Mr.Billionaire Meets Ms.Clumsy

By Just_SparkleBlue

648K 24.9K 925

"Watch where you're going!" A low voice shouted at me, looking at his stain shirt."Now, what I'm going to do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Alternate Ending I
Alternate Ending II

Chapter 18

11.1K 481 16
By Just_SparkleBlue

"Ahh, there you are little brother. I thought you won't be coming." A low voice jokes, when they enters the room.

"Why would I miss my older brother's wedding? If I did then mum will kill me." Christopher said. They haven't noticed Emilyn because Christopher covers her when she stands behind him.

"Hi, mom." He hugs the woman who walk towards Christopher with arms wide open.  When Chrisotoher moves forward, Emilyn was exposed. Christopher's once tall back which was covering her now is all gone.

"Who's this?" His mom asked, breaking away from the hug.

Christopher pulls Emilyn next to him and interlocks their hands. "This is Emilyn, she's my girlfriend."

A loud gasp for Christopher's mom was heard, "Oh my goodness, she's so pretty and so cute." She said.

"Hi," That's all Emilyn could spit out from her mouth.

"Oh, my baby brother got himself a girlfriend after 4 years of being single." His brother slaps his back.

"Stop that!" Christopher warns him.

"Emilyn, this is my brother who is getting married, Bennett."

"Hi," Emilyn said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." He said with the same charming smile that Christopher likes to give her . "So how long have you guys been dating?"

"5 months." Christopher answer.

"Impressive, 5 long months and you kept it away from your family." His brother said.

"How could you Christopher Evans? How could you keep her from us?" His mom scolds him.

"Mom, I've been too busy with the company and I don't want to move too fast, by introducing her to you guys." He answers the same exact answer he gave to Sera, his sister in law.

"Where are dad, Ace, and Daxton?" Christopher asked.

Your dad went out with both of them to buy some last-minute items." His mom reply.

"So, where are the kids?" Christopher asked. The door opens right on time and a blond woman with two kids walked in.

"Uncle Christopher." The little girl ran up to him. Somehow, the blonde lady look quite familiar. Emilyn can't put pin on where she has since her.

"Hi, Lucy. Did you miss me?" Christopher asked carrying Lucy  in his arms. Emilyn can't see the little girl's face but her name  sounded quite familiar too.

"I did, how come you haven't been visiting me?" The little girl sulked.

"I'm sorry, pumpkin. I've got a lot to do." He replies. "But I promise I'll come and visit you soon and bring lots of presents for you."

"Yay!!" The little girl cheer.

"Christopher, stop spoiling her with presents. She has loads of toys at him." The blond woman takes that little girl from Christophe's arms.

"You." The little girl pointed at Emilyn. Once Emilyn saw her face, she knew who that little girl is. It was that little girl that got lost in the grocery store.

"Lucy, that is rude." Her mom scolds her. "Don't point fingers at others." Her mom put her finger down. "I'm sorry." Lucy apologizes to Emilyn

"No, mummy. Is her." She keeps saying. "Em!" she shouted. Everyone in the room is confused.

"Hi, Lucy." Emilyn give a small wave and  a smile.

"You know Lucy?" Christopher asked.

"Yeah, I met her once at the grocery store," Emilyn explain. "She got lost and I've help her find her parents."

"Oh, is you." The blond woman says. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you."

"Is fine."

"Lucy has been talking about you since we got back from the grocery store." The blond woman said. "I'm Olivia."

"I'm Emilyn,"

"How is that possible that we can meet you here again and you know someone in this room. Who are you here with?"

"She's with me?" Christopher wraps his arms around Emilyn's shoulder.

"Oh." She gasps. "You are Christopher's girlfriend." Emilyn nod her head shyly. "Such a coincidence." She chuckles. "Christopher how come you didn't tell us?"

"I'm sorry, just want to keep her on the down-low." Christopher answer.

Lucy wiggles around Olivia's arms, causing her to place Lucy on the floor. Lucy tug on Emilyn's dress,

Emilyn bends down to Lucy height and asked. "Yes?"

"Are you my uncle's girlfriend?" She asked.

"Uhm..." Emilyn look up at Christopher.

"Yes, she is," Christopher replies.

"Yay! Now you can come over to my place and play with me." She cheered. "I also got a little brother." She points at the baby who is standing but clinging to his mom's legs. "He's still learning to walk." Emilyn chuckle.

"Sorry to interrupt, but guests are arriving. We should head out to mingle with them." Christopher's mom announce. Emilyn stood up from her crouching position. Everyone got ready to head out the door.

Then, Emilyn felt a hand grabbing her hand. Looking down, she saw lucy was grabbing onto her hand.

"Seems like you got someone to like you." Christopher whisper in her ear. "She's not really a people person." Emiyln was surprise.

"Let's go, Let's go." Christopher's mom chases them out. Emilyn follow them out the room with Christopher's hand on her shoulder and Lucy's hands grabbing onto her other hand. Emilyn was surprised that his family hasn't found out about the
being in a fake relationship . I guess this is a mission accomplished?


"What's up!" Someone walks over to them as they head out to the venue which is the garden. He did a bro handshake with Christopher, "Who's the chick?" He asked looking at Emilyn with striking green eyes and short black hair.

"This is Emilyn, my girlfriend." Christopher pulls Emilyn close to him by the waist. Emilyn look up at Christopher shocked by the sudden gesture. "Emilyn, this is Pierce Murphy he is the CEO of my company." Emilyn gave a smile and a small nod.

"Girlfriend? You never mention seeing any girl recently?" Pierce Murphy narrowed his eyes and look intensely at them.

"I didn't want to tell before you go blabbering to my family about it," Christopher said.

"Sure." Pierce nod but give me the impression that he's not convinced.

"Hey, guys." Another guy came into the picture with a beautiful women next to him. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked.

"Chris got a girlfriend." Pierce pointed in the direction of Emilyn.

That guy with brown hair looks at Emilyn in surprise, "Girlfriend? Since when did you get yourself a girlfriend. The last time I see you with a girl was 4 years ago."

"Guys, stop making a fuss about it. You are scaring her." Christopher told them. "This is Emilyn." He introduces.

"Nice to meet you Emilyn." The guy took out his hand for Emilyn to shake and she took it. "I'm Jax Collins aka Christopher's best friend and this is my wife Summer." Emilyn gave her a smile. "And inside her is my baby." Jax rubs his wife's bump.

"Do you have to introduce our baby every single time?" She groans.

"Congratulations," Emilyn told her.

"Thank you." She gave Emilyn a smile and swat Jax's hands away from the bump. "I'm also Christopher's cousin." Emilyn look at her and back at Christopher. There is a resemblance to the eye color, it is the exact same shade of blue.

"I can definitely see the resemblance between you two," Emilyn said.

"Yeah, all the Evans family have it." She points to her eyes. "Is a curse and a blessing." She shakes her head.

"Why is it a curse?" Jax asked her.

"Because it makes weirdos like you to stare at me." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but you married a weirdo and having this weirdo's baby." He said with a grin and pull her closer to him, and kiss her forehead.

She rolled her eyes again. "You see what I have to live with."

"No complaints cuz, you chose him," Christopher said, "I told you to reconsider your choice, don't blame me for not stopping you," she grumbles and they all laugh. Emilyn look at all of them having so much fun. Somehow, she found that Christopher's arms are still wrapped tightly around her waist and she doesn't feel uncomfortable. She kind of like it.

The wedding starts off with the flower girl and ring bearer which is Lucy and her brother. They are adorable. One by one the bridesmaid walking in with the groomsmen. Soon, the song changes and the bride starts walking in with the person which is her dad. Sera walks down the aisle gracefully with a bright smile and eyes only on the groom.

Emilyn felt a nudge on her arm. She turns her head and Christopher leans closer to her ear, "You seem very immerse."

"This is my first time seeing it in real life and not on the tv," Emilyn whispers back. "It looks exactly like the movies." He chuckles. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing." He leans away and looks back at the front. Emilyn turns her attention back to the bride and groom. They are saying their vows and after that, the priest announces, "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The groom leans down and kisses his bride. Everyone claps and  Emilyn follow them.


The wedding ended with a reception dinner, "So did you enjoy the wedding?" Christopher asked Emilyn as they walks back to his car. Christopher was supposed to stay until all the guests' leaves, but he got an excuse because of Emilyn.

"Yeah, I did." Emilyn gave him a smile. "Thanks for inviting me."

"No, thank you for coming to the wedding with me or my mum will nag me," Christopher said. "You did a great job back there, they believe everything."

"Thanks, I think I should pursue to be an actress," Emilyn said with a chuckle.

"Ahem, lovebirds." A deep voice sounded in the parking lot.  They stop their tracks in  front of Christopher's car and turn around.

"What do you want Pierce?" Christopher crosses his arms and leans back on the car hood.

"Nothing much, just want to check on how good of actors the both of you are." Pierce said.

Emilyn eyes grew wide.

"How did you know?" Christopher asked.

"Jax, show him the pictures," Pierce said. Jax shows us the picture he took while we walk in the parking lot.

"What's wrong with it?" Christopher asked him again with an eyebrow raise.

"What's wrong with it? Let me show you." Pierce smirks. "Look at the first picture." Both of us look at the picture. "If you guys are a couple, why aren't you, Chris holding her hands or have your arms around her?" We didn't say anything. "Next." Jax swipes the picture, "Here we have a huge gap between you two. Can any of you explain?"

"Fine." Christopher sigh. "You caught us, we are not dating. She's just a friend."

"I knew it." Pierce cheer. "I told you, Jax."

"So what do you want?" Christopher asked him.

"Nothing much, I just want to expose you."

"Pierce, don't tell anyone about it. Especially, my family, you know how they get." Pierce nods. "Jax, I'm sorry but you got to keep this away from my cousin for now." Jax nods. Emilyn frowns when Chrisotoher said the word 'for now' what does it mean?

"I need to drive Emilyn back now, is getting late." Christopher told them. Emilyn said bye to them, while Christopher have the passenger car door open.  Once Christopher drove away from the venue he said, "I'm sorry about them, they can be quite nosy."

"Is fine, I don't mind," Emilyn told him. They drove back in silence which Emilyn don't mind because she's s really tired.

"Emilyn, Emilyn." She heard a voice calling her name and felt someone shaking her. Her eyes open slowly and see Christopher shaking her shoulder.

"We are here." He said. Emilyn look out the window and saw his car stop at the side of the apartment.

"I'm sorry." Emilyn took out her seatbelt.

"No worries, you must be really exhausted." Christopher said, "wait." He said and open his door. Opening Emilyn's side of the door and step out of the car.

"Thanks. You know you don't have to do this all the time." Emilyn told him.

"Is fine. I want to." Christopher smiles.

"Uhm...thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun." Emilyn gave him a smile and head into the apartment. Before I can walk a step, He stops me, "I'll see you next week."

Emilyn turn around and stare at him for a while, trying to remember what's happening next week. "The interview." He said.


"I'll pick you up at 3 pm, next Saturday."

"No is fine. I can head there myself." Emilyn told him

"No worries, we are heading in the same direction. I'll pick you up." He said leaving no room to argue.

Emilyn just nod, "Goodnight Christopher."

"Good night." He gave Emilyn a toothy smile. Emilyn turn back around and head into the lobby of the apartment. Pressing the number to my floor with a smile on her face, she shake her head. "What am I doing?" Asking herself . "Am I starting to have feelings for him? No that can't be it."

"I can't have feelings for him, even if I got feelings for him. There's no way he's going to like me back. He clearly stated that he likes someone else." Emilyn shakes her head again to clear her mind.

A/N: Hey, Hey my reader, today another chapter I'm given you guys.
Anyways, how are you guys enjoying the book so far? Any special request you would like me to add to this book?

As always, remember to vote or leave a comment and rude comments are prohibited. Thank you.😊

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