Swan Song || The Lost Boys...

By InterstellarTombs

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❝ I lost you in the silence, bleeding through the walls; a sorrow came that ceased to leave ... More

Prologue - Vendum ( Turning )
Chapter I ~ ᚠ ( Fehu ) New Beginnings
Chapter II ~ ᚢ ( Uruz ) Endurance & Change
Chapter III ~ ᚦ ( Thurisaz ) Resistance & Reluctance
Chapter IV ~ ᚨ (Ansuz) The Silence & The Speech
Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part I - The Journey & The Traveller
Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part II - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes...
Chapter VI ~ ᚲ ( Kenaz ) Revelations & Light
Chapter VII ~ ᚷ ( Gebo ) Part I - The Curse & The Blessing
Chapter VII ~ ᚷ ( Gebo ) Part II - The Wolf & The Lamb
Chapter VIII ~ ᚹ ( Wunjo ) Part I - [Un]fulfilled Desires & A Fiery Dawn
Chapter VIII ~ ᚹ ( Wunjo ) Part II - [Un]fulfilled Desires & A Fiery Dawn
Chapter IX ~ ᚺ ( Hagalaz ) Part I - Through Trial & Tears...
Chapter IX ~ ᚺ (Hagalaz) Part II - Through Trial & Tears...
Chapter X ~ ᚾ ( Nauthiz ) Part I - As Within, So Without...
Chapter X ~ ᚾ ( Nauthiz ) Part II - As Within, So Without...
Chapter XI ~ i ( Isa ) Part I - Frozen Among The Flames
Chapter XI ~ i ( Isa ) Part II - Frozen Among The Flames
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part I - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part II - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part III - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part IV - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XIII ~ ᛇ ( Eihwaz ) Part I - Pale Tortured Blue
Chapter XIII ~ ᛇ (Eihwaz) Part II - Pale Tortured Blue
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part I - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part II - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part III - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part IV - Uprise
Chapter XV ~ ᛉ (Algiz) Part I - Crossing Bridges...
Chapter XV ~ ᛉ (Algiz) Part II - ...To Reach Unknown Shores
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part II - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part III - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part IV - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part I - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part II - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part III - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part IV - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part I - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part II - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part III - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XIX ~ As We Fall Asleep; Our Souls - Entwined...
Update II: Good News
Final Update: New Story
Writer's Note

Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part I - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It

660 31 15
By InterstellarTombs


" Many a kind smile hides a vicious heart. "

[ Warning: Smut - but the kind that leaves room for imagination.... ]


I awoke to the sound of a nightingale right in front of my bedroom window, singing its song to greet the sun that prepared to ascend behind the hills. It was still dark outside & - except for this one quite vocal bird - dead silent as well.
I blinked a few times to erase the stains of slumber from my eyes, becoming more & more aware of my surroundings & my body with each blink. Especially the latter.

The first thing I noticed was a dry, burning sensation between my legs, throbbing along to the rhythm of my heartbeat. It wasn't actually painful, yet certainly not very pleasant either. At least not until I figured out the cause...
Exhaling softly I tilted my hips in order to roll on my side, only now noticing the cold moisture sticking to the skin on my inner thighs, along with a dull prickle inside my womanhood; a sweet reminder of how deliciously sore I was.

A soft smile formed on my lips when I took a quick stroll down memory lane, collecting all the highlights of the last few hours just to replay them inside my head over & over again. One of them became quite vivid once I lifted my arm to push a strand of hair out of my face, the joints in my shoulder screaming in response to every single move I made. Even my wrists were suddenly feeling numb.

Of course they did...

No more than two hours ago Dwayne had literally pinned them above my head & slammed me against the wall to ravish me breathless, blessing me with multiple climaxes. I could swear I was still able to feel the thrusts of his strong hips & the steady, ruthless rocking motion inside my lower abdomen.
The memory ended with the vague image of me sitting on top of him, both of us covered in sweat & one moaning louder than the other, suffering a slow but powerful orgasm before my body eventually chose to give in...

The smile on my lips morphed into a grin of satisfaction, one that would only widen once I turned my head to catch a glimpse of the other side of my bed, my gradually adjusting eyes settling upon a sleeping Dwayne.

He was so unbelievably beautiful that, for a solid moment, I actually forgot to breathe...

Just like myself he was completely naked from head to feet, the satin blanket poorly covering his private parts; everything else was perfectly exposed to my view. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly agape, allowing gentle gusts of breath to enter his system & leave again. His mesmerizing features were relaxed, almost lifeless, with a few strands of his silken ebony hair sprawled across his high cheekbones whereas the rest seemed to flow down his shoulders like a waterfall of liquid tar. I watched his chiseled broad chest rise & fall to the rhythm of my own breath, for the first time admiring the beautiful tribal inspired necklace made of what I assumed were wolven fangs, several black & white ribbons & a small bronze-coloured key as a pendant. It went so well with his canine earring & I couldn't help but wonder why I had never asked him about the meaning behind his choice of jewelry. It only fueled my desire to discover more about his origin & life before he became a vampire...

Slowly, quietly, I slithered across the sheets & closer to Dwayne, resisting the urge to touch & accidentally wake him up. He had put so much effort into satisfying me over & over again, he truly deserved to rest now. Unfortunately I couldn't fight the growing temptation to at least breathe a tender kiss against his flawlessly shaped lips, instantly tasting hours filled with passion & lust on my own.

How does someone like me deserve someone like you..?

Not even a second after these thoughts had crossed my mind the corners of Dwayne's mouth curved up into a subtle smile & his eyes flung open, much to my surprise.

" How strange. I was asking myself the exact same thing about you earlier, beautiful ~ "

He turned his head to look at me, pecan eyes  stained with drowsiness. Blushing at the rare sight of his smile I chuckled, closing in on him to snuggle up against his chest.
That damn mind-link...

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you... "

" You didn't, " he whispered with a husky voice, sliding an arm around my naked waist.
" I wasn't sleeping. Just resting. "

" Do you ever sleep at all? "

" Only when I really have to. "
The vampire grabbed one of the blankets & pulled it up with one swift motion of his hand, although only to cover me & not himself.
" I'm not overly fond of sleep. "

" Why? "

Silence engulfed him for a brief moment, his hand sliding up my face to caress my cheek.
" Those little demons called dreams...
                  Bad dreams. "

I didn't know why, but for some reason that answer sent shivers down my spine.
" Oh... Does that mean you--"

But Dwayne had already pulled me in for a tender yet passionate kiss, making both my womb & stomach quiver. Calloused fingers travelled down my bare back, along my spine & over my petite butt, blessing it with one firm squeeze that immediately elicited a blissful sigh from me. The little time & effort it required him to get me aroused again was beyond maddening...

Unable to break away from the kiss I crawled on top of him like a snake, wincing at the dull pain in my joints & the soreness that had taken over my entire lower section.
Obviously Dwayne noticed that.

" Slow down, beautiful," he whispered, stopping me by pushing a single finger between our lips.
" You are in pain. "

" I am, but... it's a good kind of pain... "

A tender frown claimed his features.
" I hurt you, didn't I? "

" You didn't hurt me, Dwayne. You took good care of me tonight... & I'm sure you could hear that. "
Quite the cocky response for someone who was currently at war with the side-effects of the past few hours & fighting like a lioness to not display any of them on the outside.

His smirk was subtle but sincere.
" Everyone in Santa Carla could hear that ~ "

I felt a hot blush of embarrassment settle on my cheeks.
" ... Guess I owe the citizens an apology now. "

" Perhaps ~ "
A kiss was breathed between my eyebrows before Dwayne flung his arms around me, pulling me so deep into his chest that I thought he wanted our bodies to melt into one another.
" But you certainly don't owe me an apology.  "

" I don't?  "

" No. " He brought his lips close to my ear.
" ...I'm more than fond of the way you moan, beautiful ~ "

My face nearly exploded from all the heat, the realization that even someone as mysterious & reserved as Dwayne could talk 'dirty' catching me off guard.
Not that I was complaining...

" Well, I can't take all the credit... You did a pretty fine job. "

" Did I? "

" I believe I proved it to you earlier - loud & clear ~"
Planting a small peck on his jaw I pulled away, a smirk on my lips.
" That being said... I think I'm still in your debt. "

He arched a brow at me.
" What do you mean? "

" I thought you could read my mind? "

" I'm trying not to read you right now...
Everyone needs a little privacy every once in a while. "

" In that case... Close your eyes, relax & let me take care of you this time ~"
Savouring the confusion in his gaze I wriggled my way out of his tight embrace to slowly, gracefully, slide down his with heat radiating chest, letting the tip of my tongue dance across my lips to show him what kind of treat he was in for.

He reached down to sink his fingers into my hair, sighing softly when I began to leave a trail of hot kisses upon his skin while working my way down his stomach.
" Lily..."

" Ssht ~ "
I paused inches above his pelvis, swiftly lifting the blanket with two fingers & tossing it aside, already feeling him excitedly throb & twitch underneath me.
" ...Now it's my turn.  "


Wrapped in nothing but a white blanket & with my still frizzy morning mane poorly pinned up I stepped out of my bedroom into the pitch-black & surprisingly warm hallway, the door falling shut behind me. Dwayne had drifted off to sleep at last, or at least into a light slumber in order to regenerate, as had the sun officially begun its graceful ascension.

I took a deep breath once I stood outside, licking my lips to remove the result of the past few minutes.
A smile of pure bliss & satisfaction blossomed on my face, mocking the darkness before me as I made my way towards the bathroom, my joints screaming with each step. My knees were still rather wobbly & the burning sensation between my thighs hadn't faded yet either, but oddly enough that's what I enjoyed the most. This sweet kind of agony that would without a doubt stick with me for the days to come was one of the few consequences that I didn't mind suffering, especially since I was slowly but surely beginning to realize that with each lustful night, the bond between Dwayne & me only deepened...

The feeling such a realization bestowed upon me was impossible to describe with words.

With eyes gradually adjusting to my dark surroundings I extended an arm to ensure I wouldn't run face-first into the bathroom door, my fingers reaching for the doorknob & twisting it, a gentle squeak ensuing once the door drifted open
A nearly blinding light from inside the bathroom struck my eyes, compelling me to avert my gaze, & when I finally peered up again I saw a tall silhouette towering over me, one that I recognized after a moment of frantic blinking.

It was Paul, with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his hips, thin rivulets of water trickling down his neck & across his bare chest. His usually frizzy, voluminous hair was hanging in thick wet strands, flowing over his shoulders & highlighting his already prominent cheekbones. His porcelain skin was glistening with moisture, & without a real intention I somehow glanced down at his athletically built abdomen, his sharp hip bones being the first feature to catch my attention before my eyes landed on his small but by no means less admirable abs.

My mouth went dry, much to my own dismay. How & why did each one of them look so incredibly attractive?

" Oh! Hey, little flower! Sorry, it's quite steamy in here! I like my showers extra long n' hot, ya know? Although, I've got a feeling that your night was just as long & 'hot', eh ~? "
He leaned against the door frame, his towel continuing to slide down by a handful of inches.
" ~ at least that's what I heard ! "

" Paul! "
Of course he had to comment on that. He & his damn unapologetic gab...

" What?? It's what I heard! Or rather, what all of us heard!

Thehehe ~ "

I heaved a sigh.
" Oh God... "

" Oooor to quote you the past few hours: 'oh my God, Dwayne, I'm so close' !! "

" Would you please stop it?! "

" Hey! No need to be embarrassed, little flower!
I'm no stranger to the scourge that is... what's the clinical term again?? Oh, right! Randiness! ~ "
One blink later he was standing right in front of me, the scent of hot steam & a familiar coconut shampoo tickling the inside of my nose.
" ~ though I gotta be real here, you surprised me quite a lot! Didn't think your teeny-tiny voice was capable of doing that! Dwayne must be hella skilled in the sheets, eh?? "

" Okay, that's enough! "
Staring at the floor to hide my fairly crimson cheeks I pushed past him straight into the bathroom, turning halfway to shove him outside.
" Why aren't you asleep yet anyway?? "

With a Cheshire-cat like grin on his face he adjusted the towel around his hips before it could reveal even more.
" Nah. Wasn't tired. Also I needed a shower & a little break from David! "

" Where... where is he now?  "

" Watchin' Marko. Although he was quite restless the whole time. Wouldn't surprise me if he's strollin' around the house again... He has been doing it all night long ~ "

So my memories were correct after all. I had seen him walk past the bedroom...

" And Michael? Is he still here? "

" Sleepin' in the kitchen like a baby. I offered him to join us in the living room, but he doesn't really seem to like us ~ "

" Don't take it personally. He's just... overwhelmed by what happened & everything he has seen.
Honestly, I can't blame him... "

" I don't see what all the panic is about... I mean, look at us! We're all nice n' loveable guys!  "

" Sure, sure," I gave a soft snort of derision.
" As evidenced by you loveable guys chasing me from one side of town to the other in the middle of the night until I passed out in a cornfield. "

Paul flinched at my response & cleared his throat.
"  Oh, that... We were just foolin' around. Ya know... Being playful... No hard feelings, please. I'm soft... "

" And you scared the life out of me that night. Job well done, Paul.
Now, if you will excuse me - I've got a shower to take! "

" Wait! Don't ya need your towel? "
He pointed at his hips, once again grinning like a maniac.

" Now that it has touched your heinie? Thanks, but I think I'll take a new one! "

" My daisy-fresh heinie, little flower ~ "
Cue the playful chuckle, his elbow resting against the door frame as he leaned into the bathroom.
" Speaking of heinie... What's that white goop in the corner of your mouth? "

" Wha-- " I frantically wiped my lips with the back of my hand, triggering a heartfelt laughing fit on Paul's part.

" Ha! Gotcha!!
Looks like Dwayne got his mind 'blown' tonight, eh??
Oh, do you think I can join you both next ti---  "

Bam! - I slammed the door in his face without a word of warning.
He sure was one hell of an obnoxious little devil, but oh boy - I had grown so fond of this obnoxious little devil...


Freshly showered, enveloped in invisible vanilla-scented wafts & covered by a thin white slip dress with only a set of panties underneath I walked down the stairs, partially moving on tiptoes since it had become so dead silent inside the house that every squeak from those wooden floor tiles rang out twice as loud.
Nearly impenetrable darkness devoured every single corner. The blinds were down, all the drapes were closed. Merely inside the kitchen I encountered a few faint beams of sunlight, squeezing their path through the planks on the shattered window; spotlights to hundreds of wildly dancing dust particles.

I let my eyes wander around the kitchen in search for Michael, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Had he gone home while I was in the shower?

" Your friend Michael left no more than ten minutes ago ~"
David's distinctive silken voice caressed my ears, drawing closer as he approached me from behind until I felt him against my back.
" He left you a note on the kitchen counter. "

Shaking off my goosebumps I spun around, a soft gasp ensuing when I realized that he had one again gone rid of his shirt, an oddly content glow in his steel-blue eyes.

" Did... did he say anything before he went home? "

" Only with his eyes, Lily... And it's nothing I desire repeating. "

I felt my stomach twist in response, the feelings of guilt & regret slowly beginning to manifest themselves into existence.
" He didn't mean it, David. He is a good person. Genuine & pure at heart...  "

The vampire chuckled.
" You think so about everyone, don't you? "

" I think so about everyone, yes. In Michael's case, I know so. "

" That's brave, Lily... Very, very brave ~ "
His eyes drifted up the stairs for a moment before they settled on me again.
" What about Dwayne?
Do you only think he is pure at heart or do you actually know it? "

A smile tugged at his lips - the exact same smile I had seen through the open door a few hours ago -, however I wouldn't allow that to disturb me.
" I chose him, David... I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't sure that his heart is true. "

" And you are so sure because...? "

" Before I answer: why do you even care? "
The firm sound of my own voice surprised even me.
" Why do you wish to feed my doubts like that? "

" Oh, Lily... That's not what I wish at all ~ ", he replied every so calmly, taking a step closer so that the faint light flowing in from the kitchen revealed even more of his features.
" ~ If anything, I wish for you not to fall back into old patterns & face pain & disappointment yet again.  "

" What are you even talking about..? "

" Kjetil. "

Hearing that name was one thing, but having it spoken into existence by David's mesmerizing yet at the same time oddly sinister voice had me trembling from head to toe, my own arms swathing my body in a protective manner while my eyes drifted back towards the floor.
Why, just why did he have to bring him up over & over again, during a time where I was already vulnerable & burdened with insecurities, not to mention in a constant state of dread? What was the purpose of it all, what his motivation?

" I'm not going to talk to you about him, David. Not anymore...
I don't want to talk about him to anyone, do you understand ?! "

" There is no need to get defensive, my dear. Talking about him was not my intention to begin with, neither was reopening old wounds ~ "
David drew in, his bare skin grazing mine with the tenderness of a sleepers breath, & in spite of me feeling the lingering need to back away I just couldn't bring myself to actually set my feet in motion, standing there much like prey driven into a corner by its predator.
" ~ But I urge you to be mindful with the choices you make & the risks you take. Be mindful of the amount of trust you pour out into the world & the people roaming it.
You may believe in the good in everyone you encounter, but the sad truth is that not everyone has something good to offer...

Many a kind smile hides a vicious heart ~ "

A hand landed on my cheek, unnaturally soft & warm, compelling me to lift my gaze; it was the first time I felt David's touch on me, without the cold leathery fabric of his gloves to adulterate the sensation. Only pure skin on skin, the feeling nearly a soothing one. Something inside of me craved to drown in his touch, however I refused to give in to it. Refused to display my inner struggle as well as the comfort I had unexpectedly found in his presence. It'd only feed his ego...

" I'm quite aware of that, David. "

One step closer & I had his hand sliding down my cheek, across my scratch-littered throat towards my quivering chest, stopping at my heart. His fingers felt like they had been enwrapped in silk.

" Why is your little heart beating so fast? "

A lump started to grow inside my throat.
"  ...there is no reason. "

" Why are you lying? "

A final step, the last one possible, & it brought our chests together, his hand slowly wandering back up until my chin slipped into his palm. I wanted to gasp but the air got stuck in my throat, & just when I was about to respond with the words 'I'm not lying' a low chuckle arose from David's chest.

" Yes, you are, Lily.
Quite unusual, given how much you appreciate honesty... "

I could almost hear my own thoughts pour out of my mind & into the open for David to read, & the more backed into the corner I felt, the more he was able to read of me.
It was beyond maddening to no longer be safe & alone even inside my very own head...

" Please, David... I--- "

" You can finally feel it, can't you?

The depth. The intensity. The pull. The truthfulness... The sheer power of this connection.
                    Our connection ~ "
He let his thumb wander across my lips; first the upper, then the lower lip, gently pushing them apart, a barely noticeable motion of his wrist tilting my head upwards until his sweet wine-tainted breath grazed the tip of my nose.

" ~ Why don't you want to come home, dear Lily? "

"  ... home? "
I didn't even know what to say anymore. I was completely overwhelmed by various thoughts & sensations, feelings & impressions; the warmth emitted by his velvet-like skin, the lure inside his cold azure eyes, the sinful sweetness that lingered within his voice... The mind-numbing temptation that was David, his handsome features growing more & more appealing the longer I admired them, & when I glanced down for the split of a second I realized that my hands were already planted on his chest, his heartbeat vibrating underneath my fingertips.

The curtain was on the verge of falling. I wanted to quit resisting, wanted to surrender. I wanted to give in; to listen to that reluctant voice inside my head.

I wanted to kiss him... Here & now. I wanted him to have me.
... and he was long aware of that.

" Stop fighting it ~ "

Another hand landed on my hips, feeling the soft fabric of my white satin dress for a few seconds before his arm slipped around me & David - realizing that he had officially won - pulled me in.

" ~ Let me take you home. "

His thumb brushed over my lips one last time before he covered them with his own; those maddeningly soft & luscious lips that caused my knees to weaken & me to moan the second they touched, all my misgivings dwindling away in the blink of an eye. My eyelids dropped & I drifted into the dark, all my other senses now at their peak, turning this kiss into the perhaps most breathtaking one I had ever experienced.
No more than ten seconds in & I was already gone, taken far away by a desire that I never thought I had:

To give myself to David.

Something tugged at the straps of my dress, pushing them over my shoulders until the thin fabric skittered down my freshly moisturized skin with little effort & fell to the floor. A heartbeat later he had already cupped either side of my butt & lifted me off the floor with surprising ease, my legs embracing his hips to lock behind his back. My arms swathed his neck, naked flesh melted into naked flesh, & soon my spine was pressed against the wooden walls of the hallway where - after a raging lustful kiss that was way too short for my liking - David removed his lips from mine to stare deep into my eyes; forehead against forehead, nose to nose, both of us heavily panting like we had already done it.
I hungrily watched as his front teeth sank into his bottom lip & tilted my head in order to steal another kiss from him, a pleading look in my eyes, but he would deny me that kiss.

" Say it... ", he whispered with a coveting voice, the sound alone enough to make my womanhood ache for his touch.
" ...& it shall be yours. "

" Wh--what do you mean..? "

He pushed his hips deeper into the pit between my legs, his base pressing against my barely covered entrance & fueling the lust in my eyes.
"  ...You know. "

I heaved a long, trembling sigh, impatiently dragging my fingers through his blonde mullet.
My inhibitions had vanished, & they had taken all of my fears & doubts with them. My heart seemed wide aware that this was the wrong thing to do, & yet - it was what it wanted. For a reason that certainly existed but I was not aware of.

A reason I would learn to understand once it was already too late...

" Take me home, David. "

His name had barely left my mouth when his lips collided with mine again, the following kiss so fiery & ruthless that I ended up gasping for air like I had just returned to the surface after a long dive. My back sank deeper into the wall as David's chest drowned in mine, an occasional thrust of his hips pushing my legs so far apart that I felt him grow hard. Judging by the way he squeezed my thighs I could tell that he was eager to remove the last pieces of fabric that kept us separated, but keeping me in this position required him to use both hands.
Stirring the air with an impatient moan the vampire tightened his hold on me & finally dragged me away from the wall, carrying me down the hallway & into the kitchen where he placed me on the table, emitting a throaty chuckle of content whilst eyeing me from head to feet.

Finally able to put his hands to good use he stroked the inside of my shaking thighs, letting his fingers dance across my stomach & farther up, now reaching for my bare breasts. Each one was given a harsh squeeze, eliciting a hesitant moan from me, much to David's delight. His with avidity clouded eyes lit up once I became more vocal, & before I was given the chance to catch my breath I was yanked into an upright position again, a loud slapping sound ensuing when my naked chest smashed into his.
He grabbed a fistful of my hair, granting his saliva coated lips to taste my jawline & upper neck, his agile tongue exploring my with lust aching skin.

I flinched at every small touch, bathing in sensations that were nearly as intense as a full-blown orgasm; something that would have genuinely scared me if I weren't for my current state of ecstasy.
This felt anything but normal. This felt completely out of control & surreal, almost animalistic.

I was literally obsessed with him & the desire to become his.

And yet, I was so far gone in my desire & my mind so clouded that not even Dwayne - the man who owned my very heart - would cross it. Not even for a second.

Craving more I bent my head to the side to grant David more access to my neck...
& that's when I felt it:
A mind-numbing, flaring pain merely a few inches below my earlobe where my main artery was located, followed by an overwhelming sense of vertigo that sent my entire brain on a merry-go-round & caused my body to slowly drop to the side. It was David's strong arm that saved me from hitting the hard surface of the table, locking around my waist & dragging me back into his chest where the pain became even more excruciating.
I didn't have to look to understand what was happening, let alone where the pain was coming from. The many-branching rivulets of blood that were trickling over my bare breasts & down my stomach confirmed my suspicion...

David's fangs had entered my flesh in a slow, terrifyingly painful way; in fact it was so painful that tears began to distort my vision, my lips drifting apart to release an agonizing cry, but except for one short-lived breathless gasp there was only silence. Whirlwinds claimed control over my head, my thoughts & feelings became a blur, & after a few more paralyzing seconds I noticed that my body was beginning to weaken at an alarming pace.
I wanted to tell David to stop yet I couldn't, the shadows closing in on me with each passing second.

I vividly remembered dreaming about this, remembered what a blissful & peaceful state of mind it had bestowed upon me, but in this moment right here, right now, there was neither bliss nor peace to be found. There was only excruciating pain; crippling fear & so much regret, it threatened to choke the life out of me.

A moment later that somehow felt like an eternity I recognized David's countenance in my tear-stained vision, feeling his smooth hand on my cheek that'd carefully turn my face until we were looking at each other. His due to a gleeful smile distorted lips were dripping my blood; the large, pearl-sized drops raining down on my skin as he leaned over me. A moan ensued at the sight of my in blood covered naked body, his handsome features inching closer until our foreheads touched & I - barely able to stay conscious any longer - blinked frantically to erase the blur.
To no avail...

" No more worries... No more fears, my beautiful Lily ~
           You are one of us now. "

It was the last thing I heard before darkness finally claimed me, pulling me out of David's arms & down into a swirling vortex of hot steam & obtrusive scents; some of them alien, others familiar.
And then I fell…
And fell…
and fell…

Spacy & helpless, unable to control my movements until my back hit something so hard, I would have screamed had the impact itself not already knocked the air out of my lungs. My eyes shot open as another wave of pain struck my body, far more paralyzing than the one caused by his bite, streaming into every corner of my system.
My in pain widened eyes scanned the suddenly much brighter surroundings, narrowing as they spotted a lamp on the ceiling, with thick layers of moist vapour dancing around the emitted light.
The persistent noise of pouring water in the distance caught my attention but I was in too much pain to turn my head, & any attempt to move had the fibers of my body scream out in agony. All I recognized from the corner of my eye was a bathtub, covered by a familiar white shower curtain.

When the realization that I was in my own bathroom settled in I was already drifting back into the darkness, defeated by nearly unbearable pain & exhaustion, the running water nothing but a constant background noise.


I returned from the shadows for a total of ten seconds at best; to the tunes of a heartbeat close to my ear & a comforting warm chest against my cheek, inviting me to melt into it. Something lifted me off the cold hard ground, immediately easing the pain inside my body as well as my fears, but my lack of awareness made it impossible to determine who had just come to my aid.

At least until a familiar voice entered my subconscious mind, drowning out the sound of pouring water next to me:

{Oh Lily...
How many more times do I have to save your life?}

             { ....... David?}

Before I could even think about responding I had blacked out yet again, the peaceful drumming of a content heart accompanying me on my journey through the dark.

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