In Our Nightmares | TordTom

By MrGrayNyx

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After the incident in 'The End' Tord was found on the hill by his two most trusted soldiers and parents. He w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25

126 6 8
By MrGrayNyx

The longest chapter in my book yet. So prepare for a really long chapter-



Tord's POV

It's hard to be in this place. I only want to leave. Be with my family. Be with my friends. When I wake up I have to do a lot. If the hospital doesn't give me a replacement arm, which is most likely, I'd need to make my own. Which would take that long since I've made some before

In the Giant Robot. If I can find one of those arms I could use it as my own. I would just need to fix it up. I could get a Red Army surgeon to attach it to me. I also want to see if I have any relatives still alive. Also, when I see the guys, I'll tell them to stay home for a few days. They need it

I sighed and sat down. All I gotta do now is wait for them to go to bed and show up here. Hopefully, it won't be that long. Tho, there's a big chance that Tom would be here first if he's drunk. Which, I do kinda hope he is. I don't know if he'll be drunk in here

But I just want to see him again. I honestly miss him already. When I see him I'm going to hug him. I gazed around at the darkness surrounding me. I could tell if they were there. They are easy to spot in all this darkness

I sighed and hugged my knees. Waiting. All I could ever do is wait. Wait for something to happen. Wait to wake up. Wait. Wait. Wait. I can only wait. I hate waiting. I can't wait forever. Not like this. I don't want it to be like this

I looked and up just in time to see Tom appear. I stood up and ran over to him. Hugging him. He stumbled a bit from surprise and softly put his arms around me "What's this for?" He asked

I hugged him tighter "I missed you and wanted to hug you" I said

Tom chuckled and hugged me back "Fair enough"

I smiled and buried my face into the smaller Brit's hair. Tom laughed a bit and rubbed my back a bit. I smiled more and pulled him close. I slowly sat on the ground, or the invisible floor, bringing Tom with me

I pulled him over to me. I didn't want to let him go. And sadly things come to an end. Edd and Matt appeared and I had let go of Tom, disappointed. I looked at the others "I want you guys to do something for me"

They looked at me "What is it?" Matt asked

I sighed "I want you guys to stay home for a few days" I said

"What? Why?" Edd asked confused

"And how long?" Matt asked

"Well, I want you guys to take a break from visiting me every day for a bit. Please" I said "And maybe for about a week or two. Actually, at least a week and a half is ok. Just stay home or go out. I don't want any visitors right now, that means you guys"

"Oh.." Tom sounded disappointed

"For me? Please?"

Edd sighed "Fine"

"Thank you guys" I said with a soft smile

They nodded and smiled back. I looked around confused as the darkness started to change into white. That never happened before. So I didn't know what was going on. Before any of us had the chance to speak a scene faded into life

"Hey guys! Hurry up!" Edd said impatiently "You two promised and Matt and I want to go!"  Edd wined

"We're coming. We're coming" I said as Tom and I made our way downstairs

"Great! Get your butts out and in the car!" Edd said pushing us outside, Matt following

"Why are you so excited? It's literally just a theme park, where we've been to so many times" Tom said

"It's still fun" Edd said and pushed us to the car "Now get in" Edd said climbing into the driver's seat, Matt had quickly sat into the passenger seat leaving Tom and me to sit in the back

With a sigh, Tom climbed in and I did as well. I sat behind Matt and Tom behind Edd. We put on our seat belts and we were off. Soon we arrived to ASDF Land. I mean, Edd had a point, this place is fun even tho we've been here so many times

Edd parked the car and turned off the engine before looking back at us "I want you two to get along. As long we are here, no fighting" Edd said

I was fine with that. I shrugged "That's fine with me" I said

Tom grumbled to himself "Fine"

Edd grinned "Great! Let's go!" Edd said before climbing out of the car. We followed his action. He locked the car doors "I take Matt!" Edd said grabbing Matt's arm then ran off

"We are we going to meet u- And they're gone" Tom sighed

I chuckled ruffling his hair "Don't be such a downer Thomas. Let's have some fun" I said "That's what we're here for anyways" Tom sighed over exaggeratedly "It's not the end of the world" I said rolling my eyes

"If I'm with you it is" He said

"I'm trying to get along with you today. The least you can do is pretend you want to as well" I said

Tom went silent

I sighed "Let's just go play some of the games at the stands" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to the theme park game stands. As we walked through the park I looked at the stands as we walked by "Any of them you wanna try?" I ask

"You do know some of these are rigged right?" Tom said

"I know" I said looking for one to go to "But that never stopped me from winning"

Tom stared at me before motioning to a game "Let's try that one" Tom said, it was a dark game

"Sure let's go try" I said bringing him over to the stand and then letting go of his arm

The man running the stand noticed us "Hello" He said

"Hi, so how does this game work?" I ask looking at the wall, which has three identical paper things that have different size targets on it

"Well your goal is to get the dart to hit the blue. It'll get you a regular prize, which is the smallest prize, since blue is the biggest color. If you hit the red twice you can get a medium-sized prize" The man said

"And the black?" Tom asked pointing to the smaller circle of black, which was surrounded by white

"The black gets you the big prizes, hit it three times you get a jumbo prize" He said "Oh, and if you hit the white you win nothing"

"This seems fun" I said looking at Tom "Any prizes you want Thomas?" I ask

Tom looked at the prizes before pointing to a big bear. It wore a red hoodie and the fur was a color not to far from my hair. And it looked quite soft. It made me think of myself "That one looks nice" Tom said

I chuckled and looked at the guy "How much is it to play?" I ask

"Three darts would be 3£. Five darts would be 5£. Ten darts would be 10£. A pound per dart" He said

I nodded and took the money from my wallet "I'll take three darts" I said putting the money on the counter

"Alright" He took the money and put three darts on the counter moving to the side "Go ahead"

I picked up a dart and aimed it at the black circle. I then threw it, hitting it first try. I grinned and threw my hands up "Yea!"

The guy's eyes widened in surprise, so did Tom's "Wow that's the first time I've seen someone get it on the first try"

I chuckled and grinned "I have my ways" I said

The man chuckled "Well, you can either go for the two other darts or you can get your prize now" The man said

I look at Thomas "Want the bear?" I ask. I blinked back to reality and nodded. I looked back at the man "I'll just take the prize now" I said

"Alright, what would you like?" He asked

"That bear" Tom said pointing to the bear

I chuckled and nodded "Yea" I said

The man nodded and grabbed a ladder to get the bear down. Once he got it he gave it to me before climbing back down. The bear was soft to the touch. I looked at Tom who was staring at the bear, I handed it over to him. He took it and hugged it happily

I smiled and put my arm around his shoulder. I began walking, bringing him along. I was thinking that we could maybe go to the arcade. We can get the others and we can head off to play some games. That would be fun. I look at Tom and smile more

It was so nice to see him happy. I just won him a little bear but he loves it. And I love that he loves it "So watcha gonna call it?" I ask

He glances at me for a second before looking at his new bear "Um, how about Tordi Bear?" He said looking at me

"I mean I won't judge, but why a name so close to mine?" I ask

Tom shrugged "It's a gift from you so I guess it fits" He said

"Oh. Well that's nice of you Thomas" I said and ruffled his hair "Now, let's go to the arcade. I'll tell Edd and Matt to join us there" I said pulling out my phone as we began walking towards the arcade

"What are we gonna do?" Tom asked

"Eh, maybe just play some of the arcade games. I mean they are fun" I said with a chuckle

"Yea they are that's for sure" Tom said

I put away my phone once I messaged Edd telling him that Tom and I were gonna be at the arcade if they wanted to join us. Once we got inside the arcade we decided to play a bit of games before going to sit down to eat

"So have you been having fun?" I ask putting my head in my hands looking at Tom

He glanced up at me from his food "Yea I guess I can say I am" He said

I chuckled "And you said when we got here it would be the end of the world" I said "Is it?" I ask

Tom chuckled a bit "No"

"Good" I said sitting back "So, was this all just you playing along or you being real with me?" I ask

"Being real with you" Tom said

I smiled "That's good to know Thomas. It's fun to hang out with you for a while" I said

Tom chuckled "Not gonna lie, it kinda is" He said

I chuckled softly as he began eating again. I gazed over at Tordi Bear, or that's what Tom's calling him, who sat on the table, a little hunched over. I don't know where he gets the name ideas but I like them. I reach over and grabbed him

I ran my fingers over the soft fur. It was addicting to stroke. Tom looked at me as I grabbed his bear "He's so soft" I said with a mesmerized tone

"I know" Tom said "And I'm glad I choose it. He's just the softest thing I've been able to touch in a while" Tom said "Even softer then Ringo"

I faked gasped "How could you betray Ringo like that! She did nothing to you!" I said half dramatically

Tom chuckled a bit, playing along "What if she did tho? What if she hurt my Tomee Bear and I don't like her anymore?" He asked with a grin

"I'm going to tell Ringo!" I said pointing my finger up as I said that

Tom bit his lip a bit to stop himself from laughing, he calmed down quickly to speak "No! Please don't tell her! She'll beat me up!" Tom said

I crossed my arms "Well that's what you deserve for being rude to the innocent Ringo" I said

"No please! Pff- I'm sorry don't tell her" He said almost losing himself there

I chuckled a bit and took Tordi Bear "Hey Thomas!" I said in a squeaky voice making his arms move to Tom

Tom looked over and calmed down a bit from being close to laughing. He smiled "Yes Tordi Bear?"

"Who is Tomee Bear and can I meet him?" I asked in the same voice

Tom chuckled "When we go home. Now tell Tord to stop being an idiot" Tom laughed a bit

"Ok" I said in the squeaky voice before turning the bear to look at me "Stop being an idiot you idiot" I said

I gasped "How rude!" I said

"I just did what Thomas said to do" I said in the voice

I huffed "Meanie" I said before holding Tordi Bear to Tom "Take you bear back. He's being an asshole" I said

Tom grabbed his bear then bursted out laughing. I chuckled a bit before laughing along. Tom held Tordi Bear and I couldn't help but look at him. He was happy. Because of me. And it made me happy. I smiled, this felt great

"I'm so stupid" I said once we had calmed down

"You are" Tom said catching his breath

"What's so funny?" Edd asked as he walked up

"Tord was being stupid" Tom said once he was fully calm from laughing

Edd glanced at me before squishing in by Tom, Matt sat by me "So, have to you been getting along?" Edd asked

"Yea we had some fun" I said, Tom hummed in response

"Hey Tim" Matt said making Tom groan

"It's Tom, and what?" He said

"Where did that bear come from?" Matt asked pointing at Tordi Bear which Tom still held

"Oh, Tord won it for me at one of those game stands" Tom said "He's really soft. Wanna feel?" Tom asked

"Oh sure!" Matt said

Tom held the bear over to Matt which he took and started petting the fur "Oh it is soft!" Matt said

"I know right?" Tom laughed a bit

The memory slowly faded to black. I chuckled "I remember that" I said "I liked that day"

"Yea same! I had so much fun!" Edd said

Tom smiled a bit "I think I still have Tordi Bear somewhere" Tom said

"Oh! You do?" I ask turning to look at him

"Yea" Tom said

I smiled "That's awesome" I said

"Wait where did Edd go?" Matt said looking around

I look around "Oh, he must've woken up" I said

"Oh" Matt said "Am I going to wake up too?" Matt asked

"Possibly" I said

Matt chuckled and hugged me "I'll miss you Tord" He said

I hugged him back "Me too Matt" I said and then he slowly faded away. I sighed

"Does that happen everytime we wake up?" Tom asked

"Yea" I said

"Oh.. So that time we hugged you, we disappeared as we were hugging you?" Tom asked

I nodded. Tom hugged me tightly "I want to give you one last hug before I wake up. Because I'm most likely next" Tom said

I hugged him back tighly as well "I'll miss you Thomas" I said

"I'll miss you too Tord" Tom said as he started to fade. Before he faded completely, I gave him a kiss on his forehead

I sighed and sat down. I felt a sting in my arm and I held it. I blinked as everything just stopped. I could see a brighter light through this white void. I stared at it and soon enough

I was awake

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