James Phelps love story

Від SpencerRiedfan24

13.6K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 14

314 1 1
Від SpencerRiedfan24

(Hadaza's POV)
I am now eight and a half months pregnant so I'm close to having my baby. I've been put on bed rest because I started showing some early signs of preeclampsia so I'm to be resting. The cramps have been worse the they were two months ago. James got the nursery set up the week after he came back from his trip to the UK and we have a hospital bag ready to go.

I decided to head to bed early cause I wasn't really feeling well and I was just tired. Around 2 am in the morning I wake up feeling pain like I've never felt before. I kinda just lay there for a bit not really knowing what is going on and go back to sleep until I feel the pain intensify causing me to wake up quickly and wince grabbing my stomach. "Mmmm." I say softly in pain and gasp feeling liquid down my legs as I start to prop myself up. Yep my water just broke. "Ow. James. James wake up." I say turning my light on and shake him roughly but stop feeling a contraction. "James!" I say smacking him with my pillow. "What? Hadaza honey what is it?" He asks sitting up tiredly and turning the light on and looks at me tiredly. "We need to go to the hospital. Now. My water just broke." I say looking at him. He sits there for a couple of minutes and rubs his eyes then sees my face. "Oh!" He says getting up quickly and gets dressed. "How bad are the contractions?" He asks me as he runs around frantically trying to get stuff ready. I sit and wince in pain wanting to laugh at him but can't. "They aren't bad yet love." I state as a contraction hits.

"Mmmmmm." I say leaning over and grip the covers as I feel a contraction. "Your okay love just breath." He say holding onto my shoulders and rubs them gently. I breath through the contraction and look up once it was over. "Kay lets call my doctor and tell her what's going on." I say getting out of bed slowly. James nods and calls my doctor and tells her what's going on. "She's for sure in labor. Time those contractions. Those will help me determine how far along she is when you guys arrive." She says. James hangs up and puts everything in the car and then helps me in making sure to grab our masks. I grab onto his hand as we make our way down the steps to the living room but stop as I have a contraction.

"Ahhhh... mmmmkay." I say trying to time it but breath deeply. James turns me to him and holds my waist gently and rubs small circles with his thumbs on my side timing the contractions. Once the contraction ends I breath and look up at him. "Ready?" He asks looking at me. I nod and then continue to make our way to the car stopping outside the car door as I feel another contraction. "Aye." I yelp putting my arms on the door and look down breathing. James rubs my back gently and keeps me supported as I breath. "You okay?" He asks me when I don't respond.

"Yeah I'm good." I say nodding picking my head back up and look at him. James nods and helps me into the car. The contractions aren't too bad so I'm able to do stuff which I take the time to text mine and James family about what's going on. In between texting mind and James family contractions hit causing me to tilt my head back and breath deeply. "Ooooooo." I say breathing shutting my eyes and feel James hold my hand and gently rubs it with his thumb. "Your doing great love." He says as I look down after the contraction ends. We arrive twenty minutes later and go inside. I get taken back while James stays and fills out the paper work. Once I was in a room and set up I get poked and prodded with needles then just lay there. James comes in and smiles softly at me. "Hey how's the contractions?" He asks.

"They're there and bad but not so bad that I'm screaming bloody murder." I say shrugging and get a text from Katy saying that she's gone into labor as well. "Haha that's funny. Katy's gone into labor as well." I say showing him the text. "Does that mean our babies will share the same birthdays?" He says. "No I think Katy's kid will be born sooner then ours. Remember you guys are five hours ahead." I say as my doctor comes in to check on me then asks if I want an epidural which I turn down cause I can't have due to the fact I'm allergic to the medications in it. She nods as a nurse comes in and gives me patosin to help kick start the labor process and let me tell you two minutes after I got that the contractions started to become intense.

A few hours go by and the contractions are slowly starting to get intense but not bad enough and I'm only about four centimeters along. Currently I'm laying on my left side with a medicine ball between my legs which they're calling a "peanut" and it's the most uncomfortable thing ever but it's to help me dilate quicker and make sure the baby is making her way down. Also I'm on and off an oxygen mask here and there cause my breathing is fluctuating a bit due to the patosin and just how hard I'm breathing due to contractions.

James has been by my side this whole time and I am thankful for that. This man is an amazing guy. He's gotten me everything I needed if I needed anything which was just water and ice and lots of kisses and hugs. He's made himself quiet comfortable on a chair that he pulled up to the bed with me.

I feel a contraction start to come and it's a painful one causing James to grab my hand. "Owww. Mmmmm." I say holding his hand squeezing it gently. "Your doing great love. Just keep breathing." He says holding my hand and stroking my forehead gently. I relax my grip and breath as the contraction ends.

"That was a good one." I say looking at him. "You're doing great love." He says smiling and kisses my nose. "God these are getting painful." I say breathing deeply feeling another one. "Painful to the point you want to start screaming? Or just painful like you hit your funny bone." He asks looking at me. "Painful as like 'oh I kicked my foot against the leg of the couch." I tell him keeping my eyes close and hold his hand.

"Mmmmmmm..." I say squeezing James hand again. "Good girl just keep breathing. I'm so proud of you love. Your a real trooper." He says holding my hand. "How we doing in here?" My doctor asks walking in as the contraction ends. "Okay when I'm not having contractions. But terrible when I am having them." I tell her as she checks me and the baby.

She nods and checks to see how dialated I am. "Your making progress Hadaza. Your six centimeters dialated. Only four more to go." She says smiling. I groan and throw my head back in frustration. "The baby's heart rate is great. And everything is going smoothly. However I'm still a bit worried about your oxygen level at the moment. The contractions will start getting worse." She says smiling and checking something off. "Gre...." I start to say but stop feeling a contraction come. "Mmmmmm." I say grip James hand. "Your doing great love." He says as I breath and relax my grip on him as the contraction ends.

A few more hours go by and the contractions are unbearable. "Fuck!!" I say in pain. "Breath Love Breath." James says grabbing my hand. "Mmmmmmm this hurts." I say squeezing his hand and cry breathing deeply shutting my eyes tight. By this point I'm laying on my back and no longer have the medicine ball between my legs instead I have my leg with the souls of my feet touching each other and crying in pain due to contractions being intense.

"I know love. Your doing great. Keep breathing." He says holding my hand. I take a short breath and whine tightening my grip on his hand as my doctor checks me. "Mmmmmmmm. Owe...." I say breathing deeply and shake slightly starting to cry. "Oh god this hurts. Sweet Caroline. Mmmm James. James." I say breathing deeply feeling contractions and pressure and starting to get anxiety when I don't hear him or feel his touch.

"Shhh love it's okay. I'm right here. Just breath. Your doing great. Your strong. You got this." He says holding my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. I squeeze it and cry in pain. "Alright honey your ready to start pushing. Let's have this baby." She says smiling and gets everything ready. "Uhhhhh yes just get this thing out of me." I say crying in pain feeling another contraction.

My doctor gets me situated and then tells me what's going to happen. I listen and nod starting to breath deeply feeling a contraction and cry in pain as I am sitting up a bit with help from several pillows and James hand behind my upper back. "Alright honey start pushing. Push as hard as you can." She says. I hold James other hand and push when the contraction hits. "Ahhhhhh God!" I scream pushing hard. "Good hadaza good. Take a breath. Next contraction don't wait just go into it." She says. I nod and take a couple deep breaths and push feeling another contraction.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I scream. This goes on for at least four hours. "Is this almost over." I say getting weak and sweating as my hair clings to my sweaty body. "Not yet honey. Okay I need you to stop pushing right now. I need to check something. I wanna make sure your baby didn't decide to change her position and to make sure her cord isn't wrapped around his neck." She says making me stop pushing and lay there on my back breathing deeply in pain with my feet on these things they call "stirups."

I stop but cry screaming in pain feeling another contraction. "Your Okay love just breath. I'm here. Your doing great." James says holding my hand tightly and kisses my head softly moving some of my sweaty hair off my head. I breath deeply crying in so much pain. "Ahhh!!!! God just make it stop! Please!" I say crying loudly and breath deeply feeling contractions gripping James hand and curling my free hand into a fist and rest it against my forehead closing my eyes and shake from the pain and just sobbing.

James just holds my hand and strokes my face and leans over me. "Shhhh honey. Your okay. You got this. I love you darling. You can do this." He says looking at me. I open my eyes and look at him in pain and in tears and grit my teeth as a contraction hits. James strokes my face and kisses me gently but firmly as I get ready to scream.

I kiss back and scream into his mouth as I go through the contraction almost forgetting the excruciating pain I'm in. "Okay honey start pushing again." My doctor says after James pulls away and the contraction ends. I nod and grit my teeth and push again starting to scream. "Good Hadaza. Good. Again." She says encouraging me. "Oh good god!" I scream pushing again and tilt my head back slightly exposing my neck. James continues to keep encouraging me and making sure I know he's there and that I can do this. This man is super sweet and caring and I'm so happy he's mine.

A few more hours go by and I am pushing and screaming in pain. "Two more pushes and she will be out." My doctor says. "I can't do this. I can't." I say shaking my head out of breath, tired, and losing my voice from screaming. "You can honey. You can do this. Your almost there. I know you can. Your The strongest woman I know." James says moving my sweaty hair out of my face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and push.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" I say pushing hard then take a breath. "Almost there Hadaza! One more push!" My doctor says. I scream and push hard and fall back against the pillows quickly and hear crying. "Here She is. Here's your beautiful daughter." She says laying her on my chest gently. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Hi honey. Oh hello." I say gently wrapping my arms around her and hold her against part of my bare skin as they clean her up and look at James smiling seeing tears in his eyes. "Awwww James. Don't cry." I say tearing up and laugh slightly.

"How can I not cry love? You gave birth to our beautiful daughter. She's hear now. I'm so proud of you. You truly are a wonderful and strong woman." He says looking at me in tears and kisses me gently. I kiss back and smile as he cuts the cord once he pulls away from the kiss. I let the nurses take her and clean her up. "We have our baby girl. You did a good job honey. I'm so proud of you." He says smiling drying his eyes. I nod and smile as they come back with Autumn and gently place her in James arms. James gently holds her and smiles looking at her as she cries loudly. "She's seven pound and eight ounces and twenty-two inches. She's a healthy and tall baby girl. Also good news no tears. Now this will hurt a bit." My doctor says stitching me up. I smile looking at James holding our daughter against his skin and calms her down not really feeling the pain of my Doctor stitching me up. "You look good with a baby." I say laughing slightly and super tired as well as loosing my voice.

"So do you." He says smiling and gently handing me our daughter. I gently take her and hold her while James Face Times our families. "Guys say hello to our daughter Autumn Marie Phelps." He says smiling happily showing the baby who was crying on my chest. "And say hello to Fred Mark Phelps." Oliver says showing Katy and his baby son. "Aww so cute you named him after the best character. Well I'll let you guys go. Bye. Congrats brother." James says to Oliver. "No George is the better character. Anyways we will discuss this later. Congrats to you brother." Oliver says back as James ends the call. I coo and hold her calming autumn down. "Shhhh it's okay baby girl. Shhh it's okay. Calm down." I coo softly starting to hum. Autumn calms down slowly and looks up at me not able to see anything but blinks.

James smiles and puts his phone away placing his hand gently on her back right against my hand. I smile and yawn getting sleepy. "Rest love." James says stroking my hair. I nod and close my eyes slowly as I feel James take our daughter out of my arms. A few hours go by and I wake up hearing my baby crying.

"Mmmm what's wrong princess?" I say looking at her. "I think she's hungry." James says gently handing her to me. I smile and take her and with help from a nurse I breast feed my daughter for the first time. Autumn latches onto me and eats. "There you go. You got it." The nurse says to me smiling. I smile and feed my daughter and look at her little face.

"She latched onto you quick." The nurse says surprised and excited. "She gets that from her dad." I say feeding her and smile. "Hey it's not my fault that I'm 6'3 and I ate a lot growing up." He says pouting. "I know honey." I say laughing as I finish feeding Autumn. "Wanna burp her?" I ask looking at him. "Yes this is something I know I can do." He says gently taking her from me snd burps her. I smile and fix myself. Our daughter coos for a bit then yawns falling asleep on her dad's shoulder. I watch smiling as he holds her. "If I look closely she has your nose and your ears. Then my eyes and your smile." I say smiling. "She also has half of your personality and mine." He says gently laying her in the crib. I smile and sigh.

"What's wrong love?" He asks me sitting next to me. "I just wish our parents could be here. I know my mom wanted nothing more to be here when her granddaughter was born but she couldn't." I say sadly. "Oh but she was here. She was in you. Her strength was in you that whole time when you were going through contractions and pushing." He says moving my hair. "You always know what to say don't you love?" I state looking up at him. "I do." He says smiling and kissing my head gently as my doctor comes in with the birth certificate and lets us sign it and gets our daughter tiny footprints. "How are you feeling after labor?" He asks me.

"I'm okay. Just really really sore." I say looking at him. "Yeah didn't seem easy and comfortable pushing out a seven pound and eight ounce baby." He says stroking my cheek softly. "Nope. It hurt like hell." I say shaking my head and giggle slightly. "I can't wait to go home and be in my own bed." I say laying my head on his shoulder.

He strokes my hair softly and smiles as we watch our daughter rest. "We made that." I say softly. "We did and I can't wait to make another." He says teasing me. "Babe." I say gently smacking him. He just chuckles. We spend the rest of our morning in the hospital taking care of our new daughter. "I love you my wife." He says looking at me. "And I love you my husband." I say looking at him and smile kissing his nose gently. He smiles and wraps his arm around me gently.

(Heres chapter 14. Yay the baby is here! I do hope you like it. The picture up top is how I feel James would act in a situation like this.)

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