the truth about tori

By Gaybish42

36.5K 806 203

everyone assumes that Tori's life is perfect, Jade was always jealous of Tori but she also had feelings for h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

5.6K 103 25
By Gaybish42

Tori's POV

I woke up this morning and I didn't want to go to school don't get me wrong I loved my friends but it was getting harder and harder to get up and put on a fake face and be the perfect Tori Vega it was exhausting and I didn't have the energy but not showing up to school would probably look worse plus my mom was coming back from her trip so I wouldn't wanna be home for that either guess that's it I'm going to school I got up and looked in the mirror and thought if how ugly I looked I cant believe people like me I'm just a worthless ugly piece of shit... whatever I will just skip breakfast and lunch then maybe it will make me look a little better. After getting ready I heard Trina scream at me to hurry up if only she knew what I do for her maybe she'd be nicer but she will never find out no one will its my problem and I have to deal with it "TORI!" I snapped out of my thoughts for Trina screaming at me to get out of the car sometimes I wonder how were related. I went to my locker and Andre waiting for me at my locker so I put on a smile "hey Andre what's up" I smiled "hey Tori you able to help me with a song tonight?" I totally forgot about that "NO!" shit I said that to quickly "um sorry I mean I can't tonight" he seemed a little confused got damn it Tori your so stupid you couldn't have made that worse "its ok Tori I can ask someone else" he put on a fake smile I could tell he was worried but he didn't ask and I'm so glad he didn't cause I didn't have an excuse and I'm not gonna say oh hey Andre I cant help tonight cause my moms gonna come back from a bar or a hookup to come beat the shit out of me and tell me how worthless I am that would probably not be a good conversation to have and I hope its one I never will Jade walked in a she took my breath away as usual she was so beautiful and smart and talented I've had a crush on her for the longest time that's why I try so hard to be her friend cause maybe one day she'll see me as more then a friend maybe not cause she's a total gank to me all the time so there goes that but I can dream to wake up cuddle up to her in bed I feel so safe around her she's the one person that I would tell about my mom but she wouldn't care she doesn't even care about me but oh well. she saw me staring shit I just walked to Sikowitz's class and tried to hide my blush. when I got to Sikowitz's class I sat down and a very happy red head came over to me "hiiiiii Tori" she was always so happy I never understood why but she made me smile "hey cat" she then got up and talk to Robbie and Rex. Sikowitz came in from the window as usual yelling something and drinking coconut sometimes I wonder what's in them weed or something "hello children today your doing a project and you have to make a script and kiss in the script not just a peck it has to be believable" he started passing a hat with names " um shouldn't there be 2 hats for boys and girls?" the kid in the back of the class sounded kinda nervous "you think you get to pick who you get to kiss if you get for a role later in life no so you don't get to pick today either" not many people cared cause he did have a point I wonder who I'll end up with I'm secretly hoping for Jade but also not. "cat and beck, Andre and Trina" everyone felt bad for Andre and I was waiting to hear my name the longer it took I got more nervous "Robbie and sinjin" well that's a really interesting combination then I heard it "Jade and Tori" I froze I didn't know how to react Jade knew that cause when I looked at her she gave me her famous smirk don't get me wrong I loved it but this time it kinda scared me I thought she would fight Sikowitz to switch I wonder why she didn't. the bell rang and it was lunch everyone sat at the table and started to eat "UGH how did I end up with Trina of all people TRINA" everyone laughed Jade just kept starring at me when I caught her she just smirked I wonder what she was thinking about "Vega aren't you gonna eat" I didn't think anyone would notice let alone Jade "I'm not hungry I had a really big breakfast" I don't think she believed me but she didn't fight me on it thank god "so Tori are we working on the project tonight" I forgot about that shit "uh sorry I cant tonight" I need an excuse "if you don't wanna do It at yours we can just go to my house" ugh why did she ask that I said not tonight I didn't say it was my house although that was also a problem but I couldn't leave Trina with her "Its not the house I just cant tonight I'm busy" she just kept going tho and it was getting on my nerves "ha busy doing what Vega picking flowers" ok that's it she doesn't know anything "NO JADE IM NOT PICKING FLOWERS I. AM. BUSY AND ITS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS" shit... I didn't mean to do that everyone looked shocked especially Jade everyone thought she was gonna rip my head off but that's the last thing I was scared of I knew Jade would never physically hurt me well I hoped anyway what scared me is all the attention a drew to myself "sorry I'm gonna go now" I ran to janitors closet for a couple minutes to calm myself down then I  went to my next class the end of the day came quickly really quick I wasn't ready for tonight but I had to protect Trina... We got in the car and went home Trina went upstairs to do who knows what and I'm sitting on the couch waiting for her to get home I kept myself calm until I heard the door slam there she was my mom drunk and had anger in her eyes "hey you useless piece of shit miss me" she had an evil smirk on her face I knew what was coming...

Hey guys this is my first story I got bored and decided to write one hope you guys like it

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