House Of Secrets (Maïka pov)

By Cristianchimchim95

140 1 0

Im Oh Maïka, i suffer from anxiety disorder. It includes panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders and ph... More



11 0 0
By Cristianchimchim95

"I am now on my way to meet my brother. Already a month had pass and me and the others had become really close. We are inseparable. I even think that if I lose them a part of me will die. Anyways I then arrive at the visit room seeing Sehun."

Me: Oppa!!!

Sehun: Maïka!! God i had miss you

Me: How are you?

Sehun: Im fine don't worry and how are you my little sister?

Me: Im okay oppa. I have a new family that loves me now

Sehun: Great. But you still love me more right?

Me: Nah I prefer taehyung

"I say while laughing a little. My brother then hugged me and start tickling me."

Me: O-oppa, please s-stop

Sehun: Fine

"I then pass a few hours talking and playing with my brother until he needed to go."

Me: Bye oppa stay safe

Sehun: Ne don't worry, and you stay calm okay?

Me: Ne oppa

"He then left and I returned to the others. It had already been a month we are all very close that I consider us as a family. Sandra had start calling Jimin and Taehyung oppa. Whole I started calling Taehyung oppa. If your asking why not Jimin too. Well he is sweet but when we are alone together he his just a playboy and it annoys me. Okay yes he may be hot but. No wait what the hell am I saying???? Taehyung is hotter. Anyways oh and Sandra is now calling me Unnie. Guys I am a unnie!! Anyways Dr. Jung then arrive and walk me to the library. Taehyung told me to meet him and the others after my meeting with my brother so yeah. We then arrive at the library and I knock on the door to advice I was there and then open it. The lights where off but quickly turned on as I walk in. I then see 3 person jumping right in my face."

Taehyung, Jimin and Sandra: CONGRATULATIONS!!!

"I had completely froze on my spot they had make a party for me? Only because I am now going on the first floor.??!!!"

Me: Oh my god. You guys did this??!

Taehyung: Yeah! We're happy for you! Isn't that what friends do when they want to celebrate something special for a person?

Sandra: Pff This guy changes attitude so quiquly. Yesterday he was being a pain in the ass with his behavior. And that's my job.

Taehyung: Well i didn't chose to have bipolar depression that turned extremely severe 2 years ago!

Jimin: Guys. This isn't the time. We're here for Maïka. Not Tae Tae, nor you, SnowFlake.

Sandra: I'm very well aware of it Oppa.

Me: Anyways. Thank you guys. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

Taehyung: Can we get a hug?

Me: Of course you can.

"Taehyung than ran to me, as soon as those words left my mouth, and hug me really really tight. I hug him back happily smiling like an idiot. When I hug him it always make me really happy. I then let go a little and we part away."

Me: Are you both going to stand there, or will i get my hug?

Sandra: I don't do hugs.

Jimin: Maybe. But i do!

"Jimin then came and we hug. Making me feel safe as always."

Me: I really can't believe this is happening.

Jimin: You worked hard for it. You deserve it.

Me: Thanks Jimin

"I then turn toward Sandra, I wonder how she will be without me... we had came really close and I don't want her to close up or acting as if she is fine... I want her to he truly happy.."

Me: You're gonna be okay, right?

Sandra: Of course. You're just changing floors. It's not like if it were our last goodbyes.

Me: Yeah. You're right.

Sandra: Of course i am. Plus, we can still meet at the library and all. Take it as an opportunity, you get to escape Tzuyu and her annoying face.

Taehyung: She's not on the third floor anymore??

Sandra: No. Her case was dismised, and she's on the second floor now. Apparently she's ready to go on the first floor. But even Detective Kim has some doubts.

Jimin: I don't blame him.

Sandra: Anyways. Let's move on and celebrate.

Jimin: Good idea! Now. Where is my second hug?

Me: Do i have to?

Jimin: I'm older then you. You do what i tell you to do. Now give your Oppa a warm hug, please.

Me: Aish. Fine.

"I then hug him before he start to whine our pout as he does some times. He hug me back making that feeling of safety come back until I push it away and departed the hug. Turning toward Tae who had start speaking."

Taehyung: How about we open the gifts?

Me: What gifts? You guys didn't buy any gifts, right?

Jimin: Maybe we did. Maybe we didn't.

Me: You guys didn't have to buy gifts.

Sandra: Accept them. It took everything we had to convince Dr. Kim and Dr. Jung to even let us buy something.

Me: Fine.. Wich one do i oppen first?

Taehyung: Mine!!

"I then open his gift showing a beautiful ^M^ shaped necklace! Whoa its so pretty!!"

Me: Woah. Oppa, thank you so much. I love it!

"Taehyung than take the necklace. Before speaking."

Taehyung: Let me help you put it on!

"He then come to my back and put the necklace for me making my heart skip a beat. He then put his hand on my shoulder until Jimin interrupt the moment as always. Aish, why does he always do that...."

Jimin: Open mine next!!

"I then take his present before opening it revealing a pretty bracelet with a lock on it. I like it its really pretty!! Jimin always find the things that I love the most."

Jimin: In this case, i keep the key. So, we stay connected. Wether we are far away, or close, we're still together. And you can't say no. It's on your wrist right now, and i have the key to take it off. And i won't.

Me: You guys went all out with these gifts. Seriously. How much did this even cost?

Jimin: We aren't telling you. Now open SnowFlake's gift.

"I then turn toward San with a big smile on my face. I then take the box from her hands and look at the box most likely to contain an expensive jewelry like Taehyung and Jimin had bought me."

Me: You didn't buy anything expensive like those 2 idiots. Right?

Sandra: Maybe. I can just say that it was worth it.

"Aish, lets see if its what I thought then. I open the box reveling another expensive bracelet. As pretty as the other jewelry I just got."

Sandra: You seem into music more then you say you are.

Me: It's beautiful. Thank you.

"I then put the bracelet on my write wrist considering Jimin's one was on my other wrist."

Sandra: Oh wait, i forgot something.

"She then take a USB out from her pocket getting my curiosity to a high point."

Me: What is that?

Taehyung: This is from the 3 of us.

Jimin: It's a USB key. It can connect with anything, like your MP3 without even being plugged in.

Sandra: The USB contains any song you could ever name.

Me: Really??

Jimin: Yeah! Now how about we have some fun! We can play board games, and depending on how late it gets, we'll go in Tae's room for the night! Considering he's the closest!

"We all nod and start playing games, and eat while joking around as we always do. After playing for a few hours we where getting tired we look at the time and it was now 10 PM. We are supposed to be in our room at 6:30 PM, we where lucky no one had verified the library. We then decided to not put an end at this celebrity even if we where all tired so we all headed to Taehyungs room since it was the closest to the library. We all went on Taehyungs bed to sleep since the guys bed are bigger than the girl we had space for the four of us. We needed to be a little bit close but as I was beside Taehyung I didn't mind but as soon as Jimin came by my side I felled more calm down. Why is he making me feel that way? Anyways its not of my worries for now. We then all said good night before all falling asleep."

Hey guys i just wanted to say that I am very sorry for the long wait of the next chapter.... I hope you will enjoy it and I will trying posting more often. Thank you everyone

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