Caught (TogaxFem!Reader)

By Yeah_Im_Sun

37.9K 1K 2.4K

Himiko Toga. Known villain, psychopath, and stalker. Y/n L/n. A typical Hero-In-Training, music lover, and Hi... More

- World Building -
- Chapter One -
- Chapter Two -

- Chapter Three -

6.3K 206 335
By Yeah_Im_Sun

//Ahh! I'm so sorry for not posting for such a long time! And I know I promised a chapter of Made For Me (and I'm working on it!) but this just happened to be what I wanted to write lol. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3: Blood Should Not Be Everywhere Right Now


"How was I supposed to know that'd break her nose?"

"You threw a right hook at her!"


Your day was going horribly.

Actually, every day was going horribly.

All the time.


Aside from being pulled in for a questioning almost a month ago by the police about the murder you were now (apparently) involved in, you felt as if someone was watching your every move.

You hoped it was just your paranoia, but deep down you knew it was Himiko.

Your parents didn't know about your stalker problem (you had to physically threaten Neito to keep him quiet), so they were just glad you weren't dead.

To add on to all of that, ever since you had told Neito about your stalker, he had hardly ever let you out of his sight. And when he or the rest of class 1-B wasn't with you, he had asked your family friend Tamaki to watch over you.

Which was incredibly awkward.

You both hated every second of it. Despite him being one of your three emergency contacts (along with Neito and your mother), neither of you had met or bonded before.

In fact, he was only your emergency contact because his mom was a family friend of your mother's, but she had fallen out with his mother a few years ago. She had insisted you have his number just in case, because he was training to be a hero, after all. It was exactly like being babysat by a distant relative you had only heard about in passing, and it was frustrating to both of you.

Saying that Mirio and Nejiri were happy when Tamaki took you to meet them for the first time was an understatement.

"Mirio, Nejiri, this is Y/n L/n. She's the student in class 1-B I'm..."

"Babysitting?" You offered, adjusting your bag slightly and looking [up/down/directly] at him.


Nejiri beamed before rushing up to you. "Hi, I'm Nejiri!"

"I'm Y/n, it's really nice to meet you."

"Ah, you're so cute!" She squished your cheeks together, laughing slightly when you looked at her in confusion. "I wanna keep this one!"

"Nejiri," Tamaki groaned, putting his face in his hands. "Please let go of her."

Nejiri obliged with a sigh, taking a step back before you felt yourself getting lifted off the ground. You squeaked in surprise, your legs dangling a few inches off the ground.

"Tamaki! She's so [tiny/tall]!" Mirio laughed, turning you around in his hold. Nejiri giggled.

"Mirio! Put her down!" Tamaki pleaded. Mirio just smiled.

"How do you know Tamaki?" He asked, chuckling.

"His mom and my mom were friends. He's one of my three emergency contacts." You said, kicking your legs aimlessly. "Please put me down."

Mirio set you down, ruffling your hair. "Why're you watching her, Tamaki? Any reason?"

"Well, she's training to be a hero. But she's also involved in a murder case, so that's probably part of the reason."

Nejiri's eyes widened. "Murder case?! Did she kill-"

"No. Y/n did not kill anyone." Tamaki sighed, putting his face in his hands. "Y/n, can you explain?"

"Uh, sure. Last week I got separated from my friends in the bad part of town and some guy cornered me." You gulped, trying to keep calm. "U-Uh, he tried to do stuff... to me... and someone killed him. Right in front of me. And, I, ahem, I didn't get a good look at them. So naturally, I'm a suspect." You chuckled awkwardly, the lies burning your throat.

I know her name, I know her face. I'll bet she's watching me right now, waiting for me to slip up so she can kill me. Oh, god.

You stumbled over your words a bit, chuckling as you furiously wiped the stray tears away. "Sorry. Sorry. It's weird to talk about."

"Don't apologize!" Nejiri shouted, squishing your cheeks together harshly and staring into your eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that! That's horrible!"

Mirio nodded. "That must've been hard for you to endure. Here, let's go get some food. What do you want?"

"Um, thanks for the offer, but I'm only here because my friend, Neito, wanted Tamaki to watch me while he got his bag back at school." You squinted at a person in the distance, chuckling. "I think that's him."

"Y/n!" Neito called, waving with a smile on his face. "Heyyy!"

You grinned and waved back, cheeks still a little red and eyes a bit puffy, but a smile gracing your lips as Neito slung his arm around your shoulders. "You ready to go home?"

"Yeah." You moved his arm off of your shoulders and gave Tamaki, Nejiri, and Mirio a small bow. "Goodbye. It was nice meeting you."

The two of you set out on your path home. You hummed a soft song to yourself, scrolling through [app of choice]. It was dark out already and the only light came from the buildings and the soft glow of your phone. Neito nudged you towards the space in-between the buildings, a well-worn path that was a shortcut back to your neighborhood.

Since the Toga incident, you had always thought you would be expecting something awful to happen at every turn and be prepared for it.

What you didn't expect was to get in a fight with two men that were much stronger than both you and your friend combined.

"Is this the one Toga won't shut up about?" One of them asked, blocking your path.

"Think so. Don't hurt her, I think Toga only wanted the guy to get hurt."

The taller male cracked his knuckles. "Can do."

Your friend pushed his way in front of you as the man pulled back his fist, both of them prepared for a fight. "Neito!" You yelled desperately, pushing him out of the way at the last second as the man in a trench coat threw a punch that collided with your face. A loud 'crack' rang out across the alleyway as you fell against the wall and then slid to the ground.

"Y/n!" Neito shouted, kneeling next to you, worry plastered on his face. "Can you hear me?"

Your head was spinning as you tried to push yourself off the ground. What was happening to you? Your face felt warm. And wet... oh god, were you crying? That would be embarrassing from someone in the hero course.

You lifted a shaky hand to your face, trying to rub away the assumed tears, and when you brought it back into your blurry vision, you saw that it was coated in a slick layer of blood.


Oh, shit.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell did you do?! She's a fucking kid!" The guy wearing a mask shouted at the black-haired man. "And- And- Ugh! Toga's gonna kill you for breaking her nose!"

"How was I supposed to know that'd break her nose?" He retorted, scowling down at you.

"You threw a right hook at her!"

"I was aiming for the other one. She's just got a hero complex."

The masked man grumbled something under his breath, grabbing the other's arm and trying to pull him away. "Come on, Dabi, let's get out of here!"

"Let go of me, I need to teach this kid a lesson-"

All of the sudden, Monoma was stood in front of you, arms thrown out in an attempt to keep the two... vigilantes? Villains? Just normal people? Away from you.

"You are not going to touch Y/n." He growled through clenched teeth. "You should go with your buddy if you value your life."

"What are you gonna do? Yell at me?" Dabi, as the other guy had called him, sneered.

"," you pleaded, pushing yourself to your knees. "St...stop."

He turned to look at you with a pained expression before looking back up at the taller man.

"Leave." He snapped. "The police are probably almost here. You don't want to get caught, do you?"

The man's stance wavered before he scoffed, throwing a quick jab to Neito's stomach and running after his friend. Neito hit the wall before sliding down to the ground, wincing.

"Neito!" You cried, voice hoarse as you leaned over him. "A-Are you okay?"

Blood from your busted nose dropped onto his shirt before you pulled back, trying to stop the bleeding. He sat up, grunting. "I'm fine. We should probably get you to a hospital, though. That absolute bastard broke your nose." He hissed, clenching his hand into a fist.

"Neito, I'm okay."

Your friend blinked twice, eyes wide, before bursting into laughter.

You would've hit him if you didn't know he was a nervous laugher. Neito shook your shoulders slightly, tears threatening to pour out of his eyes.

"Y/n, your nose is broken," he hiccuped in between his laughs, a tear making its way down his cheek. "You can't... you can't seriously expect me to believe... believe you're okay."

"Neito, what about you?"

"What the hell?! Your nose is broken!"

"I know!" You shouted, shocking your friend into silence. "I know, and it hurts like a bitch, but I don't know if you're okay and it's absolutely terrifying because we don't know what his quirk is and what if he did something to you-"

Neito put a hand over your mouth, lips set in a frown. "Look at me, Y/n. I'm okay for right now. You are not. We are going to get to a hospital and make sure your nose gets treated."

You nodded tearfully. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You chanted, though it was muffled by Neito's hand.

"Don't be... let's get you home. That'll probably be faster because I don't want to walk all the way to the hospital. Your parents can drive us."


Neito smiled and pressed a quick and friendly kiss to your forehead before standing up and extending a hand. "Let's go."

And you nodded, feeling eyes burning into your skull. And you took his hand to stand. And you hugged him because stalker be damned, Neito was your best friend and you were allowed to hug him.

You both walked home, and you've never been more glad that your mom never asked questions.

[End Chapter]

{1772 words}

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