forever and always || c.h.

By cdizzzleswizzzle

49.5K 907 113

"You know it's hard for me to express my feelings like this Maddy." He said with stress in his voice. "I do... More

Epilogue pt. 1 
Epilogue pt. 2
Epiloge pt. 3


856 14 4
By cdizzzleswizzzle

"Is your body extremely sore or am I just really out of shape?" I asked as Calum and I ate breakfast at the table.

"No I'm a little sore too. Who would've thought carrying 6 people out of a club would be so painful?" He said and rubbed his neck.

"Not me that's for sure. Do you think they're still asleep?" I asked and looked at my phone to check the time.

"Definitely, it's only 9:30. They're definitely still knocked out." He said and took his dishes to the sink with me following behind him.

"Looks like it's just you and me today. What should we do?" I asked and sat up on the counter.

"I don't know. We could just chill by the pool all day, I'm not really feeling like going out." He said and leaned his back against the fridge.

"Yea me neither. Plus it'll be relaxing after a rough night like last night." I said and grabbed some glasses and filled them with water.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm just gonna give them some Advil so they don't have to get up or anything." I said and went to the downstairs bathroom and grabbed the Advil.

"I'll be waiting for you outside." He said and followed me upstairs and went to his room.

"Okay." I said and went to each of their rooms and gave them a glass of water and a couple of Advil. Then I went to my room to put on my bathing suit and put my hair up in a bun.

The two of us spent pretty much the whole day at the pool. We were talking and laughing for hours. The conversation just flowed perfectly and it didn't get awkward at all. These past couple of days have made me realize that I actually liked spending time with Calum. He wasn't the person that I used to know or thought I knew, he was like a whole different person and I liked it a lot.

"We should probably go in a check on them huh?" I asked since we've been out here all day and haven't heard or seen anyone else.

"Yea probably." He said and stood up from the chair next to me.

"We should go out and get something to eat, I don't really feel like cooking." I said as we walked in the house.

"Ooh we should get subs." He said.

"I was thinking like Wendy's or something but that's good too." I said and heard him chuckle from behind me.

When we got upstairs I went to Sierra and Luke's room while he went down the hall to Michael and Crystal's room. I knocked on the door and waited for a response before opening the door and peaking my head through.

"How are you guys feeling?" I whispered just in case their heads still hurt.

"Like shit." Luke said with his hands over his face.

"What time did you guys wake up?" I asked and saw that the Advil and water was gone.

"Like 1:30. What time is it now?" Sierra groaned and rolled into Luke's arms.

"Almost 5:30. Me and Calum were thinking of getting subs for dinner do you guys want some?" I asked and they both nodded their heads.

"Keep resting, I'll bring you up some more water before we leave." I said and took the empty glass from the bedside table and walked out of the room.

"Okay I got what everyone wants, did you ask Sierra and Luke?" Calum asked as he typed on his phone.

"Well I know what Sierra wants because she always gets the same thing. You might have to ask Luke though." I said.

"Alright." He said and knocked on their door as I went downstairs.

"What are you doing?" Calum asked as he walked down the stairs and I walked up the stairs.

"I'm giving them some more water and I can't really go out like this so I have to change." I said and he nodded his head and let me pass him.

After I gave them their water I headed down the hall and towards my room. I just decided to wear some shorts and a t-shirt and keep it simple since we were just going to get food.

When we came back with the food, Calum went upstairs to get everyone while I set the table. Everyone seemed so grouchy and tired but I didn't blame them at all. They probably felt like shit so props to them for actually getting out of bed.

"Remind me to never drink like that again." Crystal said with her head in her hands.

"I warned you guys." I said with a laugh.

"I don't even remember anything. It's all floating in bits and pieces." Luke said with his eyes shut. They must've has the worst headaches ever.

"Well I know one thing. After I put you in the car you decided to leave when we went to get Ashton and KayKay and you were way down the street staring at a wall. You also leaned your face against the extremely dirty wall and didn't want to leave because it was 'pretty'" I said and heard the others laugh. Luke however just groaned, probably embarrassed or something.

"You also tripped a lot and walked into a ton of walls on the way to your room." Calum said making the others crack up even more.

"What is wrong with me?" Luke asked with his head in his hands.

"A lot is wrong with you." Michael said with a laugh.

"I'm sure you did something stupid too." Luke argued.

"Actually he fell asleep the second he was put in the car. I don't know what he did at the club though so that's for you guys to remember." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"How are you guys fine?" KayKay asked.

"We went to the arcade while you guys were getting drunk off your ass." Calum said with a laugh.

"You went without us?" Michael asked with a shocked look on his face.

"You guys were all like five shots in before we even decided to go. Also you three had finished nearly half the bottle by the time they got off stage. That group was not fit for an arcade or to even be seen in public." I said and pointed to the girls.

"Well we need to go soon." Ashton said firmly.

"We can go next weekend." Calum said.

"You've been hanging out with Calum a lot lately." Sierra said after dragging me up to my room after dinner.

"We're friends. Plus I like hanging out with him." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"You like hanging out with him?" She questioned and sat on my bed.

"Well yea I guess. He's not as bad as I thought he was." I said and took out my math homework since I had neglected my homework all weekend and we had class tomorrow.

"So you like him is what you're telling me?" She asked.

"That's not what I'm telling you. I'm telling you that I like hanging out with him and I don't dislike him anymore. There's no reading between the lines or any sort of metaphors or anything, I'm just telling you what I'm telling you." I said and focused on my homework.

"Hmm okay." She said skeptically and left me alone to finish my homework.

"Hey Maddy?" Calum said as he opened my door. I don't even know how long it's been since Sierra left, all I know is I had already almost finished all of my classes.

"Yea?" I asked and turned around in my desk chair to face him.

"Can you help me with the math homework?" He asked and gave me a pleading look, as if I'd say no in the first place.

"Yea sure. What do you need help on?" I asked and grabbed my math homework that I had finished earlier and sat on my bed as he walked over to sit next to me.

"I just don't understand what we're doing." He said and opened up his textbook. We were in a math class that was almost like a mixture of algebra and geometry. I thought it was actually pretty easy but most people struggled with one or the other.

Usually if you were good at algebra you weren't good at geometry, and vise versa. At least that's what everyone told me when I first started geometry in the 10th grade. I remember Michael told me he was amazing at Algebra but he was garbage at geometry, my dad said he was the opposite and my mom was the same as Michael.

I remember it freaking me out a little because I had a 96% in algebra all year my freshman year and I never really liked failing a class. So by them telling me I was pretty much bound to fail geometry made me freak out. But I ended up having a 94% by the end of the year and kind of debunked that stereotype.

My parents and Michael-along with my friends-always told me I was a genius once I hit middle school. I was a straight A student most years, sometimes I would have a high B that should've been an A but that's besides the point. My teachers always suggested me for higher classes, like Algebra 2 as a sophomore because I was able to do it. And my parents would always tell me to go above and beyond and try and exceed and be in higher classes. But I had this big fear of failing and overestimating myself so I always kind of psyched myself out and took the classes the rest of my grade was taking.

I still have that fear now which I think is why I find all of my classes easy. I don't like to struggle with things because it stresses me out and makes me think I'm failing. It might seem kind of stupid, especially because I did know I was smarter than a lot of the kids back in high school. It was mostly because Michael and Luke told me I was and made me feel smart by asking me to help them with their homework.

I remember they were in Algebra 2 their junior year and I was a freshman taking Algebra 1. They asked me nearly every night to help them with their homework whether it was math, english or any other subject. They always made me feel like a genius by telling me I was smarter than the kid that was at the top of their class or that I was the only person that was able to understand this kind of stuff.

"Okay so we need to find out what x is. This is a rhombus which means that opposite sides are congruent, diagonals are perpendicular, and opposite angles are congruent. They gave you extra information which sometimes confuses people because they tend to use the wrong sides or the wrong angles. We only really need two of the sides so we can use these two." I said and marked the pictures as I explained how to do it.

"How do we do the equation though?" He asked with a confused look on his face. He actually kind of looked quiet cute when he was confused because he pouted his lips slightly and he'd rub his chin with his hands.

"For situations like these you would put the two problems together but put an equal sign in the middle so that they're equaling each other." I said and he then wrote the problem down but still looked really confused.

"I just don't understand how they're equal though." He said and I let out a slight laugh. You could tell that he hadn't been listening in class which was definitely why he was so confused. But I blame that on the people he sits with because they're all jocks or whatever and don't care about school.

"Well congruent means equal, and opposite sides are congruent which basically means they're equal to each other." I said and he formed his lips on the shape of an O which I'm assuming meant he understood now.

"Is that right?" He asked after he had solved the problem.

"Almost. You subtracted -10 from -20 when you were supposed to add 10 which is why you got a negative instead of a positive when you divided after." I said and showed him my work so he'd understand.

"Ohhh okay." He said and erased his work and started over.

"There you go." I said with a proud smile once he finished.

"Would you look at that?" He said in amazement which made me laugh a bit.

"I'm sorry I'm just really not good at school." He said and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do you want me to be brutally honest with you?" I asked and brought my knees up to my chest.

"Is it going to hurt my feelings because if yes then no." He said with a nervous look but I just laughed and shook my head.

"I think that you could be good at school if you really tried. I see you in the back corner talking and joking around with those stupid and snobby jocks every class. I think if you're surrounded by the right people then you can easily pay attention and know what's going on. And I'm sure you do sit with the wrong people in all of your other classes too, which makes you think you aren't good at school. I remember my freshman year I had these two friends in my Spanish class and they wanted me to sit with them so I did because it was better than sitting alone. That was my lowest grade I've ever gotten because they wouldn't stop talking and fooling around." I said matter of factly.

"I'm sure you still had like a B or something." He said with a laugh.

"I actually had a 80% most of that year. For a while I had a 78% but I had to bust my ass before grades closed to get that 80% because I refused to see a C+ on my report card." I said and watched him chuckle and shake his head.

"I'd kill to have a C+ on my report card, especially in high school." He said and started drawing weird shapes in his notebook.

"I believe you really can get good grades if you really really try. Not all good things come naturally to people, you have to work hard for certain things if you really want a good outcome." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"Or maybe I'm just really not good at school." He said and looked down at his notebook.

"You don't know if that's true if you don't try hard. For example, you're naturally good at playing bass and singing and all of that stuff, but you have to try hard to be good at school. For me it would be the opposite, I'm naturally good at school whereas if I wanted to play bass then I'd have to try really hard to be good or maybe even decent." I said and saw him smile a little.

"You think I can get better grades?" He asked and finally looked up at me.

"If you try hard enough then yes I do." I said and he gave me a grateful smile.

"Thank you." He said and looked back at his notebook.

"You're welcome. Now let's finished up these problems." I said and moved a little closer to him.

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