Tattoos โžณ ๐“œ๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“พ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“พ๏ฟฝ...

By Miraculously_bored

284K 8.6K 6.7K

[DISCLAIMER: Hints of mental illness.] In which the tattoo that appears on your wrist on your 16th birthday i... More

Sweet Sixteen
The tattoo
It's not her
A dark silhouette
Lost kitty
Rooftops and reignition
Wounded stray
It's you
Keep it hidden
Cunning little fox
Oasis of books
A starry night
Expedition for bathers
Flyday Chinatown
Epiphany at the ball
Epiphany at the ball II
Race against time
Son petit minou
False calm before a storm
Another broken promise
Wash away the ink
Hallway of uncertainty
Sorrowful search
It's me, Marinette

21 hours of hell

7.9K 225 139
By Miraculously_bored

The airport was busy and bustling, which I found quite strange considering it was 9am on a week day. Suitcases quietly rolled over the floor creating serene, ambient noise. Small cafés sold breakfast which could be seen at the turn of each corner. Families, businessmen and women gathered around each stall desperately for food while children ran around, their squeals only to be interrupted by the sound of the overwhelming transport of suitcases and incoming aeroplanes outside. 

"Marinette, hurry up! You're gonna get left behind," Alya called from ahead of me, stomping her foot on the ground in a very animated manner. I just couldn't help but take in the environment. After all, it wasn't very often I got to leave Paris and travel to the other side of the world. Being Ladybug was always a barrier when it came to traveling. Thankfully, Master Fu said he would be able to take care of any akumatised victims if such a situation were to occur. I told Chat that I would handle it while he was 'out of town', so that he isn't suspicious of me leaving Paris at the same time he is. 

"Coming, Alya. Just hold on, my suitcase is heavy," I replied back to my demanding friend who was looking at the line of our classmates who were slowly disappearing into the distance. 

"Gah, give me that! What do you even have in here. It's only a few days," she said, taking my suitcase in her hand, dragging my luggage frantically across the airport. 

"Well where did you fit all your books?" I asked defensively. 

"Books? Oh, oh no- my books!" Alya went to unzip her bag, but realised there was no time to spare. "Are you kidding? I literally forgot my notebooks."

"I almost did too, this just feels like a vacation. We're going for the cultural study too, not just for fun, remember?" I said nudging her, taking my suitcase off her. It didn't matter too much, she could always borrow my notes and research notes. Something tells me the class will get too carried away with the other activities instead of the educational ones. 

After catching up with the class, we began to board the plane. I took my ticket in my hands and excitingly bounced down the aisle to my seat. I glanced from my ticket to the labelled seats and to my ticket again.  

Please, don't let me sit next to a stranger. Please, don't let me sit next to a stranger! Almost there- I chant in my head, I look up nervously to see who I would be spending my next 21 hours with. And of course, with the luck I had, it was someone far worse than a stranger, the principal even. 

"Oh, Marinette! No way, is this your seat?" a sly voice came, making me want to flee the plane. 

"Nope. I think I must have the wrong aisle, Lila. Let me check again," I said bluntly, but with a kind smile on my face. Surely this isn't right. Who placed me next to her? Why me!

I stomped down the aisle, passed Lila and passed Alya, who gave me a rather inquisitive look. I raised my hand to my head, making a gun shape out of my fingers while as I passed her. She laughed at first, but the realised the drastic situation I was in, pity falling upon her face. 

Well. I guess I'll be in the bathroom for the next 21 hours. This is where I live now, I muttered to myself in defeat as I curled up into a ball on the toilet seat. No, this would mean defeat! I shouldn't be losing to Lila. It is only one flight. From one side of the world to the other. I can manage. How hard can it be? 

I get up from the toilet seat, and remove myself from the miserable state I was in. Feeling strong, determined and able to conquer the world, I march down the aisle and seat myself next to Lila. Apologising for getting the seats wrong, I sit up straight and tall. She will not defeat me, I will not give in to her wicked ways. I Marinette, am a strong, capable woman. And I will handle this flight with ease! 

I think I'm going to die, I thought to myself. I check the time once more. 2am. It's been 17 hours. The plane was completely quiet, other than the rumbling engine noise and the odd cough or snore. All windows were shut, and it would be completely dark if it were not for the purples hues of light that were emitted from the LED strips above the windows. How do people sleep at a time like this? And of course, it seems just about everyone is asleep except for me. Even Lila fell asleep about a few hours ago! Why did her head have to fall on my shoulder? If I move, she will wake up and talk to me again. Just like she's been doing for the whole flight. 

I carefully nudged her head the opposite direction, desperately praying that she wouldn't wake. Her head lulls for a moment, before her soft snoring continues. Phew, let me be released from this hell, I think to myself, squeezing out from my seat to escape to the bathroom. My eyes heavy, and my vision hazed and blurry. I stumble for a moment, hearing my bones almost crack back into place. Lila wouldn't even let me get up. She just kept on insisting for me to not move when she had to get up for the bathroom. "Oh, don't worry, Marinette! I don't want to be a bother you!" Lila had said. "Don't get up just for me, it's ok!" Lila said. "You shouldn't need to move just for me because you're in the aisle way, Marinette." Lila said. Gah! You were more of a burden crawling all over me and having me squeeze back into the chair so hard I pulled every muscle in my body! I thought, biting my lip in anger. 

Being so caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't notice that I bumped in to someone at the bathooms who had come from the opposite direction. 

"Woah- sorry! Oh, Marinette is that you?" I heard a soft, croaky voice say. I look up and squint my dry eyes to find Adrien in front of me. 

"Ah, hey Adrien. Sorry, I didn't see you. It's so dark in here," I leaned close and whispered so that I wouldn't wake anyone.

"Can't sleep?" he said, leaning against the wall for support.

"Not a chance. I'm next to Lila. I'm not good at sleeping in planes either, too much movement." 

"Haha, I understand. I don't understand how people are able to sleep here either. Quite uncomfortable," Adrien whispered back. 

It felt good that I wasn't the only one awake in the plane. It was almost scary, it feels never ending too. Like a time loop. Everyone sitting still while there bodies wobbled around at the sudden motion of the plane moving. It once again felt like me and Adrien were alone together once more. The purply-pink hues of coming from the LED lights were the substitution for the colour of the galaxy, where we found ourselves in our own little universe, once again. 

"Right! I needed to wash my face. I feel gross, haha," Adrien said pointing to the bathroom behind him. Honestly, that's not such a bad idea. I'm sure he also looks like a zombie too. Planes always manage to drain the life from your soul. So after washing my face, and wishing Adrien good luck with getting some rest, I stagger back to my seat. I grab the blanket the airline provided, and pop a mask on my face, once again curling up into a small ball on the seat. The complete and utter exhaustion, and the strain on my back began to fade. I found the sound around me muffling, the blaring engines becoming silent hums, the rattling and shaking of the no longer bothering me. I suppose I could rest my eyes. Just for a bit.   

"Good morning, passengers. Or should I say good afternoon, as we are now in Australia, Sydney time zones. We are about to arrive at our destination. Thank you for flying with us, we hope you had a pleasant experience onboard."

I certainty did not, I think inwardly, groggily rubbing my eyes after having just woken up at the sudden announcement. The lights were now off, and windows began to open. I lean towards the window, which unfortunately was close to Lila. The view was nothing like I had ever seen before. So much green, the open space. The plane soon turned and gasps of awe filled the room. Below us was the beautiful, blue ocean with a beach that stretched on for kilometres. I closed my gaping mouth and leaned closer to the window, no longer acknowledging Lila's existence. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Australia." 

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