Hope Is Where It All Starts

By SolsticeQueen25

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When Dorothy moved in with her grandparents after her mom died. She had no idea how her life would turn out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

206 4 0
By SolsticeQueen25

The first day was pretty uneventful. Thankfully none of the teachers did that thing where the broadcast that you're new and force you to stand in front of everyone and share you life's story, so my plan to fly under the radar went slightly ok.

I still got the stares and people whispering, "Who's the new girl", "Where's she from", but there was one whispered comment that caught my attention the most, "I saw her with that freak show Clark Kent." Why would anyone say that about Clark, he was so nice , and so far the only person who even attempted to make me feel welcome at this school, and didn't make me feel weird for not talking.

I had a couple of classes with him and lunch, but each time I saw him, it never felt like the right time to talk to him.

Pretty soon, the final bell rang and it was time to go home. It seemed like fate was smiling upon me because just as I was looking for a seat, there was one right next to, you guessed it, Clark Kent.

I mustered up every ounce of courage I had in that moment and sat down right next to him. When he turned to look at me he offered me a smile, and I returned it to him this time. "Hey Dorothy, how'd your first day go?" he asked me. Still not finding the courage to actually use my words, I gave him a thumbs up and a smile to convey that I had a good day. "I'm glad." He stated.  We spent most of the bus ride in a comfortable silence, and just when I was building up some courage to ask him how day went, when the red headed kid called out to I'm assuming Clark, "Hey ass-wipe, what do you think did you see the game?" Whoever first made the comment about gingers not having souls, was really onto something, especially with this guy. Seriously, what is it with bullies going after people who just trying to go about their day, Clark was just sitting there minding his own business, even as this guys trying to taunt him.

I turned around to look at him, trying to get him to see that I wanted him leave Clark alone. "What are looking at new girl," he said to me (real original, am I right), "This is between me and Clark," he turns back to Clark, "Come on Dick-splash." Suddenly, I hear the pop sound and the next thing I know the bus is going out of control. The bus driver was swerving left and right, trying everything he could to gain control of the bus, but it was all in vain, because pithing a less than a few minutes of the pop, we went over the bridge and into the water.

Next thing I know everyone was in a state of panic, distress and hysteria. I on the other hand was torn between two thoughts. On one hand, I wanted accept that this would be how I die and get ready to be reunited with my mom. But on the other hand, I couldn't let my grandparents bury a grandchild after they just buried their only child. Not to mention I promised myself I would be someone that Mom would be proud of, and I'm pretty sure she would NOT be proud of me just giving up on my life without a fight.

As I had these two thoughts fighting it out in my head for dominance, fate once again stepped in. Slowly but surely the bus made its way out of the water and back onto dry land. When I turned around with everyone else to see what was happening, I see Clark standing outside of the bus, holding it and clearly being the one to push it. I didn't even see him get out of his seat, but sure enough there he was like he was some sort of modern day Hercules.

He turns around and dives back into the water. Just as I'm wondering what could be so important to dive back into the water we just escaped, I see him come back up to the surface, pulling the bully up to shore. (How do you like that jerk, the kid who you were picking on ended up being the one to save your life.)

I guess Clark could feel me staring at him, because he turned to look back at me. I gave him a smile, trying to get him to see that I was thankful for him saving all of our lives. He gave me one back, but it quickly disappeared when he saw the fear in everyone else's eyes. If I had the courage to speak my mind, I would've told them that instead of judging Clark, they should've been saying thank you. Some people can be so ungrateful.

After the cops showed up to take our statements, and the paramedics cleared all of us, I saw Grandpa Henry's truck pull up, with Grandma Em charging at me and wrapping me up her arms. "Dorothy, are you ok sugar?" She says, while she checks me out for any injuries she can see. I nod my head yes and pull her in for another hug. Not wanting to stay there any longer I pull her back to the truck. Thankfully Grandpa Henry gets the message and starts driving back to the farm, none of us talking about what happened.

That didn't last long once we got in the house. After Chase ran up to me, I picked him up seriously needing a cuddle session. The grandparents came in soon after hurling a million questions at me per minute. How did the bus fall off the bridge, was I ok, how did the bus get out of the water, was I ok, did anyone get seriously injured, did I mention that they asked if I was ok? Because they asked that question, a lot. Not the I could blame them. Like I said they already lost a daughter, they didn't need to lose a granddaughter as well.

I answered their questions as calmly as I could, and that seems to calm them down a bit. When I told them that it looked like Clark was the one to save all of us, their faces went from being confused, to disbelief, to gratitude (finally, somebody else reacts to what clark did the right way). "What you say his last name was again, Darlin'?" Grandpa Henry asks me. "Kent," I tell him, wondering why they want to know what is name was. "I know that boy, his family owns the farm not too far away from ours, good kid." He explains to me, with a smile. At least I know that my own family doesn't treat Clark like a freak.

Seeing fate give me another shot at talking to Clark, I suggest the perfect plan. "Do you think you could take me to Kent Farm so I can thank Clark for saving my life? I never really got a chance to earlier." "Great idea, Dot!" Grandma Em say, then lights up with an idea of her own "Why don't you pack up that apple pie you made last night? I'm sure he would appreciate that." I nod, noticing she's giving me a grin as if she's plotting something, or suspects something more is going on between Clark and I. If she knew how are first encounter went, she would not have that look on her face at all. Just as I'm getting ready to go in the kitchen, I pause, realizing I'm still in my wet clothes. "I'm just gonna change real quick." When I race up the stairs, I hear Grandma Em call up to me, "I saw a blue dress in your closet you should wear!" I wonder if she ever did this to Mom.

(A/N: Ignore purse, imagine that the shoes are black converses instead of the flats, and picture a white cardigan with the dress)

I ended up changing into the dress Grandma Em suggested. (When someone's right about an outfit they're right.) Right after changing, I went down to the kitchen, packed up the pie, and met Grandma Em and Grandpa Henry, along with Chase out in the truck. Soon we were on our way to Kent Farm.

(A/N: Hey guys, another chapter done. I always had a problem with the fact that no one, not even the parents being appreciative of the fact that Clark save everyone. If it were my kid on that bus, nothing I could do would ever be enough to thank him. Next chapter, we go to Kent Farm. Hopefully, Dorothy will be brave enough to finally talk to Clark. Who knows, maybe there'll even be a few sparks flying between them. TTFN, ta-ta for now!)

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