James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

13.6K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 11

307 3 2
By SpencerRiedfan24

(Bit spicy at the end. Sorry not sorry.)

(James's POV)
So Hadaza and I are home from our honeymoon and I'm busy working out while my wife is at her job. When we arrived back home we went to the doctors and Hadaza's doctor confirmed that she is officially pregnant. I finished working out and head to the kitchen and get myself some water and see my wife pull in the driveway and walk up the stairs to the door and comes in. "Hey honey. How was work?" I ask grabbing her bags. "It's was okay." She says shrugging taking her coat and hat off. "That bad huh?" I say setting her stuff down on the counter as she takes her boots off. "I swear we keep getting interns who have no idea what they are doing even though we wrote it out for them or they don't know how to handle with stress. I swear if we hire one more bimbo who doesn't know how to handle themselves I'm just gonna quit and go crazy." She says getting frustrated and makes her way upstairs. I go after her and stop her. "Hey stop for a moment. Look at me and take a deep breath." I say holding her shoulders gently. She stops and looks at me then takes a breath and calms down a bit. "Better?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says going to change into something comfy. I hop in the shower and quickly rinse off my sweaty body then get out and change into sweatpants and a t-shirt.

My wife comes in the bathroom and takes her make up off as well as take her hair down. I dry my hair off and gently wrap my arms around her midsection and pull her into me gently. "Yes?" She asks leaning into me and continues to take her makeup off. "I just want to hold my wife and my growing child." I say lifting her shirt up and gently rub the little bump that started forming. She just smiles and lets me as she finishes taking her make up off. I get down on my knees in front of her and talk to the stomach. "You just love talking with it don't you?" She says throwing her hair up and looks down at me. "Yes and even though the baby isn't big enough I know it enjoys my voice." I say looking at her. She just laughs. "Okay. I need to go sit down or lay down cause I've been on my feet all day." She says leaving the bathroom and sits down.

"You want anything love?" I ask her. "Mmmm cuddles and my phone. I wanna check on my parents." She says crossing her legs. "Sure." I say going to get her phone and then sit next to her and cuddle her. She takes it and checks on her parents then snuggles into me. "The flu is starting to get bad this year." She says sighing meaning she has to work with her nieces and nephews. "Well you don't have to work with them during this flu season. I know they are your top priority but you need to be your top priority right now. Your pregnant love." I say rubbing her back. "I know and I'm going to I just don't want to deal with work. My day was just awful. I think I'm taking on to much." She says sighing. I hold her close to me. "Would a shoulder rub help you relax?" I ask her as she rubs her face. "Yeah." She says nodding and turns her back to me. I start to rub her shoulders gently feeling her relax. "You just need a day to sit and rest." I say continuing as I feel her rub her stomach softly. "Well tomorrow is Saturday and you finished your work for this week so why don't you just rest?" I state. "Mmm that sounds like a good idea." She says relaxed.

"Good. Oliver and Katy are coming over for an adult night cause they got a night away from their son. So we can just stay in and have a catch up night." I say. "That would be great. I haven't see Katy or Oliver since the wedding." She says laying back against me. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist gently and place her hands on mine as we both feel her small six week bump. "Katy's pregnant again isn't she?" My wife asks after a couple moments of silence. "She is. Maybe you could ask her about what she went through with her son." I say. "Yeah. You weren't kidding your family does reproduce fast." She says laughing a bit. "I know. It's amazing." I say smiling. "It is." She says laughing. "I can't wait for our baby to get bigger so we can feel it move around and it will respond to my voice." I say gently kissing her neck. "Mmm that mean sleepless nights, late night cravings, bigger clothes, swollen feet, swollen breast. Shall I keep going?" She says looking up at me. "Nope. But think of it this way. You can see the wonderful human we both created grow as well as pick out names and see if it's a boy or girl." I say trying to make her see the positive side of things. "I guess your right." She says nodding and leans her head on my chest. "Mmm I know I am. I'll go start dinner if you want." I say holding her. "No I got it." She says getting out of my grip and makes her way to the kitchen. I stand and go with her and see her start dinner. "I'll help you." I say helping her out with dinner seeing her struggle. We make dinner and eat then my wife turns in early being extremely tired which I let her go knowing she needs as much sleep as she can get because mornings have not been fun at all. I finish cleaning up the kitchen and lock the door and set the alarm and work on grading my students papers for their final exams then turn in for the night.

The next morning I wake up early around seven hearing my wife in the bathroom. Me being the live husband I goes to her and rubs her back while she throws up. After she finishes I go and get her some water and Ginger ale letting her shower. I come back a few moments later and see her back in bed and siting with her head in her hands. "Here love drink." I say handing her the water. She takes it and drinks it slowly. "Only a few more weeks and this should be over." She mutters to herself. I sit down in front of her and rub her thighs gently. "It will pass soon." I say reassuring her. She nod and drinks the water. "You are the best husband in the world James. You don't have be with me when I have morning sickness but you do even in the early morning hours." She says looking at me. "That's what I'm here for. I'm here for you always no matter what your going through." I say gently stroking her cheek.

She nods and yawns getting sleepy. "Rest love I'll be downstairs working out if you need me." I say setting her water to the side making sure she was comfortable. She just nods and yawns and falls right to sleep. I smile and kiss her head and change into work out clothing and do a full two hour full body work out. Right as I finished I get a phone call from my sister in law. "Hey Katy what up?" I ask going to the kitchen to make breakfast. "Hey James, so for today I was wondering I should bring anything over?" She asks. "It's up up to you. Why do you ask?" I say sipping my water. "Your brother decided to bake again after I told him no more baking but ehh he doesn't listen. So would you guys like some cookies, donuts, and some bread? And can you smack your brother for me?" She says sounding desperate. "We will take the bread. And honestly with Oliver just cut him off from the kitchen and say that Birmingham is better at football. He'll stop right away." I say making some avocado toast.

"Okay thanks. See you guys at 12:30." She says. "See ya then Katy." I say hanging up and eat my breakfast. About twenty minutes later I hear footsteps coming downstairs and I know my wife is up. "Hey love." I say as she walks into the kitchen. "Oh honey did you sleep at all after I left?" I ask her getting her some toast. "I slept for ten minutes then I got sick again and couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to stay awake and do some work." She says yawning. "Awww Love." I say handing her her toast then go around and hold her gently. She just sighs and nibbles on her toast. "I wonder if you should call your doctor and tell her what's going on." I say holding her. "No she'll tell me that it's fine and it's normal and that it will be over soon." She says rubbing her eyes. "But love you are loosing a lot of sleep due to this. I'm just worried about you." I say rubbing her shoulders.

"I know. It's only for two more weeks though." She says stretching. I sigh and rub her shoulders still. "Besides now I feel fine. I'm going to go get ready." She going upstairs to change. "I'm going to change to. And maybe after you change you could take a nap?" I say going behind her. "But there's a lot of stuff to do before your bother and sister in law come." She says changing into a pair of leggings and a comfy dress. "There is not a lot of stuff to do. You need to rest." I say washing my body off and drying then change into jeans and s long sleeve shirt. "But James." She pout putting on some socks. "Nope. You are going to lay down on the couch and relax. Today's your day to relax." I say looking at her. She sighs and stands up heading downstairs and flops on the couch. I walk downstairs and see her laying on the couch fast asleep.

Smiling I go over and throw a blanket over her and get her a pillow for her head and do whatever last minute stuff she needed to get done before my brother and sister in law come over. Once I finish I sit down next to my wife who was still sound asleep and put her feet on my lap and rub them gently. At 12:25 I hear the door bell ring which makes me get up from the couch and go to answer the door. "Hey Oliver, Hey Katy." I say opening it and let them in. "Hey James. How are you doing? How's Hadaza doing?" Katy Asia. "I'm doing fine. Hadaza is asleep on the couch right now. She's been struggling with sleep and loads of morning sickness." I say taking their coats. "Awww poor thing. I might have something that could help with that." She says taking off her boots. "You do? I ask hadaza if she should call her doctor and talk to her." I say. "She could but this is a bit simpler." Katy says walking over to the living room. "Hey Oliver." I say. "Why would you say Birmingham is better then Aston Villa? Now my wife won't let me bake." Oliver says. "Oh she took my advice. Dude she told you no more baking. You have a little one running around and she's pregnant." I say taking the bread from him.

"Yeah But Aston Villa is so much better then Birmingham." He says. I just roll my eyes and chuckle. "Your to much Oliver." I say shaking my head. Oliver makes his way to the living room with his wife while I head to the kitchen to put the bread away then go into the living room. "So James says you've been having problems with morning sickness." Katy says to my wife who was awake and sitting on the couch. "Yeah it's been awful. Especially with work." I hear her say. "I remember you saying you liked tea. Is that still your thing?" She asks. "Yeah I do enjoy tea." She says. I sit down next to her. "Peppermint tea is amazing. It helped me so much when I was pregnant with Benjamin and it's helping me to this day with this one." Katy says. "I've heard about that. My doctor said that can help. She also said using some essential oil could help too." My wife said. "Yeah. Best thing to do is have a cup in the morning and one before you go to bed. It will help you a lot." Katy says. "I will definitely try that. Thanks Katy." My wife says smiling.

I wrap my arm around my wife's waist and gently rub her small bump. "Aston Villa is so much better then Birmingham James. Come on." Oliver says. "Katy what did you do?" Hadaza asks Oliver's wife. "I just did what James told me. I didn't know it would escalate to this." She says laughing. "No. Birmingham is so much better. They've won several consecutive times this year and Aston Villa won what? Two times." I say to my brother. "Boys play nice or I will ground you both." Katy and Hadaza say in unison. We both stop and look at them. "What?" They ask in unison again. "You guys are speaking at the same time." I state shocked. "Something only twins would do." Oliver states. Hadaza and Katy just burst out laughing. "What?" I ask so confused. "We wanted to see if you guys would think hadaza and I are twins." Katy say laughing. I look at my wife who's laughing. "What? That's cruel." We say playfully upset. "Come on Katy lets go to the kitchen to bring out the food." My wife says leaving with Katy to the kitchen.

Oliver turns to me and looks at me. "Did they literally play us like that? How did they pull the twins card when they aren't even twins?" Oliver says. "I don't know. Our women are getting smarter every day." I say hearing them laugh in the kitchen. "I wonder if they did that to shut us up from talking about football (soccer got us Americans)." Oliver says. "Maybe. I'm just glad that my wife laughing right now. This week has been stressful for her." I say sighing. "Yeah? What's making it so stressful?" Oliver asks sitting next to me. "Well morning sickness is one of the reasons. Poor woman if she's lucky gets a few hours of sleep then has to go to work. At her job she's stressed out like crazy and furious cause they keep hiring in hadazas terms 'bimbos' and she has to keep firing them. I think she spread herself to thin." I say running my hand through my hair.

"Well did you tell her how you feel?" Oliver asks. "No, I'm worried about telling her." I say as the girls walk back in talking. "Talk to her." Oliver says ending the conversation. "So did you boys play nice while we were gone?" My wife asks us. "Yes we did." I say pulling my wife on my lap gently. "Love!" She squeals falling on my lap. "What." I ask holding her close to me. "Don't pull me like that!" She whines pouting. "Don't you dare Oliver Martyn John Phelps don't you dare!" Katy squeals as Oliver pulls her down too. "Ooo using my full name are we dear? Mmmm must mean you want another kid. Oh wait we're getting another on." I hear my brother say. "It takes two to tango buddy. And not here." Katy says. "Oliver you know that's what they want when they use our full names." I say holding my wife against me who flared back at me. "When we say your full names it means your in deep trouble." Katy said to both of us. "Mmmm I guess." I say tickling my wife a bit.

"Hehe stop that tickles. Food." She says giggling and and points to the food. "Ooo food." Oliver and I say the same time as me put our wife's on the couch gently. "Wow that's all we get? Can you believe that Katy?" I hear my wife ask. "I can't. You would think they would have manners." Katy says to my wife. "Anyways so tell me about what your experience was like when you were pregnant with Benjamin." I hear my wife ask. My wife and Katy talk with each other while my brother and I fight over which team is better.

After three hours Katy and Oliver leave to go pick up their son. I shut the door behind them as they leave the go and help my wife clean up. "What do you need help with love?" I ask her seeing her in the kitchen. "Can you do the dishes please?" She says throwing trash away. I nod and wash the dishes then take the trash out for her.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask her once I wash up and hold her waist gently. "Don't know." She says turning around in my arms to face me. "Mmmm I know one thing we could do." I says holding her. "And what's that?" She asks looking up at me. I lean in and kiss her and lift her up onto the counter. She kisses back and holds onto me. "You sure do love me on counters don't you?" She asks between kisses. "Mmm that and I like you in bed too." I say kissing her. She kisses me roughly and wraps her arms around my neck. "Mmmm wanna take this to the couch or the bedroom?" I ask. "Couch. Bedrooms to far away." She says kissing me. I pick her up and make my way to the living room and lay her on the couch. She lays back against the pillows and kisses me. I kiss back laying on top of her and gently slide my hands under her dress and up to her breast and play with them. "Mmmm James if your going to fuck me leave my dress on please. I'm cold." She mutters against me. "Mmmm but if I'm fucking you good then you won't need that dress." I say kissing her and slip her leggings and panties off.

"Please." She begs. "Kay love." I say kissing her roughly and take my jeans and boxers off and gently move her legs and slide into her. "FUCK! James!" She groans grabbing onto me. I groan and gently kiss her neck and slowly move in and out of her. She moans holding onto me and lays her head back exposing her neck. "Oh god James! Fuck!" She moans loudly holding me. "Mmmm baby you going to release? Huh are you?" I moan loudly. "James. God!" She cries out meaning she is. "It's okay baby let go." I say groaning and release in her causing her to release. I pull away from her and watch her facial expression. "You okay love?" I ask pulling out and changing. She just nods and sits up sliding her pants on. "Well that was something to do. I'm going to go do some work." She says getting up. "Actually Love. Sit down. I wanna talk to you." I say. She sits back down and looks at me. "What is it James?" She asks. "I think you are spreading yourself to thin. Your doing so many jobs and your stressed all the time. I know you enjoy it but right now your pregnant and need to work on you and make sure your healthy for yourself and our baby. I think you need to take a break from your job as a tutor for your nieces and nephews and step back at your other job." I say sitting in front of her. "I'm so glad you told me this. Your right I need to stop what I'm doing and focus on me and the baby. Thank you love." She says smiling and sits. "Your welcome." I say kissing her head. "Can you get my phone I wanna call my friend and explain to her that I can't tutor anymore right now because of the flu and because I'm pregnant." She says looking at me. "Sure." I say getting it and let her call her friend. After she finishes she sighs and lays her head back against the couch cushion.

"So my mom sent me this whole entire LEGO Harry Potter set and I was wondering if you want to do this while watching the movies." I say coming in front of her with a giant bag of legos. "YAS! Can we have food with it?" She asks. "Of course I'll go make some stuff for us to eat. You get the movies ready." I say. She nods and smiles widely getting the movies set up as I go make us lots of food and snacks. I come back setting the food on the coffee table then sit down on the floor with my wife as we watch the first movie and start building the LEGO set eating and watching having a good time. "Okay stop the movie. I gotta go to the bathroom." Hadaza tells me. I stop the third movie and let her go. About 15 minutes later she comes back and sets some pillows from the couch on the floor then sits on them. "What's the pillows on the floor for?" I ask. "My butt started to hurt and it helps me feel slightly taller and comfortable." She says as I play the movie.

"Okay." I say watching he movie and building the LEGO set. We finish all the movies and building the set five hours later. "It's late. Let's clean up the food and get to bed." I say. "Yeah. That was fun." She says cleaning up then making her way upstairs. I finish and lock the doors and set the alarm and then head upstairs and get ready for bed. Once I get up there I see my wife in her pjs curled up under the covers. I smile and change then crawl into bed next to her and hold her turning off the lights. She snuggles into me and falls asleep holding my hand. It was a peaceful night.

(Heres chapter 11 guys. Hope you enjoy.)

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