Stuck Together | DreamSMP fan...

By Akiri_Chan

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You woke up laying on a field Around you there were others still knocked out you look around Realizing that y... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: First Meeting
Chapter 2.1: First Meeting
Chapter 2.2: First Meeting
a/n: some art for visualisation
Chapter 3 (1/2): The Planning
a/n Putting This On Hold for now
Chapter 4 : Gaining Powers?
Chapter 4.1: Training Camp
Chapter 5: Second Wave
Chapter 6: Predicament
Chapter 7: The Nether and Blazes

Chapter 3 (2/2): Building The Base

292 14 9
By Akiri_Chan

~"So!" You clap your hands together. "Who can think of the design for the base?"~

Day 3

You all started to talk about the base's design and the materials required for the base. Eret wanted to make it look good as well as functional so he was the main designer with each of you giving out ideas and coming to an agreement of the design for the base. The end result was a traditional mansion design for the base.

We also managed to divide the group into teams. Eret will be the head of the project. You and Bad are the two who knows full well of the floor plans and the design of the base, hence you two were chosen as the head of your respective teams. Your team consist of Dream, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo. Bad's team consist of Skeppy, George and Sapnap. These teams will be the team for building the base but that is for later, for now you all need to gather the materials for the build

While dividing the scavanger hunt groups, you told everyone about the armor and tools you made for everyone. You also went ahead and made iron pickaxes and shovels for everyone. They all went ahead and took their own, is what you thought until Bad was exclaiming about him not having a chestplate. It was a fast process to find out that Tommy had decided to play around, he's even more of a child than you first thought. Or is this his way of making friends...? You don't know

You needed to gather glass and other types of wood that aren't around the base so you all discussed who will be going. Some volunteered to go the distance. When you wanted to volunteer, everyone instantly shot the idea down. They said that since you were the leader of this group, they didn't want the leader to stray far away from the base. So in the end, Tommy, Tubbo, Skeppy, Bad, Eret and Sapnap went to gather the sand at the desert and mine the other types of wood that we don't have. Leaving you with Dream, George and Technoblade

You think that the amount of dark oak logs were quite enough but asked George to gather some more. While George went to go and mine the logs, you three went to the ravine

"Why is the entrance blocked?" Dream asked when he saw the cobblestone that blocks the wall-stairway that you and Techno used before

"Y/n over here is a worrywart and doesn't want the mobs that spawn down there to come up here and attack us." Techno explained to Dream. You nudged him for saying that

"Hey! I am being careful! We didn't have armor and stuff, why should I risk our safety for easy access to the mines?"

"I don't know, y/n. You seem like a worrywart to me" Dream added. "HEY!" I pout then proceeded to walk quickly down the stairway. Their snickers seemed apparent behind you

The stairway is bright from the torches you had put before so no mobs aren't at the stairway itself. You look around the ravine and you saw some mobs hiding underneath the darkness of some blocks. You turn towards Techno and Dream, they were talking about something that you didn't catch

"So!" You took their focus back to you, "Since we are here for cobblestone, let's just strip mine into the wall. We can get more cobblestone like this while also get ores on the way, like diamonds. And we don't need to bother the mobs" You point at several location mobs are hiding at

"Why don't we light up this whole ravine first?" Dream asked, his right hand lifted like what a student would do when asking a teacher a question

"Well, if you want to then sure. But you have to keep in mind that your safety is the first priority" I reply, "Techno, do you want to go with Dream and clean out the ravine first or do you want to come with me?"

"I'll go with Dream. If we light up the ravine, we won't need to worry about mobs coming down into the strip mine from behind us. I think that would be good for your worrywart heart too, huh?" Techno teased you a little, his face still as stoic as ever but he had a small smile

"I'm not a- ugh, fine go ahead. Remember my order, safety first. Okay you two?"

"Yes, ma'am." Techno and Dream both responded. Dream did a small casual salute saying that.

You start to dig a staircase down while they did what they said

It was a rather uneventful day since it is just mining. Those two came down to you after some time and then said that they literally cleared out the ravine off mobs and also ores. You nodded and told them to start mining

While going in and out the strip mine to the base to store the cobblestone at the material chests and the ores into the ore chests, Dream helping George to get to the strip mine at one point of time, you managed to catch the explorers coming back

"We're back!" Tubbo was happy to see you welcome them back to the base

"Welcome back guys!" You hug Tubbo because the cute wittle cwutie just deserves them. He hug you back. After a full five second hug, you let go of the boy, "There are chests behind the current main house for the construction materials" You explain

Everyone went over to the chest besides Bad and Eret that you somewhat stopped for a second. "I think we should light up the area so that mobs don't spawn in the area inside our build" They nodded and went over to the others so that they can start building together with the others

You went back to the strip mine and bumped into George. He fell on his butt

"Oh! I'm so sorry, George!" You help him up. "I wasn't paying attention! I'm so sorry" You help him dust off some of the debris that got on his shoulders somehow

"No it's okay. I wasn't paying attention too" He smiled. "We haven't really talked huh, y/n? Like just the two of us"

"Now that I think about it..." You ponder a little, "You're right!"

"Well, want to get to know each other?"

"Yes please!" You reply in a friendly manner before snickering a little, "Mister George, would you be so kind as to get to know of this humble self of mine and become friends with this lowly one?" You snicker a little again

"Why it IS a honor to you to get me to know of you!" It seems he got the memo, you snicker. Techno walked into this

"What are you two doing?" Techno had an extremely confused tone which made you burst to laughter, George following suit. But it seems as if George laughed since you were wheezing to death

You managed to explain to Techno and stopped laughing. Mining continues and you managed to get lots of iron and gold before a voiced screamed something you didn't quite catch [but as the almighty reader we can hear what was said because author-chan isn't willing to cooperate lmao]

"Hey, guys. It's getting kind of dark out here!" Dream screamed down the strip mine, George quickly replied with a yes while Techno went and told you about what Dream said

"Alright, I'll come out in a sec!" You replied then looked at Techno, "Techno, here take these and bring them back. I wanna continue for a lil' bit more"

"Don't stay for too long, okay?" you nodded and continued mining. It was a good thing you did because you managed to find diamonds, a rare 10-block vein too! So you mined them out and went back

The base was coming together. The floor plan had been finalized by the time you came back. The walls are fully built, a basic roof have been made, torches everywhere, a staircase going up and down at the center have been built, everything was getting put together nicely, it's super fast too

"Woah! Did you guys managed to get all this done with Tommy AND Sapnap with you guys?" You exclaimed to Eret and Bad

"What do you mean by that Woman?!" The annoyingly adorable little child tried to retaliate. Tubbo was by his side and tried to calm him down before...

"Uhh, I mean you and Sapnap are the problem child between all of us. Skeppy can be reasonable at times but you two are just a lost cause most times" You explained then you took a peek at Tommy. By the look on his face, he wasn't expecting an actual answer

"Look, it's getting dark. Let's all rest for tonight and continue building the base tomorrow, okay?" You chuckled while you rustled Tommy's hair a bit before the child moved away from your hand and pouts a little

Everyone seemed to chuckle a little at your interaction, even Tubbo. You feel that Tommy is like a little brother you mess around with, you smile at this thought

Everyone said their goodnights and went their separate ways

You entered your house, took off your armor and laid down on your bed. The soft, silky bed touching your bare face and your unbelievably clean body made you feel weird

A bath can't hurt right? I can just take off my clothes and take a small dip at that lake. With my armor in my inventory, I just need to be aware of my surroundings

You think for a little more before finally deciding to do it

Before exiting, you look over to your bed. Now that you think about it, the bed got made before you return to your house. Did it get made whenever no one is around? You don't know

You quickly looked around to see if anyone is out their room. No one was around. You strolled to the lake and took off your clothes and put them on a cobblestone block you placed. There was still a bit of sunlight so mobs won't spawn yet

You enter the cold water. It was neither freezing cold nor too warm. It was just perfect. It was calming. You close your eyes for a moment, not realizing that the sun has set and it was dark. When you opened your eyes, the darkness almost basically told you that you shouldn't be outside

You quickly stood up and went towards your clothes. The parts of your body which is out the water is now completely dry. You got out of the lake and went to wear your clothes. The rustling of your clothes had masked another sound...

The sound of a bow string being pulled and then released

When you heard the whistle of an arrow cutting through air, it was already too late. You felt something hit your back and then you felt pain. Not the kind that you would expect from an arrow that managed to get lodged into your shoulder tho

You turned around and see a skeleton taking another arrow from the quiver on it's back. You equipped your shield to block the arrows, broke the stick part of the arrow that's lodged into your shoulder and quickly dressed up

Your shirt, which is a suddenly bit bigger than normal somehow, managed to cover the rest of the arrow. The arrow had hindered you a little. Your hoodie tied around your waist

A well placed slice to the neck using your sword and it turned to dust, leaving a bow and bone. You pick them up before you looked at the arrow and winced at it

Shit, I need to get this removed... But will I be able to do it?

You went over to the main building and entered. It seems that the trio of Dream, Sapnap and George are playing around and didn't hear you open the door to enter the house. But someone else did

It was Eret. The bi king! That one friend that is kind and understanding. The person you feel that you can trust with your current situation

Eret came out of his room to see you. "Hey, y/n. What are you doing here? Didn't you say that we should rest now?" He scanned your appearance

You smile at him, "Well, I did but-" You show the arrow penetrating your right shoulder, "I need someone's help to get this out" You know that you can trust him after your hangout session with him the day before

Eret gasped and quickly went to your side, "Oh my god! Are you okay, y/n?! Doesn't that hurt?"

Before he continues you shush him, "I don't want more people to panic over this okay. Look, I'm fine and it doesn't hurt at all. It just feels like something is hindering my movement"

"So you need me to pull this out?" You nodded

"It won't hurt that much. It didn't hurt when I got shot so it also won't hurt too bad when you pull it out." You put your left hand over his shoulder to reassure him

"If you say so" He went over to one of the chairs, "Sit here, I'll pull it in the count of three okay?"

You sit down and nod. You lift up your shirt to a point where he can see the arrow's point of contact with your skin while still covering yourself and show him your back

He rests his hand on the arrow. "Okay, one..."

"Two..." You close your eyes


With a small burst of pain, it was out. It was way less painful and way less terrifying than you first thought. You let go of a breath that you didn't know that you were holding

"There, it's out" He blows out a deep breath before he held the arrow out to show you. He then look over to your injury. "Woah, there's no trace of the arrow on your shoulder!" His fingers scans over the former area of injury

"Really?" You felt his hand where the arrow head had been and felt his hand on your smooth skin

Woah, what the hell? How???

"There's no trace... Not one bit" He retracts his hand and pulls your shirt down. Now it seems as if your shirt has become the perfect size to you

"Huh, must be one of the mechanics of this world" You stood up and faced Eret

"I agree. Now, is your hearts full?" 

"No, I didn't manage to eat while trying to get here before more mobs spawned. Oh, thanks for the help by the way!" You smile towards the man who nodded in reply and started to eat a steak to start the regeneration process. Now that you look at him, he wasn't wearing his crown nor his cape. He was still wearing the sunglasses tho

"Why do you wear those glasses? Is it the fact that your eyes are glowing?" With the second question, Eret's face was displaying a somewhat shocked expression

"No no no! Don't worry, I don't really care about it. From what I can see, Bad have horns or something, Techno wears a hoglin mask, Dream wears a smiley mask, George have that clout glasses, Sapnap wears that bandana," You slowly recount everyone's weird clothing choice while walking around in the room, "And I wear this cat-eared hoodie!"

You finally look over to Eret and saw that he's smiling softly and chuckling. "Hahaha, I guess it's not really that strange huh?"

"Nope! From what I gathered, our current appearance is either humanized version of our skin in minecraft or just straight up the skin itself, like Tommy and Tubbo's case!"

He hufts a little, "I guess that was just silly of me to even bother with trying to say no to you huh?"

"Yup, I will bother you about it 'till you are comfortable enough to take it off in front of me" He starts to chuckle but you two try your best to not laugh too loud and woke up the other three in the house

"Well then, I'm gonna go back to my house now. It's getting late and I don't want to fight the mobs" You open your inventory and equipped your armor and took out your axe and shield. "Goodnight Eret!" You start to walk out the door but an arm had stopped you dead on your tracks

"Not by yourself. I'm coming with you" Eret quickly equipped his own set of armor and walks towards the door. You follow behind him

"It's fine, Eret. I can fight by myself! I was just distracted when the skeleton got that shot on me!" You try and reason with Eret but he kept walking you back to your house. The iron golem was killing most mobs so there weren't that many mobs that noticed you two

You two arrive at your house and said your final goodnights for the night. Eret finally left when you closed your door behind you. You flop down onto your bed

That man is too protective towards me. Just like a parent

You smile at the thought of Eret being your parent. Then you fell asleep in the middle of daydreaming what it's like if Eret is your parent


word count : 2905

I did all this within two days! I am finally free from school and can try my best to publish every week from now, but I might take a break every now and then

I hope you all like this chapter! See you all on the next one!

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