James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

13.6K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 8

305 2 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(Hadaza's POV)
I wake up the next morning and blink against the sun light shining brightly into the room and reach for my glasses and slip them on getting a better look at everything and an understanding of where I am. Looking around I see clothes on the floor and see an arm draped over me. I think back to last night and remember I had sex for the first time with my husband. Sitting up I wince stopping causing my husband to wake up in the process. "You okay love?" He asks me. "Yeah I just sore from last night. That was honestly an amazing night. Thank you for going slow with me." I say smiling at him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. And of course I would listen to you. Your my wife and I didn't want you scared or in pain." He says kissing me.

"Mmmm if your up to it. Im ready for a round two before breakfast." I say lay on my back. "Mmmm are you sure your up for it?" He asks crawling on top of me again and taking my clothes off. "Mmm try me." I say undressing him as he starts making out with me. About twenty minutes go by and James lay down on me out of breath keep as much of his weight off of me. I lay on my back panting. "Round two was better then the first." I say looking at him. "You were use to it this time." He says looking at me. "Let's go eat. I'm hungry." I say looking at him. James smiles and pulls out of me and rolls over and gets changed. I follow his lead and change then make my way down to breakfast with him.

"So what's on the list for today?" I ask him as we get breakfast and sit down and eat. "That's up to you. We could go to the beach or we could go swimming or we could go sightseeing or we could go shopping at Disney springs." He says sipping his coffee. "Mmmmm I say lets go to the beach and this time I'm wearing contacts so I can see and be able to wear sunglasses." I state smiling at him and drink my tea. "Sounds fantastic." He say grabbing my hand as we eat breakfast enjoying our time together and then head upstairs and get changed and head to the beach.

We arrive at the beach and grab the stuff we packed and find a spot on the beach. I sit down on a towel I threw down and watch the waves. "It's beautiful isn't it." James ask sitting next to me. "Very. James would you ever move back to the UK if you got a job over there?" I ask him. "No not really. I mean it would be nice to be back in England where everything is familiar to me but I honestly like America. Why do you ask?" He says looking at me. "I'm just curious." I say shrugging and look at my toes. "Your worried if I do get a job over in the UK I'll want us to move there leaving your family behind." He says making me look at him. "Yeah." I say looking down. "Don't worry love we aren't moving anywhere anytime soon. I would never do that to you and potentially our future family." He says placing a hand on my stomach.

"We are going to have to keep trying till I get pregnant love. And besides I have to wait 48 hours to see if i am." I say patting his chest. "Your right. I'm down with having sex with you while we are down here for 4 weeks." He says running his hands gently over my exposed skin. "Mmmm James don't do that here please. To many people." I say moaning softly. "Mmmm car?" He asks. I look at him shocked a bit. "You really are bold aren't you James Phelps." I say looking at him. "Yes I am and I can't help it when I have a hot wife in front of me." He says. "Really? Where?" I ask playfully looking around. "I'm talking bout you love." He says looking at me.

"Dawwwwww thank you." I say blushing. James smiles and starts to lean in to kiss me but stops when he sees a group of people approaching us. "Okay here we go." He says. "Hi I'm guessing you guys are Harry Potter fans?" He says looking at the group of girls who all nod. I sit and look down moving out of the way and cover myself up. James signs the girls phone cases and takes pictures with them. I sit watching as the girls leave and glare at me. James looks at me and pulls me back to him and holds me. "You okay love?" He asks me. "Yeah I'm fine." I say smiling small. "You sure love?" He asks not convinced. "I'm fine James I swear. Just hold me." I say wrapping the towel around my body and cover it only having my toes hanging out. "Okay that's it." He says taking the towel off me and picking me up and throw me over his shoulder and walk to the ocean. "JAMES WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Put me down!" I squeal giggling and try fighting him. "Oh put you down. Okay." He says dropping me into the ocean.

I fall and make a splash and come back up glaring at him completely soaked. "Okay that it sir." I say glaring at him playfully and rush towards him. James starts to run as fast as he can trying to get away from me. I sprint after him and tackle him to the ground and giggle pinning him to the ground. "Don't ever do that again!" I say holding his hands to the side and sit on his waist with ocean water dripping off my body. James just lays there chuckling. I see a wave coming towards up and get up and move out of the wave and let it roll over him. "Hey!" He says sitting up completely soaked. "Haha last one back to the towels has to buy ice cream!" I call starting to run back to our spot. James sprints after me starting to gain on me as I pass the girls who glared at me. "I'm going to win!" He calls passing me. "Oh no your not!" I say picking up my pace and sprint passed him and reach the towels first.

"Haha I win!!! You gotta buy me ice cream!" I say dancing around happily. "Come here you cheater." He says grabbing my wait and spinning me around causing me to squeal and giggle. "I didn't cheat I won fair and square. You should've beat me because your taller and stronger then me but I beat you. Me your wife who's short beat you!" I say giggling as he set me down. "I let you win." He says setting me down and kisses me. I kiss back and feel the group of girls that came over glare at me jealous. "Mmm lets go get you your ice cream." He says pulling away. I smile and grab my phone and walk with him to get ice cream.

We arrive at the stand for ice cream and we order then take a seat and eat. I take a bite of my ice cream and look to my right watching the seagulls looking for food. "Don't you dare take my ice cream." I say pulling my ice cream away from James and look at James. "Awww man. How did you know?" He says pouting. "Your forgetting that I have four nieces and nephews love and I work with younger kids." I say finishing my ice cream and give him a little bit of mind after I see his pouty face. We both finish our ice cream and head back to our set up and sit down and talk to each other. As I'm talking I see a little girl who is lost and crying trying to find her parents. "Mommy! Daddy!!!" She calls crying walking around trying to get help. She comes to us crying.

"Hey shhhh. It's okay. What's your name sweetie?" I ask going into fully teacher mode. "Li-Lilly." The little girl says. "Lilly?" I ask looking at her. She nods crying. "Okay. Lilly my name is Mrs. Phelps. I wanna help you but I need you to calm down. Okay. Can you do that for me?" I ask her. She nods and calms down breathing. "Good. Now do you know your parents name or number?" I ask softly. "Liza and Bob. Their number is 345-2245." She says. "That's great thank you. What's their last name?" I ask as James calls the number. "Larson." She says crying. "Okay. It's going to be okay now darling. I promise. Just sit down right here and take a few deep breaths." I say as James tells the parents and then tells me they are on their way. "See your mom and dad will be here soon." I say calming her down.

Lilly's parents arrive and gently hold her and thank us and leave. "Poor thing." James says. "Yeah. But it's all better now. Parents need to be more careful with their kids. She's lucky no one kidnaped her." I say laying against him. "You handled that situation well love." James says holding me. "Yeah, one thing they teach you when you become an educator. Also you did well too." I say smiling and let him. We stay at the beach for a couple hours and then head back to the hotel and shower before we head to lunch/dinner and head back to our room for round three which causes us to fall asleep in each other the rest of the night.

(Heres chapter 8 hope you guys enjoy.)

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