BTS BXB One-shots (eng)

By FerKie17

2.6K 77 93

A book full of BTS boyxboy one-shots - nothing more, nothing less. Requests are opened! Started: 4/12/20 More

Namjin: The Scent of Coffee
Sope: Mr. Perfect
Namjin: Pulchritūdō
🎄 Sope: Christmas Magic
Namjin: Tibi Alae Meae Dō pt. I
Namjin: Tibi Alae Meae Dō pt. 2
🎄 Taekook: Christmas Cookies
Namjin: Passion Indeed Makes Beautiful Art pt.1
Namjin: Slib pt.1
🎄 Jikook: Shall We Dance, Your Majesty?
Namjin: Slib pt. 2
🎄 Yoonmin: Mistletoe
🎄 Sope: Lucky [R]
🎄Namjin: Christmas Gift [R]
Namjin: Passion Makes Beautiful Art pt. 2
🎄 OT7: Baking Cookies
🎄 OT7 (Namjin): Christmas Day
Jungkook: The Truth Untold
Namjin: Semivir Marinus
👭 Jin x ?: Le Fruit Défendu

🎄Namjin: Kissing In The Cold

139 3 4
By FerKie17

This is a Christmas edition one-shot. For more Christmassy stories, look for the tree emoji in front of the chapter's name. More coming soon :)

Words: 1.0
Warnings: none

"Are you cold?" Namjoon looked at his friend, who brought his coat closer to his body.

"Just a little," Jin admitted and breathed on his bare hands. Namjoon took his scarf and wrapped it around the other's neck.

Jin was suddenly warm. Not because of more fabric was on him but because of Namjoon's dimples and the butterflies in his stomach, which were caused by him. His heart began to beat quickly when the younger took his hands and started to rub them with his own.

It was as if every touch of his was making Jin go crazy. He loved it when Namjoon did those things. He wanted it, he needed it, he craved it.

Namjoon saw Jin's smile and a pink colour coating his cheeks. He looked so adorable, buried in his scarf.

"Let's go to have a cup of punch."

Namjoon grabbed the older's hand and began to walk towards the stands, not letting him go. Their noses were hit with the sweet scent of caramelised apples and pastries. The streets were filled with chatting and laughter and every time they breathed out, a small cloud of smoke escaped their lips.

And although it was a little colder than they liked, they enjoyed the atmosphere and Christmas feeling the markets carried.

Namjoon bought them punch and carried it to the older, who was standing afar. He handed the cup to him and Jin gladly took it, warming his hands.

Namjoon smiled and brought the drink to his lips.


"Be careful, Namjoon-ah," the older giggled, "it's hot," he caressed the latter's cheek.

"Well, I know that now. I burned my tongue," Namjoon pouted, but Jin's hand on his cheek made him get goosebumps all over his body.

The older blew on his drink and moved his knees lightly, to get a little warm. He then very carefully drank it.

Namjoon watched his best friend with a smile. The Christmas tree lights fell on Jin's handsome features and the younger yet again admired the beauty of the latter.

They connected their gazes and melted into their stares as the small snowflakes fell into their hair. Everyone around them was moving fast - the people, the planet, time - but in this moment, they just enjoyed the presence of each other.

"I have a present for you."

"No," Namjoon shook his head, happiness that had been present in this moment, leaving, "we said that won't buy each other anything. Now I feel bad because I don't have anything for you."

"It's really a small thing. I went shopping and saw it and it immediately reminded me of you," Jin pulled out a little bag, "Please, Namjoon, accept it."

The latter sighed. What was he supposed to do? Say no?

The younger placed his cup on the table next to him and took the gift. He opened the package and looked at the content.

It was a small keychain with a little blue koala, whose eyes were closed. Its muzzle was purple and its ears and belly were white.

Namjoon took it out and smiled. He looked at his friend.

"Well, do you like it?" Jin asked and the other nodded.

"Yes, I love it. Thank you," he looked at it again with a smile his face.

"I also have something for you," he placed the gift into his pocket.

"What?" Jin raised his eyebrows, "But you just said that you don't. And it's seriously fine. I expect nothing. We had a deal that we won't give each other anything."

"I have to give it to you," Namjoon looked into Jin's eyes nervously, his mind flooded with anxiety.

"Okay..? What is it?" the older asked as the latter exhaled.

This is it, Namjoon. Do it. Now's that moment.

Namjoon cupped his face and pressed his lips onto Jin's plump ones softy. He expected to be pushed away and yelled at but nothing like that happened.

Jin closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. He placed the cup somewhere on the table and wrapped his hand around Namjoon's neck as he moved his lips against his.

They were both surprised but thrilled, their minds foggy. The only things they could focus on were the lips of the other and the way the fireworks of happiness exploded in their chests. They both couldn't believe this was happening. They had imagined this moment since the day they met and now it was here and real.

Namjoon caressed the cheekbone with his thumb, still kissing. He was afraid to pull away because what if Jin changed his mind? What if he let him do this only because he didn't know how to stop him? What if he didn't like him the same way Namjoon did?

Jin pulled away and the younger's heart broke. This was the moment, where the latter was going to yell at him and Namjoon would feel guilty because he had ruined their friendship. A tear streamed down his cheek and he bit his lip, while he kept his eyes closed. He didn't want to see Jin's broken expression.

Jin looked at the sad boy in front of him.

"Namjoon? What's wrong?" the older's worry in his voice made Namjoon raise his head. He looked at him but he quickly glanced away.

"I-if you want to break my heart, please... please... do it quickly. A-and let's stay at least friends because you're so important to me and I feel like I ruined everything and you definitely hate me and you probably don't love me but I do..," Namjoon sobbed, hyperventilating.

"What?" Jin frowned, "You didn't ruin anything, okay? I love you too, silly," the older smiled softly and raised the other's head to place a peck on Namjoon's lips.

He was confused. So... Jin did like him?

Jin giggled and drank his punch.

"Your nose is cold," the older smiled and Namjoon took his hand.

"So... does that mean... that...?" the taller asked, his gaze on the ground.

"Yes," Jin said, "I want to be your boyfriend."

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