The Billionaire & I

By dami241

1.2M 56.3K 5.3K

Rewritten and completed✔ Ophelia Duhamels knows what rock bottom is and vows to never hit it again after gett... More



28.5K 1.2K 76
By dami241

My fingers methodically rubbed the sides of my neck and I sunk back into the leather couch before releasing a sigh. Standing up, I carried the laptop over to William.

"I'm done and copies of all the letters are in this folder," I bent a little and pointed to the folder on the top left corner of the screen.

"Okay, we can leave now." He stood up and buttoned his suit jacket.

"Lilian, prepare a meeting with the board of directors for 9 am tomorrow and let Mark know about it." William instructed as we walked past Lilian's desk on our way out.

"Alright sir."

The car was already waiting out front when we reached outside. Jay and I exchanged the usual smile and greetings as the car started moving.

"Jay we'll stop at House Lounge." William said from the back and a few minutes later the car parked in front of a restaurant. William and I came out, leaving Jay in the car.

"When we get back to D&L, I want you to organize the data of all employees alphabetically and the salaries for each department," William said as we entered the restaurant.

Here is my chance, I thought. I should ask for an advanced pay now. My mind had been a mess since yesterday. Saturday was only a few days away. Suck up your pride.

"I actually–"

"You?" He stared at me in question as we walked to an empty table.

"Nothing," I shook my head.


"Good afternoon, welcome to House Lounge. What would you like to order?" A waitress interrupted.

"Anything is fine," I said and he ordered.

"What did you want to say before?" He slightly leaned forward on his elbows and stared at me expectantly.

"It was nothing. Just forget it."

"Okay," he shrugged and leaned back. We spent the next few minutes in another bout of silence until the waitress returned.

"Here are your orders." She placed three light brown paper bags on the table. While William paid, I stood up balancing all the bags in my hands.

"Ophelia Duhamels, is that you?"

I turned and nearly the dropped the sandwiches seeing the tan skinned woman who gingerly walked towards me.

"Debbie Maguire." I smiled nervously. Her red hair was shorter than I remembered and her build a little leaner but that voice hadn't changed. A soft lilt with the slightest--not so slightest--undertone of cynicism. Her green eyes perused me and she finally smlied. Her signature sultry smile.

"Soon to be Debbie Washington," she gleamed and raised her hand high showcasing the big ring.

"Wow, congratulations." I smiled but her attention was quickly drawn away.

"William Illston? I thought you two broke up years ago," she drew her last words, "I don't know if I'm awed, jealous or terrified especially since I've seen you mister on a number of magazines, billionaire hotshot." Debbie turned to wink at me, "I guess you've just been keeping her hidden how cute. Nonetheless you two must come for my wedding."

I stared at William but he only stared back.


"Let me have your number and I'll text you an invitation." She handed me her phone cutting me off.

"I never thought in a million years I'd see the dream couple at an afternoon bistro," she laughed. Hearing that title made me grimace but I continued typing my number into her phone.

"I'll call you! Bye you two, kisses." She waved before leaving. I released a breath watching the door of the restaurant close behind her.

"Was she your friend or my friend?" William asked.

"I can't remember but I'll text you the invitation."


I knew I should have sucked it up and asked William for an advanced pay yesterday but I just couldn't. It was Thursday now and by Saturday morning, Jiggy would start looking for me and I only had half of the miserly six hundred dollars available.

Staring at my phone grimly I knew my last card would have to be used; calling my parents. Again.

I dialed the number.

"Hey mom."

"Hey P, what's up?"

I gazed at my reflection through the large restroom mirror. My skin was paler than normal and dark bags had already formed underneath my cerulean blue eyes but my hair remained neatly packed in the ponytail.

"I need your help," I sighed, "I-I don't have enough money for my rent, my payday was shifted."

"Oh baby, when is it due?"

"In a few days." I murmured.

"Why didn't you call since then?" She chided and I bit my lip.

"You paid last month's and the last, how long will I–"

"And I'll continue to pay the whole year's rent if I have to Ophelia, your father and I have no problem helping with your rent until you're stable again, okay?"

"Thank you mom." I whispered.

"Don't despair and get back to work, okay? And if you have friends go out for a bit, just relax, you'll be fine." She said and I nodded though she couldn't see me.

The call ended and I dropped the phone on the slab. I breathed in to stop the tightening in my chest. I really hated these moments; the moments self doubt, anger and hate crept in.

After leaving the restroom, I went down for lunch alone as Heather was busy filling in some papers. I met with Joanne and Isabella on their floor and we all continued on to the cafeteria together.

"We are going out this Friday and you have to come." Joanne said.


"It has to be a yes remember?" Isabella smiled.

I sighed in resignation but also mulled it over. Mom did say I should go out. This week had been exhausting enough.

"It will be fun and all the drinks on Isabella, she lost a bet." Joanne laughed then proceeded to tell me all about the bet and how Isabella was a sore loser.


The cab stopped and I exited.

"Have fun miss," the driver saluted before driving away. I stared at the flashing lights at the entrance of the night club feeling both excited and terrified.

"Ophelia!" I turned and saw Isabella and Joanne walking towards me. They both looked very beautiful. Joanne was in a yellow two piece top and skirt while Isabella wore a green body con similar to my red gown.

"Hey, you both look great." I smiled.

"And so do you," Isabella winked.

"It's been a minute since I let my hair down and did anything remotely fun." I said as we walked towards the entrance of the club.

"Well you've already let your hair down, so cheers to a fun night." Joanne laughed.

We had no trouble entering the building and Isabella led the way straight to the luminous bar which had two bartenders manning it.

"Twelve shots of tequila to start with please," Isabella smiled at the bartender who soon got to work. I sat on one of the high stools and faced the dance floor already full of people. The entire place would have been dark without the coloured lights from the floor and walls. I felt giddy from the vibrations of the music.

"It's been a bit of a ritual for us, at least once a month or twice, to go out get drunk, dance and not let life beat us down." Joanne said and I faced her.

"I'm glad to be part of the ritual today," I smiled then looked around, "where's Isabella?"

"She just ditched us, that's her boyfriend Rafael," my gaze travelled along her line of vision till I saw the couple near the other end of the bar in an intimate embrace.

"I guess it's just us."

"Let's drink and get fucked up then." Joanne winked as she passed me a shot glass from the tray. I downed the tequila and cringed from the taste.

"Cheers." I said and downed another shot then maybe three or four more. When we moved from the bar to the dance floor, I was already fashionably inebriated.

"I don't think I even remember how to dance." I yelled in Joanne's ear as the upbeat song played and bodies pushed against each other around me.

"I'll teach you," she laughed as she turned and slowly went down to the floor and smoothly came back up. I giggled and my hands flew up as I swayed in tune with the beat.

"That's it!" Joanne yelled back and we continued to dance and laugh into the night.

Hours later, Joanne and I paddled out of the club giggling like school girls. Isabella and her boyfriend had joined us on the dance floor for a few minutes or hours--I really couldn't tell--then left to enjoy the rest of the night doing what couples did.

"I haven't been this drunk in forever." I told Joanne as we surprisingly, steadily walked down the curb.

"It feels great!" Joanne yelled.

"Really great!" I laughed.

"Shut up!" Someone yelled back and I tried to hold in my laughter but failed.

Is it possible to know how long a good moment will last? No, it isn't.

In the quiet of the night as we continued walking to God knows where, the sound of my phone's ringing tone pierced the air. I disorderly searched through my purse till I found the phone. Who could be calling me at, I squinted my eyes and saw the time on the phone was 1:59 am, who was it?

"Oh, it's Heather."

"Damn, we forgot to extend an invitation to her, tell her next time she has to come along."

I nodded before answering the call.

"Hey Ophelia, sorry I know it's late and I've called you a couple times already–"

"You have?" I questioned.

"Oh yes, you didn't see my previous calls?"

I shook my head like she could see me.

"Is something wrong?"

"Mr Illston called. He needs the meeting minutes of a meeting that Dieter and Leona had with their board of directors earlier this year in January and I remember you filed all the meeting minutes the former PA jotted."

"He needs that at 2 am in the morning?"

"Apparently. I called you to confirm but when you didn't pick I just went ahead and told him you know where the files are and are probably still asleep but he might still try calling, it seems urgent."

"What?" I felt even lighter than before.

"I guess you are still waking up, sorry." Heather chortled.

No Heather, I'm drunk.

"Goodnight, see you Monday," she said and the line went off.

"What's wrong?" Joanne yawned.

"The universe hates me."

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