Undying love: How Klaroline s...

By Restlesswolf

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"We just had a minor quarrel. Nothing serious, right love?” He leaned in to peck her lips, but she recoiled... More

1. Reunion
2. Explanations
3. Celebration
4. Tempting Offers
5. Panic attack
6. Hush Hush
7. Not-so-surprise Attack
9. Comfort
10. Déjà vu
11. Friendship
12. Taken
13. Fury, Pain and Respect
14. No Mercy
15. Perfect
16. Dreams and Reality
17. Hurt
18. Acting Different
19. Eavesdropping
20. Confrontation
21: Cold and Empty
22. A New Forever
Fan girl moment (not a chapter, *contains some spoilers*)

8. Visits

15.1K 456 166
By Restlesswolf

                                            Chapter 8

Caroline, Damon and Stefan stood still for a few seconds while they processed the fact that they had succeeded. Elena came into the room and sighed in relief when she saw that they were all okay.

“They fell for it,” Caroline exclaimed happily.

“For now,” Damon replied. “As soon as they find out that the stake isn’t real, we’re screwed,” he continued with fake optimism.

“We bought us some time. That’s what’s important,” Elena objected, while Stefan nodded.

Caroline couldn’t help but grin like a maniac. They had managed to fool the Originals! It had been a close one, though. Damon had almost had a stake plunged through his heart.

“Barbie?” Damon asked, looking like he wanted to say something.

Caroline put her chin up and raised her eyebrows, refusing to answer to the nickname he had given her.

“Thank you,” he said sincerely, looking into her eyes. “You’re the one who stopped Klaus. If you hadn’t I might have died.”

Caroline was stunned for a few seconds, but flicked her hair over her shoulder once she had recovered.

“Well, if you hadn’t gone and tried to kill Rebekah, you wouldn’t have needed me to protect you.”

Damon rolled his eyes, but then smirked when he thought of something. “It’s lucky that Klaus is crazy about you. It’s been a real advantage.”

This caused a series of different emotions to rise inside her. First her heart beat quicker upon hearing that Klaus was crazy about her. Then she felt guilt since she was tricking him, which led to confusion since she had no good reason to feel guilty. Or did she?

“I have to go. I told Tyler I would meet him at my home after this to tell him how it went,” she said. Again she felt guilt, which she firmly pushed away.

“Yeah, I bet that’s the only thing you two are going to do,” Damon remarked sarcastically.

Caroline glared at him for a few seconds before leaving.

She drove home in her car and went into her house. Once she had come up to her room she saw Tyler sitting on her bed, smiling at her.

“Hey!” he greeted, standing up and giving her a hug.

“Hi!” she replied, grinning while hugging him back. Seeing him always made her happy.

He leaned back a bit, but only enough to kiss her. Even though she liked kissing him, Caroline couldn’t help noticing that this kiss lacked the fire that the kiss she had shared with Klaus had. This was more like a teenage kiss, pure and nice. The other one had been much more mature, passionate and consuming.

Nice and pure isn’t bad either, Caroline tried to convince herself. Luckily, Tyler stepped back before he could notice her thoughtfulness.

“So, how did it go?” he asked.

“Great! The Originals believed the act. Klaus almost staked Damon because he tried to kill Rebekah, but when I got in-between them he stopped.”

“Why?” Tyler asked, his eyes becoming guarded.

“Why did he try to kill Rebekah?” she scoffed. “Who knows what Dam―”

“No,” Tyler interrupted impatiently. “I mean, why did Klaus stop?”

She realized what he meant, but swallowed her terror. “Because I stepped in-between them.”

He took a step closer, holding her gaze. “And why would that matter? He could have just knocked you out, or killed you.”

She was desperately trying to think of an answer when he continued.

“And why did you just take off that day when I came back? Where did you go?” he demanded.

“I don’t know why Klaus does things, he’s unpredictable! And I didn’t just take off! I had to check on something,” Caroline replied, finding her voice.

“Check on what?” Tyler shouted.

Caroline suddenly felt very small as she looked at the ground. “On Klaus,” she mumbled quietly. 

“And why do you care if he’s alive or not?” Tyler asked, throwing his hands up in the air with anger in his eyes.

“I don’t know,” she whispered truthfully, not meeting his eyes.

Tyler stormed out of the room, not even glancing at her.

“Tyler? Tyler, wait!” she called after him, starting to follow him. But it was too late. He left the house, closing the door loudly behind him.

Tears started to build in her eyes. She took off all of her clothes except her panties and put on an oversized T-shirt. Climbing into her bed, she started to sob, tears falling down her cheeks.

It was when she was lying on her bed that she heard it. Someone was knocking on her door.

Tyler! she thought immediately. Caroline sprung up from her bed and ran to the door, not caring that she didn’t have any pants on and that tears were still rolling down her cheeks. But when she reached the glass door she started to regret not putting more clothe on, because it wasn’t Tyler standing on the other side of it smirking at her.

It was Klaus.  

His smirk quickly disappeared when he took in her tear-stained face, and his eyes glistened dangerously.

“Who did this to you?” he demanded quietly before she had even fully opened the door.

“What do you care?” she snapped, avoiding his question. She didn’t want to get Tyler in trouble.

“I don’t want anybody to hurt you, love. And I need to let other people know that if they do there will be…consequences,” he said simply, his smoldering eyes never leaving hers.

Her heart beat faster at his words. He would protect her? He never seemed to care about anyone but himself, yet here he was, prepared to beat people up because of her.

“Seriously, nobody really did anything. I’m the one who messed up,” she responded, looking down at the ground. Remembering Tyler leaving her, a tear left her eye before she could stop it. She inwardly cursed herself for showing so much weakness.

Her eyes widened in surprise when Klaus wound his arms around her and pressed her to him. Then she relaxed, and sobbed into his shirt. Luckily he didn’t seem to mind, only holding her tighter while rubbing soothing circles on her back.

After a few minutes she calmed down, her tears stopping. Klaus pulled away a few inches to look her in the eyes. “Feeling better?” he smiled. His face had softened, and the anger which had flashed in his eyes had dimmed, even though she could still see traces of it.

“Yeah. Thanks,” she mumbled, stepping away. She felt embarrassed over the fact that she had let Klaus hold her when she broke down, and didn’t know what to do.

When she tried to move away from him, however, he held on. His arms created an unbreakable cage around her.

“Now, I hold you while you completely drench my shirt, and you attempt escaping as quickly as you can? Where’s the justice in that?” he asked her with his classic smirk on his face.

She bit her lip, thinking. He was right. His shirt, which fit him snugly and showed off his great figure she might add, had a wet spot on it where she had cried into it.

“Okaaay! You’re right! What can I do to make it up to you and your ruined shirt?” she asked, not being able to hold back a smile.

“Well,” he shrugged, his eyes glittering, “considering that you owe me for letting Damon off the hook, and that my shirt is very distraught over the way it was treated, I think a gratitude-filled kiss is in order.”


So, I wrote a much longer chapter to compensate for the fact that I haven't updated for a looong time! In my defense the last chapter wasn't too popular in the beginning, with no votes and only about twenty reads. Then the next time I checked: BOOM! Over a hundred reads, and a few comments and votes! :D Thank you guys!

Also, tell me what you think! Votes and comments lead to faster updates btw! ;) The picture is made by @itstvdbitch on Instagram.

P.S. I loved Caroline and Klaus in episode 4x07! They were sooo cute together! I couldn't wipe the grin off my face when Klaus read her application!!! Sorry, just had to say it. :P Bye!

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