[✔️] Deer-Like Eyes | Tarocha...

By shotarowrowrowurboat

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NCT's Shotaro x Sungchan (English) Complete ~~~~ He stared at the other boy's brown, wide, deer-like eyes... More

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[EDITES] 26 + Vote (not the last chapter btw)
27 + I got tagged
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33 [End]


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By shotarowrowrowurboat

I do not know CPR, I am just saying what I vaguely remember learning last year in health class, and then again, what I learned last year didn't say anything about how to CPR someone who drowned so..... don't follow anything in this chapter
•idk what drowning or near death experiences feel like so...

•quick reminder to y'all (and myself lol) Sungchan dad left/died when he was 7, and his mother began losing her shit when he was 10 and began abusing him then, at 11 his mom remarried and his stepdad abused him as well (if any of this info is different than what I've said in previous chapter theeeen... this is now the actually info.)


"I can!"

"You can do CPR?" Mark asked from where he was kneeing at Sungchan's legs when he was interrupted by Donghyuck, "If you can do it, do it!"

Hearing the others, he crossed his hands together, palm on the younger's chest, and began chest compressions. He had to remember his training, what was it? Chest compressions thirty times then mouth to mouth, right? And then repeat... okay, okay I got this!

   For second he wasn't sure whether if needing to do the mouth to mouth would be a good thing or a bad thing. Well, it'd be a bad thing as like, you know, it means he's still drowned, but also, he gets to kiss the brunet....

   With the other six teens gathered around –Mark turning the boat on to get them back to the shore and possibly get some more help– the air was filled with anxiety. Shotaro counted the compressions as he did so, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine... thirty.

   Taking his hands away from Sungchan's chest, he grabbed his chin and head lightly, tilted his head back, having his neck straight as Donghyuck spoke behind him, "Hey! Aren't you gonna do the CPR? Why'd you stop?! What if—"

   Before the elder could finished his panicked speech, Shotaro took a deep breath, and placed his mouth onto the taller's —their lips touching, but he had no time to think about that.

   The others watched as the younger's chest began rising and falling as Shotaro helped him breath. After a few more breathes, he came off of him, returning to chest compressions.

   Luckily, this time, around the sixteenth compression, the brunet's body jerked as he began coughing, "Turn him on his side!" Jeno and Jisung pushed Sungchan on his side, the brunet coughing violently as he vomited, mostly water. He moved to crouch in front of the brunet, looking into his brown eyes that were tearing up from the stinging in his throat from vomiting.

"How're you feeling?"

"Like I drowned." Despite the coughing and heavy breathing, Sungchan stared him straight in the eyes, the sarcasm evident in his answer.

   "You're alivvvvvve!" Seeing as Sungchan was now, seemingly, fine, Jaemin came in for a hug, careful to not touch the watery vomit.

   Sungchan, claiming he was alright, and the others decided not to call an ambulance they previously had planned to because, you know, he had drowned. Mark manage to drive the boat back to the shore and they decided they had enough water for today. Sungchan —begrudgingly— has Shotaro help support him back to get their stuff on the beach as his legs felt a bit shaky. Collecting all their stuff they headed back to their camp, also deciding there was enough drama for today.

Timeskip brought to you by Doyoung's Vroom Vroom Talk Show!


It was around two in the morning when he woke up randomly, lying on the sleeping mat and covered by his blanket in the tent he shared with Shotaro, who, in his opinion, should scoot over and give him some space cause holy fuck, does he not know what personal space is? There's– there's literally like two feet of space on his left! As he laid on his side, he could feel the warmth radiating off the older who was lying in his back beside him, a little too close for comfort, but *sigh* he'll have to deal with it, he's been in worse situations.

"Eomma!" The crying child banged on the door of the small closet, tears falling down like a faucet. He was scared, the little hallway closet didn't have any lights in it, not needing any as the purpose of it was for storage. The burning sting in his cheeks stung more as he cried loudly.

"Shut up you worthless child!" The woman give the door a loud 'bang' from outside, scaring the child who gave out a shriek as he backed away blindly only to be met with the wall not even a second later. Reaching to his right and left, he felt how close the walls were, too close...—

Remembering the terrifying memory —thankful he wasn't left with claustrophobic, no matter how many times he was stuffed in that small closet—, he thought about what had happened earlier in the day, before they had dinner and played games. He had been really enjoying the lake, being free to move and swim as he pleased, to be able to play with the water with his new friends.

The dreamlike situation had sadly ended horribly when he got caught in that fish net.

   Following the incident, he tried his best to be optimistic, giving everyone a smile and saying he was fine. In all honesty, he was scared. No, he was terrified. The concept of death always has scared him, Is it painful? Does it hurt when your die of suffocation or drowning? What about choking? What about the sudden stop to your breathing? Bleeding to death? Your life slowly and painful slipping away? Would it be like falling into a fitful sleep? Where do you go after you die?

   He'll admit, he's an over thinker. Thinking more of situation than he should. Dying is one of those things he tends to think too much about. As he said before, he was scared of dying. Or more so, the process.

   And today, he nearly died. Nearly drown. And it was terrifying. Not being able to breathe, feeling lightheaded, throat wanting to force his mouth or nose open and breathe, the sudden rush of water flowing into his mouth and nose when he couldn't hold it.

   It... it wasn't his first time nearly drowning, though, yet it felt so scary.



   The thin boy managed to scream between his shirt gasps for air. Not long before he has accidentally angered the man –his stepfather– and the man was drunk and dragged him to the bathroom, filled the tub and began pushing him under the water as well as beating him.

   The boy was practically fully in the tub, climbs flaming and clothes stuck to his body as water splashed outside the tub, the floors covered in many puddles of water. His stepfather held him by the base of his neck, pushing him back down into the water filled porcelain tub until the back of his head hit the floor.

   Young Sungchan was screaming, causing him to gurgle the water, his throat and lungs burning as water rushed in, eyes stinging, teary rolling down his cheeks like Niagara Falls, but no one could really tell tear from water at this point.-

   Since that night, he never went to a pool unless it were no one around, scared that anyone would push him under, not letting him up. Nothing could make him go in a pool, which had caused him to lose quite a few points in the two-week long swimming unit in high school every year, never able to get an A in gym, only ever a low B or C. But that was besides the point.

Before, when he was drowning it he lake, he was just as scared that no one was going to help him. But the second he saw Shotaro, that bastard, appear beside him, he felt hopeful. Sure, back then he was really panicking —I mean, who wouldn't? I was losing air supply quickly— but he really was hopeful; even more so when he saw him untangling the rope and setting him free before he fell unconscious.

   Without realizing it, tears began running down his cheeks from his doe eyes, and eventually a sob broke from his lungs and he covered his mouth as to wake the other. Not able to control the sudden emotions, his sobs and crying became louder, not enough for the others to hear from their tents, be enough to fill this tent.

   He heard rustling from behind him, as the Japanese has woken up.

   Shotaro turned on his side, facing the same wall as Sungchan and mumbled, voice deep and drowsy from sleep, just loud enough for the younger I hear him, "Stop crying... you're safe...".

The brunet startled a bit at a warmth finding its was around his waist, pulling him backwards. He didn't fight it and let himself be comforted by the embrace as his cries quieted and his tiredness got to him. Before he let sleep come over him he quietly whispered in the dark, "Shotaro, I'm so fucking thankful for you, thank you."


*not edited*


This took a while to make, sorry! The ending is a bit rushed I guess but, oh well.

Today's the 18th, I'm sure many of you know what happened on Dec.18.

I'm not a huge Shawol, I mostly stan Taemin and am only still starting to learn about SHINee as a whole, so I don't know much about Jonghyun, but I know enough to know that he was an amazing musician and person as a whole. I hope he was able to find peace wherever he is now

I hope you guys have a good day

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