A Court of Secrets and Shadows

De _____Amour____

80K 2.3K 333

When Azriel was born, he was born with a twin. Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eighteen

1.9K 77 5
De _____Amour____

Nyx knew what she must do. Her walk home took longer than she needed it to be but in those moments she plotted.

Though the longer she thinks on her plan the more she proves her brothers claim to her insanity. She was known for having crazy tactics but even for her sneaking into Hybern is a death warrant. But the chance that her love would be pulled from her resting place and thrust back into lands on brink of a war was what made her steel herself.

She knew that Rhea was at peace with her death. She was around her family and has told Nyx multiple times she just wants her to live her life before joining her in the stars.

She left the same night she got back from the forest. She left a note for Azriel and stared at herself in the mirror once more. A dull set of brown eyes looked back. Her once shining dark hair was now a muddy brown. Her skin was the paler color most Hybern citizens were. All of the scars were gone from her body as were her wings. She looked like a stranger. She looked utterly forgettable.


It took power to keep up a glamor as strong as this one but unlike her brothers with their stones her power flowed freely. With the help of her enchanted necklace, something she had made centuries ago for glamours that had to last a while, it sealed her new form to her old one.

She pulled her gaze away from the mirror and let her shadows pull her into the darkness.

When her feet finally touched solid ground she was still not happy. She was on the edge of a cliff on a small ledge miles away from any Hybern villages. She knew some of the only places in Hybern not being monitored was the highest mountains backed against the vast ocean. The breeze was strong as she fought to gain a good footing. She closed her eyes for a moment letting herself drown in her own ignorance. She knew this was not a smart move. Her shadows reminded her multiple times until she got annoyed with them and sent them away. They were also under the glamor but without them visible around herself she felt naked. But she would go to the ends of the earth for Rhea.

Reopening her eyes didn't make the situation she was in any better as she tried to find the fastest route down the mountain.

The sun had started to rise when she was halfway down the mountain. Her hands were bleeding despite the callouses made from hundred of years working with her hands. But the pain was only making her more sharp. The constant sting was better then the pit in her stomach that was telling her to turn around.

She let herself drop a few feet down landing on a large enough ledge that she could sit down on. Azriel would be noticing she was gone pretty soon if he already hasn't. She knows he won't be able to follow her despite his wants. She was the only one who knew that path in existed. She even kept it a secret from Orin, knowing that if he knew he would've sent her to spy on the psychopath long ago.

She plucked the leather skin water jug, from her small bag she had on her back, and drank it generously. She only allowed herself to stare at the rising sun for a few moments longer before slinging her pack back over her back and restarting her downwards climb.

Near the end was when her hands stopped cooperating with her mind. Unable to unclench her hands she hugged the wall of the mountain as well as she could. She glanced down. Only a few more hundred feet, she told herself silently mourning the loss of her wings that came with the glamor, but if she hadn't come into his territory with her glamor on since he would be able to sense that amount of power appearing and disappearing.

After a hugging the wall for way longer than she should've let herself do she pried her clenched hand open and winced at the pain it caused her. She flexed it a few times ignoring the protests the mussels in her hands made. She did the same for her right hand and once they were looser than before she continued.

Her feet hitting dirt instead of rock made her whimper in relief falling to her knees her breaths coming out in harsh pants.

"Cauldron I'm never doing that again." She hissed staring up at the looming mountain. From the ground it looked larger than it felt but still this would be the last time she would ever do that. She forced herself to stand suddenly aware of how open the clearing she was in was. She knew no one inhabited these mountains or the woods surrounding them but she was keen to be more hidden.

Once sufficiently hidden in the underbrush Nyx pulled the compass from her pocket. North was pointing her back towards the mountain, with the map out she looked south east to where the biggest city was and where the King lived.

Nyx can distinctly remember the first time she met the male. She was no older than 15 and it was before anyone spoke of any sort of war. She went with Orin to speak to the King about trade routes that would connect Hybern and the Night Court. They left earlier than was expected, Orin the whole way back muttering about how he should kill the pompous old King.

She wished she had talked him into that. So much bloodshed would've been spared if Orin had just killed the male. But she didn't let her mind stay on the topic for any longer than necessary as she pictures the layout of the city.

It was huge from what she remembered. It had large walls surrounding the city and an even bigger wall around the castle in the center of the city. It was a stronghold and impenetrable but Nyx didn't let the fact bother her as she knew it should.

The first night with her feet on the ground she slept in the forest. Under a large pine tree that reminded her of where Azriel and herself slept in the camps before Alla took them in. Her sleep was restless as she couldn't calm her nerves for being so deep in a enemy's territory. She packed enough food for the trip there and in her bag she also had a sufficient amount of the coins Hybern citizens used.

The closer she got to the city the more her nerves rose. She had passed by 2 small villages. The Fae of the towns blind to her presence as she silently observed. Their clothing choices had changed slightly since her last time here was but that should be expected since that was nearly 500 years ago. She took a pair drying on a line outside a small cabin.

She shouldn't be as surprised as she feels when she sees children running around. They weren't apart of her vision on what Hybern was, which was unintelligent of her but she always pictured these towns to be filled with pain and hunger. Not to be thriving with mothers running after their children as they played. But the one thing she that didn't slip her attention was that there were no males in the village, besides a few children. It made her uncomfortable to know Hybern was preparing for war. That fathers were being taken from their families and sons being torn from their mother's arms. She felt pity for them. They were going to be sent to fight to death for a mad king.

She glanced once more at a little female who was spinning in circles laughing with a few other children. None of them had a look of worry on their faces and Nyx prayed that it stayed that way.

She hadn't been on a long mission like this since Rhysand had taken over as High Lord. But getting into the city was easier than she imagined.

From there she did what she did best. Blended into the citizens and observed. She watched the way they interacted with each other. Looked at how citizens greeted each other. How the females acted, how the males did. She spent the first half of the day mimicking and letting herself imagine that she herself was actually an Hybern citizen.

The more Nyx immersed herself into this character she was playing the easier it would be. She sat in a small cafe a glass of tea in her hands warming them. Her gaze was on the market on the other side of the the plaza, a small boy was tugging on his mother's dress pointing excitedly at a booth selling sweets.

Then came more plotting. This cafe had an amazing view of the castle that sat on the top of the hill that backed the city. She knew sneaking in there wasn't an option. She wrinkled her nose realizing what she must do. Finishing her tea she left a generous tip on the table giving the blond haired Fae a shy smile on the way out. From there she stopped at clothing shops her bag of coins gripped tightly in her hands.

The dress she chose was beautiful, but entirely not her. The dark blue fabric shimmered slightly as she twirled in the mirror of the room she rented. She looked like a toy with her makeup applied prettily and hair tied elegantly.

But she pushed down her emotions and looked directly In the mirror. "I am Delia Helith, I am in the city to visit my elder sister who is due to have a child. Her name is Tissia and she is mated to Darius who is away at war. Our parents are both dead. Father from the war and mother from sickness. I am Delia Helith. I live in the village Selm and work as a seamstress, my favorite flowers are orchids and my favorite color is blue. I am Delia Helith. My name is Delia. My name is Delia." Nyx kept repeating it in the mirror until she questioned herself that Delia was her true name.

Her shoulders rolled back and she turned on her heel and made her way to a establishment nearer to the castle. She prayed that soldiers and generals still spent there time here as she neared the lit up bar. Last time she was in Hybern she tried to memorize the favorite places of officials and court members. And she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a male walk into the establishment in court apparel.

She steeled her nerves and strutted to the male standing in front of the door obviously guarding who goes in. She gave him an award winning smile and watched as his eyes ran up her body resting a moment too long on her breasts. "Hello." She purred putting her hand on his shoulder.

"How are you little lady?" The male asked his mouth curling into a smirk.

"I'm fabulous, but parched. And since I've seen you standing out here all alone I decided my night must not end yet." She said making her eyelashes flutter up at him.

The male didn't take his eyes off her lips but rubbed a sheepish hand on the back of his neck. "Well I wish I could help with that little lady but sadly we're closed to the public tonight. A few of the castle officials rented the building out." He said but smirked even wider. "I get done in a few hours if you would want to meet me at Jameson." It was a bar she passed on her way here and she cursed her luck.

"That's past my bedtime darling. You sure I wouldn't be able to just get a water?" Nyx tried again her big brown eyes begging the bouncer.

"Your outta luck lit-." The male was cut off by two other presences joining the two and all humor left the bouncers face as he turned to greet the two. He bowed deeply. "My lord and lady. It is nice to see the two of you in good health."

Nyx turned and struggled to keep the color in her face as the pit in her stomach dropped even more. She quickly dipped into a curtsy allowing the shock to cross her face. Because even citizens of Hybern would be in shock and some fear to be standing face to face with Brannagh and Dagdan, the niece and nephew to the King. She cursed her luck internally but pushed it down because she was Delia and she had every right to be in this court.

Brannagh ignored the bouncer and smiled cruelly at Nyx. "And who might you be?" She questioned her eyes roaming Nyx's body. Her brother did the same their two gazes making Nyx shrivel internally.

"I am Delia, my lady. It's so very nice to meet you." She said dipping her head twice like she was nervous and uncomfortable being around royalty.

"The pleasure is all ours." Brannagh purred and Nyx tensed. This might not be all bad, she could flip this in her favor. But then she felt pain in her head and she fought to not have it register on her face because an untrained Fae would not be able to battle a Demati. She felt the claws slice into her brain and she threw false memories at them praying they wouldn't pry deeper to her real walls where shadows ruled over her mind and her memories.

But after the fourth memory of her playing with an almost identical female to her glamor In a small muddied clearing the claws withdrew. She passed whatever test Dagdan was subjecting her too. And she forced herself to smile at the false platitudes his sister spit out.

"What is a pretty little bird like you doing so far from her nest?" Dagdan asked a slight drawl on his lips.

She smiled as prettily as she could at him and his sister. "Oh I haven't been in the city for a while, My Lord. I was admiring the waterfall near the castle." It was an easily believable excuse. The waterfall that fell off the cliff of Hybern castle and into the the ocean below was truly beautiful it was often lit up and many would go and see it's beautiful colors.

The two twins easily accepted the story but she kept her guard up.

"Well luckily for you we came when we did. Come join us for a drink." Brannagh purred linking an arm with Nyx's.

"Oh I mustn't intrude, My lady." She objected but regretted it when Brannaghs grip tightened on her arm.

"You wouldn't deny us, would you?" She asked a cruel smile gracing her lip.

"If you insist, My lady I would be honored." Nyx spoke allowing herself to be pulled into the lit up bar.

She was placed in between the two twins in a booth at the back and accepted the drink thrust into her hands. Dagdan hand was already on her thigh. This would be a long night.

Azriels POV

Azriel's shadows followed Nyx up until she got to the edge of the forest. He wouldn't deny he's kind of a hovering older brother (yes he was born first by 2 minutes) but even he knows to leave her alone for this day.

He couldn't imagine what Rhys was going through being in a separate court on the anniversary of his family's death. He wants to go to his brother and do what they normally do on this day. Get completely trashed at the Cabin in the mountains while gorging themselves on homemade Illyrian food that Cassian makes. They hadn't done that in 50 years. And Azriels heart aches for the war that hasn't even started to already end. He wants his family to be whole and live peacefully.

"Cheer up Azzi, they should be back today." Cassian told the dark haired male messing up his hair on the way past him to plop in the sofa across from his.

Azriel scowled and tried to fix it. "One of us should've gone with them."

"Probably. But I'm not allowed, Nyx wouldn't cause she wanted to be here today, and you had shit to do. They'll be fine. And anyways Amren is with them." Azriel just nodded in reply looking out the townhouse window. It was early in the morning, Nyx would've gotten back late last night and he decided to go to her.

The flight to her apartment was quick. He landed on her balcony door and pushed through. She never locked these doors. But despite that fact he immediately he knew something was wrong. She should already be back drowning herself in a bottle of liquor but her bed was untouched and all of her lights out.

He sent his shadows out immediately panic flaring in his chest. They found the note quickly and he stumbled over to the table suddenly light headed.

He picked up the letter that was addressed to him with shaking hands and opened it. Nyx went off on her own for missions many times before but never without telling him first. So she knew he wouldn't like whatever she's up to.

Dear Azriel,

Forgive me that I was unable to tell you in person but I feared you would try and stop me. I recently got information I couldn't ignore. If I do not contact you in a month assume I'm dead.

Tell Rhysand I apologize, and that for the time being I step back in my position of Spymaster. My mission is a personal one.

With love,

He read the note four times flipping over the paper each time to try and find more writing, something he missed that would tell him where his sister was going. This wasn't like her, Nyx didn't just take personal time. He stared at the note for too long before going to look around her apartment. Most of her weapons were still here besides several of her hidden ones. Ones that were styled as bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces. Her glamor stone was gone. So she's going undercover, somewhere where she needs her weapons still.

His heart sunk even further as he knew where she disappeared to. Hybern. "Fuck." He whispered almost dropping her letter. How could his twin be so suicidal, he thought to himself launching out of her balcony.

He flew quickly back to the town house almost breaking the door on his way through. He vaugley registered that Feyre and Amren were currently soaking wet in the dining room as his eyes met Rhysands.

"Azriel?" Mor asked standing to her feet the worry clear on her face. He must look like a mess.

He couldn't respond to her and Rhysand came forward taking him by the shoulder and snapping him back to reality. Rhysands violet eyes glimmered with worry. "What is it?" He asked his voice soft.

Azriel just handed him the letter, and watched as Rhysands eyes scanned it once then again and finally a third time his jaw clenched.

"When." Rhysand demanded handing the letter to Mor who read it and gasped handing it to Cassian.

"I think she left last night, her glamor stone was missing." Azriel said his voice barley audible. He should've went to see her last night. Talked her out of whatever insane plan she's currently executing.

Rhysand cursed under his breath. "Where would she go?" He demanded his anger relevant.

Cassian who had just finished reading the note growled slightly under his breath. And Azriel shook his head. "I don't know." He had a very good guess but he really wished it wasn't true.

"Hybern." Cassian mummered. "She complained one time about how getting into Hybern wouldn't be worth it. That his security in place would find her easily."

"So why would she go? What changed that made her leave?" Feyre asked fingering the note in her hand.

The room looked at each other. They inner circle all knew what yesterday meant to Nyx but why that would lead her to break into Hybern. They all didn't know. Azriel cursed.

"What is it?" Feyre demanded obviously not keen to being left out of the looks.

"Yesterday was the day when Spring killed my family 300 years ago." Rhysand told Feyre.

Feyres face softened and she nodded. "But that wouldn't be the reason she left right?" She asked again and the room nodded.

"She just disappears into the woods the whole day. Comes back at night exhausted." Cassian explained.

"What does she do?" Feyre asked her brows drawn together.

"We don't know. She's never told us." Mor mummered slightly frustrated.

"Well that's not necessarily true." Amren spoke for the first time still gripping the book they stole from Summer tightly.

The Fae in the room turned to stare at her and Azriel stood immediately.

"Calm down Mutt, I promised to never tell another soul what she does but considering circumstances I will." Amren said with a slight snarl, despite how well she hides it she truly cares for his sister. "Around 200 years ago she came to me asking to borrow some of my darker magic books. I didn't think anything of it until she started to ask me how to properly draw certain sigils and how to prepare different materials. And I realized she was looking to do a summoning."

Mor gasped putting her hand over her mouth. Cassian let out a string of curses. Rhysand though froze his eyes burning. Azriel could only stare. He always knew she was doing something in the forest but would have never guessed this.

"What's a summoning?" Feyre asked wanting to know why the room was thrown into disarray.

Since Amren was the only one not in shock she explained. "Nyx practices witchcraft occasionally. It's always been a hobby of mine and I've taught her some things. But many Faes are scared of magic being used like that. Without any barriers. In all lands Dark witchcraft is banned. Many still practice but its nothing more that weak protection spells or charmed objects. A summoning is when someone uses their power to pull a soul from their resting place and bring it back to the real world for a while."

"That's a death sentence if any other courts found out. Messing with the dead is not something taken lightly." Cassian mummered looking conflicted. He knows the folk lore about witches and the dark magic they were prone too. He couldn't imagine the price of a spell to rise a Fae back from the dead.

Azriel turns on his brother with a snarl "It stays in the room then." He hissed his shadows flaring.

"Calm down, it's Nyx we're talking about." Cassian muttered angrily. Death was sacred and his sister was messing with it, he felt betrayed.

"She's talking to her?" Rhysand asked his voice raw with the emotions he stumbled backwards a bit falling into the dining room chair. His head went into his hands as he just breathed. "She never told me."

"She didn't tell any of us." Mor breathed shooting a glare at Amren.

"So what could Rhea tell her that made her go to Hybern?" Cassian asked.

The room went silent as they pondered.

"It doesn't make sense." Rhysand muttered his violet eyes glassy his emotions running wild.

"Then we trust her." Feyre said her voice commanding the attention of everyone in the room. "It's Nyx, she will come back to us. So we trust her."

Azriel closed his eyes for a moment before nodding.


Idk if this is good or not lol but I hope y'all enjoyed reading it!


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