The Virgin Sacrifice ✔ (COMPL...

By chapterbangtan

48K 3.2K 491

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying your highness. This is my true form, I am just a mere human... More

Book Trailer
First Muster: Chapter 1
First Muster: Chapter 2
First Muster: Chapter 3
First Muster: Chapter 4
First Muster: Chapter 5
First Muster: Chapter 6
First Muster: Chapter 7
First Muster: Chapter 8
First Muster: Chapter 9
First Muster: Chapter 10
First Muster: Chapter 11
First Muster: Chapter 12
First Muster: Chapter 13
First Muster: Chapter 14
First Muster: Chapter 15
First Muster: Chapter 16
First Muster: Chapter 17
First Muster: Chapter 18
First Muster: Chapter 19
First Muster: Chapter 20
First Muster: Chapter 21
First Muster: Chapter 22
First Muster: Chapter 23
First Muster: Chapter 24
First Muster: Chapter 25
Second Muster: Chapter 26
Second Muster: Chapter 27
Second Muster: Chapter 28
Second Muster: Chapter 29
Second Muster: Chapter 30
Second Muster: Chapter 31
Second Muster: Chapter 32
Second Muster: Chapter 33
Second Muster: Chapter 34
Second Muster: Chapter 35
Second Muster: Chapter 36
Second Muster: Chapter 37
Second Muster: Chapter 38
Second Muster: Chapter 39
Second Muster: Chapter 40
Second Muster: Chapter 41
Second Muster: Chapter 42
Second Muster: Chapter 43
Second Muster: Chapter 44
Second Muster: Chapter 45
Second Muster: Chapter 46
Second Muster: Chapter 47
Second Muster: Chapter 48
Second Muster: Chapter 49
Third Muster: Chapter 51
Third Muster: Chapter 52
Third Muster: Chapter 53
Third Muster: Chapter 54
Third Muster: Chapter 55
Third Muster: Chapter 56
Third Muster: Chapter 57
Third Muster: Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 1: Lumiére Sneak Peak
Chapter 1: Royals of the South Sneak Peak

Second Muster: Chapter 50

436 35 0
By chapterbangtan


The night is still young and everyone is busy getting ready for the second wave of battle. Taehyung stands guard up into the edge of the castle walls where his post is located. King Namjoon wanted to give them the opportunity to be able to see what's coming.

Meanwhile, Yeora and the king of the ocean together with a few of his soldiers are on their way into the lagoon where they intend to start to search for Jimin. All these preparations will be worth it if everyone cooperates but something unexpected happens.


''Are you sure about this?" Jungkook whispers to Lisa who's now in her solid form.

"Yes, I just realized that we're not actually in the moon. We'd both die if we truly are. There is no water here, you know how water is important to us," Lisa continues to explain it to him while she tries to look for ways to open the room where Jungkook is locked.

Jungkook nods in agreement. "True, it's not cold in here or anything," he helps Lisa in searching. Lisa just heard Selene leave to go to the moon where she needs to harvest her energy and power.

"I am now a hundred percent sure that we're still on earth. She can't just bring you to the moon, you'll die within days. It's been a week now and just yesterday, I heard carriages pass by. I think we're somewhere still near the waters. Or just outside a small village. Sometimes I hear children playing nearby as well," she explains as she shoves her hand through the door without any effort.

"I don't think we'll need the keys anyway. Just open it from the outside," Jungkook says while running his hand through his blue hair, completely exhausted. Thankfully, Selene hasn't done anything haful yet except forcing him to watch her strip.

Lisa then twists the knob from the outside and pulls the lock down, finally opening the door.

"Now, we need to be careful. She might be away but I know she's wise enough to leave spells around. Someone's guarding the doors outside too. I'll be able to handle them. Just be quiet," she instructs Jungkook which he follows.

She knows where to go and how to leave so Jungkook trusts her with his life. Lisa then opens the door for him. She exits fast, Jungkook following behind. As quiet as they could get, Lisa walks through the walls and Jungkook could hear groans from the outside and loud thuds signalling that the guards are down. Lisa opens the main door as the place where they were has only simple structures and aren't hard to memorize. Lisa has spent the rest of the days learbing the area and planning their escape and this is their only shot at executing it.

Jungkook exits the small structure and as soon as his body leaves the inside, a wind pushes the door close. Lisa then pulls Jungkook down making sure they don't make any sound. They make a sprint to hide into the woods and watch the whole wood structure break, creaking sounds are heard throughout the area.

The stucture turns into a wooden monster and starts to screech like a maniac. Jungkook leaving the wooden house triggered a spell and this is the outcome.

"We can't fight this. It's too big. I say we make a run," Jungkook suggested and started tracing any scent that's familiar to him.

He faces north where the thick forest is. "This way! There will be no causalties if we go this path," he says and they both sprint into that direction.

And immediately, the creature sensed them and started running after them.

"Fuck! I don't wanna die!" Lisa exclaims while matching Jungkook's speed.

"We aren't. Just trust me," he says hoping she would trust him like he trusted her.

"I do trust you," she then confirms.

Branches of trees are whipping everywhere. The creature's loud thuds against the ground notifies them that the chase has just began.

"We need to run faster. I can trace someone's scent this way. I think it's Taehyung's," Jungkook finally manages to tell who's scent he's following.

With vampire speed, they've covered hectars of lands. Miles and miles of forestry and still the creature's nearing them.

Taehyung felt someone's presence and stands up. He spread his wings and flies up into the midnight sky to see who they are and spots a large wooden creature running. It seems like it's after someone so he looks closer to see Jungkook and Lisa dodging a log as they run for their life.

Taehyung then flies back to his post and notifies someone to carry the message to Namjoon. Which was given action immediately as Namjoon instructs the soldiers outside to man the gate tightly.

After quite some time, Jungkook leaps and lands on Taehyung post with the cracking of the rock he's perched on, Lisa following suit with a less louder cracks as she sticks her landing gracefully. Both panting and catching their breaths.

"You're alive," Jungkook retorts still oanting earning a grin from Taehyung.

"Amazing right?" he says and unsheathes his sword. His wings spread wide and bullets to where the creature is.

"He can handle that by himself. Let him have fun. Now we both need to report to whoever's in charge here. I can see they're ready. It won't be long until Selene finds out I'm gone," Jungkook starts to descend the rock and into the land where a large camp is.

Namjoon emerges from the largest tent and as soon as Jungkook sees him, he positions himself into defence mode. He knew Namjoon is an enemy so what is he doing here? But as soon as he sees Hoseok follow him out of the tent, his tensed up posture relaxes.

"Hyung!" Jungkook runs to Hoseok.

Hoseok then hugs the young vampire and pats his back.

"You're alive!" Hosoek remarks, repeating his exact words to Taheyung just a while ago. Irony.

They continue to ignore the slashing sound and cries of the monster outside the castle walls. Taehyung's warming up, he's having fun.

''King Namjoon is in command right now. We thought we'd have to go search for you," Hoseok says making Jungkook bow to Namjoon in respect.

He looks around and ignores what Hoseok said. He just pulls Lisa beside him.

"Feed her, she's starving," he said and without Lisa's confirming words, he just hands her to one of the attendants present.

"Go, eat," he says and nods to her with a smile. "Thank you," he says to her.

"It's my duty your highness," she then bows and leaves.

Jungkook seems to be restless. His eyes darts everywhere and tries to seek for someone's presence.

"Yeora's not here, she's searching for King Jimin," Hoseok answers his silent question once Namjoon leaves to go and see if Taehyung's doing just fine.

Jungkook's face falls. Hoseok saw that earning a small chuckle from him. "She just needs to find the king before he dies from drowning. She's with your father. She's worried about you. Trust me on this Jungkook. She risked her life for you. She's alive don't worry,'' Hoseok leads him inside the tent.

"I just feel guilty that you all have to go through this battle just beacuse of me. She nearly died becausse of me," Jungkook sits down and lets Hoseok massage his neck where he's so tensed up.

"Loosen up merprince, she'll do it for you again with no second thoughts. We'll all be here for you," Hoseok encourages him. "Seeing you here without any wounds would aopeace her," she adds.

Jungkook only nods and smiles at him. "Now, get some rest. Selene might arrive anytime soon. You'll need all the strength you can have. Good thing we camped here, the lagoon is nearby. Go!" he then pushes Jungkook out of the tent again.

"We'll be ready," Jungkook nods with confidence.

"We will," Hoseok matches his confidence with his.



Congratulations to Bangtan for their awards just this day!

We're down to a few chapters.
This book is finally ending.

Thank you for all the love and support. Thsi book gas been stuck for so long and I'm sorrg about that. I was just stuck in this ugly feeling these couple of months.

I've been getting better, still getting better 😊


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