James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

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Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 10

293 1 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(Hadaza's POV)
I woke up about 1:30 in the morning feeling pain in my abdomen and slip out of bed and make my way to the bathroom knowing I'm getting my period. The moment I walked in and shut the door I just threw up into the toilet. I finish and clean up and sit on the floor knowing I'll be sick again. "Hadaza?" I hear my husband ask me. "Mmmmm." I mutter loud enough from the bathroom holding my stomach and laying my head on against the cool wall. "Love are you o... Honey what's wrong?" He asks walking in and sees me on the floor. I just sit there running my hand through my hair still holding my abdomen and start crying a bit feeling sick.

"Awww honey it's okay." He says sitting on the floor with me and grabs my hand. I throw up again and try to keep my hair out of my face. James smiles softly and clips my hair up for me and rubs my back. I finish throwing up and sit down cleaning up and put my head in my hands. "Honey are you feeling hot in anyway?" He asks me. I just shake my head no and keep it in my hands crying. "Oh love shhh don't cry. It's okay." He says holding me. I calm down and stay on the floor for a good two hours and when I don't feel sick to my stomach anymore I stand up and start the water to shower. James goes to get me come new clothes and sets them on the bed as I undress and shower cleaning up.
Once I finish I make sure my body is completely dried off and head to the bedroom and change into clean pjs then go and brush my teeth then crawl into bed and curl up. James wraps his arm around my waist softly as we fall asleep.

I feel the sun shining on me and wake up and stretch my body rubbing my eyes and sit up and don't see James next to me. Looking around I grab my contacts and put them in then look at the time seeing it was 11:30 in the morning. "Shit. James why didn't you wake me up." I mutter to myself as I get out of bed. I look down and grab my phone and see a note on it reading: hey love, I wanted to let you sleep in because you were exhausted from this morning. I went down to get breakfast and will be up there with something for you to eat if your up to it.

"Awww that's sweet." I say to myself as I make my way to the main area feeling so much better then this morning. The moment I walk out the door opens and I see James come in with some food. "Hey love your up. Feeling better?" He asks me setting the food down and gently hugging me. "Yeah. I don't know why I got sick this morning. Maybe I could be starting my period and it's going to be a bad one this month or the heat could've done it to since I didn't drink a lot." I say holding him. "Today I'm making sure you drink a lot. But I'm glad your feeling better. You hungry at all?" He ask me pulling away. "Maybe some toast." I say pulling away from him still looking tired. "Kay. You feeling up to go to the park today or do you just wanna stay here and rest?" He asks warming up the toast for me. "I wanna go to the parks. I'm fine now James. Thank you." I say sitting down as he hands me the food. "Okay. But if you don't feel good tell and we will go straight back here." He says sitting next to me. "Okay." I say eating the toast slowly and yawn starting to wake up. James rubs my back gently and moves some hair out of my face as I eat. I let him enjoying that as well as the nice warm sun on my body.

After I finish eating I get changed into my outfit for the day and then clip my hair back and put some shoes on. Before we leave James gets two bottles of water and hands one to me. I take it and go to the car with him. We arrive at Universal Orlando and go inside and make our way to "The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter." Once arrive there we look around and admire the work and detail of the buildings. James points out things that were in the movie. I tell him that I'll be back cause I needed to go to the bathroom while he went into Olivanders to look at wands. "Oh my gosh did you know James Phelps is hear?" I hear a girl say to her friends as I'm cleaning my hands. "Yeah. Who is he here with? His brother I hope." Another one says. "Nope he's here with a girl and not one from the movie." The other one says. "Is he married? Did he bring his wife?" Another on asks. I dry my hands and make my way out of the bathroom and head into the wand shop and see James. "Love women are talking about you in the bathroom." I say standing next to him. "Really now. How do you know?" He asks looking down at me. "There were four girls standing by the sink talking." I say looking at him. Just as I say that the four girls walk into the want shop to look at the wands. "How bout this one love?" He asks showing me Ginny's wand. "Mmmmmm Maybe." I say looking at it not quiet sure. "Okay how bout this one?" He asks showing me hermionies. "No. I like Ginny's." I say looking at him. "How did I know you were going to pick hers?" He asks chuckling handing me the wand. "Because you love me." I say smiling. "That I do." He says kissing me. I smile and kiss back. He pulls away and smiles at me as he gets is wand.

"I'm sorry but are you actually James Phelps?" I hear the girls I saw early ask him. "I am. Do you guys have something you wanna ask?" He asks them his British voice coming out clearer then normal. "Can we get a picture? Please?" They ask. James looks at me and I just shrug. "Not today guys. I'm sorry I'm actually here with my wife and I promised her that I wouldn't do work while we are on our honeymoon." He says wrapping his arm around my waist. "Oh okay. That's fine." They say leaving sending me evil glares. "Well that's the second time I've gotten glare at by young girls." I say walking with him. "Some of them just don't like sharing. But your all mine and they are going to have to get use to it." He says holding me. I giggle as we pay for our wands. While I'm waiting my phone goes off and I look at it and see it's my coworker Laura. "Uhhh Not again." I whine going to answer it but stop as James grabs my phone and declines it then hands it back to me. I take it and text my senior coworker and tell her to fire Laura and tell her to delete my number. My coworker text back saying that she did fire her and says to enjoy my honeymoon. "So..." James says as I put my phone in my bag. "I had my senior coworker fire Laura for me. Now I don't have to worry." I say walking out with him and our wands. "Good." He says as we make our way down Diagon ally. "Ooooo James look at the cute plushy of Hedwig." I say pointing to the plushy in the window. "Woman you and your obsession with plushies never seems to stop amazing me." He says laughing as I walk in. "Hey what can I say they are comfy." I say smiling and get one and pay for it being happy. "You know your going to have to give some of those to our future kids." He says causing me to stop dead in my tracks. "Hold on mister." I say causing him to stop and come back to me. "Those plushies are mine. My kids aren't having them." I say playfully being defensive and serious. "I was kidding love." He says frightened as I pull my wand out.

"Hehe I know I was just kidding." I say smiling and skip off. "Hold on one second young lady." He says grabbing me gently and pulling me back to him as we reach a clearing. "Yes?" I ask looking up at him with a smile. "Your not getting away that easy. Do not play me like that." He says holding my hand. "And what if I do?" I tease him giggling. "This." He says kissing me quickly and roughly. I kiss back the same way enjoying it. James pulls away shortly after and smiles. "That was something." I say smiling and walk with him and take a sip of my water trying to stay hydrated. "It was." He says wrapping his arm around my waist gently as we walk through every part of Harry Potter then go get something to eat because it was lunch time but also cause I was feeling hungry and faint slightly. James sits me down at a table that was in the shade and goes to get us food from a local place that's near where I was sitting so he could watch me knowing I was not feeling well at all. A few moments later James comes back with food and sits next to me and makes me eat some of his food so I can get something in me. I eat it and sit taking a sip of water. "I think we should go back after we are done eating." He says as I take another bite of my food. I just nod and eat slowly. "Are you sure you don't have a fever love?" He asks feeling my head with the back of his hand. "I'm sure James." I say finishing my food and drinking my water. James nods and eats his food. Once we finish eating we head up front and go back to the hotel where I go in and get changed into pjs and lay down. "Love can you get me something if you're running out?" I say sitting on the bed. "Sure what is it?" He asks me. "Can you get me some pain medication and some pads please? I thought I packed enough of them but I didn't and I forgot my pain medication at home." I say looking at him. "Sure love. I'll be back soon. Get some rest if you can." He says grabbing the keys and leaves.

I wait about thirty minutes and then go downstairs to the gift shop and buy a pregnancy test and take it. I wait the amount of time I need to and then check it. Looking down at it I see the word "pregnant" which makes me tear up. "I'm going to be a mom!" I say happily and walk out of the bathroom and set the test down by the nightstand and then nap. I'm guessing a few hours go by and I hear James come in. I wake up and stretch rubbing my eyes saying "James?" Not even a second after I said his name he pops up in the doorway. "Hey love did I wake you?" He asks coming and setting the stuff he got me on the desk. "Yeah. I have some news." I say. "Oh what is it?" He asks sitting next to me. I reach over and grab the test and hand it to him. He takes it and looks at it taking a few minutes to process what he's reading. "Love are you serious? Is this for real?" He asks looking at me. I bite my lip and nod my head looking at him saying "mmhmm." "I'm going to be a father!" He says excitedly doing a cute little dance then attacks me in a gentle hug. "That's what the test says I still have to get it confirmed by my doctor. But if today was any indication that I could be pregnant then James your going to be a father." I say hugging him. "Oh I can't wait to meet you little one." He says rolling up my shirt and talking to my flat stomach causing me to giggle. I smile and let him talk to my stomach and kiss it gently playing with his hair. "Who would've thought that I would have gotten pregnant on the first try." I say causing him to look up. "Cause of me and you. I mean you were a Virgin when we first did it so that could've done it. Not to mention that in my family we reproduce fast. I mean my mum got pregnant with me and Oliver the first night she slept with our dad." He says looking at me. "I see. Then how come it took Oliver and Katy to get pregnant?" I ask still playing with his hair. "He was always traveling with me and also they were using protection and finally decided to have a baby last year." James states. "Mmmm I see." I say sitting up. The rest of the day was just spent with James and I talking about how we are going to tell our family and what names we will name the baby. It was a fun night overall. They weren't kidding when they said Disney was the most magical place.

(Heres chapter 10. So the next chapter is going to be a time skip to when they are going home from their honeymoon and Hadaza is going to check to see if she is pregnant.)

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