girl next door › camren

By jaurcgui

266K 5K 2.4K

being the eldest child and dedicated, always doing what is right as her parents taught is the life that camil... More

just an extra chapter with ur cute comments


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By jaurcgui

The only bad part of the school was having to wake up so early. I mean, I love to study, despite the school have turned a nightmare last week, I like the part of learning. At least that was going perfectly well. But this routine of waking up six in the morning on a Monday never appealed to me.

"At least eat a fruit, okay?" my mother insisted when I didn't want anything for breakfast.

I took two bananas before grabbing my backpack. On the other hand I was talking to Dinah by message on my phone.

Dinah: so she disappeared again?

Me: not exactly. i mean it's not like she was spending sunday with me too. thank god she didn't!

"You only have two hands, you know that right?" my mother shook her head as we left home and I tried to hold my stuff and typing on my phone.

Dinah: yeah, right. i bet you were expecting her invade your room again. ;)

Me: give me a break with that! you have to agree with me and not shoot me against the enemy!

"I have some skills mom." I winked at her and got in the car.

"I'm sure you have not, Mija. Gravity, balance and coordination is not part of you." my mother laughed, putting the seatbelt and waited for me to put mine so she could drive. I rolled my eyes and started to eat my banana.

Dinah: relax mila, i'm just messing with you. but you have to admit there's something there. you want so much hate her even though she never did anything to you...

Me: she never what? you paid attention to what i've been telling you since i got here?!

I typed angry and my mother looked at me from the mirror. "It's just a phone, baby. Take it easy. You all right?"

"Yes. Perfectly well." I replied without looking at her. Soon Dinah replied.

Dinah: all right, i give up! i will not give my opinion from now on

Me: thank you

Dinah: i'm always right anyway ;)

Me: shut up. you are already in class?

I changed the subject. We always end up talking about Lauren. Like yesterday, I told her about my mother force me to go out with Lauren and how everything went strangely good. But I wouldn't admit to any of them. And I told her about 'the Dylan.' Nothing much, except that he was an idiot with gorgeous blue eyes.

Dinah: ugh i am. i arrived earlier today. idk what happened to me :( you?

Me: you are no longer being lazy, dinah, just that. i just got here! x)

Dinah: jesus mila, why are you excited?

Me: i love to study, remember? wait a minute!

Dinah: i'm not going anywhere. unfortunately :/

I laughed to see the last message. I grabbed my stuff and left the car. "I'll be back in a few hours. Have a good class, Mija." my mother waved from inside the car.

"I love you mom!" I screamed and she honked twice before left.

Me: i have to go to math class now

I answered Dinah as I walked by the school halls without paying much attention along my route. I finished my banana and threw the rest in the nearest trashcan and started eating the other. I regretted not having eaten for breakfast. I was starving.

I entered the classroom and walked to my usual seat in the back. I threw my bag on the floor and leaned back in my chair, looking around and had no teacher or many students, so I turned my attention to my phone.

Dinah: i have history now. please kill me, mila!

Me: haha ​​i can not live without my best friend, sorry, you can't die. suck it up.

Dinah: dammit! why I'm your friend anyway? i could die right now but i'm chained to you! this sucks.

I laughed out loud looking at my phone and shook my head. I took one last bite of my banana and heard a giggle from my side. I turned immediately and Lauren was looking at me with a smirk.

"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt. Keep going." she pointed to my phone. Or was it for the banana? I frowned, finishing eating and sat straight on my chair.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. She only had one class with me if I remember well.

"I love math." she shrugged.

"Yeah of course. I'm surprised you're still in school." I teased her.

"Are you saying I'm dumb?" she asked incredulously.

"No, I mean in the sense of not having been expelled. But that should be good as well." I smiled unwilling, turning attention to my phone.

"They changed my schedule." she said anyway. I nodded without looking at her.

When I was going to get up to find a trashcan, Lauren was faster and got the banana peel off my desk. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Well, I wouldn't mind if she wanted to do things for me. And the classroom was already crowded. I didn't want to leave my seat so I let her.

Me: i have to go. talk to you later xD

I sent while Lauren was out of sight.

Dinah: why? you can't leave me!

Me: lauren's here! i can't talk. bye!

I tried typing as fast as I could and pressed send, but my screen froze and so do I, because Lauren went back to her place and now her attention was turned to me and my phone I tried to hide quickly. Too late.

"Why can't you talk? Is something interesting about me?" she chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"No big deal. Just how unbearable you are." I said and I kept my phone in my pocket. I shrugged.

"But there are so many other things to talk about myself, why only one of my qualities?"

"There's more, but I'm not going to tell you." I smiled weakly.

"And with whom you talk about me?" Lauren asked curious.

"None of your business."

I could hear her laugh playfully, I wasn't looking at her. What the hell?! She couldn't say anything because the teacher entered the room in a hurry and already giving orders to shut up and pay attention to him. Thank God, Lauren seemed not knowing how to be ignored and I didn't want to keep talking to her.

The rest of the time was excruciating, I just couldn't concentrate because someone on my side simply had no subtlety. Lauren couldn't keep her eyes off of me, of course, that was on purpose because she knew it would piss me off and I did my best to avoid, but when by an oversight, our eyes met, she had a smirk on her lips to torment me even more. When that class had finally finished I ran from the classroom as fast as I could, joining with the other students so that Lauren doesn't follow me.

I sighed in relief when I reached my next class. I was safe again. I took my usual seat and waited for the teacher arrived. The room was full and teachers always slowed, I thought that was something the students do to avoid the most of study. Maybe the teachers were avoiding teaching then.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said annoyed when Lauren walked through the door followed by our teacher.

"I hope you didn't miss me too much." she smiled at me and wink, again taking a seat next to mine.

"This is serious?!" I asked looking at her.

"What?" She pretended not to know.

I shook my head and turned to the front, where the teacher started talking about something that I didn't pay attention at the time because I was mentally cursing my bad luck. And Lauren.

Almost another hour of torture, but this time the time seemed to fly. Maybe because I wasn't really paying attention to anything around me. The next period I already knew what awaited me. Lauren and I definitely had all the classes together and she didn't surprise me each time that we were in the classroom and she took a seat next to mine and continued to be, well, Lauren.

At least at lunchtime I could have peace. Lauren disappeared and this wasn't news to me. I was on the outside of the cafeteria where I sat in an empty table. Most of the students were inside and I could hear the noise from outside. I was minding my own business, listening to music and waiting for time to pass as soon as possible.

When the school was finally over, I rush out of the place, where I hoped that my mom was already there. She wasn't. More minutes passed and she had not yet appeared. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Dinah while I waited.

Me: ugh kill me now

She didn't take two minutes to reply.

Dinah: oh now you want me to kill you? and when i begged for help hours ago?!

Me: i owe you one! i had all my classes with lauren. it was a nightmare!

Me: and oh, my mother disappeared! this day keeps getting more wonderful

Dinah: how did this happen? i thought you only had only one class together. and why haven't you called your mother to know where she is?!

Me: OK, i will now, wait a minute.

Dinah: my god mila! hahaha

I rolled my eyes and pulled my mother's name on the list.

"I'm just calling to remind you that you have a daughter. No big deal! " I said as soon as she answered the call.

"Oh Mija, I'm really sorry! I'm stuck at work and I was going to call you, but I forgot. Forgive me!" she apologized and by her voice I knew she was upset. And tired.

"Don't worry, I can take a bus." I assured her.

"It's not going to happen again. I promise."

"Mom, it's okay. Take care, see you later." I said.

"You too, I love you, Mija." and she hung up.

"Perfect." I whispered to myself. In fact I could scream and nobody would notice because I was the only person standing outside the school.

Me: she's not coming. i have a bus to catch, but I'm a little lost here. damn It!

Dinah: you didn't ask her what was the bus?

Me: no. UGH


Me: UGH DINAH. I'M A MESS RIGHT NOW! i'll just ask around.

I looked around in search of a soul alive who could help me. And there was one across the street. I took a step forward to cross when a car stopped abruptly in front of me. I shouted scared, taking a step back. I sighed and laughed ironically. I knew that car.

"You're lost my dear?" Lauren said through the driver's seat.

"I'm fine thanks." I raised my thumb and smiled wryly.

"Are you expecting someone?" She asked and raised an eyebrow. She had this pose; with only one hand on the wheel while she looked at me. I rolled my eyes to that view.

"Yes." I lied. Why the hell did I lie?

"Yeah? This person is a little late, don't you think?" Lauren looked around.

"No, I don't think. Actually you are on the way. Can you get out of here so I can keep waiting?" I crossed my arms facing her.

"Camila, just get in the car." Lauren said with a giggle.

Shit. It was either that or stand there and figure out how to get home. I sighed defeated and I opened the door and slid into the car. Lauren kept laughing while took the car and drove out of there. I just ignored and kept my eyes off her.

"Your mother shouldn't pick you up after school?" Lauren asked after a few minutes of silence and she stopped laughing. Of course she was enjoying all of this.

"She got stuck at work." I answered without looking at her.

Lauren muttered "Hmm" and didn't ask anything else until we get home. She stopped in front of my house and I quickly got out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride." I said politely and looked at her.

"Anytime babe." Lauren winked at me with a smirk on her lips and I rolled my eyes. Any time I try to act like a normal person she doesn't lose the chance to piss me off somehow. I knocked on the door and went home.

I threw my backpack on the floor of the bedroom and pulled my phone, this time I called Dinah.

"YOU NEED TO STOP IGNORING ME LIKE THAT!" She cried when answered.

"I hate my life. Get me out of here. Please!" I begged, ignoring her. Dinah was very dramatic, but I loved it.

"What's wrong now?" She asked with a sigh. "Let me guess? Lauren."

"She gave me a ride home." I said simply.

"And yet you hate her." Dinah giggled.

"She does everything that annoys me on purpose!" I growled.

"Exactly. She does because she knows that annoys you and I know you, Mila. You can't keep your mouth shut or repress your feelings. If you continue hating her for everything she does, it won't end. And yes, I promised I wouldn't interfere, but you need to suck it up!" Dinah blurted out and I didn't know what to say. "You do this because deep down you're enjoying too." She said carefully.

"I have made it quite clear to you how much I hate her. Haven't you listened to?!" I shoulted.

"Yes, I've heard everything, Mila. But you don't seem to listen to yourself." Dinah was being careful, she knew I was going to explode at any moment.

This was serious? It didn't make sense, she was trying to get into my head because she was Lauren's side all this time. Well, not exactly, but every time we had this conversation, she tried defending Lauren. Maybe it was just to calm me down because I was angry just by saying her name. Still, she thought Lauren was a saint after all that I have said.

"I'm going to have to do some things now." I said simply. I didn't believe she was insisting on it and it wasn't on my side. This time I didn't blow up. I was too exhausted to get in a fight with my best friend where we would never go into a closing.

"Mila," Dinah said, knowing that had me upset. "I had to say."

"Talk to you later." I hung up the phone before she could say anything else.

I sat on the bed and sighed deeply, closing my eyes for a minute, like if this would solve any shit I wanted now.

After a few minutes I gathered my strength and I decided to take a shower and it really helped to relax. I thought I'd call to Dinah and apologize and don't bring all that up again. I just had her, my best friend and didn't want to keep her away. But I decided to take a break and call later. Now I just needed to eat, see a movie and be alone.

I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and another in my hair, I pulled and dried a little more before letting it fall off naturally. It was refreshing. I stopped on my way when I saw someone lying on my bed. Or better say, Lauren.

She was completely comfortable as if she were in her messy room. Had her phone in her hands and laugh at something funny that appeared there. Seconds before I yell and ask what the hell was she doing there, just for a second, I admired her laugh. It was so natural and good to hear. But that moment was over soon.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I said angrily and invading the room. "How did you-? I stopped when I saw my window open.

"Oh, hi there." She looked up in my direction. "Just hanging out." Lauren shrugged.

I frowned. She was serious? "My room is not a place for you to 'hang out'!" I yelled.

"Gee, relax." she raised her hands in defense.

"Get out." I said, crossing my arms and I remembered I still had the towel. I tried to cover a little more as if it were possible and Lauren looked me from bottom to top.

"All right." She said and got out of bed, walking towards me. "Call me when you're done."

Lauren walked right past me and closed the bedroom door. Who the hell does she think she is?! I opened the door and she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, she raised her eyebrows when she saw me.

"You want me to go back?" She asked innocently. I rolled my eyes and hit the door and locked it. Just as a precaution.

I quickly put my clothes on, just a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I would sleep in a couple of hours anyway. Then I opened the door, Lauren hadn't moved from where she was before. She smiled at me and went back in the room and to my bed on her previous position with the phone in hands.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Come here." she patted the empty space next to her without looking at me.

"Get out of my bed." I said quietly.

"You are allergic to attractive people or something?" Lauren lifted her gaze to me.

"What?" I frowned.

"I'm not going to bite you." she rolled her eyes, sitting on my bed.

"Thanks to God. What if you do and I become something like you? "I made fun of her, but this time she didn't like.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lauren asked annoyed. I stayed where I was, the change in her mood caught me off guard.

"It was a joke." I defended myself.

"Oh, was that a joke?" She got up from the bed and stared at me. "What about all the past week? It was a joke, too?"

"No. Last week I was really angry at you." I shrugged, somehow I was calm.

"What the hell have I done to you?" Lauren crossed her arms, still staring at me. The green eyes were gone, all I saw there was gray and anger.

"Everything!" I hissed. "You do anything that will piss me off and is on purpose."

"I'm just messing with you, idiot." she rolled her eyes. "You take everything so seriously, you are so sure of what you do or should not do, it's so much fun to annoy you." She laughed softly and I sighed relieved. I didn't want a mad Lauren in my room.

"Oh, so my perfect personality amuses you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just like the amazing person I am is annoying to you." Lauren winked at me before going back to my bed. I scoffed. She would never stop.

I walked up to her and sat on the other side of the bed, taking the position that she had before, with my back against the headboard. She did the same thing and went back to play with her phone. I crossed my arms and peeked over her shoulder, but she moved the phone quickly out of my sight.

"Privacy, didn't your mother teach you to invade the other's very disrespectful?" she looked at me pretending to be disappointed.

I looked at her in disbelief. "Of course, says the girl that came through my window twice."

"It's not my fault if you don't lock your window. I might be a robber or a murderer. " Lauren shrugged.

"It was locked!" I protested and she laughed proud of having managed to open the window, and I didn't even want to know how.

"Just be glad it's only me and not something worse." she turned to look at the phone.

"Worse than you might not exist." I laughed when she gave me a look.

Despite this all be a little weird somehow seemed better not be arguing with Lauren. I was tired, I had to confess. My day sucked and still discuss with my best friend. I don't think I could handle having a round of frustration with Lauren today. We stayed there, doing nothing and talking about nothing. She pulled some issues and we discussed but it was nothing serious, just killing the time. A few times she showed me something in her cell phone, anything that interested me but she thought it was amazing.

"So," I said after a few minutes of silence and discomfort, but it seemed to be only on my part since Lauren looked super comfortable there. She just typed on her phone and I pretended to be doing anything on my phone. "I'm hungry."

"Ugh, I am too!" she finally said. "Go make something for us."

"Are you serious? I'm not responsible for you." I laughed and stood up from the bed.

"I'll wait here." she ignored me. "I'll eat anything to be honest with you-"

"You will not be alone in my room." I laughed. There is no way for her to stay there on her own. What could she do? I didn't trust her.

"What? Are you afraid I find where you keep your porn collection?" she lifted an eyebrow with a malicious smile on her lips.

"Ew! My God you're gross." I said with disgust.

Lauren got out of bed and followed me, she still had that mischievous expression on her face. She was a pervert! Jesus Christ.

"What's wrong with porn?" She asked curious.

"Just stop talking about it." I said.

"The saints are the worst." She winked at me. "I bet you keep your collection on-" she stopped when my mother showed up at the door of my room when we were going out.

"Oh, Hi girls! Hi Lauren." my mother said surprised to find her there. "What collection you were talking about?" she asked interested.

I looked at Lauren on my side and she was ready to laugh, but I was frozen.

"Her p-" I can't believe she would say that, and I was ready to beat her if she do! "photography. Collection of photography." Lauren said with big smile. I sighed.

"I didn't know you had a collection of photography." my mother said surprised and smiling at me.

"It's no big deal, really." I said clearing my throat. "You're home early." I changed the subject. It was nearly six o'clock and I didn't even realize how time flew when I was with Lauren.

"They let me go home early since I lost my lunch break. And speaking of eating, are you hungry?" she asked excited.

"I would prepare something for us right now." Lauren said and I stared at her. Seriously? She just smiled at me.

"Camila, she is your guest, you should do that." my mom looked at me and shook her head. I couldn't protest when she turned and headed for the stairs. Lauren and I follow her behind. I hit Lauren in her arm and she laughed softly with a pout.

We went to downstairs and my mother prepared spaghetti. Simply the best spaghetti of all over the world. Lauren just keep watching her prepare everything, my mother insisted that she didn't need any help, but because Lauren was "the guest" and so I had to help out in anyway. I was happy to help, I didn't do much but enough for half an hour everything was already served.

"My God this spaghetti is fantastic!" Lauren said after a spoonful.

My mother smiled with satisfaction. "Thank you dear." she said taking a sip of her water. "Mija?" she turned to me.

My mouth was too busy to speak so I gave her a thumbs up and hummed a "hum". They both laughed I rolled my eyes, ignoring them. I was more worried about my delicious food.

When we finished we just sat there talking and drinking. It was amazing how Lauren had a satisfactory answer to all questions uncontrolled my mother asked. Sooner or later I was among them, but practically only Lauren spoke. I didn't care really. She seemed to speak so naturally it was nice to just hear it. And her laughter echoing the small space, it was just good.

Although appear genuine, I knew it was all different when there were no people around. It was complicated to deal with both sides of Lauren, hate one part of her to be the most annoying thing in the world and the other of not knowing how to react to the charism she had when she had to use in the right time. I found myself sometimes watching her as she spoke. It was inevitable and, well, I was totally out of their conversation. She looked at me, we exchanged smiles and just that.

After a conversation full of laughter and of course, my mom embarrassing me in front of Lauren, we decided it was time. This time Lauren insisted on washing the dishes and my mother didn't deny. She was delighted to Lauren. Oh if she knew that's not all pack. But I would rather have my mother thought she was a lovely person than her having to deal with what I deal with.

Lauren went home soon after, thanking my mother for the 'wonderful' dinner -her words- she had.  My mother said she was exhausted and went to take a bath right after I have prepared me to sleep. I just brushed my teeth since I was wearing clothes ready to sleep. I was exhausted too. It was a day crazy, stressful and strangely turned out well. Except for I haven't talked to Dinah. I could not even think of what to say to her now, my brain wasn't working properly, so it would be best to talk to her tomorrow. She was probably upset for saying what she said, but I figured I shouldn't have acted that way. I decided to just send a text saying it was okay.

Me: i'm tired and my brain is not cooperating with me now but i just wanted to apologize. i don't know why i acted that way, but it took me a while to realize it was stupid. anyway, i just wanted you to know that. i'll call you tomorrow. good night, love you!

She replied minutes later.

Dinah: thank god, i thought i had screwed things up! it's all right, good night, mila. love you too!

I laughed softly. Always dramatic. I turned off my phone and finally sank under the blanket. I thanked mentally by the existence of something as comfortable and relaxing as my mattress. I closed my eyes and fell asleep minutes later.

I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or I really heard something. I just know that it scared me and all I did was scream. I heard a noise from my side, I sat on the bed and all I saw was a shadow on the ground writhing and groaning in pain.

"Damn!" she whispered under her breath. Lauren?!

"Have you lost your mind?!" I hissed. I switched on the lamp on my nightstand.

"Not exactly. Just the direction. I almost fell down." Lauren laughed softly as she got up carefully. She was limping, seemed to have sprained her ankle.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused as she walked around my bed.

"Camila!" my mother shouted, she probably was running into my room.

"Shit!" I whispered, but before I could figure out what to do, Lauren jumped on my bed and hid under my blanket.

"Are you okay?" my mother said desperate when walked through the door of my room.

"It wasn't anything." I said weakly, but I was in a panic. Lauren stayed completely still on my side, except for her fingers. She moved her fingertips on my waist underneath my shirt. I shudder. I held tight the blanket in my hands.

"You're shaking, are you sure?" she asked concerned, landing a hand in my face. I nodded.

"It was nothing. A bad dream." I forced a smile. Lauren scratched lightly my skin, making me shudder one more time, but my mother didn't notice.

She gave a kiss on my forehead and stood up, went to the window and closed it. "Goodnight sweetheart." She said and walked to the door. I took a deep breath.

"Closed, please." I said.

"Are you sure?" she asked worried.

"Yes, I'll be all right." I smiled again and she nodded and closed the door.

"Get out of my room!" I whispered pulling my blanket out of Lauren.

"That was close!" she laughed, settling down on my bed. "You have a very smooth skin by the way. I liked."

"I'll kill you!" I said angry. "Get the fuck out! Now!"

"Relax, let me stay please." she looked at me with a pout.

"Of course not! You have your own bed. Use it."

"I couldn't sleep. Please, pelase." she whimpered. "Look, I sleep on the floor if you want. " Lauren took a pillow and pulled my blanket. She sat on the floor while getting comfortable there in the best way.

"Are you crazy?!" I asked looking at her. "Get out of there." I sighed and shook my head. She laughed softly and went back to bed.

"Come here babe." she patted next to her.

I rolled my eyes and got up angry. No way I was going to have to deal with that in the middle of the night.

"Where are you going?" she asked confused.

"I'll sleep with my mother. Good night, Lauren." I said without looking at her while walking to the door.

"Camila, wait!" Lauren whispered. "I'll behave."

"Just go to your room, idiot!" I whispered irritated.

"I don't want to sleep there, I can't." she sighed. "I'll keep my hands away from you, I promise." Lauren said in a serious tone.

I took a deep breath. "Fine." I walked back to the bed and took my place again. Lauren smiled happily as she straightened at my side. I kept as much distance as possible from her.

We lay aside, facing each other. Lauren's green eyes stared at the mine for a few seconds that seemed like forever. She didn't had a wicked smile, or was laughing or smiling. Her face showed no emotion, but she looked tired.

"Good night." I whispered and turned to the other side and with my back to her andswitched on the light.

"I won," she said laughing softly.

"Shut up." I whispered smiling.

She didn't say anything and neither did I. A few minutes later I assumed that she was already asleep and felt it also was about to fall asleep again.

"Camila?" Lauren whispered.

"What is it, Lauren?" I asked sleepily.

"I still can't sleep."

"I can't do anything." I whispered.

"I won't be able to sleep with you back to me. It's like I'm staring at a wall. I can do that in my room, you know. " Lauren said quietly and I groaned. She is annoying even to sleep. What she is, a baby?

I turned lazily over to her side, fixing my pillow and I looked at her again. "Better?" I asked still sleepily. My eyes still getting used to the dark room, but it was as if her eyes shine when she stared at me.

"Yes." she smiled widely. "Thank you." she whispered.

"Shut the fuck up and go to sleep please." I said sleepily and we both laughed.

Finally the dialogue ended there. Both were very sleepy to speak anything else. Lauren fell asleep first despite me being with more sleep. I held the most while watching the peace she was. She seemed so relaxed and even another person. All that way to tease me, her smirk, the way she raised her eyebrow, not even seemed to belong to her at that moment. I didn't know when it was that I finally fell asleep, but I hadn't taken my eyes off her.

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