Because of you

By Juthi7

62.6K 2.8K 576

Life is not easy for New. He is in always stress and depression.Where he has no one to comfort him. On the ot... More

New Journey
Get a chance
I'm New
Sudden Encounter
Will you be my...
First Ride
War just begin
Author's Note
Fun and Fear
Revenge time
Revenge time pt 2
Break down
Lost my mind
The crazy idea
My Tawan
Freaking worried
Past revelation
Never let him go again
Accidentally Captured
Don't leave again
Sweet Moments
Old Enemy
Stumbled and Tripped
A story about ourself
Because Of You
Extra -JossToy

Friend's Instinct

1.2K 61 18
By Juthi7

Tay's POV:

The result of our midterm exam will be out tomorrow. Everyone is very tensed up. It's all written on their faces. As I was sick, I couldn't continue after my first exam. But teachers really considered my situation as they gave me a chance for re-exam.

Now we're heading towards the big tree where some commotion could be heard. There's New and Toy and looks like New is literally pissed off by something.

"Hello residence. What's with all these faces?"Joss asked as soon as we reached there.

"He's gone insane. Asking the same damn question from the morning,"New said pointing at Toy.

"Huh.. what question?"I asked while sitting next beside him (New).

"If he gonna passed or not,"New replied and I  laughed at that.

"Yaaaa don't laugh ok. I'm dying here just thinking about tomorrow,"Toy said making a terrified face.

"Then don't think about that. You work really hard and I know the results will be good,"Joss said firmly.

"I don't believe you. Just shut up already,"Toy said annoyingly.

But the looks of Joss turned into sadness though he covered it quickly.
I know this is the way both of them talk with each other. But sometimes I found Joss was really sweet towards Toy and the later one always find it annoying. This behavior of my friend was way more different than usual. But that was just my thoughts.

"Well Newwie gonna rock it for sure,"I said looking at Newwie.

"Hmm we'll see that tomorrow,"he said lowly.

I thought he might be worried,so I wrapped my hand on his shoulder.

"Heyy you're worried? I'm sure that you gave your best in the exam so no need to be stressed out, okay?"I said confidently looking into his eyes.

He chuckled at me which I find forced.

"Yup you're a topper New. There's no need to be so worry about. Trust me,"Joss also said in a confident tone.

"Yeah yeah stop it already,"New said waving his hand.

"Why would he trust you? You're fortune teller or what?"and Toy again.

"Well fortune teller? I don't think so. But as a friend, of course,"Joss said.

"Yeah whatever,"Toy rolled his eyes.

"Don't mind him Joss. I think his brain stop functioning properly. Don't worry I'll make sure it'll work soon again,"Newwie got a glare from Toy after saying that.

"Yeah I bet,"I also joined him and we all laughed except Toy.

"Yaaaa don't laugh. It's not funny at all,"Toy whined and the rest of the time goes like that.

Joss and I were heading towards the parking lot. Joss looks kinda lost. Well actually, when Toy got a call and told us that he have a date and left us, Joss's behavior was different from then. I was assumings things but I don't know how to asked him.

Oh wait I got an idea.

"Hey buddy. Are you okay,"I asked him.

"Huh ...a-ah .. yeah yeah I'm okay."

Obviously he isn't looks like.

"No I thought you're thinking about Toy's......."I couldn't finished my words as Joss cut me off.

"Why would I think about Toy? I was just.. just...oh I remember.. RESULT. Yeah I was thinking about our results tommorow. There's nothing between us. I see him as my friend ok. Nothing else,"Joss blurted out without hearing me properly.

Gotcha my friend.

"Um Joss you didn't heard me fully. I was going to say that you maybe think about Toy's words from our earlier conversation. You know the way he talked to you, you seemed like hurt. I didn't asked if there's something between you guys."

"Oh.. that's ..n-no no no.. I-I'm not hurt by h-his words. You know we're always like that. Hehehehe,"Joss said while stretching his neck.

I raised my eyebrow while folding my arms.

"Joss is there anything I should know?"I said with seriousness.

"N-No? T-There's nothing. Why would I h-hide something from you? Hahaha you're assumings things Tay,"Joss was fully avoiding my eyes.

"Hmm you're stuttering also avoiding my eyes. Then there's must be something that you're hiding from me. Tell me what is it?"

"I told you there's nothing. Don't eat up my head, okay?"saying this Joss already heading to his car.

"You've feelings for Toy, haven't you?"there I threw a bomb.

Joss hastily stopped and turned with wide eyes.

"What the heck Tay!! What are you even saying?"Joss panicked.

"I don't think you've deaf ears that you didn't heard me, right?"I stated.

"Listen up Tay, I.Don't.Have.Feelings.For.Toy. I consider him as my friend ok. Nothing more,"he said firmly.

I chuckled. If there was another person instead of me, I'm damn sure that person gonna believed him already. But I'm Tay. I'm not gonna fooled by him that easily.

"I know I'm a fool,an idiot, stupid also dumbo. But I'm also your friend. I know you more than you know yourself. You think I just assume things meaninglessly. The way you treat him, the way you look at him, the way you talk to him it's all visible that you like him more than friend."

He looks so frightened after that.

"I-I.. it's n-not...arghhhh .. tell me what made you think like that?"

" Friend's Instinct. Nothing much,"I actually said proudly.

"Friend's Instinct? Ok if is it so, I can also assume things based on this, right?"

I frowned at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I can also say that Nong..I mean New also have some feelings for you,"Joss said victoriously.

I was speechless after hearing him out.

Never in my wildest dream ever I thought that New would have feelings for me. And that's makes me crazy.

"Whaa...Joss have you lost your mind? New have feelings for me? No way," I was shaking my head vigorously.

"Why not? If you assumed things like that then why can't I?"Joss was still stuck in his word.

And I'm feeling so angry right now.

"If you don't wanna admit or tell me about your feelings for Toy,then don't be. But why you're dragging New into this just running from your situation?"

"Oh really, you think I'm dragging him into this because I want to run from mine. Then tell me why he called me within every hour just for confirmed that you're fine when you was sick?"

Huh? Within every hour?

"Because he was worried about me. That's all."

"Worried you said. Then what about me? Also Toy? We also worried about you. Then why didn't we bothered your parents every hour just for make sure that you're fine?"Joss asked.

What should I answer? I really don't know what to say.

"You're right. You're a fool, an idiot stupid also dumbo who'll never noticed something like these. I tell you Tay, I saw New how  divested he was when you fainted out. You're the one who was sick out there but he looked more paler then you. It's looked like he would took all the pain away if it was possible."

My heart skip a beat hearing this. But then, I still don't wanna consider it as a reason of whatever New have towards me.

"J-just enough Joss. Don't say anything farther. Is it really hard to believed that New was just worried for me? You know that he's kinda introvert person and we're only friend that he befriended with other th......"before I finished Joss cut me off.

"Will you please stop giving me this 'friend' excuses. Damn Tay why can't you see? He's completely another person in front of you. And it's just happened only when you're with him. I even saw the jealousy that he was having when Gawin had all your attention that day."

Ok now he's getting on my nerves.

"What about you? Don't you got jealous too when Gawin took attention from Toy? You looked like you would made holes on him(Gawin) if that possible?"

Joss was gaping at me. As if I would spare him so easily.

"Wh-what? M-me?....then why Nong always asked about you on the first place whenever he saw me without saying hi hello to me?" Joss fired at me.

"Then why YOU always asked about Toy whenever you saw Newwie without saying hi hello to him? And it's New not Nong,"I backfired him.

"What about those smiles that he always gave you whenever you appeared in front of him? It's not like friendly smile at all,"Joss stated.

"Dude you're the same when you saw Toy. It's looks like he's a fairy princess and you're the lovesick prince who wanted his attention."

Damn! Where did I got those words?

"TAY!! This is too much right now,"_Joss

"You're the one who started it,"_me.

"Me? Like seriously? It's you who started it at first."_Joss.

"You started it."_me.

"No it's you."_Joss.

"I said it's you."_me

"No you."_Joss.



30 second of silence.

"YOU KNOW WHAT JUST FUCK OFF,"we both say in unison.

And just like that we part away. I get on my car and start the engine. I drove fiercely out of my anger. Newwie have a feelings for me? That's bullshit. We're just friends. And if  New really have feelings for me,he would have told me, wouldn't he? But if he somehow confessed me what will be my answer?

Shit! What the heck am I thinking? It's all Joss's fault. Arghhhh what am I gonna do? How am I supposed to act in front of him (New) now after hearing Joss? But I don't believe him, right? Then why the hell am I so restless? And this heart of mine. Why is it...why is it....... beating fucking crazily?


(A/N): Thank you guyssssssss for 10k+ reads. It's really means a lot for me. You guys always inspired me when I almost lost interest on my story. I'll try to give you my best chapter so that you guys can enjoy. Please ignore my bad englishu. I'm really suck at it.

Thanks again and stay safe💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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