Stolen Memories Are Never For...

By edzooc8r

115K 8K 2.5K

[First place winner Eunoia Awards WangXian category July 2021] After being apart for years, Lan Zhan and Wei... More

Are You a Dream?
Revisiting the Past
Drinking Game
Do You Want
Please.....Don't forget me
Wei Ying's Heartbreaking Search
Finding Wangxian
Come Back to Me
Are You Happy?
One Last Love
Going Home
So Stupid
Looking for Me
This Is Why I Love You
Jiyi Xiaotou
I'm a Nobody
Making You Mine
Every Lifetime
Unexpected Return
New Book! New Chapter!
Thank You Readers!!!


4.7K 317 216
By edzooc8r

Welcome to the last chapter!  I can't believe I have written a whole story and that people have actually read it and liked it!  Thank you readers!  Please comment as you read or leave one at the end and don't forget to hit that little star at the bottom when you're done.  I love reading all your ideas and comments and I always answer back because I know how it feels to connect with an author and want to make my readers feel like they are appreciated.  BECAUSE YOU ARE!!!!   I have included a few song inspirations with this chapter because I feel they are the spirit of our two characters.  I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful and safe holiday season wherever you live!

Again nothing is mine, original characters or picture so thank you to the artists who are more creative and blessed than me!

Heart by Heart by Demi Levato

Fire on Fire by Sam Smith

Love Someone by Lukas Graham

If Our Love is Wrong by Callum Scott

The night of the banquet had finally arrived and cultivators from every sect flocked to Gusu to welcome Lan Zhan and Wei Ying back to Cloud Recesses. The Lan sect had never had so many guests within its walls before and Lan Xichen found it touching that so many people gathered for the joyous occasion. He and his uncle graciously welcomed every individual who entered their gates that night and made them feel right at home, nothing would ruin this night for his brother and his partner.

Jiang Cheng was one of the last to arrive and greeted Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren with a low bow. 

"Thank you for everything you have done for my brother." he said proudly, his eyes falling on Lan Xichen as a small smile graced his thin lips. Lan Xichen bowed back, his eyes never leaving the handsome man dressed in elaborate purple dress robes.

"Please, do not thank us. We did nothing." Xichen replied casually. "It was you who gave Wei Wuxian the push he needed to find my brother and for that, I will always be grateful."

"A-ha-ha! Anytime I get to give Wei Wuxian a kick in the ass and NOT get reprimanded for it is a good day for me!" Both men chuckled lightly, the two leaders staring at each other for a long second before Jiang Cheng shyly turned and moved to find his table in the banquet hall.

The sounds of celebration could be heard throughout the entire Cloud Recesses, from music played by the juniors to idle conversation amongst leaders and their disciples as they sat in the great hall awaiting the two guests of honor to make their appearance. Lan Qiren did not even complain about the noise this night which surprised the younger clan members, but they knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth and enjoyed their bit of freedom as they knew it would not last past tonight. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen mingled with all their guests, no matter their status, and made sure that everyone was present and properly attended to before moving to the large front table themselves.

Everyone politely waited for Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen to sit before taking their own seats. The clan elder was the first to speak, his commanding voice resonating throughout the hall. 

"We would like to thank everyone for coming to Cloud Recesses to celebrate the return of my nephew and the Jiang Sect head disciple home after a very long and dangerous mission." Everyone cheered for the two cultivators who had yet to make their appearance in the great hall, their eyes searching for the legendary pair of cultivators. Lan Xichen looked at his uncle and smiled, unable to contain his joy any longer, and Lan Qiren nodded in agreement.

"And now," Lan Xichen continued, his head held proudly. "We would like to welcome back Lan Zhan and.......Wei Ying, his cultivational partner."

Jiang Cheng's face distorted and he choked on his own saliva as his mind tried to grasp what Zewu-jun had just announced. His brother? And Lan Wanji? No! That couldn't be right! He knew Wei Wuxian loved the Second Jade brother His eyes quickly flew to the main doors, his heart pounding in his ears, and the biggest smile that his lips had given in decades magically appeared.

Lan Sizhui nearly jumped off his cushion hearing the unexpected announcement but restrained himself quickly, not wanting to shame the Lan Clan with unacceptable behavior. At last, his father and dad were official and there would be no more hiding their love from the world. He was so proud of them knowing everything, all the pain and all the suffering, they had to go through and how hard they had fought just to be together. His young eyes filled with tears of joy as he waited for the two men he admired and loved the most to enter the hall as cultivational partners.

The other guests present at the banquet, which everyone now understood was actually a wedding reception, stared in deafening silence in the direction of the main doors as two men dressed in red appeared, walking hand in hand, with bright smiles on both their faces, entered majestically.

Lan Zhan's robes were made of the finest cloth with tiny flecks of gold embedded in it so that it shimmered with every small movement. Gold embroidered cloud patterns sparkled around every edge of the outer robe which fit his god-like form to perfection. Bichen at his side, he strode slowly and powerfully into the room, knowing that all eyes were on him and his handsome husband. 

But his eyes were only for his Wei Ying, as if Wei Ying was the only person in the room, the only person in his life. Even though his smile was usually reserved for his soulmate, tonight it could not be contained, even in front of strangers and friends who stared unblinking in shock at the Second Jade of Lan and his silly happy grin for his partner.

Wei Ying matched Lan Zhan's steps, unconsciously proving that they were together and one forever. His robes were also a deep red but sparkled with silver flecks and were trimmed with a bold lotus flower pattern stitched with shiny black thread. His black velvet belt, which held Chenqing, was cinched tight to show off his thin waist and round buttocks which Lan Zhan kept glancing at every few seconds. 

Wei Ying thought Lan Zhan would be angry at how everyone was gawking at him but it seemed his newlywed husband was just too happy showing off his gorgeous lover to the entire world, declaring that Wei Ying was his, to be affected by jealousy. Wei Ying's infectious bunny smile was brilliant as he stared into Lan Zhan's golden eyes, love filling his heart until he thought it would explode inside his chest.

Wei Ying' shining grey eyes glanced up to Lan Zhan's headpiece which tonight was the most elaborate one that had ever graced his head, making him look even more regal. His smile stretched wider as his eyes stared at the large red Peony flowers dusted with gold sparkles that were threaded throughout Lan Zhan's silky black hair. It felt like only yesterday that Wei Ying had teasingly drawn that picture of Lan Zhan in the Library and now it felt like his dream had finally come true.

Lan Zhan's eyes mimicked Wei Ying's and moved up to the large lotus flower sprinkled with silver dust adorning Wei Ying's high ponytail which was still held with a blood red ribbon. Tiny white jewels were sewn into the entire length of his ponytail giving the illusion of morning dew drops that Lan Zhan's hands ached to touch. The hair on the side of his husband's head was braided for the occasion and Lan Zhan could not wait to undo those twists of hair with his trembling fingers.

As the two men walked slowly towards the front table, some people turned their heads away in disgust while others got up and left the gathering all together, whispering curses under their breath. But, surprisingly, many stayed and welcomed the two cultivators with nods and gentle smiles, bowing in respect and showing their acceptance of their unique yet perfect union. It was an unforgettable image of Yin and Yang becoming one, night and day walking side by side, angelic and demonic coming together in perfect harmony.

Jiang Cheng was overwhelmed with relief that his brother would finally receive the acceptance he deserved and the happiness and love that was due to him after all his suffering and sacrifice. Warm tears streamed down his cheeks as he thought about how happy his shijie would have been for her XianXian, her warm and forgiving smile evident on Wei Wuxian's face.

The couple reached the front of the hall, slowly turning to bow to all their distinguished guests before turning back to bow to the Sect Leader and Clan Elder before sitting in the middle of the large table. Lan Xichen sat to the left of his baby brother and Lan Qiren sat next to his new nephew in law, which, honestly, still made Wei Ying a little nervous.

The night was filled with food, drink, stories, and laughter. Everyone had questions for the couple about their adventure and their marriage which Wei Ying happily told with overflowing enthusiasm, Lan Zhan sitting quietly next to him, listening to his beloved's musical voice, his desire growing as the night wore on. 

Wei Ying indulged heavily in Emperor's Smile as he had not had a sip since Lan Zhan had left and, after three hours, Lan Zhan had lost count of how many bottles Wei Ying easily drained dry. He knew that it was probably more than he should have as his speech became slurred and his flirty side grew bolder. At one point, Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying his jealous glare and Wei Ying knew he had pushed his luck too far.

"Lan Zhaaaaan!" he cooed, crawling into Lan Zhan's lap. 

Everyone in the banquet hall stared at the new couple, knowing they should look away, but unable to force themselves to avert their curious gazes. Jiang Cheng only smiled knowing his brother all too well and wondered if Lan Zhan understood how much trouble Wei Ying could really be. Hanguang-jun would probably spend the rest of his mortal life trying to tame his untamed husband and that only made Jiang Wanyin's smile blossom into a full out guttural laugh. 

Wei Ying devilishly side-eyed his younger brother and wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's neck even tighter, burying his head in the crook of his lover's neck, nuzzling the soft pale skin under his warm breath.

Lan Qiren just turned away and huffed while Lan Xichen giggled like a child under his hand. They both knew they would have to get used to this type of behavior because Lan Zhan was so tightly wrapped around Wei Ying's finger there was no escape for him anymore. Lan Qiren decided he would have to add a few more rules to Gusu's 4,000 already etched in stone and placed his shaking forehead in his hand.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji, Hanguang-jun........Lan Er-gege." Wei Ying moaned against Lan Zhan's neck, earning him a short intake of breath from his partner.


"Take me to bed, husband. I want you now and cannot wait any longer." Wei Ying whispered as he ground his ass into Lan Zhan's growing erection, a low growl quickly escaping from his husband's pressed lips. 

Wei Ying grinned wickedly.  He wanted his partner to be rough with him tonight, so he teased him with hidden touches and secret glances the entire time they said good-bye to all their guests, thanking them for their support.

When they were finally able to retire to Jingshi, Lan Zhan's body was on fire with desire, his mind filled with all the unmerciful ways he was going to torture his lover as revenge for the hell Wei Ying put him through for the past hour. He would make his Yiling Laozu beg for mercy before this night was over.

Wei Ying entered first and before he could do anything else, Lan Zhan grabbed his wrist almost painfully and spun his body so quickly Wei Ying's head spun. Wei Ying's eyes were large and looked like liquid mercury in the dim light as they stared at the man now in front of him.  Lan Zhan's look was heated and wildly predatory, his pale golden irises lined with a hint of red lust. 

Immediately, Wei Ying's body burst into flames and his heart raced out of control, his mind going in different directions as Lan Zhan shoved him against the nearest wall, their bodies pressed together so tightly that Wei Ying could not catch his breath.

The two men remained motionless as the seconds ticked by, their breaths mingling, their lips barely touching, their eyes unmoving, drinking in the beauty before them. 

"Lan Zhan." Wei Ying whispered shakily as he reached up to run his fingers across Lan Zhan's blushing cheek. "I am yours forever if you will have me. I know I don't deserve you and if you ever change your mind I'll mmmph......."

Lan Zhan locked his lips over Wei Ying's mouth, his teeth nipping at the soft skin and his tongue forcing his lover to surrender to his desire. Wei Ying's arms encircled Lan Zhan's neck and pulled him closer while Lan Zhan's right hand grabbed Wei Ying's nape, holding him in place.  His other strong arm wrapped around his siren's waist, drawing their lower bodies against each other, their erections grinding on each other. Their tongues danced and fought for control as uncontrollable moans escaped from their throats, driving each of them insane with even more desire.

Lan Zhan was the one to break away first, his breathing quick and erratic. "Wei Ying......" he said as he tried to catch his breath. "You are mine. Forever." His deep voice touching Wei Ying's soul. "Everything I do, I do for you. I am the one who does not deserve your love. You were always true to yourself, always honest. I was the one who could not accept who I was becoming and tried to deny my heart." Lan Zhan lowered his head but never removed his hands from Wei's shaking body. "By the time I accepted the fact I had fallen in love with you, I was too late....... and I lost you."

Both men had tears in their eyes. Wei Ying placed a finger under Lan Zhan's chin and lifted his head slowly. Their eyes locked and Wei Ying uttered, "My Lan Zhan, you will never lose me again. My heart belongs to you and only you and I will fight every day to be the husband that you deserve to have standing by your side."

A sneaky smile moved Lan Zhan's lips as he murmured, "Every day means every day." 

And, with that promise, he tore Wei Ying's wedding robes off and turned him around, pushing him forcefully against the wall. He grabbed both of Wei Ying's wrists and tied them together behind his back with his head band, his right leg spreading his lover's muscular legs apart. 

Wei Ying let out a playful giggle but that cute giggle was quickly devolved into wild moans of pleasure as Lan Zhan attacked his neck and jaw with licks and bites that would definitely leave marks in the morning as his fingers pinched and twisted his nipples until they were red. 

"Lan Zhan! I won't......I won't be able to go out...... for days if you keep doing.......... that!" Wei Ying yelled.

"That's the plan." Lan Zhan growled possessively.

"Lan Zhan you animal!" Wei gasped in mock fear, but his heart was leaping out of his chest with happiness at his husband's aggressiveness. 

Lan Zhan's mouth trailed down Wei Ying's shoulders, his body would never get enough of Wei Ying's soft skin and intoxicating scent that drove him mad. His hands wildly caressed every inch of Wei Ying's squirming body, his fingers strumming his husband like a guquin and drawing out the most beautiful music to reach his ears.  When he reached Wei Ying's well-defined abs that twitched as his fingers traced every ridge and valley, Lan Zhan's body responded uncontrollably.

Wei Ying tried to take control again by grabbing Lan Zhan's member through his robes but that only made Lan Zhan even hornier, which was not a bad thing Wei Ying thought as his body was enveloped with Lan Zhan's sandalwood scent mixed with a sensual musky undertone that made his mind go blank. 

Lan Zhan spread Wei Ying's legs even further apart so he could insert a finger into that exquisite secret place that would drive his husband mad. With each rapid stroke that hit Wei Ying's pleasure spot, Lan Zhan could feel his husband losing control and it drove him to the edge of his building orgasm.

Wei Ying no longer knew where he was or what day it was, all he knew was that his soulmate was loving him like no other could. His body quivered with anticipation of what was soon to come, his erection already glistening as Lan Zhan entered him from behind, grabbing Wei Ying's member desperately in his warm hand. Wei Ying's heart fluttered when he heard Lan Zhan's moans of pleasure with each pounding stroke, exhilarated that he was the one responsible for that reaction from his partner. Wei Ying's toes curled, his feet almost leaving the floor with each slam as he felt the imminent explosion start in his legs and move up his body like a wildfire. Lan Zhan's grip on his hips tightened and Wei Ying pushed his buttocks back into Lan Zhan's attack sending them both over the edge and into the stars.

"Mine!" Lan Zhan roared as he came inside Wei Ying.

"Yours!" Wei Ying howled as his release sent him to the heavens and then returned him into the arms of his angel.

And so, a legend would spread of two powerful cultivators, opposites in almost every way, who found acceptance and love in each other, a love so powerful and eternal that it had conquered everything and everyone who had tried to break it.

A love that would unfortunately be tested one more time by a simple and small wedding gift. A test that their love may not survive. 

(to be continued)

Dear readers,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my fanfic!!! I hope you liked it and will join me for the continuation of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's love story in my next story tentatively titled "Wedding Curse"(I'm really not sure about that yet but will update when I officially decide on it). I will probably only start downloading chapters for this one after the holidays. Please click on the star to vote for this chapter or any chapter you enjoyed and please, please, please leave a comment for the whole story or any parts you liked.....or didn't like (just be nice). Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay kind readers!

"Eventually you'll end up where you need to be, with who you're meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing." -

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