Classroom Of The Elite : The...

By Crystalcursed

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This is my first fic and I've no plans to update it any sooner. And believe me, even I cringe at some parts. ... More

Some Words Before You Start
Prologue - Is Society Equal
Chapter 1-Class D
Chapter 2-The beginning
Chapter 3-The Truth
Chapter 4-Class A
Chapter 5-A New Acquaintance
Chapter 6-The Midterms
Chapter 7-The Midterms (Part 2)
Chapter 1-Trouble
Chapter 2-The Idol
Chapter 3-Curiosity
Chapter 4-Betrayal?
Chapter 5-Trial
Special Chapter-The mysterious Kouhai
Volume 3
Chapter 1-Freedom
Chapter 2-Plans
Chapter 3-Special Exam-Part 1
Chapter 4-Special Exam-Part 2
Chapter 5-Special Exam-Part 3
Chapter 6-Special Exam-Part 4
Chapter 7-Special Exam-Part 5
Special Chapter - Aftermath of the Island Test
Volume 4
Chapter 1-The Mischievous Sprite
Chapter 2-The Sports Festival
Chapter 3-A Painful Memory
Chapter 4-Nagumo Miyabi
Chapter 5-The Thorn in our Side
Chapter 6-Ibuki And The Pervert
Chapter 7-Sudo's Rage
Chapter 8-Ayanokouji's Blunder
Chapter 9-Counterfeit
Chapter 10-The Battle between the three years
Special Chapter - The Face Of A Monster
Special Chapter - The Face of An Angel
Volume 5
Chapter 1 - The Game Of Truth And Lies
Chapter 2 - Suspicion Arise
Chapter 3 - Exposed
Chapter 4 - The End Of Peaceful Life
Special Chapter - The True Him
A.N. The 50th Chapter
Volume 6
Chapter 1 - A New Friend
Chapter 2 - A New Challenge
Chapter 3 - Beneath the Sunset
Chapter 4 - The Battle For Class A
Chapter 5 - Preparation
Chapter 6 - Not Alone
Chapter 7 - Motive
Chapter 8 - A Can Of Beer
Chapter 9 - Expulsion
Special Chapter - Someone He Can Trust
Volume 7
Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 2-The Cold Eyes
Ship Confirmed
Chapter 3-The Hiyori Group
Volume 8
Chapter 1 - Something Special


6K 241 99
By Crystalcursed

I made my way towards the location.But when I reached their she was nowhere to be seen.It seems he Really intends to assault her sexually.I took my phone and searched for her location via her school ID.And I found her in one of the alleyways.

I made my way to the alley and I saw that the shopkeeper was about to touch her.I removed my phone and waited for the perfect moment to capture the photo.

Once he pinned her against the wall and she was about to cry I clicked the photo.

"A school employee assaulting a student.I think you are going to be fired from the school."

He looked at me in shock.

He started yelling," are the one who told me that I can meet Shizuku here.You did all that to trap me here."

Sakura was looking at me with wide eyes.But my current focus was that man.

I walked upto him and grabbed his collar.

"I have already sent this to the school disciplinary office.I wonder when will they come here."

The man started sweating.

And just as I said it two security officials arrived on the scene.They handcuffed the man who was yelling something at Sakura.But I didn't pay any attention to his rambling as he was acting quite pathetic.

Once everyone was gone I looked at Sakura who had now stood up.

I had readied myself for insults from her.

"I'm sorry Sakura,I don't even deserve forgiveness from you.I won't blame you if you want to break our friendship.But I just want to apologise to you."I said to her.

Then Sakura spoke the words which caught me off guard,"I for one second thought that you had betrayed me.Im sorry for thinking that you would betray me.I was scared but now I don't have any reason to be scared.Thanks ayanakoji kun."

When I heard her thanks, uneasiness fell upon my whole body.Just what are emotions?They are more complex than I thought.It seems I need to conquer the emotions of people if I want to understand my existence.

As curiosity inside me rose,it was finally time to confront Kamuro.


Kamuro POV

I made my way out of the class and began to think of my actions these past days.I was feeling guilty of betraying ayanakoji kun.

I remembered my actions of last day

Flashback (Kamuro POV)

I made my way to sakayanagi with the camera in my hands.What would ayanakoji kun think of me now.He considered me as a friend.Will he stop doing so?

No,no matter what,I must do what is necessary.If class C students are expelled than Class C would suffer a huge damage which will consolidate our position of Class A.I didn't expect Class B or Class D as threats as I don't think they can beat her.As much as I hate to admit it, sakayanagi is really a cunning woman.And we need her for Class A.

I found her sitting in her dorm room.Honestly she looked cute in her casual clothes.Her petiteness added to her charm.But her laugh was creepy.

I made my way to the front of her bed.She had had given me a spare key of her room.

"So why did you want to meet me kamuro San?"

She asked.

I took out the camera and showed her the photo.

She looked at me with a creepy grin.

"How did you get this?"she asked

"Does that matter?"I wasn't going to rat ayanakoji's name to her.She is a hassle to deal with.Who knows she might try to expel him.I don't trust her.

She looked at me with a smirk,"So can you atleast tell me,how you found out about this?."

"Huh?What the hell do you mean."

"Did he talk to you about the camera first?"She asked me.

Now that I remember,he did talk.

"Yes."I replied confirming her previous sentence.

"Fu..fu..fu.Just as I suspected."

Huh what the hell was she talking about.

"So I believe you have already submitted this to the council?"

"Yes,I did.But my question is how did you know?."

"Its just my guess.But you are acting on your own like before I see.Dont worry after the trial is over,you will understand my importance and would be loyal to me.Because without me Class A doesn't have a chance."

What the hell was she talking.

I just left thinking over her words.What did she mean?

I had sent the photo already to the student council.If everything goes right,then those two would be expelled.With this I'll prove that I don't need sakayanagi if I have to be in Class A.

But still their was something in mind telling me that I'm going to lose.I don't know why but the feeling still remains.

Flashback Over

(Present Time-Kamuro POV)

I made my way to the school building and what I saw shocked me.Infront of me were the two students who were supposed to be expelled and their were two people with them.One was a tall and a well built student and other I identified as Ryueen Kakeru from Class C.He is rumoured as Class C leader.I decided to eavesdrop.

I heard them talking.

"So you were saying someone from Class A gave the evidence.Tch I should have known that sakayanagi was a bitch."The voice was definitely ryueens.

"We were about to be expelled but that brown haired kid with horikita saved us.I don't know why but thanks to him we were only given suspension."

Wait a minute.Brown haired kid? Ayanakoji?

What the hell is going on.

"Even horikita was surprised,but he still saved us.Horikita was trying to save sudo saying sudo shouldn't be giving any punishment and that all the blame was ours."The other boy with Ishizaki began to say.

Wait a minute ayanakoji said that horikita wanted to suspend sudo to give him a lesson.I don't know what is happening anymore.

"Helped us huh.Find who he is.We might gain a pawn in their class.And it's time to go after Class A now.I will be taking down sakayanagi before she does anything."Ryueen said.

I heard him.He was planning on using Ayanakoji.And more than that he was planning to go on war with class A.This was not part of my plan.I thought if they were expelled Ryueen would stop with this reckless attempts.

Did ayanakoji prevent their expulsion on purpose?To turn the C class against A Class?

No it can't be.Ayanakoji can't think like this.

Wait a minute now that I think about it,he has still not asked me about the camera.Today was school still he did not contact me.Was he waiting for the trial to be over?

No,no no my mind.What the hell is going on.I need to find him.

I took out my phone and sent him a message.

I left the school building and went to road Section B.

Their is saw the figure of ayanakoji standing with his hands in his pockets.


Ayanakoji POV

As expected kamuro had messaged me.The passage was deserted.Raindrops were starting to fall.

I remembered what I had done during this test.

I had purposely manipulated kamuro in stealing the evidence and presenting it on my behalf.I did this for three reasons.

First I wanted to test kamuro's loyalty.Second I wanted to shift attention of Class C to Class A so that Class D continues to take advantage of their losses during their fight.And third I wanted to check kamuro's ability.She did perfectly as I manipulated her.

Then I had a little chat with Horikita manabu that night.


"Hello horikita Senpai."

"Who is this?"

"I'm Ayanakoji kiyotaka."

"I expected your call sooner or later.So what are you going to do ayanakoji."

"Senpai the evidence you have received,I would be pleased if you show it in the last.Also put expulsion on the line."

"Oh how did you know I have gotten the evidence.It seems you have a hand in that too.Splendid Ayanakoji.But you know it very well,that I don't do things for free."

"Senpai if listen to my wish I promise to entertain you tommorow's trial.Who knows you might find out more about me.And from what I know,you are trying to find information about me."

"You are right ayanakoji.To know your true talent,I'm ready to give you this favour.Now I know how your class performed so well in the Midterms."

"Senpai you are paying too much attention to our class."

Manabu just chuckled.

"Fine I'll do your favour,but you better entertain me Ayanakoji.I will do anything to know your talent.Afterall I need someone to take the position of school council president after me."

Flashback Over

I sighed.It seems he is too much interested in learning about me.He is not saying but he clearly cares about his sister a lot.

Both are the same, Tsundere Siblings.

Now the last question one might ask.

Why did I cancel the expulsion of Class C students.

Now that is a easy one.

I wanted Class C to grow and I gave them a chance.In this three years I don't want to be bored.Ill help that Class grow and force them to take the battles to next level.

Such childish attacks don't interest me.I will make the competition tougher.Because in the end I don't care whichever class wins.

As long as I live in peace thats all that matters to me.


Third Person POV

Kamuro stood behind ayanakoji.Ayanakoji was staring at sky.

She called to him,"Ayanakoji kun."

Ayanakoji continued to look at the sky.

"You manipulated me didn't you.You made me purposely steal the camera and made me the centre of this trial.You lied to me about horikita wanting to suspend sudo.You predicted everything and I was like a puppet dancing on your strings."

Kamuro didn't feel any anger in her while she was saying this.She didn't know how to feel.

All this time she felt guilty because she felt she had betrayed ayanakoji,but now it seems that she was the one betrayed.

Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

She decided to pick up the courage courage and ask the question which was stinging her.

"Ayanakoji-kun,do you consider me as a friend?"

Ayanakoji for the first time looked at her and made his way towards her.

Tears were going down kamuro's cheek.Ayanakoji wiped them and said.

"Yes kamuro,I consider you as a friend."

A warm feeling enveloped kamuro.

She now knew,she was in love with Ayanakoji Kiyotaka.



Sakayanagi is seen sitting on her bed.She sees her phone and smirks.

"As I figured out kamuro was used.His plan was flawless.Now the question is who is he.Maybe I might find something interesting in my school life.I better warn kamuro.He might not even consider kamuro as a friend anymore."

Sakayanagi chuckles and sees her phone,"Oh it seems this summer vacations their is going to be a surprise for the students."


(A.N So here we go guys.The second volume is over.Kamuros route is complete.She is in love with him.kind of because in later volumes her true feelings about ayanokouji are revealed

Next Volume route will be Ibuki's.

So how was this volume.This volume was shorter than the previous one because I wanted to focus this volume on kamuro.I also wanted to reveal what ayanakoji thinks.

Do tell me how it was.)

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