Bella Morris ๐Ÿ’“(Saved By the...

By QueenWriter17

10.2K 159 10

The life of Bella Morris begins as she goes through adventures with her brother Zack and friends. She'll have... More

A New Family
Rent-A Pop
Reunited with Paola
Jessie's Song
See You Again
Model Students
Hey Brother
The Famous Belding Boys
Horrific Dreams
Breaking Up is Hard to Undo
Secret Revealed
Season 4 Cast
The Last Dance
The Aftermath
Operation Zack
Check Your Mate
The Real You
Fake IDs

Pipe Dreams

78 3 0
By QueenWriter17

Thanks to blonde ambition, I was grounded for the whole weekend. Mom only let the girls visit me. Kelly needed girls night after another breakup. I'm just glad she's much better now. Morning rose for school and I did my morning routine and showered. Zack brushed his hair in the bathroom while I got dressed. Today will be nice because something beautiful will blossom. It sounds odd but I feel it in my gut. I ruffled my hair and applied makeup. Zack stopped by my doorway, groaning softly. I looked at him confusedly. "What?" I asked. He huffed. "Can you hurry up? School remember?" He asked. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Relax blondie. I'm not the one using too much gel for my hair." I joked. He rolled his eyes and walked out. I grabbed my backpack and followed him downstairs. In the kitchen, our parents were chatting and laughing. Usually we see Mom in the mornings because Dad leaves early. It's kinda weird but I'm glad to see them both before I go to school. They saw us and smiled. "Good morning kids!" They said in unison. I returned the gesture. "Morning, mom and dad." I said. Zack fake smiled and pulled out a cereal box. "Morning." He said. Mom hummed in response. "Somebody's a little grumpy today." She teased. Dad nodded in agreement. "Hm, he's probably hungry." He whispered to her. Usually that's what I get when I'm hungry but Zack? No. He continued making himself breakfast while I excused me from their conversation. "Maybe you are grumpy hungry." I joked. Zack huffed. "I'm fine Bella." He muttered. I shrugged. "What's wrong? Mom and Dad are having mornings together like they used to." I said. He scoffed. "Yeah. Used to." He mumbled. Zack has always been upset about Dad putting work first before us and Mom. It gets awfully sad during the holidays. That's why we'd spend Christmas with our friends or cousins. Him being a sourpuss now is completely understandable. I smiled sadly. "Look, at least it's off to a fresh start. Look at them." I said. His attention turned to them laughing while drinking wine. It was pretty nice after not seeing most of them sometimes. We finished eating cereal before getting our backpacks. Dad smiled, fixing his tie. "Alright. Gotta head to work." He said. I kissed his cheek. "Bye Dad!" I said. He returned the gesture. "Bye sweetheart, bye Zack." He said. He sighed and walked off. So much for a nice morning. Mom patted his shoulder. "He'll warm up honey. Go ahead, you can't be late." She said. Dad frowned and walked pass me. I followed behind to the driveway. Why can't Zack see he's trying a bit? Guess it is hard to forgive when he didn't try before.

Me and William were in our biology class with the gang while Zack's on the football field today. We were learning about ocean animals in one fish tank. I stand next to Jessie, admiring the cute little things. "This semester in biology we shall study the ecology of the pond." Dr. Phelps said. Slater looked at the tank confusedly. "Uh, Dr. Phelps where did all these animals come from?" He asked. "These creatures are visiting from the pond right behind the football field. Now to them, this is a field trip." He slightly joked. I giggled. "They're so cute!" I said. William looked at me in awe and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Oh, doesn't it bother them to be moved from their natural habitat?" Kelly asked. Lisa scoffed. "Get real Kelly. Who would miss sitting in stagnant water all day?" She sassed. Screech put his hand up. "I would." He said softly. William chuckled. "All right, let's get to know our pond pals a little better, shall we?" Dr. Phelps said. Screech got off the desk, running to the tank. "Dr. Phelps, can I hold a frog?" He asked excitedly. I laughed and playfully raised my hand. "Can I too?" I asked. "Don't let him, he'll give it a wart." Lisa joked. Dr. Phelps chuckled. "That's a misconception. Frogs do not give warts." He mentioned. He went in the tank and pulled out the little turtle. "Now then Ms. Turtle, how about holding this turtle?" He asked, putting it in her hands. Lisa looked at it disgustedly. "Uh, I...I can't. It's slimy!" She whined. I rolled my eyes. Kelly grabbed the turtle from her hands. "Oh I'll hold it, it's cute." She said, chuckling. William smirked. "What. A. Softy." He muttered. She raised an eyebrow. "Heard that!" She sassed. I chuckled. My attention was thrown on Zack who walked in holding a big duck. Honestly, I remembered one duck biting my finger when we were younger. It doesn't mean I'm afraid of ducks though. "Dr. Phelps, Dr. Phelps I'm sorry I'm late but I think this duck is hurt." He said. Everyone crowded around him in order to see the duck. "What happened Zack?" He asked. "Well, we were playing baseball last period and I hit one over the fence. I found one next to the duck." He explained. Dr. Phelps carefully took the duck off his arms. "Oh, I guess he got hit by the ball." Slater added. "Yeah." William agreed. Dr. Phelps examined it for a minute. "Oh, she'll be ok. She's just a little dazed." He told him. I smiled and crossed my arms. "It's a her?" I asked. He responded with mmhm. Zack hummed in response. "Why don't you pet her Bella?" He teased. So sweet how he picks the right time to tease me about my duck-incident. I fake smiled. "Why don't you pet it Zack? Don't let the hair gel get into her eyes." I said sarcastically. Slater chuckled. Jessie ignored our joking and huffed. "Hit by a ball. Typical. That's what happens when man encroaches upon an animal's domain." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Here we go." I muttered. Zack turned away from the duck. "Jessie, it was an accident. Not a case for L.A law." He said annoyedly. Dr. Phelps still held the duck with his hands carefully. "Aw, this duck will be fine. We'll observe her and then we'll return her and the other animals to the pond where we can study them in their natural surroundings." He said. I smiled warmly. Pets is what I wished we had in our house. Like a puppy to make me smile whenever I'm unhappy sometimes. A cute little fluffy friend to make my day. Dad couldn't get us one because of his work schedules and us being away from home due to school. Zack got off the desk. "Alright. It's Friday sir, I mean no one's gonna be here for the weekend. Can I take her home?" He asked. Fireworks erupted inside my brain. Yay! Finally we're taking a pet home! I smiled widely, wrapping arm around his neck. "Can we take her home?" I corrected. Zack chuckled. "All right guys. Sounds like a good idea." Dr. Phelps said, giving her to him. I cheered happily. "Yay! We got a pet!" I cheered. Everyone laughed including Dr. Phelps. He smiled. "Hey little lady, I'm sorry I hit you in the head with a ball." He said. I returned the gesture and rubbed its fur as she squawked. "Can't wait to see you home." I whispered.


At the Max, I sat next to Zack with Lisa in front of me with textbooks splatted on the table. Becky was in her cage, beside her sitting calmly. She look so cute! Kelly came by wearing her waitress uniform. She smiled at Becky. "Hi Becky, what would you like for lunch? Don't be shy." She asked sweetly. Lisa playfully rolled her eyes. "Kelly, you're talking to a duck." She said. Kelly scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "I've had ducks before. I know what they eat." She said. I smirked. "What?" I asked. "A box of quackers." She joked. I looked down and chuckled. "Real good joke." I joked. She giggled. On cue, Slater in his football uniform rushed to our table. "Guys, you'll never guess what happened when they were putting up the new goal posts." He said. Zack smirked. "They buried Belding beneath them." He joked. I crossed my arms like a mom. "Be nice Morris." I joked. He smiled innocently. Slater sighed. "No such luck. They were drilling and they must've hit a pipeline. There's oil pouring out." He told us. Jessie's environment speech in 3, 2, 1. She sighed disappointedly. "Oh, you see. That's what happens when man alters the natural order of the environment." She added. Slater scoffed. "Hey chill out mama, there was a chick digging the hole." He sassed. I have different thoughts about the environment. I care about animals and flowers but also like a little luxuriousness. "It's too bad they didn't strike oil for real." Lisa said. "Yeah. We'd be the richest school in the world. We could have anything we wanted." Zack agreed. I went on my phone and checked my contact list. Paola hadn't been talking to me and I've called eight times already. What if it's my fault? About what I said about Jack? She's probably angry at me. She shouldn't because we never fight about guys. Oh Paola, please pick up. "Bella? Bella?" Zack called. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. He looked at me worriedly. "Are you ok? You seem spaced out." He asked. Kelly chuckled. "Zack, I think we were too." She said. He nodded in agreement. Screech ran up to us. "Guys, we struck oil!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "No we didn't. It was a pipe." I told him. He nodded his head no. "No they checked. There wasn't a pipeline under the school. We've struck it rich." He said, smiling. What? Seriously? We looked at each other in shock.

The next morning hadn't make me forget about two things. Striking oil in school and my worries about Paola's sudden absence. She never talked to William since Lisa's birthday. Anyways, the whole school gathered for an assembly in the auditorium. I sat between Lisa and Screech. William was next to Slater. He looked at me sadly which meant there was no sign of Paola anywhere. I sighed. Belding was starting his announcement. "Today is an historic moment in the history of Bayside." He said. Beside him was the school board. My phone buzzed. Belding was easily distracted introducing an owner of an oil company. I pulled it out and checked.

Babe😭❤️: I tried calling her three times.

Belele💋🤟🏼: why isn't she answering? :(

Babe😭❤️: I'm worried as u are.

Belele💋🤟🏼: it's like she disappeared since we last seen her with Jack.

Babe😭❤️: did something happen with her and Jack???

What if it did? I mean, Jack wouldn't exactly hurt her or worse. I'm convinced something's up. Paola wouldn't suddenly disappear for no reason. The bell rang which snapped me out of my thoughts. The assembly was over. I must've missed the whole discussion but whatever. Paola's disappearance should be a topic anyway. I inhaled a deep breath.

Belele💋🤟🏼: we'll talk later.

Babe😭❤️: ok.♥️

Everybody was leaving and I followed behind the girls. Someone's hand intertwined mine. William smiled sadly. I returned the gesture as we got to the hallway.


In the bathroom, I kept trying to call Paola more than three times. No damn answer. I pressed voicemail and began talking. "Paola, me and Will called you a hundred times but you're not picking up. Where are you? We're really worried. We wanna know if you're ok and where you've been. Please. Please answer." I finished and sent it. Ugh, this is incredibly frustrating! I rubbed my hair and sighed. Anything could be happening to Paola at this moment. Kidnapping, drowning, abused or worse. I went on my phone gallery and found a photo of myself with Becky. Zack's in the background with a goofy face. I chuckled. Always making silly faces. The bathroom door opened, revealing Lisa. She seemed shocked and worried. My bad thoughts must be coming to life. "Bella! It's horrible!" She panicked. "What happened?" I asked worriedly. "There's been a oil spill! It's pouring everywhere!" She told me. Instantly, the whole world came to a halt. Everything Jessie said about oil effecting the animals were true. My brain clicked. Becky! Tears were threatening to escape. "Our animals! Becky! The animals!" I managed to say. She gasped while pulling me out of the bathroom. We run-walked to where Jessie, Kelly and Franklin were chained together on a fake derrick. Odd but moving on. "Guys, there's been an oil spill! There's oil everywhere!" Lisa told them. They looked at each other in shock. My brain clicked, remembering Zack and Becky. She's out there in the field! I gotta tell him! I sighed. "I gotta find Zack." I said before running off.

The oil spill problem was being talked about in school. Zack and Screech weren't in the boys' locker room nor the oil-filled field. Wait! I finally made it to Dr. Phelps's classroom and stopped, noticing Zack and Screech with oil all over them. Dr. Phelps was examining an oil-infested Becky sadly. They saw me and sighed sadly. Dried tears wept over Zack's face. He inhaled a deep breath. "She's gone. She's gone Bella." He admitted. Tears fell freely from my eyes. I ran into his grasp and hugged him. He hugged back. Screech patted my shoulder gently. We finally had a pet. Now we lost one sooner? I didn't even notice Jessie walking in. "Guys, I heard about the pond!" She said. A moment of silence was present. My eyes couldn't look at Becky. "Oh guys, I'm so sorry. This is terrible." She said softly. Zack sighed. "Should've listened to you Jessie. Sorry Becky." He muttered. "It wasn't your faults." She told us. I sniffled. "I thought we finally had a pet. Now we don't." I said hoarsely. Jessie side-hugged me. "Don't worry about Becky. She's where the oil can't hurt her now." Screech said. All I can do is hope that's true. We parted. Zack rubbed my shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked. I sniffled and nodded. "I think so." I partially lied. Jessie inhaled a deep breath. "We have to take action. These animals are part of life. The environment." She said confidently. I cleared my throat and wiped my eyes. "Let's talk to Belding." I agreed.


As planned, a group of us were in Belding's office and explained what happened. Kelly, Lisa and Slater were at the field searching for their pets. He sighed. "I feel the same way you do. I love going to the pond and feeding Becky. But accidents happen." He said. I mentally scoffed. Accidents my ass. Jessie huffed. "Yes, accidents happen with oil companies and they just straight up being responsible for them!" She disagreed. Belding shrugged. "Jessie, it's not that simple. With progress, there's often a price to pay. People died in the space program, does that mean we should stop exploring the universe?" He said. I huffed and rubbed my forehead. "Well sir, we've got to do something!" I said. Zack nodded. "We've got to stop the drilling." He agreed. He looked at him in disbelief. "Stop the drilling? Zack, you wanted a better Bayside more than anyone." He said. He sighed frustratingly. "Sir, I was wrong. Please. you have got to do something." He begged. Belding pointed to himself and shrugged. "Well what can I do?" He asked doubtfully. Screech walked up to his desk confidently. "What can you do? You're the principal. Aren't you man enough to scare anyone but the kids?" He sassed. His comment would've made me snicker if I wasn't upset. Belding lightly glared. "Oops." He blurted while backing away fearfully. I inhaled a deep breath. "Mr. Belding, Becky is dead. What about the other animals? Not to mention the pond is polluted. Who knows what's gonna happen next?" I added. On cue, the door revealed an oil-infested Slater, Kelly and Lisa. They frowned. "We got there too late." He told us. I could've sworn a tear left Kelly's eye as she stared down at her dead pet. "There's nothing we can do. All our animals are dead." She said softly. Zack turned back to Belding. "Mr. Belding, we can't let these animals die for nothing. Please, you got to tell the school board to stop the drilling." He said. He sighed sadly. "I'll try. But I'm afraid it'll take more than a few dead animals to change their minds." He spoke.

The next assembly aka "the drill discussion" was starting. In front of the audience was a small model replica of new Bayside part of the topic. We created a plan to change their minds about the oil idea. Zack would be the spokesperson and we're the witnesses. "As you can see, the new gymnasium will house a separate boys and girls basketball court. That may bother you some boys who love sharing a court with girls in gym shorts. Sorry guys." He said, joking at the last part. I sat between Zack and Lisa. "He has a point there." I whispered in her ear. She smirked. Mr. Grayson pointed to an outside replica. "Over here we have a modern Olympic-size swimming pool that will make Shamu jealous." He continued. Slater raised his hand and got up. "Uh sir, where's the football field?" He asked. "Good question. That will be constructed over here where the swampy area now exists." He told him. My eyes widened. What?! No! That's the pond! Their jaws dropped. "You're gonna put the football field over the pond?' Kelly asked. "Sir, that pond's part of our school." Screech added. The owner sighed. "Well, we'll be drilling mostly over the football field. But as you can see, we're not just taking something out of the ground. We're putting a lot more back in." He said. "What's this new campus going to cost in taxes?" A teacher spoke across the room. "Someone burn my ears." I whispered. Zack sighed. "Just wait." He muttered in my ear. I tuned out this oil-douche's voice until Zack got up and spoke. "That's not true." He disagreed. That got the douche's attention. "What do you mean, young man?" He asked. "Mr. Belding, may I have the floor and make a presentation?" He asked politely. Belding nodded. "You got it Zack." He told him. I smiled. Jessie brought out a chair and set his briefcase on it. "Ladies and gentlemen, I may be only a high school kid but I already learned you never get something for nothing. Everything has its price. Mr. Grayson, this is a very beautiful model. But where are the oak trees where we would have lunch?" He announced. He motioned to a model replica of a cafeteria. "You'll have lunch in your brand-new cafeteria." He answered. "And where are the trees?" Slater asked. Mr. Grayson sighed. "Well I'm afraid we'll have to replace them." He spoke. Zack nodded. "You mean cut them down and put up an oil there. But that's not here on the model sir." He said. He shrugged. "Of course, there will be derricks." He mentioned. Zack opened the case and pulled out a derrick model. "Like this?" He asked. Half the room low-key gasped. "Now when we're having classes and look out the window, what are we gonna see? One of these. Guess they were left off by mistake." He said, putting it beside the cafeteria. He grabbed another tiny derrick. "Where are the trees and benches where we had classes when it got hot?" He asked. Mr. Grayson lightly smirked. "You won't have to sit outside. The whole school will be air-conditioned!" He beamed. Zack fake smiled. "Right. Who needs trees and benches? We'll just put up another oil there." He said and set it on the model. "What are you trying to say young man?" A SB member asked. Zack got out one more derrick. "What I'm saying is calstar oil is right. They're not taking something out of the ground, they're putting a lot more back in. Jessie?" He said. She stood up from the chair. "Yesterday because of your oil spill, we put twenty dead animals back into the ground." She confessed. I nodded in agreement. Mr. Grayson was looking guilty. Yes! "Well we're sorry about that. It was an accident and we cleaned it up." He said. Lisa stood up confidently. "But can you guarantee it won't happen again?" She asked. We chatted in agreement. He inhaled a deep breath. "There are no guarantees- Zack cut him off. "But what if there's a bigger accident and oil gets everywhere like this?" He asked, spraying oil all over the model. The whole room gasped in shock. Mr. Grayson huffed. "Young man, this is outrageous! Give me this!" He growled, yanking the spray off him until oil got on his shirt. His eyes widened. "Look at this! I'm covered in oil!" He complained. We got off our chairs and walked up to them. Zack sighed. "Well, it was an accident sir." He said softly. I growled. "But at least you'll be alive when you clean it off!" I growled. Kelly patted my shoulder in comfort. It's not worth having these things when it hurts our environment. That's why oceans, animals, trees are important. Zack inhaled a deep breath. "See sir, I wanted a bigger and better Bayside more than anybody. Even more than you Mr. Grayson. But us kids don't want to pay that price. We don't wanna go to school in an oil field." He said in a serious tone. The entire room applauded. Belding came down the steps. "I think we all know how we should vote. Mr. Grayson, thank you for coming. We already have a better Bayside. We just didn't know it till now." He said. Everyone applauded. Yes! Yes! We did it! We cheered, high-fiving together like we always done. This was truly something beautiful that blossomed.

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