James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

13.9K 120 31

Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 5

342 5 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(Hadza's POV)
I woke up around 2:30ish in the morning with really bad cramps and crawled out of James arms and made my way into the bathroom and used it then of course checked my pad seeing it needed to be changed then cleaned up. After I cleaned up I started to make my way to the door to go into the bedroom to get some pain killers but fell as the cramps got worse. I was at a point where I was on my bathroom floor crying in pain and fear. "James..." I call out softly crying. "JAMES!" I call louder in pain. "Hadaza? Hadaza where are you?" I hear him say sleepily and looks around my room. "I'm in the bathroom and I'm in a lot of pain!" I call from the bathroom. I hear his footsteps at the door as he opens it and sees me on the floor crying and in pain. "Honey. Oh honey come here." He says picking me up and carrying me to the bed and giving me my pain killers. I take them and sob into his chest in pain. "I-it hurts.. s-so m-much..." I say sobbing and holding him. "Shhhhh I know baby I know. Shhhh it's okay I'm here now. Shhhh it's alright." He says rubbing small soothing circles on my stomach helping ease the pain. After awhile the pain stops and I sniffle drying my eyes with the back of my hand. "Better now love?" He asks me. I nod and stand up going to crawl into bed and lay down. "I'm sorry I woke you up at 2:30 in the morning." I say feeling guilty. "Hey don't worry about it love. It's okay. I'm here for you if you need anything even at 2:30 in the morning." He says holding my waist. "I know I just feel bad but I'm glad you came and got me. I honestly couldn't move or crawl to the door like normal because the pain was so bad." I say looking at him. "I can see that. Your all better now right?" He asks me. I nod and walk to the other side of my bed and see my shorts in the mirror and see that I bled through them but not on James shirt. "Uhhhhhhh just my luck." I say groaning and going in my drawer for a new pair of period panties and some pj shorts. "What is it love?" He asks rubbing his eyes. "I hate my period. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it." I say storming to the bathroom. James sits confused for a moment till he sees the pair of underwear and shorts in my hand. I shut the bathroom door and change then come back out and lay down on the bed on my back and huff. James lays down next to me and pulls me on top of him. "Hey look at me." He says making me look at him. "It's just a bit of blood. It will come out. Don't beat yourself up cause of it." He says as he strokes my cheeks softly.  I let him and feel my features relax and yawn tiredly. "Lets get some more sleep okay?" He says covering us with the blankets and leaving me on him. I nod and lay my head on his chest and close my eyes wrapping my arms around his neck gently and fall asleep.

Around Eleven in the morning I hear my parents getting ready and my mom call for us. I yawn and wake up stretching. "Baby time to get up. We need to get ready for the wedding and eat." I say sitting up and roll off him. James wakes up and stretches. I stretch my entire body and get out of bed and see I bled on the sheets earlier this morning and sigh. James sits up and gets out of bed. "I'm gonna shower real quick love then you can go." He says his outfit. I nod and grab a bowl of fruit and eat it turning on some peppy music and change the sheets on the bed to darker colored ones. James walks  she out in part of his suit causing me to look at him. "Nice. My turn." I say grabbing my dress. I head into the bathroom and shower then get put and dry off throwing my hair up in a towel and sliding my dress on then dry my hair and walk out. "Wow you look fantastic love." James says looking at me as I walk out. "Thank you." I say foreign my hair and doing a fishtail braid leaving a couple strands out and curling them then make my way to finish eating the fruit I brought in. "Do you want some coffee or eggs?" He asks me as I sit down. "Coffee please. No eggs. Eggs and I don't agree with each other a lot." I say looking at him. "Kay." He says kissing my cheek and leaves my room. I smile and take a break from eating and work on my makeup as James comes back with coffee.

"Coffee for you love." He says walking in. "Thanks." I say slipping my glasses on since I don't have my contacts in. "I still think you look adorable with your glasses." He says kiss me. I kiss back and smile saying "mmmm if I wear my glasses you have to wear yours." I say pulling away sip my coffee. "Deal." He says putting his glasses on. I smile and finish eating and drinking then put my lipstick on and my heels. James finishes getting ready as well and we make our way out meet up with my parents. I go back to my room and bring out the plate and coffee cup after I pack my little purse and grab a coat. "We ready to go?" My dad asks. "Yep." We all say. "James and I will go together and just follow you." I say to my dad. "Fair enough. Who's driving though?" He asks. "I'm driving sir. I'm very safe at driving." James says. "Okay good." My dad says as we walk out and go to the cars. I hand James my keys and put my phone in and the address into it as I follow my dad. My dad drives to the wedding and we follow.

We arrive at the wedding and park. Once James parks and turns off the car and gets out with me. I grab his hand and head inside with him and my family and look for my family and take my coat off and hand it to the coat attended and hold James hands and look around. "Hold up love. Stop for a moment. Let me see your back." James says grabbing my hand. I stop and look at him confused and jump slightly as he touches my back with his cold hands. "Sorry I need to tuck a strap in. Also your good." He whispers in my ear. "Thank you for spot checking me. I love you." I say kissing his cheek. James smiles and wraps his arms around me and kisses me gently. I giggle and kiss him but pull away from him when I hear my name. "Hadaza?" I hear. I look over and see my older cousin buddy. "buddy?" I say looking at him. "Hello hadaza." He says holding his arms out. "BUDDY!" I squeal running to him and hug him jumping into his arms. "How's my favorite cousin?" He asks hugging me. "I'm good. I missed you." I say hugging him and get down. "Good." He says smiling. "I want you to meet my boyfriend." I say taking him to James who watches us. "Buddy this is my boyfriend James. James this is my cousin buddy." I say smiling. "Nice to meet you James. You taking care of my cousin?" He asks. "I am. She is worth being taking care of. I love her like crazy." James says looking at him. I smile and feel someone grab my leg causing me to look down and see my second cousin. "Jay Jay! Hello monkey!" I say picking him up and hug him.

Jay Jay hugs me and smiles. "Hi. I missed you." He says hugging me. "I missed you too. Hello Hannah." I say seeing her walk by. She just walks to her mom ignoring me. I shrug and focus my attention on Jay Jay. "Hey love who's this?" I hear James ask me. I smile and situate Jay Jay on my hip and smile. "James meet my second cousin Jay Jay. Jay Jay meet my boyfriend James." I say keeping Jay Jay on my hips. "Hi!" He says excitedly. "Hey buddy." He says smiling and shakes his hand. I giggle and watch him and look at Jay Jay. "Alright bud I'm going to send you to your mom. Okay." I say setting him down and watch him go to my cousin Nina. "You look good with a kid on your hip." James says wrapping his arm around my waist as we make our way to our seats. "Not going to happen for a while Mr." I say giggling as we sit down. "Maybe soon though?" He whispers in my ear. "No." I say looking at him as Jay Jay comes over and tries to climb on my lap. I smile and set him on my lap and hold him as the wedding starts. The wedding ceremony was beautiful and I'm so happy my cousin got married and surprised that my cousin Jay Jay stayed quiet the whole time and just played with my hand.

I watch and rub my side feeling some cramps start up. James reaches over and rubs my side gently making me move my hand and let Jay Jay play with them. "Thank you." I whisper in his ear. "Anytime." He whispers back. I smile and head to cocktail hour with everyone once my cousin and his wife go down the isle and enjoy some fun as James meets the rest of my family. I talk with my cousins Alex and Nina while holding Jay Jay. "Excuse me ladies can I borrow this lovely woman?" James asks me. My cousins nod as I hand Jay Jay to Alex and go with James. "James where are you taking me?" I ask him. "Your parents want us for pictures." He says walking with me to my parents. "Babe do pull me to much." I say feeling some cramps. "Sorry we are here." He says as we arrive where my parents were with my brother. We take some pictures and then James and I take multiple pictures of each other and together then head back inside and find our seats for the reception.

The reception was so fun and I watched the first dance then the Dj said that my cousin and his wife wanted everyone to join in the dance. I get ready to take James hand but get taken by my cousin Jay Jay. "Hey she's mine." He says playfully as I dance with my cousin. "I'm sorry love but I think he's trying to replace you." I say to James hunched over and try slow dancing with my cousin. The slow song ends and we sit back down but I excuse myself and go to the bathroom and change my pad and check my back and sigh in relief not seeing any spots of blood on my dress and then sit down next to James. "You feeling okay love?" James asks me. I nod and push my chair in as I rub my side and eat slowly. James eats watching me. The reception goes on and we get to the bridal toss and the DJ calls all the single women up and I get pulled up by my cousins wife and thrown in the middle. Everyone gets ready to catch the bouquet but instead of throwing it she turns around and hands it to me and makes me turn around and I gasp. In front of me is James on his knee holding a ring. "Hadaza will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asks. I cover my mouth with my hand and tear up and nod. "YES!!" I say happily as he slides the ring on my finger and kisses me. I kiss him crying and pull away looking at him. Everyone cheers and claps as the reception continues.

My family take pictures of myself and James together and I take a picture of myself and the ring causing all my friends to go crazy and comment on it asking to be invited to the wedding. Afterwords a lovely slow song comes on and James takes me to the floor with everyone else and dances with me. "This night just got twenty times better." I say to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I've been wanting to do that since last year." He says pulling me closer to him. The wedding comes to the end and we all head home. "Okay buddy give me hug." I say bending down and hug Jay Jay. Jay Jay hugs back and smiles. "Bye bye." He says going back to his mom. I smile and slips my coat on me and smiles. "I can't wait to be married to you." I say smiling at him. "I'm happy I get to marry you future Mrs. Phelps." He says as we drive home. Once we arrive home we head to my room to get undress. I'm slightly intoxicated but aware enough to walk straight that's what a full year in England will do for you to care about undressing in front of James. I untie the top of my dress and grab his shirt I was wearing and throw it over as I slide it down over my dress and continue to do the same with the shorts. Once I finish I sit down on the bed and take my hair out and my glasses off to remove my make up being completely blind with out them giving James time to change since I can't see anything then he sits next to me. I put my glasses back on and look at him and smile. "Tonight was the best night ever. I love you James Phelps." I say smiling and kiss him. "I love you Hadaza Phelps." He says saying my new last name. We both fall asleep in each other's arms after that to tired to care about the mess on the floor.

(Heres chapter 5 guys. So the next chapter is going to be a full year time skip to next December where Hadaza and James get married. James is already moved into his new house and working his new job which he is enjoying. So get ready for a wonderful wedding in the next chapter.)

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