The choice is yours. (KilluGo...

Galing kay zozozoldyck

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Gon is in hs and starts a job at a small cafe and finds one of his coworkers is rude... but... cute. Their re... Higit pa

Day 1 at Krugers Cafe.
The 'Grumpy Kitty'.
Tuesdays hang out sesh... more like make out sesh...
9 Lives.
Is Killua even straight?
The Dream Teams Not- So- Plan.
The Encounter.

The after show.

1K 43 128
Galing kay zozozoldyck

sup fuckers 😫✋🏼 sorry lmao. aNyWaYs, i hope you enjoy this chap as this is chapter what? 5? but yes, please enjoy... MWAH!!
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    When the crew arrived to 'the grumpy kittys' house, Gon was in utter awe. "Holy shit..." He said, stepping out of his little prius. Not taking his eyes off the beautiful mansion in front of him. Not even for a second.

    Walking up the light brick driveway— peering inside the tinted windows of the BMW's and Tesla's— Gon walked up to the front porch with Kurapika.

    Three knocks Kurapika gave to the African Blackwood— that was the door. Gon standing small, with his hands cusped behind his back. Kurapika looked over and softly smiled, shaking Gons shoulder, "Hey, dude. Just breathe. Everything's chill." He said, and Gon just smiled back and nodded.

    The door swung open and there stood the sexy white haired Zoldyck. In his amazing ripped skinny jeans. Gon could've melted right then and there. Killua looked Gon up and down in disgust before letting them inside. "So, you losers made it." Killuas snarky voice said. "Only for you, you loser." Kurapika said back, playfully punching Killua in the arm. The boys giggled— Gon awkwardly giggling.

The house was quiet on the main floor and upstairs. Everything was white and shiny. Gon could feel some sort of beat from a bass— vibrating on the marbled floor.

Killua led them to a door— next to the kitchen. The big kitchen. He opened the door and let Gon and Kurapika in first. Gon was yet again, in utter awe. The basement was huge. Arcade games in one corner. A movie theater tv. A little- ok maybe to Killua it was little... but a good sized bar. And then what looked to be a small stage. It already had all the instruments set up and plugged in. Killua said a quick, "Enjoy guys." And went on stage to go talk to Zushi.

"Well, this is it!" Kurapika said, looking around the room while smiling. "It's- It's amazing." Gon said, taken back. "I know right? Here, let's go get some drinks and go talk to the girls." Kurapika said, pointing to the bar and then Gon spotting 'the girls' which were, of course, Machi and Shizuku.

"You boys made it!! We're so happy!!" Machi said, once Gon got his grape flavored mike's— while Kurapika got his sprite and kinky. "Mhm mhm!!" Gon hummed, all giddy, taking a sip of his drink. "Trust me, you're definitely going to enjoy the show." Shizuku said, winking at Gon. Gon getting all flustered, because he knew that she was talking about a certain someone. "Ahhhh, shut uppp." Gon whined in a cute little voice. "Whaaaat, we know you got the hots for him." Kurapika said, giggling— Gon just puffing out his cheeks and pouting in response.

"So, i never asked you." Gon said and Kurapika turned to him and hummed in question. "I never asked you how your date was!" Gon said excitedly and Kurapika blushed— not wanting to talk about this subject. "It was... it was really nice. He's really good to me." Kurapika said in a quiet voice. "Did you guys kissie kisssss?? Hmmm??" Gon annoyingly asked. Kurapika groaned and smashed Gons face with his hand.

While Gon was busy teasing Kurapika, they were shut up— along with everyone else, by a tap on the microphone. Killua giggled in a low, raspy tone and then spoke right after, "Hey fuckers." He said, in the same tone— literally everyone melted. Soon after everyone screamed in excitement. "Let's get started... shall we?" He asked and everyone screamed again. Gon was a blushing mess, he felt really, really hot.

Killua strummed on his electric guitar before counting down,


"There is nothing
You can do,
That i have not
Already done to myself.
There is nothing
You can do,
That i have not
Already done to myself."

"Holy shit..." Gon said, his eyes widening. "It's Mindless Self Indulgence. He's singing 'Never wanted to dance' by Mindless self Indulgence." Gon said to no one in particular. Mindless Self Indulgence, though, was definitely one of Gons top favorite bands. This definitely made Gon a lot more attracted to Killua. Kurapika was side eyeing Gon, smirking. Both soon paying attention to 'the grumpy kitty' again.

"Already done to myself,
Never wanted to dance with nobody but you,
Never wanted to dance with nobody but you,
Never wanted to dance with nobody but you,
Wouldn't take no for an answer, you fuckin' bitch."

Gon was definitely singing along by this point. Eyes closed, swaying his body back and forth— knowing every word to the song. When Gon opened his eyes again, he regretted it. Killua was yet again staring at Gon while he sang. Gon feeling naked underneath his gaze. Once Killua noticed Gons uneasiness, he smirked. You could practically hear the smirk in his singing.

After the song was done, Killua moved on to the next song fairly quickly. Gon on the other hand, came to a realization...

He needed to pee.

"Pikaaaa... Pikaaaa!" Gon whined, slurring ever so slightly on his words. Gon was just a little tipsy— definitely not drunk though. Kurapika giggled and finally turned around. "What is it dude." He said and Gon gave him puppy eyes. "I need to peeeeeeee. Where's the bathrooooooom." He said and Kurapika giggled again. "There's one next to the arcade games but i don't think it'd be open. So, there's one next to the stairs, upstairs." He said and Gon was a little confused but headed upstairs anyway— not before trying to give Kurapika a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. Though, of course, Kurapika didn't let him.

Gon finished up with his "business", and started the walk back downstairs. He stopped though, just before he was about to open the door to the basement. He spotted a big room, down the hall— the hall being next to the basement door. Gon took his hand off the door handle and walked towards the door down the hall.

"Where's Gon?" Killua asked. He was all done with singing for the night. His throat being a bit dry, his voice a bit raspy. Kurapika smirked, "He's going to the bathroom, upstairs. Although that was like 20 minutes ago. Why do you ask? Killua?" Kurapika said, his smirk getting bigger. Killua punched him in the arm and scoffed, "I was just asking. Dip shit. Well, whatever. I'm going upstairs to get food. And to maybe check if the idiot slipped and cracked his head open or something." Killua said, rolling his eyes. "Yeahhh, whatever you say." Kurapika said and Killua punched him again.

Closing the fridge and taking a bite out of one of his Choco-Robo balls. He sat on the one of the stools, in front of the island, in the kitchen. Slowly swaying to the faint piano he hadn't realized he was hearing. Until he did. "What the fuck?" He said, getting up from the stool and heading over to the family's music room.

"It sounds like..." It sounds like Brahms' 'Sonata, Op.34b: 1. Allegro non troppo'. He thought. This piano piece was a duet piece, and currently Killua was hearing the primo part— whoever was playing, they were playing perfectly, note for note— for the primo part.

Gon was going ham on the piano— the alcohol in his system making him more into playing. He was so lost in playing that he didn't even realize someone walked into the room. He then didn't realize someone sat next to him. Watching Gon play. Gon then didn't even realize that, that someone started to play the secondo part of this Brahms piece.

Gon loves the piano. It's a great hobby for him. He begged Aunt Mito to learn the secondo part of the Brahms piece, so that they could play together. So that Gon could play with someone. It was quite easy for Gon to learn any piece. With the help of his perfect pitch. He'd just have to listen to whatever piece he wanted and then bam. He'd know how to play it on piano. Aunt Mito learned a little of the piece. But she's always so busy with work, so the duet just never follows through.

Gons left hand swiftly and quickly moved down on the keys. Running into someone's pale right hand. Right then, Gon finally noticed someone was perfectly playing the secondo part. Gon continued to play his part, but looked up to see who the beautiful pale hands belonged to. Sure enough, it was Killua. "God damnit, how much more attractive can this guy get?" Gon thought angrily to himself.

The two boys held eye contact with each other while they played. Like having a silent conversation with their eyes. Killua smirked, and then, it was like a harmless competition to see who could play their part better. Both boys now going ham on the beautiful black, grand piano. Both giggling as their hands went up and down on the keys. Every once and a while, Killuas hand would graze Gons and Gon swore he had a million butterflies in his stomach.

With the grand finish of the piece, the two boys dramatically lifted their hands off the keys and looked at each other, giggling. "Wow! So you know how to play?" Gon said, a bit excited. "Yeah, my parents wanted me to learn at a young age. Sooo, here we are." Killua giggled, finishing the sentence. Looking at Gon with soft eyes. Gons never seen this look on Killua before. It's so... so kind. Gon could feel the blush on his face spread to his ears as the two looked at each other in silence. Killua was feeling like this was too intimate, he had a weird feeling in his stomach. "Uhhh, haha, yeah. I think they're playing beer pong downstairs. I'm gonna go..." Killua awkwardly said. Getting up from the piano bench. "Ok, i'll come." Gon replied softly. Softly closing the piano and getting up as well.

"Well well well. What the fuck were you two doing?" Machi asked. Kurapika, Zushi, and Shizuku giggling behind her. Killua rolled his eyes and walked away while Gon just whined. "It's not what you think! We were playing piano!! Can you believe it?! Killua can play piano too!!" Gon said, loud enough for almost everyone to hear. Killua mentally screaming— blushing again. "Ohhhh, i see." Machi said, raising an eyebrow. Kurapika on the other hand was looking at Killua, then at Gon, then at Killua, and thinking, "Well, what the fuck. Gon might actually break him."

"Shit! I almost had it!" Knuckle yelled across the table. The ping pong ball landing right in the middle of the three cups. "I still don't get it..." Gon said, picking up the ping pong ball. "Just, bounce the ball and try to get it in one of Knucks cups. If you do, he has to drink out of whatever cup you made it in." Uvo said, as he was trying to show Gon how to play. "O-k..." Gon said hesitantly. He closed one eye and aimed the ball for the cup on the right. Each team had three cups left. Knuckle and Uvo doing all the drinking. Gon tossed the ball— it bounced and fortunately landed in the cup. Making the beer in the cup splash upwards. Everyone cheered, fairly loud. Gon now wishing he was actually drunk to be that excited.

    Knuckle took the cup and downed whatever beer was in it. Gon giggling at the sight. "Ok Freecss..." Knuckle said, slurring on his words, "You may have gotten that one, but i am soooo winning this thing." Knuckle smirked and Gon smirked back— Gon finally getting a little pumped, "Whatever you say Knucks." Gon said and the crowd "Ooooo'ed". Knuckle just laughed, took the ping pong ball and tossed it at the cup up front— the ball making it in. The crowd cheered again and Knuckle pounded at his chest, yelling, "LETS GOOOO!" Gon giggled, but knew he had to get serious if he wanted to win this thing. Gon picked up the cup and gave it to Uvo. Technically yes, Gon should be the one drinking the beer, since he's the one tossing, but Knuckle said it was fine and that it'd just be even more of a challenge— which Knuckle liked. Uvo downed the beer and gave a rather hard pat to Gons shoulder. Telling him that he gots this.

    Gon aimed for the cup on the left, closing one eye again and tossing the ball down. It bounced and... it went in! Making the beer splash up again. Knuckle groaning and downing the drink.

    Knuckle grabbed the ping pong ball, rather... aggressively and aimed for the cup on the right. The room going silent. Knuckle tossed the ball and... it missed. A sheer look of horror was on Knuckles face. "Oh god no..." He said out loud and Gon smirked, "Oh god yes." He thought. Gon took the ping pong ball and took a nice deep breath. Uvo now standing behind him. Grasping both of Gons shoulders. Nervous as shit. Because shit, this was getting serious. Killua and Kurapika just giggling from behind Knuckle.

    Gon aimed for the now, only cup that was left. Straight and center for him. Gon focused. The room going quiet, once again. Gon tossed the ball and... and... it goes in!!! "And the crowd goes wildddd!!!" Uvo yelled, picking up Gon— Knuckle fake sobbing. Gon was a giggling mess at this point. Everyone cheering his name.

Yeah, this was fun.

    It was now about 2 in the morning. Kurapika and Gon agreeing it was about time to go home. Gon, Kurapika, Zushi, Knuckle, and Uvo heading upstairs to leave. But not before hearing faint grunts and moans from upstairs...

    Everyone looked at each other and smirked. All of them sneaking upstairs, to the third floor and heading towards the room. "Wait..." Zushi said, "This is... Killuas room." Everyone stopped in front of the door and Gons heart pounded in his chest. Kurapika put his hand on the door handle and slowly turned it. "What the fuck are you doing??" Gon whisper-yelled. "Shhhh! I'm seeing who it is!" Kurapika whisper-yelled back. Kurapika opened the door ever so slightly and ever so quietly. "Oh god... ew." He said and shut the door. All you could hear was, "~Uhhhhgh, Killua! Killua harder!~" And yikes, "It sounds like she's dying." Gon and Kurapika said at the same time, looking at each other and giggling.

    "Who is it??" The rest asked— Gon being genuinely scared when asking. "I don't think you wanna-" Gon cut Kurapika off right there, "Pika. Who is it." He asked. Kurapika sighed, "It's... It's Killua and um... Neon..." Kurapika said quietly.

Gons heart sank.

    The drive home was quiet. Gon had to drop off Knuckle and Kurapika. Gon dropped off Knuckle first. Then Kurapika. "Hey... you sure you're okay?" Kurapika asked, standing next to the open passenger door. "Yeah... i'm okay..." Gon said, clearly not okay. "I'm so gonna kick his ass at school on monday. But- text me. Ok? Gon?" Kurapika said, genuinely honest. Gon sadly giggled, "Yeah... ok. Thanks Pika." He said and Kurapika softly smiled back. "No problem." He finished with closing the door and running up to his house— Gon silently driving back home.

holaaa!! i hope you enjoyed this chap hehe >;) i'm gonna try and get SNJ's chap out tn too, so look forward to that lol.
~Zosay ;)

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