Silver Blood

By ChavonPowell

161 41 7

The story of Peter Allen the Wolf. Sixteen year old Peter Allen must somehow survive the task of finally lear... More

Ch.1 The Boy from the City
Ch. 2 He Needs to Know
Ch.3 The Good Boy Is Really Bad
Ch.4 The Old Barn And To Much Pain
Ch.5 Shifting Roots
Ch.6 Work Day
Chapter 8: Mate!

Chapter 7 First Day of School

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By ChavonPowell

Dreams of the city and men in dark suits filled Peter’s morning dreams. The blurred faces and backgrounds puzzled his mind as he slept. The city blended with the woods tricked his mind. Men in suits with harsh southern accents filled the silence of his mixed up dream world. A black wolf ran in the shadows in every direction. The golden eyes staring at him with hunger.
The loud intense ringing of his alarm brought him out of his dream, making him jump and roll off his bed with a loud thump. He rolled his eyes at the cold floor beneath him.
“You okay in there boy?” Colton called from the hallway. “School starts in an hour so hurry up. Breakfast is ready.”
Peter ran a hand over his face and sat up. His hair stuck out in every direction, and with the sheet twisted up around his legs he groaned. This is going to be about how his luck would be all day. One of those wrong side of the bed days. Nothing has been the same since his parents died and nothing will be ever again.  With a deep breath he got up and started grabbing his clothes. First day at school and one hell of a headache.
He quickly got a shower and dressed in a white T-shirt with a brown button up cover that he left unbuttoned. His pants, like all the rest, hung low on his hips held in place by a thick black belt. The faded denim jeans looked baggy but they did stay above his hips and didn’t sag down. He looked good like a rich city boy with his light brown hair combed and neat. He left the bathroom and headed back to his room to grab his bag and phone. His ear buds in a tangled mass of cord. He quickly started the process of untangling them.
“Son, anymore time wasted and you won’t be eating before school. Thirty minutes to get there.” Colton called trying rush him.
Peter grabbed everything he could backpack, phone. He checked it all off his mental list as he headed for the kitchen to grab a biscuit and a couple pieces of bacon. Colton met him at the truck. The old Ford was already running and Peter rolled his eyes as he slammed the old door. Rolling down the window by hand he sat back felt the tires spin on the loose dirt of the road. He quietly ate his biscuit and bacon. Colton watched him and slowly pulled out a bottle of water from the ice box Sitting between them. The cord of the ear buds only a batch of small knots now.
“I’m not going to nag you to much today. Just try to stay out of trouble and control yourself. The boys will help you out, just ask them if you run in to any trouble and they will help. Also.” Colton looked like he was thinking very hard about something as he paused.
Peter waited patiently for Colton to continue. When the school came into view Colton slowed down.
“I’ll see about getting you a new truck until all your stuff can be sent from Texas. I know this is all new and rough, but I know you can handle it. You got my number and so does the office. Call if you need me. I’ll be here when school lets out to pick you up.” Colton said as he pulled up to the school and parked by a covered breezeway entrance.
Peter nodded. “Thanks Uncle.”
The door squeaked as it opened and shut. Peter stepped onto the sidewalk and looked up at the double doors. He just did hear the engine of Colton’s truck as it left. He could hear voices inside and a lot of them. Shouldering his backpack he made his way inside. The office is huge and right inside the large doors. The walls made of glass reminded him of his old school.
Two older women sat behind a large counter and they smiled as he walked in. One was older with gray hair and shiny gold glasses. The other was in her mind forties with brown hair and green eyes
“Good morning, how can I help you?” the dark haired one said smiling at him.
Peter stepped up to the counter letting his lip turn up into a smirk. “Today’s my first day I need a schedule and possibly a lot of other stuff.”
She nodded and pulled a book of files out. “What is your name darling?” She asked with her eyes trained on the stack of files.
“Peter Brian Allen, mam'.” Peter shuffled his feet, feeling a little out of place.
The older lady with gray hair grinned and held up some papers. “Oh yes, here you are. You are Colton’s kin from Texas? You poor thing. Such a handsome young man.” She said with the sparkle of new spicy gossip shining in her eyes. “So you have a locker in the 3rd hall and your homeroom teacher is Mr. Pits. His class is also in the 3rd hall on the west side of the building. Here is your schedule and a map of the school included on it are the locations of all three football fields and the two baseball fields. We only have one basketball court though and it’s in the gym. You have a great day Mr. Allen, and welcome to W.S. Miller High!”
Peter just smiled and nodded. “Thanks.” He said walking out of the office door. Both women started whispering as soon as he walked out of the office. He let his smile fade into a frown. Today is just another day. He thought to himself as he placed an ear buds in his ear and hit play on his phone.
Music filled his brain and he relaxed enough to focus. Peter looked at the school map. A bunch of lines with scattered boxes and names. For all he knew it is just a preschool drawing of some make-believe object. The map is almost useless. He checks his schedule and locker number. Mr. Pits room 308, locker number 1379. Okay so just follow the numbers. That should work right. She did say west side of the building.
He started walking down the hall posters and banners hung everywhere as well as rows of lockers. It’s a typical high school. Doors were shut and kids sat in classrooms and he was just wondering around. Late for homeroom. The second turn he made was progress. Room 308. He could find his locker later for now he figured he would go ahead and introduce himself to Mr. Pits class. It couldn’t be that bad could it? 
He reached for the door handle pausing just long enough to take his ear buds out and throw it over his shoulder to hang until he could sit down. The class fell into a deathly silence as soon as he stepped in. The teacher looked up from his desk and frowned.
“Who might you be?” Mr. Pits asked in a confused tone.
Peter cleared his throat and walked over to the teachers desk. “Peter. Peter Allen. I’m new and got lost.”
The class room erupted in excited giggles and whispers. The girls already acting like he was some kind of prince. The guys just sat back whispering about what sports Peter might be good at. A small group in the back watched him closely. A mixture of fear and awe keeping them quiet and on high alert.
Mr. Pits nodded and looked around the classroom, his eyes falling on an empty desk in the back. “Sit there and if you need anything just see me after class.”
Peter felt relieved to be sent to the back of the class. The stares and smiles already making him nervous. He adjusted his backpack and quickly got to his seat. With his backpack hung on the chair he easily got his ear bud in and pulled out his note pad. The small blond girl In front of him turned to look at him over her shoulder. He raised an eyebrow at her and she smiled. The strong smell of her perfume hit him causing him to scrunch his nose and turn his head. His eyes locked on the group across the room. He could smell them. The musk of wolves. It wasn’t as strong as the guys that he met yesterday, but it was still on them. He quickly turned his attention to the teacher when he stood up.
Mr. Pits walked to the black board. “Alright class I’m Mr. Pits. I’ll be your homeroom teacher and also your advanced literature teacher.” He announced as he wrote his name on the board.
Peter opened his note pad and took a pencil from his backpack. Mr. Pits started talking about everything they would learn this semester. Peter lost interest quickly and started sketching out a picture of his old city. The skyline was easy enough and he let the music drown out most of what Mr. Pits said. His pencil moved slowly as he added details to his picture. He paid enough attention to know what was going on around him, but his picture still came to life with each minute that passed.
Mr. Pits finally ended his small lecture and gave the class a few minutes of freedom before the bell. Peter put away his note pad and pencil and sat back in his seat. The girl in front of him turned around and two others walked up beside her desk.
“Hey new guy.” She purred with a small giggle at the end.
Peter raised a brow at her. “Hey.”
The girls giggled and huddled in a little group whispering to each other. Peter looked back over to the group of wolves. If their eyes could burn holes in his shirt he was sure he wouldn’t have one by now. He felt the tingle on the back of his neck and he quickly rubbed his neck to ease the feeling. The group quickly turned away.
Peter could feel someone brush against his mind and he quickly cut the person off from his connection. So many sounds and smells hit him and his head started to hurt. The bell finally rang and he waited for everyone else to leave. He would find one of the guys from yesterday and get a better idea of the school ground. He made his way to the hallway and pulled his map back out. If this is the third hall his locker should be close by. He looked at the map one more time. The gym is across the school, the cafeteria is in the center, and the art room is on the second hall beside the cafeteria.
His second class is beside the art room. Peter walked down the hall looking for his locker. He smiled when he finally found it. It is the top end locker beside the exit. His luck might be changing for the better. Peter quickly made his way to his second class. A few kids from his first period already sat at desks around the room. Sebastian stood at the front of the room, his back to the door. Peter recognized him by his scent.
Sebastian turned around with a smirk. “Finally! Hey Peter, come over here. I want to introduce you to a few of my friends.”
Peter felt relieved and walked over to where Sebastian and two other guys stood talking. All eyes landed on Peter and everyone went quiet.
Sebastian grinned. “This is Peter. He’s pretty cool. He lives with Colton now. Oh, and Peter this is Kyle and Shannon. I call Shannon speedy.”
Peter nodded and waved with two fingers. “Hey.”
Shannon smirked. “So get ready for Bash to beg you to join the team. Nice to meet you bro.”
Kyle laughed. “Stop calling Sebastian, Bash. It’s getting old, and we all know he couldn’t Bash anything anyway.” Kyle held out a hand to Peter. “Don’t pay them much attention. I’m the only sane one in this little group.”
Peter shook Kyle’s hand. “Can’t be much more insane than Colton.”
Sebastian grinned and put an arm around Peter’s shoulders. “That my friend is the whole truth!”
The bell rang and they all walked to their seats. Peter walked to the back and sat beside Shannon. Sebastian and Kyle sat in front of them. The teacher walked in shutting the door behind her.
“Welcome to world history. I am your history teacher Mrs. Green.” The lady said in a thick southern accent.
Something about this teacher reminded Peter of a small little girl in overalls and pig tails. He made a mental note to visit Mrs. Gail after school. He needed some cash for new ear buds and he has a certain amount of curiosity about Mandy. Just some odd feeling he couldn’t shake.
Peter pulled out his note pad and continued his drawing. Mrs. Green spoke quickly in a thick southern accent and Peter had to pay closer attention to keep up with what she said. The history book that she passed out is thick and the glossy cover looked bran new.
“Now class, we all know how school works by now so I hope we can all get along and learn as much as possible. I’m always open to questions after class and I usually stay a while after school to help those who feel they need help. Don’t be shy and don’t give up.”
The bell rang and everyone quickly made their way out of the classroom. Sebastian waited for Peter to zip his bag. “What is your next class bro?”
Peter slung his bag over his shoulder and pulled out the schedule and map. “Business management and marketing.”
Sebastian grinned. “I’m in the same direction. I’ll take you as far as I can.” Sebastian scanned the schedule in Peter’s hand. “Dang bro. Lot of up scale classes you got. Looks like this is the only class we got together, but we can meet up at lunch.”
Peter shrugged. “Sounds good.”
They started walking down the hall and the smell of strawberry jam hit Peter hard. His eyes flashed and his muscles tightened. She is here and she’s near. He scanned the hallway. Just ahead of him the slim girl with black hair walked down the hall away from him. He held himself back. All he wanted to do was run to her. He shook his head. Even if he did go to her, what would he do? He felt a tingle trace down his spine.
“Hey you.” A familiar female voice said from behind Peter and Sebastian.
Peter and Sebastian stopped and turned around. The click of her heels sounded loud on the tile floor. Amanda Knox and her friend walked up and stopped right in front of Peter and Sebastian.
Amanda smiled at Peter. “I waited for you at the diner.” She made a pouty face and reached for his arm. “You never came.”
Peter let her hold his arm and his eyes met Sebastian’s with an unspoken question. Sebastian just shrugged his shoulders and all four of them started walking down the hall together.
Peter felt her pull his arm against her side. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sorry about that. Colton has been keeping me busy.”
Amanda smiled. “Well, we can get to know each other better now that school is started. How about we eat lunch together and talk?”
Sebastian felt the tension in Peter. “I think he’s going to be busy at lunch today. He’s going to be with us guys at lunch.”
Peter shot Sebastian a small smirk. “I did promise to hang with Sebastian and Kyle.”
Amanda lost her smile. “I’ll just sit with all of you.”
Sebastian frowned at her. “Jacob will be with us. I don’t think it will be a good idea.”
Amanda let go of Peter’s arm. “I don’t care. We have been broken up for over a month. Jacob can get over it already.”
Peter walked a little faster the smell of strawberry jam leading him. He really didn’t want to hear about her old relationship. He wasn’t even attracted to her.
Sebastian turned and stopped at a door. “Well I’m in this class. Peter yours is two doors down on the right. Good luck and see you at lunch.”
Peter waved over his shoulder already walking away. The two girls following him like lost puppies. He stopped at the door of the classroom and looked in. He never heard what Amanda said before she walked away with her friend in tow. His eyes landed on the girl with black hair and golden eyes. She is sitting by herself in the back of the classroom. She looked up and their eyes met through the glass window of the door. His heart started to race and he almost lost control. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly walking in. His eyes never left her and he made his way to her table.
“Can I sit here with you?” Peter asked in a low voice.
Her eyes grew wider and her mouth parted. His eyes landed on her soft pink lips. He wanted to kiss her, but he held back and waited for her to answer.
Dixie couldn’t say anything. Her mate just asked to sit beside her and she couldn’t control her emotions. She nodded her head at him. She didn’t know if she could handle this. He sat down and set his bag on the table. The room is set up for a lab and that made it possible to sit closer together. Peter felt her eyes on him and he turned to look at her. She looked nervous and on edge.
“Does this bother you? Should I move?” Peter whispered to her. He wanted to hear her sweet voice.
Dixie took a deep breath. “No. No. I’m fine. Your fine. It’s okay.” She nervously stumbled over the words.
Peter felt his heart race as soon as her soft sweet voice hit his ears. It took all his strength and will to hold back from pulling her to him. He wanted her. She is his.
Dixie stiffly turned to look at the front of the classroom. The door opened and Dalton walked in. She swallowed hard and unconsciously moved closer to Peter. He felt her unease and looked up to find Dalton walking over to them. Dalton gave a quick smile and sat beside Peter.
“Tell her I won’t bite. I don’t care what she is. If you are her mate she is no longer a rouge. She has a pack now.” Dalton said through mind link.
Peter felt relieved. He looked over at her trying to connect their links. She blocked him at every turn. He reached over and touched her hand. Her body tensed and her eyes jolted to his. The link forming instantly.
Peter spoke softly. “No one will hurt you. Just trust me. I won’t let anyone bother you.” He wanted to add you are mine, but that felt a little cheesy so he didn’t.
Dixie relaxed a small bit and looked past Peter to a smiling Dalton. The class went smoothly. Laptops and books issued to all the students took up most of the time. The teacher Mr. Murray is a laid back guy.

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