Deku: The Sharingan Hero

By MrAuthor18

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In a world where 80% of the society have super powers dubbed "Quirks", Izuku Midoriya aka "Deku" a Quirkless... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: Training For The Entrance Exam Part 1
Chapter 3: Training For The Entrance Exam Part 2
Chapter 4: The True Meaning Of A Hero
Chapter 5: The Aftermath
Chapter 6: The Quirk Assessment Test
Chapter 7: Izuku's Resolve
Chapter 8: The Fated Battle
Chapter 9: Izuku and Katsuki, A New Start?
Chapter 10: The USJ Attack
Chapter 11: Izuku Vs The Nomus
Chapter 12: Izuku and All Might
Chapter 13: The Uchihas?
Chapter 14: Himiko Toga
Chapter 16: Midoriya The Powerhouse
Chapter 17: Capture The Flag
Chapter 18: The Lightning Cutter
Chapter 19: Izuku's Eternal Rivals
Chapter 20: The Battle Of Hypnotists
Chapter 21: Envy vs Pride
Chapter 22: A Failure Stands Tall!
Chapter 23: The Boy Born With Nothing Versus The Boy Born With Everything
Chapter 24: The End Of The Beginning
Chapter 25: A New Threat
Chapter 26: Bonds
Chapter 27: The Promise
Chapter 28: Truth And More
Chapter 29: First Step Into Darkness
Chapter 30: Blood Ties

Chapter 15: The Sports Festival

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By MrAuthor18

Four Days Later:

Izuku was finally discharged from the hospital, his whole body was healed except for his right leg, and so he still had his crutches to support him. Meanwhile all of the UA students moved to the dorms, and started to train for the upcoming Sports Festival. As for Izuku, he decided to move into the dorms as well and was now heading there, leaving his old room for Himiko. Fortunately, he was able to convince his mom, after explaining to her how hard Himiko's situation is, without mentioning her being a criminal or that she sucks his blood every day to satisfy her urges.

"Toga, please don't forget to behave well and to not do anything suspicious while I'm gone." Izuku said, as he was standing in front of the UA High School's gates.

"Izuku, I think I already told you to call me Himiko, right?" Himiko said, while staring darkly at Izuku and pulling her knife, placing it at his throat.

"Y-Yes Himiko." Izuku said nervously.

Himiko smiled and put her knife away, as she regained her cheerful tone once again. "That's more like it, and don't worry I won't cause you any trouble Izuku, also your mom is in good hands."

During the past few days, Himiko completely stopped committing crimes. The reason was that she was actually confused by the recent events that happened. She always thought that she had to choose between two paths; living the so-called Normal Way, the way that her parents tried to force on her, or becoming a villain and live freely. However, meeting Izuku opened a lot of new doors, he was different from everyone. The guy was totally okay with her drinking his blood and praised her Quirk. Something she never thought would ever happen. Izuku Midoriya was a mystery to Himiko, a mystery that she was willing to solve.

"I'll come back at dinner time so that you can suck my blood, so see you later Himiko." Izuku exclaimed as he entered the gates. Once he entered the dorms, he was very surprised to see the students from Class 1-A and 1-B, quietly sitting in the common area and staring at him. "Hey, uuh... what's wrong guys?" He asked.

"Dude you have to hide-" Kaminari broke the silence but was very quickly cut off.


"It-Itsuka... I'm really sorry, I promise I won't do anything like that again, alright?" Izuku said, with a little bit of fear in his voice as he shrieked. Who knew that Itsuka could be this terrifying when she's mad?


"Ex-Expel?!" Izuku asked, with visible fear and shock in his voice.

"Midoriya, while I agree that saving All Might was very heroic back then, but breaking the rules and using your Quirk on your teacher is a big mistake. I mean you even did it in the first place to disobey his orders, so there's that too. That is not how a UA student should behave. I just hope you won't get into any trouble." Iida added, while moving his hand in a chop motion.

Izuku was a bit shaken by this, but he didn't regret what he did, he saved his friends and teachers and this is what matters. "I'll accept any punishment they'll give me, but I don't regret anything." Izuku said, gaining his confidence back and looking determined, only to lose it shortly after.


"Well, I think that Itsuka is the strongest person here, given that even Midoriya, the one who scared all the villains is scared of her." Hanta mused.

"Well, you would've been expelled if the circumstances were different." Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice, as he entered the accommodation. He was followed by Vlad King.

"Aizawa-sensei you're ok- Ow!" Izuku exclaimed, but was cut off in the middle by Aizawa who gave him a chop on his head.

"Worry about yourself, before worrying about your teacher kid. I swear you're giving me so much trouble." Aizawa said, while Nezu appeared from behind him.

"What do you mean by different circumstances Aizawa-sensei?" Ochaco asked.

"Izuku Midoriya, while you broke the rules and used your Quirk on your teacher to disobey his orders and endanger yourself and gave us so much trouble, we apologize. It's because of our lack in our security measurements that you were injured so badly." Nezu said, as he bowed.

"N-No please raise your head Mr Principal, it's my fault in the first place that I got these injuries. I'm the one who pushed myself way too far." Izuku explained, while waiving his hands. He was embarrassed that the principal himself was apologizing to him and bowing.

"No Midoriya, it's because that you pushed yourself too far that you saved your fellow classmates and teachers. It's because of you that everyone is safe and sound now, it's thanks to you that we avoided the worst case scenario. So, for that you have my thanks as well." Nezu said, and finally lifted up his head. "You may request anything you want and the school will help you with it." Nezu added.

Izuku looked at Aizawa, not knowing what to say before Aizawa said "If it was up to me, I would've punished you, but you saved my life, and for that I thank you. Also, seems like Kendo here will give you your punishment in my stead."

"Yeah, I won't let him off the hook that easily." Itsuka exclaimed, still annoyed by her crush's acts.

Izuku then looked at Vlad, who said "You're a Hero kid, and you deserve this. In my whole teaching career, I've never seen a student as heroic as you, and I can see why everyone has their eyes on you."

Izuku thought about what he wanted carefully for a moment before grabbing his notebook and opening the page where he drew his Hero costume. "I want this symbol to be embedded on my PE uniform during the Sports Festival." Izuku said. Over the last couple of days, he adopted the idea of being an Uchiha and accepted his heritage. He wanted to show the world the power of the Uchihas, who they forgot about, but most importantly he wanted to say something to everyone in the school, to the League of Villains, to the whole world. He wanted to say I'm here.

"Is that all?" Nezu asked. He didn't expect that Izuku will ask for such an easy request.

"Yes sir." Izuku replied with a smile.

Nezu smiled. You chose a fine successor Yagi. Nezu thought, before looking at the two classes and saying "All of you did pretty well during the USJ attacks, and I have no doubt that you'll become outstanding Heroes. You may be surprised that we grouped everyone together from Class A and B in the same dorm, but we wanted both classes to get to know each other more, and I'm sure that the USJ incident made you all get closer to each other. So, we hope you grow stronger together as future Heroes and make us proud one day." While everyone was getting hyped and excited about all of them being together in the same dorm, Izuku was getting worried since this meant he had no escape from Itsuka's wrath. In fact, just as the teachers were leaving Izuku looked in fear at Isuka who was staring daggers at him.

"Izuku." Itsuka plainly said, sending more fear in Izuku's heart, but before anything could happen Izuku's phone started to ring. When Izuku looked at who was calling him, he was happy to see that it was his mother. She probably wanted to check up on him, and to ask him if the school staff moved his things to his room, since he was injured.

Lucky! Izuku thought as he grinned, and waved at Itsuka who looked annoyed.

"Damn it, when did he get so cocky?" Itsuka questioned, with a frown on her face.

"So, what's the first thing we should do today? The intense training doesn't start until tomorrow." Denki asked.

"Oh, I know! Let's have a movie night today!" Mina said with a cheerful tone.

"That's a great idea!" Hanta responded.

"Hmph, idiots." Bakugo said as he went to his room.

"Let's just ignore him and get the popcorns ready!" Mina said. The students began to prepare popcorns and drinks, before they went on choosing a movie. Izuku however decided to pack everything properly. He had to place these All Might actions figures and posters after all.

The Next Day:

Izuku woke up smelling something delicious. Someone is a good chef. He thought, but as he went downstairs, he found that the good chef was an angry Bakugo.

"Good morning Kacchan." Izuku said with a smile.

"DON'T TALK TO ME YOU FUCKING NERD. YOU HEAR ME! HERE! EAT THIS!" Bakugo yelled, as he handed him his plate.

"Thank you... I guess." Izuku responded.


"Oh Bakugo, you're making breakfast for everyone?!" Denki asked in a cheerful voice. Thinking that Bakugo was actually a nice guy, but was just hiding his true personality all along.


"Wow you're really umm... dedicated." Denki replied.

"And so manly." Kirishima added with tears in his eyes.

"And annoying, for god sake it's seven in the morning." Ibara exclaimed, with a frown.

"Good morning everyone, what's this delicious smell?" Hanta asked.

"YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY! YOU HEAR THAT WEIRD FACE?!" Bakugo growled from his seat.

"Of course, I don't have a death wish." Hanta replied, nervously.


"I will Kacchan, I promise." Izuku replied. He was a little bit worried right now. He didn't really know who was scarier, an over protective Bakugo or an over protective Itsuka.

A few moments later, everyone woke up, got ready and started heading to school, but they all gasped in shock when they saw Izuku using his crutches to walk, while Bakugo was holding both his and Izuku's bag. The reason being that Bakugo wanted Izuku to heal properly and to not strain himself.

"Kacchan I can hold-"


"Right." Izuku replied.

Later, when they went into the class Izuku was about to sit in his place only to be stopped by Bakugo.


"Kacchan, did you take someone else's chair?" Izuku asked, feeling a bit weird about this whole new Bakugo.

"YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT DEKU?" Bakugo asked, as explosions started to ignite in his hands.

"No at all." Izuku immediately replied, as he sat in his chair and placed his injured leg on the other chair, finally surrendering and deciding that it would be best to obey Bakugo.

"Hey! That's my chair!" Mineta shouted, annoyed that his chair was stolen.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU FUCKING MIDGET?!" Katsuki questioned, with a menacing look on his face.

"I was just saying how it would be a good idea to try to sit on the desk today." Mineta replied, not wanting to go against Bakugo.

When Aizawa, entered the class, he saw everyone sitting in their seats except Mineta who was sitting on his desk. He decided to ignore the matter and start the class. He was too tired to know what happened to Mineta's chair.

Lunch Time:


"You sure have it hard today with Bakugo acting like your mom." Ochaco said with a chuckle, she found the whole situation so funny.

"At least it's better than how he usually acts." Tenya added.

"You think?" Ojiro questioned.

"Hey guys, you're all here." Itsuka exclaimed as she entered Class 1-A's homeroom.

"Yeah, we were just waiting for Bakugo to come back with Izuku's launch, then we were planning to go to the cafeteria." Tenya replied.

"He's still acting like your babysitter?" Itsuka asked.

"Yeah." Izuku replied as he smiled sheepishly.

"It's so funny." Ochaco said, as she started laughing.

"I agree." Ojiro replied, as he smiled.

"Uraraka." Izuku called the brunette.


"Why did you decide to come to UA and become a Pro Hero? I know why the others did, but what about you?" Izuku asked, which made Ochaco get embarrassed because it was a sensitive subject.

"Huh? Um... because... for money." She replied.

"For money? You want to become a hero for money?" Izuku asked, quite shocked by the answer.

"To boil it down simply, yes... Sorry it's such an unwholesome reason. You guys have such admirable motivations, it's embarrassing..." She said, as she tried to avoid looking at the other from the embarrassment.

"Why? How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?" Tenya tried to reason with her, and convince her that there's nothing to be ashamed about.

"Yeah, it's just how can I say it... unexpected." Itsuka added.

"My family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work at all, so we're flat broke. This isn't really something to tell other people, though..." Ochaco explained.

"You have our word that our lips are sealed." Ojiro said.

"Construction..." Tenya said, with his hand on his chin thinking about something.

"With her Quirk, if she gets licensed then it'd bring costs way down, right?" Izuku deduced.

"She could make any raw material float. They wouldn't need any heavy equipment." Tenya added.

"Right? That's what I told Dad when I was a little! But... he refused, he wanted me to chase my own dreams." Ochaco replied, before clenching her fists and adding "I'll definitely become a hero and make money and let my parents take it easy."

"Bravo! Uraraka, Bravo! Bravo!" Tenya shouted as he clapped his hands, while everyone else just smiled at her.

"There's no reason to be ashamed of that goal Uraraka." Izuku pointed out. She's not just aspiring to be a hero. She's also taken reality into consideration. Izuku thought.

"HaHaHa Young Midoriya is here!" All Might said, as he made a dramatic entrance.

"All Might?! What's the matter?" Izuku asked.

"Lunch! Want to eat together?" All Might asked, which made both Itsuka and Ochaco burst into laughter.

"He's like a maiden!" They yelled in unison.

"How about it?"

Izuku looked at his friends for a moment before they gave him a nod. While he knew that he would get in trouble later with Bakugo, he decided to go. "I'd love to!" He answered, as he stood up, took his crutches and followed his mentor.

"I wonder what he wanted with Deku?" Ochako asked.

"Well, I'm sure he wanted to thank him for saving his life during the USJ incident. If it wasn't for Midoriya's bravery and power, who knows what could've happened?" Tenya replied.

"I see. That makes sense." Ochaco said.

"Also, remember what Asui said on the bus?" Ojiro added.

"Your Quirk is like All Might's."

"The boundless power they both have are similar, too, so maybe All Might has taken a liking to him. He's amazing." Tenya deduced.

"To be honest, it feels like Deku is the All Might of our generation." Ochaco added with a smile. She was happy to have a strong classmate like Izuku, and she really admired him.

"Yeah, not to mention that his Quirk gives him so many abilities, I mean it's hard to believe that it's one Quirk." Itsuka exclaimed, wondering if Izuku really had just one Quirk.

"Yes, Deku is amazing he has enhanced perception, speed, physical strength and can cast illusions and mind control. He's really strong." Ochaco cheered for a reason that she couldn't understand.

Unbeknown to them though, a certain red and white hair teen was listening to their conversation. All Might... and Izuku Midoriya... He thought.


Teachers' Lounge:

"First of all, how's your leg, Young Midoriya?" All Might, who was currently in his weaker form asked.

"It's much better, I'll be able to walk again on my own soon." Izuku replied.

"Good, but you have to know that this is only the beginning of your journey."

"What do you mean?"

All Might sighed. It was a bit hard coming to terms with the fact that his days as a Pro Hero were numbered. "My time limit has decreased to about fifty minutes."

"About fifty minutes?!" Izuku repeated in shock. All Might was no longer able to do Hero work for even an hour.

"Yeah... That's the limit to how long I can use my power now. I overdid it too many times. That Nomu was also a tough opponent. And it hurts. I can just barely maintain muscle form for 1.5 hours now." All Might said, as he poured some tea for both of them.

"About that... Sorr-" Izuku was about to apologize, feeling responsible about All Might becoming weaker, but the older man quickly interrupted him with a burst of laugh.

"You don't have to apologize...! Man, we really are alike, you and me. Have some tea."


"More importantly, about the Sports Festival. You still can only control 8% of One for All, right? What will you do?" All Might asked.

"I have a few ideas, but I don't really know if they'll work, not without testing them out first anyways." Izuku replied. "Have you ever umm... used the lightning of One for All as a power and fired it on someone?" Izuku asked.

All Might gained a puzzled look on his face after hearing what Izuku said, "Young Midoriya, are you sure your brain was 100% healed? Because my power enhances someone's strength and speed as you know."

"Oh yeah, right. Of course I know, what a crazy idea. It's just that I had a dream about something similar today, and I wanted to ask if it was possible." Izuku answered back while smiling sheepishly.

"Right... what about your Sharingan? I mean I know it has evolved to the next level, but how is it?" All Might questioned the green haired teen.

"Well, honestly, I need to use it during combat to actually see how much it did improve."

"Well, I can offer you some training before the Sporst Festival. It's time for you and I to have some sparring and see how strong you are. We need to make sure you're at your full power before the festival."

"Really?! Sparring with you All Might, I mean it's a great honor!" Izuku said, as he started to enter his fanboy mode.

"Now calm down, you're still injured, and we don't want to upset Recovery Girl." All Might said, as both he and Midoriya flinched as they pictured an angry Recovery Girl.

"Frankly, I don't have much time left as the Symbol of Peace." All Might pointed out, and Izuku couldn't help but frown. He was sad. All Might was his idol, his favorite Hero, and knowing that All Might was going to retire soon, just saddened him.

"No way..."

"And some of those with built-up villainous intent are starting to realize. I granted you my power because I want you to succeed me. You still feel the same as you did back then, don't you? Back then when you told me you want to become the greatest hero and save people with a smile." All Might questioned the boy's dream and resolution once again.

"Of course! Even now, my feelings haven't changed." Izuku replied once again with the same determined eyes he had back then.

"Then, the time has come for you to show that. The UA sports festival is something pro heroes- no, the whole country is watching closely. A big event! That is what I brought you here to talk about! The next All Might... the fledgling Symbol of Peace... Izuku Midoriya. I want you to tell the world I am here!". All Might said with intensity in his eyes.

Izuku paused for a second, letting All Might's words sink in. This was yet another big step in his journey in order to become the Number One Hero. He had to prove himself in front of everyone. He had to make people acknowledge him. Something that he never had the chance to do when he was Quirkless, but now with One for All and the Sharingan, he has the chance to deliver the message he has been trying to deliver ever since he was a kid. That he can become a Hero, and not just any Hero, the best Hero. But still, he knew that it was easier said than done.

"It's true that I won't have the same chances of winning as everyone else since I won't properly train, but the odds have always been against me so it's nothing new. I'll get first place and show everyone that I, Izuku Midoriya, am the next Symbol of Peace!" All Might could only smirk, and feel proud after hearing his successor's words.

That Night:

"Izuku you're here!" Himiko cheered as she giggled.

"Hey Himiko, I got a favor to ask of you." Izuku pointed out.

"Hmm what is it?" Himiko asked.

"I want to train and I need a sparring partner." Izuku replied.

"So, you're finally ready to do it. Oh Izuku, who knew that you had this bad side in you? You could've at least waited until you healed." Himiko said, as her cheeks got red, and with naughty images appearing in her mind.

"I just wanted to use my Sharingan on you and cast illusions. Is that not okay with you?" Izuku asked, completely oblivious about what Himiko meant.

Himiko could only facepalm as she heard his answer. "Yes that's fine, as long as you don't peek at my past like last time." Her past, was still a sensitive subject she liked to avoid it.

"Thanks, you're the best!" Izuku said, as Himiko blushed at the comment.

"Why are you training anyway?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Well, the UA Sports Festival is coming, and I wanted to train a bit, so that I don't fall back behind my classmates." Izuku exclaimed.

"The Sports Festival! I used to watch it back when I was a kid, you're competing in something like that. That's so awesome, I have to come and cheer you." Himiko said, with her cheerful tone.

"Thanks, Himiko. This means a lot to me." Izuku replied. While it was fairly dangerous to bring Himiko to a big event such as the Sports Festival, what were the odds that someone from the government or the police would recognize her?

Izuku then sat and activated his Sharingan, he then looked in Himiko's eyes and began to cast illusions.

"Wait, why are we back at the hospital?" Himiko asked.

"We're not silly, that's just an illusion." Izuku replied, before disappearing.

"Wait Izuku, where did you go?" She asked.

"That's the game we're playing hide and seek, and I'm hiding." Izuku replied.

"That's not fair." She pointed out.

She was trapped in his illusion for a few minutes, unable to feal anything happening in the outside world, until Izuku flicked her nose, snapping her back to reality.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" Izuku asked.

"Of course not! How's going to the hospital a trip?" She said, with clear annoyance in her voice.

"Sorry, that was the only illusion I could think of back then. I'm still a beginner and that's why I need more practice." Izuku said as he smiled sheepishly.

"If you want to apologize then take me to the arcade." Himiko said, with her arms crossed and looking at the other side.

"All right, I promise you to take you to the arcade after the Sports Festival. Can we resume my training now?"

"Apology accepted, but don't leave me alone in those illusions of yours." She replied.

"You have my word." Izuku said, as he began to cast another Genjutsu on Himiko.

Twenty minutes later, Izuku was tired, as casting Genjutsus and maintaining them made him so tired. Himiko then jumped at him, and hugged him before saying "It's time for my treat."

"You really don't hold back." Izuku said, as he was a bit embarrassed when she had to hug him every time, and jump in his arms. However, he really felt sorry for Himiko and what she had gone through, deep inside of him he just knew that he had to protect her.

Two Weeks Later:

The UA Sports Festival is in one week. It'll be broadcast live on TV, too. There's no doubt that those who do well have a much better chance of becoming pro heroes. We won't know what events we'll be participating in until the day of. But I'm sure everyone has started getting ready. Izuku thought, as all of his classmates were busy with their training. He would see Bakugo, returning home every night with his arms bruised. Ojiro with his whole body aching, and Todoroki with frostbites on his right side. Some people decided to train together, like Mina and Ochaco or Ojiro, Kirishima and Tetsutesu and from time to time and Ibara and Itsuka. However, Izuku didn't make much progress, even though he was much better at casting Genjutsus and maintaining his Sharingan for longer periods of time, he hadn't improved his control of One for All or getting any combat training. He tried to sneak up once, but unfortunately for him Itsuka caught him, and dragged him back to his room. She always made sure to keep an eye on him, and would have Ochaco or Ibara take her place if she wasn't present. But today, I will finally be able to train... Who the hell am I kidding? I've fallen way back behind the others. He thought, as he was currently going to Dogobah beach.

"Young Midoriya, you're finally here. Are you ready to get you back to shape?" All Might asked.

"Yes, I need to train and get stronger as soon as possible." Izuku said, as he immediately activated his Sharingan.

"Very well, come at me!" All Might exclaimed.

Izuku didn't hesitate for a second, as he rushed at All Might, with One for All Full Cowl activated and went for a punch to the face. Only for All Might to punch him in the guts first, which made Izuku fall to the ground and clench his stomach.

"Ow- All Might, you don't pull back any punches, don't you?" Izuku exclaimed, with a smirk on his face. "Lowest Round Kick!" He shouted, as he tried to knock All Might off his feet, only for the latter to easily dodge it. He then grabbed Izuku by his shirt and threw him in the sea.

"You'll have to do better than that Young Midoriya!" All Might said, as he approached Izuku.

Izuku decided to be on defense this time, as All Might tried to land a punch, but Izuku managed to dodge it thanks to his new enhanced perception. He then kept dodging All Might's fists, waiting for an opening to attack, but All Might was not giving him the chance. This is harder than I thought. He thought, before he got an idea.

All Might finally managed to land a punch to Izuku's face, before saying "Come on Young Midoriya, a Hero always finds a way to win, remember you need to prove yourself in the Sports Festival."

"Yes Sir!" Izuku replied, with determination, before rushing at All Might once again. "Detroit Smash!" He yelled, only for All Might to easily dodge the blow and elbow him in his back.

He tossed him around, and as Izuku finally stood up he said. "Look carefully Young Midoriya, I'll show you what a real Detroit Smash looks like. Detroit Smash!" All Might, managed to land the punch in Izuku's gut, but to his surprise Izuku was just standing still. "What the-" All Might said, before feeling the impact of a kick in his back.

"Green Dragon Ultra Kick!" Izuku shouted, as he landed his ultimate attack on All Might, which pushed the latter a couple of steps backwards.

"Wait? How did you do that?" All Might asked.

"You were trapped in an illusion All Might." Izuku said, as he laughed.

"Since when?"

"Since the barrage of fists that you were trying to land on me." Izuku replied, still laughing.

All Might also laughed, before taking Izuku in a headlock "Come here you cheeky zygote. We'll call it your win this time."

Izuku managed to somehow free himself, from the headlock before replying "But you're not even knocked down, not to mention that you were holding back on me." Izuku clearly didn't want a win like this.

"HaHaHa well that's true, maybe one day we'll have a proper match, and when you truly win, I'll be the happiest man alive. Now ready for another round?" All Might said, as he was proud of his successor.

"Absolutely!" Izuku replied, as he retook his fighting stance.

For the rest of the week, Izuku kept training on getting back to shape, as well as spar with All Might, but each time he would lose, as he stood no chance against the current Symbol of Peace. Luckily for Izuku, with the intense training he did, it wasn't so long before he regained his full strength back. It's true that he hadn't got any stronger, except for the fact that his Sharingan evolved, but that doesn't mean that he didn't have some tricks up his sleeve for the Sports Festival.


One Week Later:

"Izuku, be careful not to get hurt." Inko said with worry, her mother instincts kicking in.

"Okay." He replied.

"I'll record it, okay? In high resolution." Inko exclaimed.

"Okay." Izuku replied.

"Do your best." Inko cheered her son.

"Your mom and I will be cheering for you Izuku!" Himiko also cheered, over the last three weeks she spent with Inko she really liked the lady. She felt like Inko was the mother she never had. In fact, upon meeting Izuku, Himiko was so much happier now and she met so many nice people. However, one question was always lurking in the back of her head. How will people react if they knew about her Quirk? Will they accept her like Izuku or try to suppress her like her parents once did?

"You heard your girlfriend." Inko bluntly said, which made both Izuku and Himiko blush.

"Mom! She's not my girlfriend, she's only a friend!" Izuku replied.

"A friend..." Himiko repeated with an emotionless face and blank expression. She had an urge to just kill Izuku and herself right now. She gave him so many signs that she liked him, yet he was still oblivious.

While Himiko was busy in her thoughts, Izuku decided to ask his mother something important. "Hey Mom, do you think that... dad would be watching me?" He asked.

"Of course son, and I'm sure he would be proud of you." Inko replied.

"Thanks Mom, I'm off now." Izuku said, as he stepped out of the house waving goodbye to his mother, and a Himiko who was still in her trance.

UA High School:

"Man... I wanted to wear my costume." Mina said, still sad by the fact that they had to wear their PE uniforms.

"To keep everything fair, we can't." Ojiro replied.

"I wonder what the first round is gonna be..." Sato exclaimed, as he was nervous.

"No matter what comes, we have no choice but to deal with it." Fumikage replied.

"Right." Shoji agreed and gave a nod.

"Everyone, are you ready? We will be entering soon!" Tenya came to the locker room asking.

"Midoriya." Todoroki called Izuku.

Izuku looked at him and questioned "Todoroki? What is it?" Both of them, gaining the attention of the whole class.

"Looking at things objectively, I'm now stronger than you. But... All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you." Todoroki replied, with a cold tone, filling the room with tension.

"Oh? Is the second best in class planning to finally take the top?" Denki questioned, with a sweat drop.

Kirishima stood up immediately, afraid that something bad could happen. "Hey, hey, hey! Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? Not now, we're about to start!"

"We're not here to play at being friends. So what does it matter?" Todoroki replied.

Izuku waited to hear everything, before finally replying "Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but don't just assume that I'll lose easily. In fact, I'm planning on winning this whole Sports Festival. But you should also know that everyone, and I'm not talking about the students from the Hero Course only, they're all aiming for the top with everything they've got! I can't afford to lose today, not after coming this far." Izuku said, before activating his Sharingan, and looking at Todoroki, with confidence and determination written on his face. "So, I'll also be going for the top with everything I got."

"Yeah." Todoroki coldly replied, while Bakugo was annoyed by the fact, that he declared a war only to Izuku and not him.

Izuku decided that now was a good time to drop this. "And Todoroki." He called the red and white hair teen, who turned back once again to face him. Izuku turned his back to the whole class and pointed to the Uchiha symbol. "I'll show you the true power of an Uchiha."

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