By shxnwu

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[SEHUN] ▶A single parent who raises his own son all by himself. Nothing is important more than his son and he... More



681 57 16
By shxnwu

Author's POV

Kai entered the room and slumped on the bed. His face was showing the mixed feelings of sad, frustrated and stressed. The words from Daejung before kept lingering around his mind and he could not stop thinking about it.

"Let's see what can a teacher like you do to me?"

He would be lying to say that he was not offended by his words. But at least he got a proper job to begin with and he knew he was not that rich.

As he was still in the middle of his thoughts, the room's door was opened and Sehun entered with the tired smile plastered on his face. He shut the door behind him before making his way to sit beside Kai on the bed.

Kai noticed it and scooted closer to the latter, wrapping his arms around his waist. "How was Taeyong?," he asked and his hand caressed the other's soft features.

He decided to go home today but Sehun's stares at him like hinting him to stay and be with them. Well he could not say no to those stares after all.

Sehun sighed deeply. He buried himself in those tight arms to make himself felt more comfortable and calmer. "He is still thinking about that and fell asleep just now," he uttered. "I feel guilty for making him face these things," he continued.

"I should have know this before and protect him but I can't," his voice weakened and shaky as he was talking. "I-I thought he didn't remember about this but I was wrong, he remembered everything," his shoulder was shaking but there was no tears. "I don-

"Sehun," Kai cut him off before he could continue blaming himself even more. "Can you stop blaming yourself?," he said that, staring at those captivating orbs.

"Listen to me properly right now," he made himself sounded firm and suprisingly the latter remained silent.

"You are the most amazing man I've ever met," he announced and used his hands to cup the lover's face. 

He did mean what he was about to say. "You are strong, independent and that what makes me fall for you," he could see the tint of blush on the latter's cheeks.

"Remember that you are not alone anymore and you both have me to rely on. I will be more than happy to do so and I told you before that whatever problems that rises, I will be here to face it with you," he remarked those words with a big smile.

He wrapped his arms around the latter's waist and pulled him closer to his chest. Kai's hand was stroking over his hair, softly and gently, to make sure he felt comfortable and secured.

Sehun buried his face between the elder's neck, sensing the calm and soothing smell from him. It was more than enough to make him feel at peace.

The room was filled with a few seconds of comfort silence. Neither of them wanted this moment to end and they wanted to just stay inside each other's embrace as long as they could.

Kai was still thinking whether he should let out what was on his mind these days. But he could not bear seeing his important people feeling this way anymore.

"Sehun," he called out and fixed his gaze on the younger inside his arms. He could hear the other's hums as a reply.

He took a deep breath. "I was wondering about this thing for a few while and I wanted to ask you," he could feel his nervous heartbeat at the moment.

Sehun frowned before he lifted up his head to look at the lover. His face was filled with questions and waited patiently for the latter to explain it.

"What is it?"

Kai once again took a deep breath before saying all the things he had bottled up in one breath. "Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?," he finally said it all out.

The younger was in the middle of confusion as he heard that. He sat up from the lover and looked at him with thoughts running in his mind. Did Kai just proposed me?

Seeing how silent the latter was, Kai felt more nervous than he already was. Thousands of what ifs spreading around his mind.

"I–I know this is too early and we just met each other but I'm more than sure that this feelings I have for you is real and I will do anything to make you happy. I can't stop the feelings to make you officially mine, to wake up beside you every morning, to spend the rest of my life with you and to take care of you and Taeyong," he knew he was starting to ramble but he only wanted to know how sincere he was.

Sehun was totally stunned by all those words. He was truly overwhelmed to find out how Kai had thought of him and that made him totally speechless until not being able to utter any words.

"D–Did I talk too much? Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I just felt nervous," Kai was getting more scared that he saw the younger's eyes started to get teary.

Sehun, without any words, bumped into him with a hug. Burying his face onto the elder's chest with tears started cascading down his cheeks.

Kai was surprised by that. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I say something to make you cry?," he was shocked. The last thing he wanted to do was to make Sehun cry.

Hearing how nervous Kai was, he lifted his head and shook. "N–No, I just feel happy," he confessed.

"I never thought that anyone would feel this way towards me and I just—I want to thank you," he said that out and it made Kai somehow relived.

He thought he had something to make him cry.

"You don't have to thank me," Kai responded, planting a peck on the latter's forehead. "I do all this because I want to—and because I love you."

Sehun pouted his lips to prevent his tears but he once again cried out loud inside those strong embrance.

"I love you too," he mouthed those softly.

A few seconds passed. "So do you accept it? I haven't hear the answer yet," he questioned.

Sehun shyly nodded with a muffled yes, he was already embarrassed enough.

Kai was too glad that he brought the younger into a bone crushing hug. He was too happy to even say anything and he could not even explain how happy he was at the moment.

"I love you Sehun, so much."

Sehun hummed with a joy smile. "I love you too."


"Good morning," Taeyong greeted as he approached the other two adults at the dining table. He plunked down his school bag on the chair and sat down on the other.

Kai moved his attention from the electronic device to the younger boy. He plastered a wide smile. "Good morning."

Taeyong still had this worried expression on his face this morning. He knew he wouldn't have to be scared but he couldn't fight the feelings as well.

"Hey," Kai placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Don't worry okay?," he uttered and shot a comforting smile towards him.

The younger nodded. He somehow felt at ease to know that someone cared about him.

"Eat your breakfast now or you will be late," Sehun sounded as he appeared from the kitchen. He took his own seat as well and three of them began eating.

Taeyong was eating his food in peace but he could not help but to feel something was different today. He didn't know how to explain it in words.

He felt like something was going on between these two adults.

It was obvious that Kai was non stop glancing over his mom and didn't even hide the way he stared at the latter.

Also the mom was no difference. He was blushing and easily flustered by everything Kai did to him today.

He smiled to himself, knowing something was up between them.

"Well what did I miss?," his words made the other two embarrassed. They seemed to find words to explain about it.

Sehun cleared his throat. "What are you talking about?," he pretended to not understand anything.

Taeyong chuckled. "So....what was his answer, Mr Kim?," his question to the young teacher made Sehun confused.

Did he know about this?

Kai who was silent, turned to Taeyong with a huge grin on his face. "He accepted," and the answer brought a wide smile on the younger's face as well.

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you—So you know about it, Taeyong?," he turned to the son with a questioning look.

Taeyong chuckled lightly. "Well you can say that," he replied. He stood up from his seat and approached Sehun, wrapping his arms around the elder's neck affectionately.

"I'm so happy for you, mommy," he remarked and planted a fond kiss on the mom's cheek. He was truly happy for it.

Sehun smiled widely, looking at his son. "Thank you," he mouthed before pulling his son into a tight hug between them. "I was afraid if you might don't like the idea—

He was actually thinking on how to tell Taeyong about it. Whatever it was, Taeyong's happiness matters to him the most.

"Mom, anything that makes you happy will make me happy as well," he said. "Mr Kim is a nice guy and I know I can trust him," he continued and turned to Kai.

Kai smiled. He shot a confused look when the boy extended his arm towards him.

"Don't you want to join the family hug?," he questioned and the elder was overwhelmed with it.

So that means he was officially welcomed to be part of this family.

He stood up before wrapping the two of his new important people inside his arms. Hugging them, with lots of loves and cares.

He recalled the moment where he asked Taeyong about the thought of him proposing to Sehun.


"Taeyong, can I talk to you about something?," he was nervous as hell about the thing he was going to ask after this.

Taeyong turned from his books towards the young teacher. "Yes, what is it about?"

He closed his book and fixed his attention to the elder. Looked like he was going to tell him about something important judging by how he was saying.

"I–I'm planning to propose to your mom," he finally said out. "I know it's early but I want you to know that I genuine love Sehun and I will do anything to protect him and you," he continued.

Taeyong found himself smiling at those words. He admitted that at first, he was scared and he didn't trust the teacher enough if he able to love his mom.

But as times passed by he could tell how madly and deeply in love they are towards each other.

He always wanted a family, a complete family like his other friends. So will he finally be able to got what he had been dreaming?

"Taeyong?," the voice startled him from his own thoughts. His eyes met the worried expression of the teacher.

Kai sighed. "If you are not ready yet the it's fine, I will wait for it and I will try to show you everything that can make you believe how much I love Sehun," he said with a smile, patting the younger's on his back.

Taeyong smiled. Unbeknownst, he had hug the guy and muttering thousands of thank you.

"I will be happy as long as mom is happy and I want you to know that I will always be here to support both of you," he replied.

Kai was at loss of words. He smiled and hugged the boy again. He promised to him and to himself that he will protect both of these two precious from now on.

Taeyong smiled between the hug. He felt happy and glad.


Heyyy! Nice to see you! Alsooo hope you enjoy the chapter and leave your comments 🌞❤️

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