Their lost angels | Book 1

By dontworryboutit123

3.1M 73.5K 34.2K

*needs editing* "Watch your fucking mouth"Antonio said slamming his fist on the desk. The twins just looked a... More

cast and aesthetics.
chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.
chapter 15.
cast and aesthetics .
chapter 16.
chapter 17.
chapter 18.
chapter 19.
chapter 20.
chapter 21.
chapter 22.
chapter 23.
chapter 24.
chapter 25.
chapter 26.
chapter 27.
chapter 28.
chapter 29.
chapter 30
chapter 31.
chapter 32.
chapter 33.
chapter 34.
chapter 35.
chapter 36.
chapter 37.
chapter 38.
Authors Note
100k reads
chapter 39.
chapter 40.
chapter 41.
chapter 42.
chapter 43.
chapter 44.
chapter 45.
chapter 46.
Authors Note
chapter 47.
chapter 48.
chapter 50.
chapter 51.
chapter 52.
Someone is copying my book
chapter 53.
chapter 54.
Update on book 2
chapter 55.
chapter 56.
chapter 57.
chapter 58.
chapter 59.
chapter 60.
chapter 61.
chapter 62.
chapter 63.
chapter 64.
Chapter 65.
chapter 66.
Her Dark Angel Preview
chapter 67.
bonus chapter +1
bonus chapter +2
bonus chapter +3
bonus chapter +4
bonus chapter +5
bonus chapter +6

chapter 49.

22.4K 575 232
By dontworryboutit123

Third Person
"Babbbyy" Alex yelled as she ran into Viktor's arms.

"Hey," she said as she wrapped her legs around his waist." I missed you" she mumbled before pecking his lips.

"I missed you too," he said before giving her a proper kiss on the lips.

"Ahem...where's my girl at," Vadim asked interrupting his cousin's reunion with his girlfriend.

"Turn around and find out," Alessa said making him turn around. He rushed toward her and captured her lips immediately.

"It's like we don't even exist," Sienna said grabbing the girl's attention. They immediately pushed their boyfriends away and ran toward their best friends.

"Hey babes," The twins said before giving the girls a group hug. They haven't hung out properly for almost a week.

"So where is everyone," Sienna asked as they noticed that only the guards and staff were there.
"They're transferring mommy dearest to a warehouse in a secluded area," Alessa said as she sat on Vadim's lap in the living room.

"What wicked little wheels are spinning in your heads," Viktor asked as he squeezed Alex's thighs.

"Wait and see, "Alex said as a smirk played her plump lips. "Mmmmm" he hummed as he stared intently at them before licking his bottom lip and looking away. The action only made Alex's grin grow bigger as she knew the effect she had on him.

"If you guys are going to fuck take it upstairs" Natalia groaned. "Awww the baby is sad that her man isn't here yet," Sienna said as she grabbed Natalia's cheeks.

"He should be back soon, "Alessa said as she checked her phone.

A few minutes later they came into the house and were joined by the other's parents.

"Guess who, "Gianni said as he walked behind Natalia and wrapped his hands around her eyes.

"mmm, Chris Evans," Natalia teased.
"Haha, very funny, "Gianni said as he sat next to her and placed his arm around her pulling her into him.
"I know," Natalia said sweetly as she hugged him.

"Enough with the lovey-dovey shit already, "Giovanni said clapping "time to get down to business, "he said as Antonio walked in the room.

"So is everyone clear on the plan "Antonio asked as he sat down on the sofa with Abby, Val, Victoria, Jakob, and Rebekah on it.

"Crystal, "everyone said.
"How badly did you rough her up Abby"Alessa asked ."Wait you guys didn't torture her "Natalia asked curiously.

"Oh nooo" Alex mused ."We have other plans for that bitch." she said as she ran her hands through Viktor's hair.

"Very hot plans, "Alessa said wickedly as she stared at her twin as mischief burned in each other's eyes.

"In the end, she's going to get what she deserves, "Alessandro said while he ran his hands over his face.

"You guys did have her fixed up after you tortured her right, "Alessa asked just to make sure their plan would play out perfectly.

"Yep, She's had time to get patched up and should have some of her strength back," Anthonie said.

Seeing as their mother left her family behind, everyone got a crack at her. They took their sweet time roughing her up.

"Perfect" Alex said as she looked at her Apple watch."Well, I'm going to get some rest before wasting my energy on mommy dearest. C'mon Alessa" Alex said and then they walked into her room and passed out.

They slept for a few hours and then woke up around 11 p.m and started getting ready.

They took quick showers and then got dressed in long-sleeved crop tops and their black cargo pants and combat boots.

Alex put her hair in two high braided ponytails and Alessa did a slick top knot.

They walked downstairs and walked towards Antonio who handed them keys to their new favorite baby.

"We'll be following behind the whole time, "He said as they walked into the garage and their cars ."Got it"Alessa said as she hopped into the driver seat.

They spent the hour ride listening to music and dancing as they drove closer and closer to their mother's doom. This moment has been a long time coming and they would cherish every second of it.

"Ready, "Alessa asked as she parked a few feet away from the building.

"Always, "Alex said as they strapped up ."Fingers crossed this idea doesn't burn us alive "

"Please, we're practically dragons at this point," Alessa said.

"Ok let's go, "Alex said as they got out of the car and walked into the building with everyone following behind.

"Mummy Dearest, "Alessa said as they walked in."Guess what today is, "she said happily as she walked up to the lady in the chair.

"Well it isn't my birthday or Christmas, "she said in response.

"No even better, "Alex said "well for us it is ...let's see how long it takes for you to burn alive shall we, "Alex said.

"But that's not the fun part though, "Alessa said "We get to kick your ass at the same time, "She said laughing wickedly.

"You're fucking crazy," Aurora said with wide eyes.

The nerve of this bitch to call them crazy when she was the cause of their behavior. She singles handily shaped the demon twins without even realizing it.

"Well, when you're raised by a bat shit crazy bitch, you tend to pick up some pointers"Alex replied quickly with venom laced in every syllable.

"Untie her please," Alessa said and Giovanni and Gianni walked forward untying her hands and feet.

"Don't do this "she pleaded to the boys" I'M YOUR MOTHER GODDAMMIT "she yelled.

"Our mother died 14 years ago," Alessandro said harshly." You don't mean that, "she said softly.

"Oh but he does," Alex said "You became dead to them the moment you walked out of their lives you miserable shit."She said.

"You guys can go now," Alessa said and waited till they all exited the building before turning the sprinklers filled with gasoline and Alex tossed the lighter in the air making hellfire rain down on them.

"What the fuck are they doing"Vadim asked as they saw the smoke coming to emerge from the roof.

"You'll see Alessandro said as he airdropped them the live security footage that showed what was going on inside the building.

Inside the building Alessa and Alex quickly people pulled on their gas masks that covered their mouths.

While Aurora panicked and looked around for any open exists but the only open one was past the twins and she wouldn't be getting past them ever again.

Alessa was the first to attack her with a swift punch in the gut making her hunch over, then she flipped her over to where she landed on her back.
Alex joined in and grabbed her by her head and banged it onto the concrete floor over and over.

Aurora stood up and let her vision adjust before going at it with her daughters. She caught ahold of Alex's arm and twisted it back making Alex grunt before she used her elbow and pushed it into aurora's nose hearing a cracking noise.

Aurora dropped her grip on Alex's arm and then Alessa climbed into her back and started to choke her out. Alex took the opportunity to kick Aurora's leg in making her fall to the floor in pain. Alessa quickly rolled off of her as Aurora coughed from lack of oxygen and smoke entering her lungs.

Alex grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her through the fire to the biggest flame. Alessa held her hands behind her back as Alex shoved her face into the fire for a few seconds, hearing a blood-curdling scream.

"Fucking hell," Rebekah said as they watched the twins burn Aurora's face.

"It's what she deserves, "Sierra said as she stared at the screen."I mean yeah, but damn they are ruthless "Rebekah said.

"Good," Lucien said "There's no room for mercy in the mafia."

Alex quickly pulled her away from the flame and pulled her to her knees. They took out their guns and loaded the clip and emptied them. They watched as the blood sprayed everywhere from Aurora's body. They made sure not to kill her instantly.

Alessa dragged her to the fire and throw her into it igniting it even more. They watched as the fire welcomed her and listened to the screams of her pain and agony.

They both lifted their middle fingers towards her and then walked out of the burning building with big smiles on their faces.

Wow. Shoutout to @Lizzy9379 for the song. IT was actually perfect timing for this suggestion too. Have a great day my loves!!!


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