(2) Overnight Sensation: An A...

By Karre_bearr

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Stella is the new girl; an Army Brat, traveling around the world with her father, and never staying in one pl... More

Chapter 1: New Girl
Chapter 2: Prey
Chapter 3: Lunch
Chapter 4: Dad
Chapter 5: Princess
Chapter 6: Favorites
Chapter 7: Arguing
Chapter 8: Rian
Chapter 9: Golfing
Chapter 10: Hell
Chapter 11: Different
Chapter 12: Lullabies
Chapter 13: Forget
Chapter 14: Partners
Chapter 15: Adam
Chapter 16: Text
Chapter 17: Jealousy
Chapter 18: Skipping
Chapter 19: Unsaid
Chapter 20: Tell
Chapter 21: Best Friend
Chapter 22: Join Him
Chapter 23: Lucky [Racy content]
Chapter 24: Shower
Chapter 25: Bad Idea
Chapter 26: Bandana
Chapter 27: Lauren
Chapter 28: Daniel
Chapter 29: Alex
Chapter 30: Trouble
Chapter 31: Sap (Alex's POV)
Chapter 32: Broke (Stella's POV)
Chapter 33: Deserve
Chapter 34: Pool
Chapter 35: Keep It
Chapter 36: Hope
Chapter 37: Practice
Chapter 38: Remembering Sunday
Chapter 39: Dinner
Chapter 40: Matters
Chapter 41: Jasey Rae
Chapter 42: Frisky
Chapter 43: Last Time
Chapter 44: Prom
Chapter 45: After Prom
Chapter 46: Graduation
Chapter 47: Us [Racy Content]
Chapter 48: Since When (Alex's POV)
Chapter 49: Goodbye (Kara's POV)
Chapter 50: Mail
Chapter 51: Zack
Chapter 53: Beach
Chapter 54: Jack
Chapter 55: No
Chapter 56: Done
Chapter 57: Need You
Chapter 58: Stella Artois (Alex's POV)
Chapter 59: Kara (Stella's POV)
Chapter 60: Lunch Date
Chapter 61: Concert
Chapter 62: It's On
Chapter 63: I'm Sorry
Chapter 64: Rejection
Chapter 65: With Me
Chapter 66: Not Asking
Chapter 67: Family
Chapter 68: Ours
Chapter 69: Panic Attack
Chapter 70: Bring Me The Horizon
Chapter 71: Protect
Chapter 72: Blog
Chapter 73: Jim (Alex's POV)
Chapter 74: Almost
Chapter 75: Long Night
Chapter 76: Alley (Alex's POV)
Chapter 77: Talk
Chapter 78: Going Home
Chapter 79: Serious
Chapter 80: The Unbreakable Alex Gaskarth (Alex's POV)
Chapter 81: Baggage Claim
Chapter 82: Lullaby
Chapter 83: Just Knew It
Chapter 84: Living Shit
Chapter 85: Trash (Alex's POV)
Chapter 86: I Love You (Stella's POV)
Chapter 87: First Date
Chapter 88: Check Point
Chapter 89: The Wedding

Chapter 52: Birthday

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By Karre_bearr

        "Thanks dad," I gave him a small hug from my seat in the kitchen.

        It was just us, with a small cake in front of us with the cursive scribble of "Happy Birthday, Stella" across the center in bright blue gel. The frosting was white, and the cake was chocolate. The only thing my dad ever made was my birthday cake every single year, and he decorated them. This year he put a large stick figure on the side with a large grin, and the message in the middle was supposed to be his word bubble. Even if it seemed stupid, I loved evey year just a little bit more.

        I spent my day out with him picking me out things I wouldn't want to return for my birthday. It was mostly things for college and my dorm. This was mostly my birthday present, which I didn't mind. I needed to buy the stuff anyway, and I was going to use it, so it didn't really bother me. He bought my new sheets, a mini fridge, rugs, picture frames for pictures and posters. The other supplies would be bought later, but I was happy with my new items for school.

        "I'm not done yet," he seemed excited about whatever he was talking about. He stood, walking into the living room and moving stuff around. I stared at the empty doorway, unsure if I should offer my help. He was back within a minute, a poorly wrappe item in his hands. The paper was covered in butterflies. Obviously, my dad hadn't gotten wrapping paper in a long time.

        By the shape of the contraption, I knew what it was. My heart raced slightly, and I felt a smile grow on my lips. I pushed the cake to the side, allowing my dad to place the large case in front of me on the table. He rubbed the back of his neck awkardly.

        "I probably should have wrapped it better," He smiled feebly.

        I chuckled, my fingers running over the wrapping paper. The case shaped to the object, body of the object much wider than the neck and head. I peeled back the paper, finding a leather case underneath. I crumpled the wrapping int o a ball and let it fall to the table next to me. My eyes didn't leave the case as I unbuckled it, opening it slowly.

        My fingers moved to the tuning keys, moving them slightly. I touched the finger board, strumming the strings lightly. It played a quiet melody with the pressure and faded into the air around us. I tugged it from the case, setting it on my lap in front of me. The Seagull s6, my own acoustic guitar.

        "Dad, this is awesome. But -- why?" I glanced up at him a I placed my fingers on the frets, and storked the lightly stained body. The bridge was shining in the light of the ktichen, creating a reflection from the sun shining through the windows.

        "Your windows were open those nights you were practicing for your music class," he chuckled at me, and I instantly felt bad. I had kept him up with my terrible playing. "You have almost as much fun with the guitar as you did with the piano as you got the hang of it."

        "Seagulls are so expensive, Alex has one," I held my neck tightly, feeling as if it might fall off my lap. He shrugged, indifferent about the money.

        "You're my only kid. I get to spoil you while I can," he kissed the top of my head.

        I smiled at him as he reached into the case, pulling out a guitar strap. I grinned at him as he handed it to me. It was off-white and black, and I examined it carefully, flipping it over and noticing gold stitching on the fabric. I looked closely, seeing that there was a sentance that flowed along the bottom of the strap. "Music is love in search of a word."

        "Thank you," I stood while placing the guitar in its case carefully. I wrapped my arms around my dad's torso and he laughed while kissing my hair again.

        "Well, I know you're dying to call Kara, so you're free," he joked while picking up the plates from the counter. I grinned at him while closing the case and lifting it by the handle. I kissed his cheek as he reached for the cake, sliding out the back door and towads my room. It was getting later, and the sun was setting over the trees.

        I set the guitar on my bed, and grabbed my new computer from my cousins. It was my graduation present from my aunts and uncles. They all pooled their money together and got me a MacBook Pro for school. It was awesome, really. My old laptop was slowly dying, I'd had it for so long.

        I flipped open the screen, pushing the power button and waiting for it to turn on. I ran my fingers through my hair, allowing my screen to load as I pulled my guitar from its case. I took the strap, hooking it to the pins, fixing it to the length I wanted it to be.

        A few days ago, Kara told me she had a Skype. I downloaded it this morning when she told me she wanted to wish me a happy birthday. I was hoping the guys would be around, maybe even Alex. He hadn't texted me a happy birthday yet, and I was trying not to let it bug me.

        I shook my head, pulling up the website with my guitar in front of me. The laptop was on my pillows and I leaned backagainst my headboard. I leaned over the guitar, placing my fingers over the guitar as I waited for Kara's request to chat. She told me she'd be on at 7. It was 6:50. I tuned the guitar the way Alex had showed me a few weeks before he left.

        I was playing with the chords when my computer sounded. I jumped at the noise, seeing Kara's name appear across the screen with a request. I glanced at the time, 6:58, she was early.

        I hit 'accept' and smiled brightly when I saw her face in front of me. She was in a dimmed room, and by the lack of movement, I assumed she was waiting on the bus for the boys to be done with another show.

        "Kara!" I smiled, waving once. She waved back, skin really tan. She had been outside every single day; it didn't surprise me at all. I felt more pale than normal just by looking at her.

        "Whoa, where'd that come from?" Kara laughed, pointing at the guitar. I shrugged, gripping it tighter for a moment before taking it off and setting it on the floor.

        "Dad bought it for me."

        "Jim is so cute! Happy birthday, love! Eitghteen, just like the rest of us," she smiled, yelping in celebration. I rolled my eyes, running my fingers through my hair.

        "Good, the boys have been doing a shit load of interviews lately. If their crowd gets any bigger, they're moving to a bigger stage," she nodded, seeming proud. I nodded too, waiting for her to talk again. "They've been hanging out with the guys from Boys Like Girls a lot, Set Your Goals, The Maine, and Forever the Sickest Kids."

        "It's good to see they're playing nice and making friends," I teased and she laughed, nodding her head. "How're you holding up?"

        "It's not too bad. I really like watching the sets. It's fun," she shrugged happily. "I could do without the early mornings and bumpy roads, though," she sighed. I felt bad that they couldn't afford hotels yet. They were working so hard just to pay off the bus company right now. They couldn't spare money for a hotel.

        "Oh, and Alex dyed his hair!" she snapped her finger with a smile. "He has blonde in it now. It's not too different, it looks good."

        "Why'd he dye it?" I laughed at the thought lightly, unsure of how it would look. It couldn't be too bad, if he just added blonde.

        "I don't know, some kind of change, I guess," she shrugged, eating a chip from the bag on her lap. "So, enough about this, what'd you do today?"

        I thought about it. "Well, I went shopping with my dad for our dorm. I got the fridge, bedding, and things to hang on the wall. It was part of my gift."

        "That's good, spending time with him," I was jealous of her, and how she sat on the bus, with the boys' only feet from her.

        I heard a door and a roar of voices. Kara's eyes shot from the screen to the left, and I sat there listening, trying to make out the voices. It wasn't long until Rian was hanging over the computer, kissing Kara longingly on the lips. He didn't realize I was there.

        "Rian! Cut it out!" I groaned, leaning my head into my hands. He jumped at my voice, glancing at the screen, startled. His expression fell into a smile when he saw me moaning over the sight.

        "Stella, Happy birthday!" he exclaimed, taking a seat next to Kara. I could only assume she was on a couch. As soon as my name was said, there was a voice yelling above the noise, Jack.

        "Stella, my Bella, happy fucking birthday, babe!" he screamed, face instantly into the computer screen as he smudged his face against it. I stared at his cheak, laughing hysterically. I covered my hand over my mouth shaking my head. "Wait, I'm hungry. I'll be right back, don't leave!" Jack cried out as his face left, leaving me at the sigh to Zack now on Kara's left.

        "Happy birthday," he smiled, waving. I said thank you to each of them, pulling the sides of my shirt down because itwas riding up. "Lauren told me you guys hung out."

        "Yeah, she's a sweet girl," I grinned, and he nodded.

        I heard a voice that was muffled, asking Kara for the computer, but she kept saying no, smiling wickedly. She told them to jump in a hat and continued to look at me through the screen.

        "She said that you should text her soon, because she wants to get together again," Zack continued to talk over the argument that was happening. I laghed at how easily they could ignore each other.

        "I will," I smiled, feeling my phoen vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out as Rian and Jack argued over the last poptart. I read a familiar name across the screen and smiled as I hit the send button.

        "Hello my fine sir," I laughed as he answered, he laughed lightly.

        "Tell Kara to give me the computer," he whined, and I raised my eyebrows in response. Kara's eyes went wide and she looked past the screen. Her mouth was slack and her eyebrows were pulled together.

        "You dirty cheater! You can't call her, that's not fair!"

        "I believe I can do what I want," I noticed the echo and laughed lightly. The phone went dead suddenly, and the screen became blurry. I cursed at myself, assuming I was losing connection as the images were bringing whipped around the screen. I heard Kara yeling, telling Alex to gve it back.

        It only took me another second to realize he'd stolen the computer.

        There was a slam of a door, and Alex flipped on a light. I could see from the corner of the screen as he locked the door. He must've been in the lounge, because the room was too big to be a bathroom.

        "What are you doing?" I giggled, tossing my phone to my bed. Alex grumbled as he plopped down onto the couch, phone in his grip as well. He put the laptop on his legs, fixing the screen so his face was showing. He had shaved, for once, adn the blonde streaks in his hair weren't tooo bad. If anything, they made him look cute. His face was flushed, sweat noticable from the heat.

        "Saying happy birthday," he grinned while pulling a pillow out from behind him. He looked at me through the screen, eyes meeting mine. I felt my cheeks blush, and I played with my crossed legs in front of me, picking at my yoga pants. "Happy birthday, El."

        "Thanks, and nice hair, by the way," I raised my eyebrows at him. He played with one of the locks slightly and smirked.

        "I always thought blondes had more fun," He joked, a silly smile on his face. I shook my head. "The necklace looks good on you by the way."

        I felt my fingers run over the silver, forgetting it was there. I hadn't taken it off since I received it. I didn't think about it.

        "How was the show today?"

        "Really good, Texas is hot as hell, though," he let out a breath. I nodded, understanding his complexion now. It must've been nearly 120 degrees on stage when you're running around with the guitars and equipment.

        "Kara told me about the stage change, that's amazing," I smiled and he grinned back. My god, did I miss that smile.

        "Isn't that fucking sweet? Every time we go to a new place, more people hear our music. It's fucking insane," his face lit up and I couldn't help but react the same way. He was getting everything he ever wante.

        "Oh, you'll like this," I remembered, reaching for my guitar and pulling it into my lap. Alex's face lit up and turned into a huge grin when he saw me holding my new baby. "Birthday gift from my dad."

        "Tell your dad he's the name. I was wondering why he was asking me about good acoustic guitars," He looked at it through the screen. I showed him the strap, and he nodded, smiling.

        "Too bad you're not here to teach me," I teased him slightly. I gave him a weak smile while placing my fingers on the guitar, playing the only song I knew how.

        It was so soft that I could barely hear Alex when he spoke, "you already know how."

        "I still have much to learn Master Splinter," I said in a terrible voice. He rolled his eyes at me.

        "You're a nut ball," he sighed, and I laughed loudly. "What?"

        "Nut ball? Who are you? Alex Gaskarth doesn't sound like that."

        "I'm being nice here. I could call you a fucking weirdo, but Jack might be offended if I made fun of his kind," He said seriously. I shook my head, continuing top lay the chords. They were so simple to remember now, and I have no idea why I made such a huge deal out of them. I was playing and speaking like I wans't doing anything at all.        

        I could hear Alex him from his end of the conversation, causing a grin to appear on my lips.        

        "I miss your singing," I smiled at him, feeling comfortable with the statement. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to smirk, but I saw it fall onto his mouth anyway.

        "I miss our last night together," he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes at me, cheeks warm. He scratched his chest through his bright red shirt, a sly smile.

        "You know how to ruin a good moment, love," I sighed, not stopping the smile that appeared on my face. He chuckled, licking his lip.

        "You should take my comments as a compliment, they're meant for the best."

        "Sadly, I know. Greay way to tell me how much you care on my birthday," I teased him, and he laughed, head rolling back to the couch. His Adam's apple bobbed as he chuckled. I missed his laugh too.

        "Good thing you know me so damn well then, huh?" He said casually. My heart sped up at the thought, and my fingers stuttered on the chords before catching myself. I swallowed, shaking my head and nodding once.

        "Yeah, good thing," I beamed at him, unable to keep the smile off my lips.

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