots, she liked being dressed in outfits she usually wouldn't think of wearing, she liked her hair being done differently and having professional make up done, especially if it was in the morning; it meant having it that way for the rest of the day. Photoshoots gave her the chance to take a whole new persona, they were the one-night stands of fashion. However, the lack of caffeine in her system was making it hard to enjoy anything. Taylor tried to relax in her chair, knowing todays would be a long day.

After much arguing about the different shades and lengths, both stylist settled on a set they could both agreed on. Taylor didn't offer any input on the matter, not really caring what they did to her hair. There had been a time when she cared, when she involved herself on her look for a photoshoot as much as possible, but as one photoshoot turned into ten, and ten turned into a hundred, she started caring less and less. She still had a few regulations, but they were minor and most photographers had already expected them.

Taylor could feel one of the stylist's hands on her blonde locks when a knock on the door was heard. Donna called for the visitor to enter and soon the singer heard the door open. She briefly considered opening her eyes to see who it was, but decided she didn't care, it was probably the makeup person anyways.

"Huh? Um who are you?" Jeff questioned the newcomer.

That pulled at Taylor's interest enough to make her open her eyes. Who was the intruder that the two stylist didn't recognize?

Standing at the door was one of Taylor's best friends, Ashley Avignone holding two cups of coffee.

"Ashley!" Taylor said joyfully.

At the realization that Taylor knew the blonde women, Donna and Jeff went back to work, ignoring the two girls.

"Hey Tay, how's it going?" Ashley asked as she approached Taylor.

"Great if you tell me one of those is for me," the singer responded, gesturing towards the coffee cups in her hands.

Ashley lightly laughed before handing Taylor a cup. She gladly took it, instantly taking a zip of it, she closed her eyes and smiled as she felt the warm liquid go down her throat.

"I heard you were in New York so I thought I would drop by and say hi. I'm working at a studio not far from here," Ashley explained, the singer, however, was too caught up on drinking her coffee to pay much attention to her friend.

"You want me to leave you two alone?" Ashley asked as she watched her friend with an amused grin.

Taylor smiled apologetically, "Sorry."

Her friend simply rolled her eyes. "So what's on today's agenda?"

"Well, once I'm done with this photoshoot I have to go rehearse for the Victoria Secret Fashion Show and then tape it," Taylor said excitedly. Her friend Lily had invited her to perform after one of the producers suggested having her, she hadn't seen the model in a while due to their busy schedules so she couldn't wait to see her again. She also wanted to meet the rest of the models, though the idea intimidated her a bit. But who wouldn't be nervous to be around some of the most beautiful woman in the world?

"You're doing the show? You should tell some of the girls hi for me, I've worked with some of them in the past."

"How will I know which you've worked with, and which you haven't?" The singer wondered.

"Oh, I don't know. When they're all together just be like "by the way, Ashley says hi" and see who reacts," the girls answered nonchalantly. Taylor laughed at the suggestions, wondering what would happen if she did just that.

Both girls chit chatted for a couple of minutes before Ashley had to get going. Due to their company, they couldn't really talk the way they usually did, but Taylor didn't mind. She didn't have much to say to begin with.

"I have to go now, but call me when you get a change."

"Alright," Taylor replied as she watched Ashley leave. "Love the new haircut by the way! Who was smart enough to suggest it?"

Ashley laughed as she left the room, "That'd be you, Taylor."

Taylor relaxed back in her chair, suddenly in a much better mood now that she had coffee. Soon after Ashley had left the makeup artist entered and wasted no time in getting started.

As the singer sat there she started to think about the show. Her reps had informed her that Cara Delevingne, the ex-girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend, would be one of the models. They had advise her to stay away from her in an attempt to avoid gossip being made about the two.

Taylor hated it when her team told her what to do, but she understood why they did. After all, talk about her and Harry had finally started to die down, and an encounter with Cara would only cause the gossip to return. And that was definitely the last thing she wanted.

"So you're doing Victoria's Secret?" The red-headed lady asked as she helped with her hair, the comment getting the makeup artist's attention.

"Oh, you are?" Taylor simply nods in response. "You should meet Karlie Kloss while you're there, I have a feeling you two will get along."

Taylor smiles, she had already been thinking of meeting the model, she had been a fan of her for some time now. While she had never met her personally, there was something about Karlie that had always appealed to her. Today, she would finally get to meet her, maybe they'll even become friends. And maybe, one day, they'll even bake cookies together. Taylor's smile grew even bigger at the thought.

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