Love Letters

By patroclxsprotecsq

174 3 0

Saffron Rhodes and Hunter Sanchez were best friends. And since she was a hopless romantic, before Saffron lef... More

Prolouge - How we met
Chapter 1 - The Swim and The Story
Chapter 2 - The Carnival
Chapter 3 - The Letter
Chapter 4 - We're going back
Chapter 5 - The Storm in His Eyes
Chapter 6 - Their Fire
Chapter 7 - My new family
Chapter 8 - My room, sorry, Our room
Chapter 9 - God, I missed you
Chapter 10 - It's my life! And my room!
Chapter 11 - Saffron Sanchez?
Chapter 12 - To the edge of Glory
Chapter 13 - 4 Captains in a Pod
Chapter 14 - Chemistry
Chapter 15 - Sleepover!
Chapter 16 - 3. 2. 1.
Chapter 17 - Learn to Lie
Chapter 18 - Tennessee Tiny Dancers Studio
Chapter 19 - To Kiss or Not to kiss?
Chapter 20 - Spill
Chapter 21 - Drowning
Chapter 22 - Memories
Chapter 23 - Interrupted
Why I haven't updated
Chapter 24 - Snacking on kisses
Chapter 25 - Let her go
Chapter 26 - This isn't a dress rehearsal, this is our lives
Chapter 27 - Stories
Chapter 28 - The Monster That Broke my Heart
Chapter 29 - Nightmare
Chapter 30 - Prepare
Chapter 31 - The Final Dance
Bonus Chater - Chloe and Will
Final author's note and thank you

Epilogue - Saffron x Hunter

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By patroclxsprotecsq

^Saffron's promise ring and their Winter Showcase dance^

Ever since Chloe and Will got back together, Chloe had gotten so much happier; even happier than she was before. I met her father and Marianela Nunez at a sleepover at her house after she got the promise ring from Will. We fangirled all night about how romantic Will was and at one point, we ended up talking about the "couple" outside her bedroom door. We spent the next day at my house, alternating between Hunter and my room and our basement studio. Currently, we were stretching out our arches en pointe and chatting about random stuff. "So, Saff," I turned to look at her. "Has Hunter said anything to you about," She paused. "Anything?" I gave her a confused look before shaking my head, going back into a grand plie a la seconde, leaning out on the tip of my pointes.

"No, he hasn't talked to me about anything since you and Will got back together," I said. "Why?" She looked around nervously, as if she was afraid someone was going to watch her tell a secret. I raised my eyebrows.

"Since you asked-" She was cut off by the swinging of the basement door opening and a look of relief flashed across her face. I frowned and turned to the door where Hunter seemed to be having a silent conversation with Chloe. Then - with one final warning look at Chloe - he turned to me.

"Saff, can I speak to you for a moment?" I looked at Chloe who gave me an encouraging look and followed Hunter out of the room in only a leotard and sweatpants.

I followed him up the stairs and into our room. He stepped over the imaginary line we shared and I stayed on my side, waiting for him to speak. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, something I realized he did when he was nervous.

Wait, why am I realizing what he does when he is feeling a certain emotion? It's because you love him, you idiot, my conscience replied. That moment on the stage meant nothing. Right? I argued, but even I was questioning myself. This is why I hate romance.

While I was arguing with myself, Hunter got the courage to speak up. "I was wondering,"He started, and cleared his throat again. "Wouldyouwanttogoonadatetonight?"He muttered really fast. I raised an eyebrow at his nervousness and stifled a laugh.

"Pardon? I didn't catch the last part." I answered honestly. He took a deep breath and spoke slower.

"Would you want to go on a date tonight?" He asked, and I noticed his face burn red for a couple moments. I smiled; he was nervous?

"Sure." How could I not say yes to his cuteness? You also love him. My conscience reminded me.

"Great, I'll pick you up downstairs at 7." I nodded - smiling to myself about his cuteness - and turned to leave. As I pounded down the stair and back into the basement, I blushed and shook my head.

"Well?" Chloe asked. "What happened?"

"Hunter asked me out," I said, the blush reforming on my face.

"And what did you say?" She said with a smug smile on her face. My blush deepened.

"I said yes."

Hunter's POV:

I jogged to the game room with a stupid grin on my face. When I entered, Sterling and Will paused their game and turned to me. "Well?" Sterling asked. "What did she say?" I danced my way to a bean bag and sighed, flopping down onto the seat. Sterling and Will both turned around to face me and smirked when they saw my expression. "I'm assuming she said yes?" Will asked, putting his controller down to the side.

"Of course you dimwit," Sterling said, smacking the back of his head. "This is my sister we're talking about." Will put his hands up in surrender and turned to face me again.

"You know what you're going to do during the date?" Will asked. I nodded and reached into my back pocket to pull out a box.

"Oh ho, you better not be thinking about proposing to my sister, Hunter." Sterling was practically fuming and I felt my face pale.

"N-no," I stuttered, suddenly scared of the 15 year old boy. "It's a promise ring, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Chill." He started to calm down and I decided to change the subject. "Who wants to play COD?"

Will sighed. "I thought you'd never ask."


Saffron's POV:

Chloe was currently digging through my closet and I was drowning in clothes. "Try this one!" She yelled and threw a beige sweater and jeans towards me. I groaned and walked to the bathroom to change. When I got out, she gasped. "Yes!" She squealed. "This is perfect!" I glanced at my phone to check the time. 6:58.

"C'mon Chloe just hurry up, I need to go!" I yelled and she rolled her eyes.
"All right, all right!" I stuck my feet in a pair of white converse and ran downstairs. When I looked up, Hunter stood in front of the stairs with a bouquet of blue forget me not and white roses. I grinned at him and took the flowers. He led me outside and we walked to wherever he was taking me.

"Cookie dough, please," I told the guy at the counter. Hunter took me to the ice cream parlor and I was over the moon. Because we had the Winter Showcase to prepare for, I wasn't allowed to have ice cream for 2 months, and, if you know me, that is like forever. I was constantly complaining to everyone that I wanted ice cream and it touched me that Hunter remembered and brought me here. We decided to take a walk with our ice creams and exited the shop enjoying the heaven on earth that we held in our hands. "How do you enjoy that?" I asked Hunter. He chose a belgian chocolate chip ice cream and I just couldn't take it. "Chocolate ice cream is just-" I shivered and he chuckled at my reaction.

"It's amazing! How could you not like it! It's bitter and sweet at the same time." I rolled my eyes at his argument and we walked for a while in comfortable silence. As we walked past a park, I noticed a couple kissing on a bench and shuddered.

"Don't like love much, do you?" Hunter asked. I shook my head.

"I enjoy playing matchmaker but when it's me? I don't really see myself as the type to fall in love." And yet I have. Twice, for the same person. My conscience reminded me.

"Is that so?" He raised his eyebrows. "Because, if I remember correctly, a girl wrote me a love letter claiming she loved me." I blushed and looked away, remembering the letter and laughing in embarrassment. I was going to protest, but he pulled out a yellowed piece of paper, crumpled from being folded and unfolded several times; it even looked like it had been through the washing machine more than once. I inhaled sharply. It was a letter. But it wasn't my letter. He turned to face me.

"Dear Saffron," He read. "Thank you for your letter. Contrary to your thoughts, I want to tell you I feel the same way. You are my best friend, I understand that, but - like yourself - I must unburden my heart if I have any hopes of doing well in the future. I love you, Saffron. Not as a sister, not as a friend. But as The One. I may seem foolish at the moment, I certainly feel foolish, but I truly do love you. You are the moon when I am lost in the darkness, the warmth when I shiver in cold. I love you, princesa. I love you so much it hurts. You are The One. My One.

With love, Hunter Sanchez." When he finished, I was rendered speechless. It felt so good to hear he felt the same way; it was as if a weight was lifted from my shoulders and the world seemed brighter somehow. I cleared my throat and looked down at my feet. Was I meant to say it back now?

"You've always been a great poet." I said awkwardly. He cleared his throat and nodded. Great. Now I've made him feel bad. "I love you." I blurted out. He looked up at me and his eyes shone with hope.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded and a grin broke out on my face. He sighed in relief. "That makes this so much easier." I raised an eyebrow as he walked up to me and took my hands in his. "Saff, you heard my speech and now you know I love you. So, I'm not going to say anymore, but I want to ask you one thing." He stepped back and pulled out a small box. My eyes widened as he opened the box to reveal a silver heart frame ring. It was beautiful. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I was frozen for a second, but I nodded and nodded and nodded until my neck hurt.

"Yes!" I jumped into his arms and he slipped the ring onto my index finger, swinging me around. "But, speaking of letters," I said. "Do you still have the letter I gave you?" He chuckled and I blushed.

"Only you," He muttered. Then, he brought his phone to my face and I stared at a picture in awe. My letter was framed and hung up on a wall. I shook my head and planted a quick kiss on Hunter's lips, but he pulled me in again with a passionate kiss. I smiled against his lips on mine. This relationship was going to go far.

last chapter! but don't worry, we ain't done yet ;)

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