Keeping it Secret || STEVE RO...

By ElissaPalmieri

15.7K 374 62

Keeping secrets isnt the best in a relationship. Excpecially when it's the relationship that your keeping hid... More

2. Breakfast
4. Not a Date
5. The Burns
6. Kick Names and Take Ass
7. Dinner Party
8. Story Time
9. Dont Leave Me (Im Lonely)
10. Changes
Not a Chapter
11. Collagen
12. Beautiful Cry
13. Destiel
14. No more
15. For Now
16. Drunk and in Love
17. The Plan
18. Weak Knees
19. Numbing
20. Lenny Feder
21. Coffee Shop
22. Lingerie
23. Another Skilled Agent
24. Weisles
25. Stop Please
26. Put Me Away
27. Veronica
28. Taking Time
29. Just Friends
30. The Texts
31. Leaving
32. Shotgun
33. Boyfriend
34. After Party
35. Wild Ride
36. Last Day
The End

3. The Party

759 25 3
By ElissaPalmieri

Fuck chemistry. I mean I know I need this stuff but shit, cant it just be easier? I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop open with my school work. I love taking notes but it gets boring after a while. It's been about 3 days sense Mr. Stark and I talked. I've cut down with the cooking so much food. No one really eats its anyways.

I start thinking of all the people I've met. Mr. Stark, Bucky, Thor, Wanda, Captain, Nat and Bruce. Mr. Stark wants me to meet some more people. Someone named Peter and Sam I think. I don't know why he wants me to meet all of them. I'm not even part of the team.


"Who is it?" I listen to hear anyone outside.

"Stev- Rogers." His voice was soft but loud. I hesitated to get up as I'm only in a bralette and pj shorts. I grab my robe amd hang it over my shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" I opened the door slightly only showing the right side of my body. He's in nice clothes which is a change.

"Tony is having a party downstairs. I didn't see you so I thought I would bring you down." He cracked a smile. My eyebrow twitched. Why is he being nice to me?

"Um thanks but I didnt know there was a party. And I'm doing stuff anyways." I open the door all the way to reveal my work layed across my bed. "Plus why would you care?" We both stand their awkwardly staring at eachother.

"Look Elissa I know we got off on the wrong foot. You've been here a week and we barely see you. Plus Tony talked to us." I snap my head at him.

"Talked to you? About what?" My voice is shakey.

"Can I come in? I'm just standing here." He chuckled. I decided to be nice and I let him in and closed the door behind him. He sat on my bed next to my laptop. "He told us how angry you were the first day. And that we were being assholes-"

"Well you were." I eyed him. He looked like he was sorry. He kept playing with his hands.

"Can we just go down to the party?" I thought he was gunna tell me more. I guess I'll just talk to Mr. Stark about it.

"I dont have anything to wear." I chuckled of him actually thinking I would go.

"Just something nice. Not..that." he pointed to my outfit. I didnt know whether to take it as offense or kinda just joke with him.

"Ok get out." I smiled at him. He got up and walked to the door.

"I'll wait for you." He smiled and closed the door behind him. Which was definitely strange. I thought he hated me. I mean, I'm just the maid, right?

I end up finding a satin blue dress in one of the bags I haven't unpacked yet. It was rather tight fitting with a slit on my left thigh. I didnt bother with makeup and I put my hair in a messy bun. Kinda look natural I guess.

"Ok your gunna have to tell me if I'm over dressed." I opened to door to see Captain leaned against the wall waiting. "Too much isn't it?"

"No no you look... very well suited for the party." His voice croaked a little as I shut my door. "You clean up good."

"Thanks Cap." I see his head snap towards me.

"Its weird hearing you call me that." He cracked a small smile.

"What Cap? Sorry I won't do it anymore." I got nervous talking to him. I mean this is the longest I've even talked to him or heard him talk.

"I mean it wasnt bad. I just... I dont know. Never mind." He placed his hand on the back of his neck. It's a reaction of being nervous or having anxiety. I would know becuase I do it too.

We walk into the party together which turns multiple heads. I can't tell if they either looked shocked or amazed.

"Wow look at all these heads your turning. People just really like you." I quietly speak to Caps ear as we walk down the stairs.

"You think their reaction is to seeing me?" I laughed as we approached a group of people at the party. I don't know these people and I start getting anxiety.

"When did this happen?" Nat was at the bar shaking a drink together. She looked at me and Cap walking together. Cap and I looked at eachother confused. "I'm kidding. Nice to see you here Elissa."

"Nice to see you too Nat." I look around to find Mr. Stark. I see him sitting around a table with some more of the Avengers team. He sees me at the bar with Cap and he motions us to come over.

"Elissa! Rogers! You made it. Elissa I want you to meat someone." He motions for a guys to stand up. He holds out his hand for a shake and I take it. "This is Peter."

"Hi Peter. I'm Elissa Nutris." I smile as we shake hands.

"Hey. So what's your like specialty?" He mothions his hands around the room I guess wondering how I got here..

"Uh," I look over at Mr. Stark. "Cooking I guess." I chuckle but no one else found it funny.

"Oh come on. A girl like you should have something?" Peter and Cap laughed. I looked at Mr. Stark once again. He eyed me.

"Ok well I dont really know what to call it." My voice is as shakey as my hands. I open my fist and sparks starts flying until a flame alights. I see everyone either get up or step back. I close my fist in embarrassment.

"Were you born with this?" Bruce stood up and looked at my hands.

"Um no. I was hit my something when Loki attacked in New York." I dropped my eyes but I could feel everyone else's burn into my face. "I've learned that elements were in my skin from the explosion. They split and my blood cells contracted them."

"Its like nuclear fission and nuclear fusion brought together." Bruce is so amazed by my hands. He held them tighter.

"Exactly but only partly. In nuclear reactions, distinction is made between nuclides and particles. So that means whe-"

"Ok kid." Mr. Stark interrupted me. "That's enough of that for today. You guys can nerd out about this another day." Every chuckled. He raised his class, "let's just be thankful she is alive." Everyome raised and clinked their glasses together. I smiled as a feeling of warm takes over my body. Someone throws their arm around my shoulders. Thor smiles as he raises his glass too. "The bacon was delicious." He whispered in my ear and I cam smell his bacon and beer breath. "Thankyou." I laugh it off. I look around and see everyone smiling except Cap who stands next to Mr. Stark. He just keeps eyeing me and Thor. I shake it off and end up going back to the bar to get a drink with Nat.

"So are you and Steve freinds now?" Nat questioned me as I sit.

"I dont really know. I thought he hated me but he seemed nice when he came to my room." I take a sip of the scotch on rocks placed infront of me.

"Wait he came to your room?" Nat stops doing what she was doing. I pause wondering why that was weird.

"Uh yeah he asked me to come down to the party."

"Hmm. Strange." She smirked. I'm so confused but I shrugged it off. I mean it's not important. Hes the captain. Whether he likes me or not, I'm still just the chef.

The rest of the night went quick. I met so many more people. I talked for hours with Bucky and Cap. Mostly Bucky though. I found out they knew eachother for a while which was kinda cool to learn. Just made me sad thinking Im not that close with anyone. Not sinse Jo. I havent told anyone about her. Mr. Stark already knows but i dont know if he told anyone. I had some people apologizing for the way they acted my first day. I said it was fine and that I was just nervous about it being my first day. The night was coming to an end and people started separating. The team was sitting around the table still talking.

"Hey guys. I think I'm gunna turn in." I waved goodbye to them.

"Aww boooo. New girl doesnt know how to party." Thor laughed holding his stomach.

"Hey hey I do! I'm just tired." They all smirk thinking I'm lying.

"You looked good tonight. I've never seen you dressed up." Mr. Stark surprised me.

"Well this maid has tricks." I blurt out. I immediately regret saying that. I look at Cap who shakes his head at the ground. I can see him tense up. "Uh. I'm just gunna go. I had fun tonight though. Goodnight guys." I waved good buy and they all waved me goodnight. I rushed back to my room eager to get into more comfy clothes. Basically back into my bralette and shorts. 11:42pm. And I still have so much chemistry work to do.

I end up finishing in like 30 minutes. I know I can be dramatic sometimes but come on, can you blame me? 12:28 am.


ugghhhhhhh why now? It's so late and I just wanna sleep.

I get up and walk to the door hitting my head on the wall before opening it to see Captain standing there in his pajamas.

"Captain?" I open the door more to see what's wrong. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

He pushed past me and into my room.
"Oh please come in sir." I sarcastically shut the door. He seemed unsettled. Maybe angry.

"I didnt like what you said at the party." He put his hand in his sweatpants pockets.

"The maid thing? Cap it was a joke. I didnt mea-"

"Dont." He cut me off. "Don't call me Cap." He couldnt even look at me.

"Right. I'm sorry. Ok I didn't mean to offend you. And the maid thing, I just... I was still pissed off by that. I mean I'm much more than a maid and I know you guys didnt know which makes it worse becuase I couldnt answer or correct you guys without giving my secret away. Which sucks becuase you guys all hate me and I wanted to prove you wrong." I sat down on my bed. My right leg was bouncing up and down from anxiety and emotion. Captain sighed and walked towards the door.

"You really dont get it do you?" He hesitated before opening the door. I looked up at him confused. I dont get what he is saying? Why does he look angry at me? His eyes drooped down and he left. I got up and watched him leave in the hallway.

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