James Phelps love story

De SpencerRiedfan24

13.6K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 16

223 2 0
De SpencerRiedfan24

(Sorry guys bit spicy 😉😏😏 in the first part. But let's be honest am I really sorry or can I see James doing this? Again if you no like skip to the middle.)

(Hadaza's POV)
It has been seven months since autumn has been born. No more problems with any seizures and no more colicy. She's seven months old and is happy and very talkative. Right now I'm making dinner while my husband is in the living room working out and keeping an eye on our daughter. "Okay princess lets go see if mommy needs help." I hear my husband say as he comes in with our daughter on his hip. "Momma." My daughter says bouncing up and down on his hip making grabby hands at me. I smile and giggle cleaning my hands wondering how that doesn't hurt him. "Hello baby girl. How are you doing? Did you have fun watching daddy work out?" I ask taking her and setting her on my hip.

"Momma. Dadda." She says happily and claps her hands bouncing on my hip. "Oh I see. How was your workout James?" I ask grabbing a small piece of bread and put it in my daughter mouth as she eats it. "It was good. And fun. This little one sat and watched me the whole time and clapped." He says gently tickling autumn. "I see. Well she is your biggest fan. And she sat the whole time? Good job baby girl." I say grabbing another piece of bread and give it to autumn who makes grabby hands towards the bread and giggles at her father's tickles.

"I'm glad. I'm going to go shower quickly." He says. "Kay I'm just going to be here hanging with autumn as I cook." I say checking dinner and then set autumn in her high chair. Autumn starts babbling and smacking her hands against her high chair tray table. "What baby girl?" I hear my husband ask coming into the kitchen as I finish dinner. "I think she wants food." I say putting mine and Bens food on a plate. "I'll get that ready." He says getting her food and putting it on the table. Autumn reaches down and grabs the food with her hands eating it. "We really gotta teach her to use utensils." I say handing James his plate. "We will don't worry love." He says gently squeezing my side while grabbing his plate out of my hand causing me to squeal.

"Eeeek James!" I say jumping slightly and smack his chest gently laughing. "I say tonight we try for baby number two." He whispers in my ear as we sit down. "I'm down for that. It's been a while." I say eating and smile. "That it has." He says eating as we watch autumn eat her food with her hands. "Momma! Dadda!" She says happily as she throws her sippy cup on the floor and giggles. "Autumn we do not throw stuff on the floor." James says picking it up and washing it off and sets it next to him and goes back to eating. Autumn eats and pouts wanting her sippy cup back. "Here drink." He says holding the cup letting her drink from it then goes back to eating.

I eat and rub his arm softly and smile at him. "Your doing a good job honey." I say smiling. "Thanks. We need a day with just ourselves." He says pointing to each of us. "Think we can convince your brother to take on another kid?" I ask. "Nope. But my parents wouldn't mind babysitting autumn." He says smiling. "That would be awesome just to have at least an hour away from home." I say eating. Autumn eats happily. "Yeah. After dinner I'll call them to see if they wouldn't mind watching autumn on Saturday." He says. I nod and finish eating then clean up. James finishes and helps me then cleans up our daughter and get her bath ready. "Kay princess. Bath time." I say taking her into the bathroom and get her undressed and put her in. Autumn squeals and splashes in the water having fun as I clean her entire little body. James gets her crib ready and brings in a clean dipper and clean pjs then comes over and helps me.

I smile and wash her body gently and then let her play a bit before I wash her hair. Autumn squeals splashing and playing with her toys as I sit on the floor with James watching her. "Kay baby girl time to wash your hair. Your least favorite part." I say wetting her head then get shampoo on my hands and start to wash it. Autumn stops and cries loudly not liking me to wash her hair. "Shhh baby girl it's okay. I know I know. It will be done soon." I say washing the shampoo out off her hair. James tries to calm her down as I rinse her hair one last time. "Your all done now princess." James says grabbing a towel and wraps her in it after I pick her up. Autumn cries and shivers as James dries her off. I smile and change her then dry her hair off. "Okay lets get you to bed." James says heading into the nursery and puts her down. I clean up in the bathroom and feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my body.

"James, what are you doing?" I ask giggling and stand up fully turning around in his arms. "Looking at my beautiful wife." He says as I throw the dirty clothes into the laundry basket. "Mmmm well there isn't much to look at." I say walking out of the bathroom and start to strip as I make my way to our bedroom. "Oh don't you dare start." He says following me and gently pushes me on the bed causing me to giggle. "Babe." I say softly as he starts to kiss my neck and my exposed upper body. "Mmmm yes love?" He says kissing me. "Mmmm fuck me please." I say sitting up and undress him quickly not able to take waiting anymore. James does the same thing with me and then goes back to kissing me as I move further back on the bed and lay down. James lays down on top of me gently sliding his legs between mine.

I moan softly as he slips his full length into me. "Oh James." I say softly as he moves. I moan softly and move with him. "God James we haven't done this in so long." I mutter against his lips as he goes faster and harder causing me to fight back a loud moan. "Fuck! I know baby but doesn't it feel so good?" He says bitting my neck gently. "Uhhh yes. James I'm so close." I whine in pleasure holding onto him. "Mmmm it's okay baby go ahead." He says going harder and faster. I moan and let go biting my lip as he slows down his movements and releases. After a couple of minutes he falls next to me out of breath and I reach up and feel my neck. "Well this is going to be hard to explain to my boss." I say feeling the mark.

"Cover it up." He says kissing me gently. "Mmmm not so easy mister. Online it's easy in person not so much." I say kissing back smiling. "Then don't cover it up. I want people to see your mine." He says smiling at me. I giggle and smile sitting up and change checking the monitor to make sure we didn't wake up the baby. James smiles and changes watching me. "How long is your meeting tomorrow love?" He asks me. "Only an hour. Why?" I ask him. "I'm just wondering if I need to keep autumn in the living room with me while I do the podcast with Oliver." He says. "I should hopefully be home by then. Why do you want her to be in the podcast?" I ask him.

"Kinda. Please." He begs. "Fine she can be in it as long as Oliver's son is in it as well." I say crossing my arms. "Well his son is going to be in the podcast anyways so I'm good." He says. I just laugh and smile at him. "I love you. How ever you need to shave your beard. Your starting to look like Jesus." I say patting his chest and get off the bed. "You and all our followers say that. You know if I do autumn won't recognize me." He says. "Oh she will believe me." I say heading downstairs.

(James's POV)
Once my wife left I text my brother saying she agreed to letting autumn on the podcast. I get a call then from Oliver not a moment later. "That's great. I don't know if you checked your email or got a call but James we got an audition for a movie in LA." He says. "Oh really!" I say excitedly then stop realizing I'd have to leave my wife and daughter for a while. "I know what you are thinking and it's hard. But think about acting again." Oliver says. "I have to talk to my wife. I wanna do it but I don't want to leave my wife and daughter. I promised my wife that if I got a job in another state or back in the UK I wouldn't make us move." I say wanting to keep my promise. "Talk to her before you decide." He says hanging up. I hang up and go to my wife. "Love can we talk for a moment?" I ask finding her in the laundry room. "Yeah what is it?" She asks stoping what she's doing. "So I was on the phone with Oliver and he said him an I have an audition in LA that he wants us to go to. I would love to go but I don't want to leave you." I say. "James that's awesome. What do you feel like you would want to do?" She asks me. "I wanna continue teaching and live here with you and my daughter. If I do this movie then that means I would have to move us. I promised you I wouldn't." I say sighing and look down. "James honey look at me." She says softly. I look at her and sigh. "Your an adult. Do what you think will make you happy. Don't worry about us. Whatever you choose we will follow." She says smiling and looks at me. "I love you sweetheart. Thank you." I say pulling her into me and kiss her gently. "I love you too." She said kissing me. I smile and pull away and help her with the wash and then go lock up and head to bed after checking on our daughter. My wife lays down and falls asleep instantly after setting her alarm. I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her and think over my decision and come to a final answer.

The next day I wake up and see my wife already up and getting dressed. "Mmmm do you have to leave so soon?" I whine pouting. "Sadly I do. I'm sorry love." She says leaning over and kisses me while buttoning her dress shirt up. I kiss back and pull her down onto the bed gently unbuttoning her shirt. "Love, come on." She says giggling and smile sitting down and rebuttons the shirt. "No don't leave." I say pouting. "I'm going to." She says smiling and stand up and makes her way to the bathroom. I get up and follow her and wrap my arms around her chest gently as she brushes her hair and then proceeds to do her makeup. "James honey I'll be home in an hour. You can handle that." She says doing her make up and trying to cover the mark I gave her. "Yeah I can but I really wish you would let me go with you." I say holding her. "I know but you have our daughter to look after as well as your podcast. You will be fine. I fed her already and changes her. Now I gotta get going. I love you. See you in an hour." She says says finishing her makeup and stands fixing her skirt and grabs her heels and her bag with her phone and leaves after giving me a kiss goodbye. I sigh smiling watching her leave and head to her meeting. Autumn coos loudly from her room. I smile and go to her. "Morning princess. Lets get you ready for today. Your going to be with daddy and uncle Oliver." I say smiling and pick her up. Autumn squeals happily and reaches her hands up towards my face. "Dadda!" She says happily trying to grab my beard. I chuckle and head downstairs with her and eat having some play time before I get ready for the podcast with Oliver. Once Oliver pops up on my screen I start the podcast. Autumn claps seeing her uncle on the other side of the screen causing me and Oliver to smile and laugh. An hour goes by and I finish the podcast with Oliver just in time to see my wife come in and slams the door shut. "Uhh oh mommy's upset." I say standing up holding autumn in my arms. "Love are you okay?" I ask worried a bit. "I'm fine. Just peachy!" She says fuming. I put autumn in her rocker and then go to my wife and take her gently in my arms. "No your not. Sit. What's wrong?" I as kneeling in front of her. "I hate my entire job. I mean how stupid can people be? Very stupid it seems like and apparently I get stuck with all of them at work!" She says very upset balling her fist up. "Okay calm down right now. Easy. Go change into workout clothing." I say touching her hand gently. She uncurls her hands and calms down a bit then changes. I stand and grab our daughter and hold her on my hip. A few moments later my wife comes down in some work out clothes. "Okay lets go." I say grabbing the stroller and put autumn in it bundling her up and head out of the house with my wife and daughter. "James what is going outside going to do?" She asks following me and grabs the house key. "We are going for a run. This will help you take your stress out." I say walking down the driveway with her. She sighs and follows. Once I was down at the end of the driveway I start running while pushing the stroller. Autumn keeps up with me and starts to relax. She's pretty fast and able to keep up with me which is surprising since I'm taller and have longer legs then her and have done multiple 10k and 5k.

We finish our run and then each take turns showering so one of us is with our daughter. I go and shower leaving my wife with autumn. After I'm done I dry off and change then make my way to the nursery where my wife was and see her holding my daughter. "Hey love I have to tell you something." I say coming in and sit in front of her. "Okay what is it." She asks looking up. "So I made a decision last night and I have decided to stay here and teach. I realized that teaching is so fun and I don't have to worry so much about getting the part or not getting the part." I say. "Honey that's awesome. What about Oliver?" She asks. "I told him and he actually agrees with me and he's not taking it either. Now I want you and autumn to come with me to the bathroom." I say standing up. "Okay?" She asks confused and goes. "Why do you want both of us in here?" She asks confused. "I'm going to shave my beard and I want our daughter to see it." I say. My wife nods and smiles putting our daughter on her hip. "Look honey daddy's going to get a hair cut." She says pointing to me. Autumn looks and watches fascinated as I shave my beard. "Dadda?" Autumn ask pointing to me once I was done. "Yes Princess It's Dadda." I say cleaning up. "Dadda! Dadda!" She says happily and claps bouncing up and down on my wife's hip. "Okay princess. Calm down." I say taking her from my wife and hold her and kiss her nose. Autumn giggles and claps happily bouncing in my arms. "I think she might be walking very soon James." My wife says. "I think so too. Now who's ready for lunch?" I ask. "I'll go make it." My wife says smiling and heads downstairs. "Let's go follow Mamma." I say happily. Autumn just claps and giggles as I go downstairs behind my wife. Once we were downstairs in the kitchen I set autumn in her high chair and then help my wife get lunch ready for us and autumn. "Dadda!" She says clapping her hands and squeals. "What Princess?" I ask her giving her her food. "Dadda! Dadda, dadda." She says excitedly seeing her food and me. My wife just laughs and cooks. "I know, I know. It's crazy right princess." I say letting her eat and help my wife. We finish making our food then sit and eat. Autumn eats using her hands getting food all over her face. "Oh your a messy one today aren't you baby girl." I say cleaning her face off with her bib.

Autumn squeals and giggles eating her food. "Has she shown any signs of trying to stand up on her own?" My wife asks. "No not really. I had her in my lap and she squirmed but no sign of her trying to stand up." I say looking at her. "I'm worried. Her doctor said that she should be starting to show signs of this at this age." My wife says biting her fork softly. "Hey listen to me. Autumn will attempt to stand with our help." I say stroking my wife's hair. "Yeah. Your right. I'm just concerned that she might have a small developmental delay." She says still worried. "Is that a bad thing?" I ask her. "No not in a health way but yes in a physical way. I know what it's like to be bullied because of a developmental delay. I've been bullied all my life because of my learning disability." She says sighing. I put my fork down and grab her waist gently and hold her against me. "I'm sorry love. I know it was hard for you and still is hard for you." I say holding her. She just smiles faintly and eats. "Momma?" I hear my daughter say causing my wife and I to look up at her. "Yeah baby girl?" My wife asks seeing my daughter make grabby hands at her. My wife sets her fork down and cleans up our daughter before she takes her in her arms. Autumn lays her head gently on her shoulder and grabs her shirt. "Awwww you giving mommy a hug. Thank you baby girl." She says cleaning up and rub our daughters back. Autumn just holds onto her and keeps her head on her shoulder. "Thank you baby girl for the hug. Mommy loves you." My wife says holding her and hugs her gently rocking her.

The rest of the day consisted of cuddles, attempts to encourage autumn to try standing on her own, eating dinner, then bedtime for all of us.

(Heres chapter 16. Hope you guys enjoy.)

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