broken as i • a kylo ren story

By hydrangearen

19.1K 724 1.4K

••••• completed but iffy ••••• "he continued to hold onto you for dear life, and you let him. he needed this... More

part one
i (i)
ii (ii)
iii (iii)
iv (iv)
v (v)
vi (vi)
vii (vii)
viii (viii)
ix (ix)
x (x)
xi (xi)
xii (xii)
xiii (xiii)
xiv (xiv)
xv (xv)
xvi (xvi)
xvii (xvii)
xviii (xviii)
xix (xix)
part two
i (xx)
ii (xxi)
iii (xxii)
iv (xxiii)
v (xxiv)
vi (xxv)
vii (xxvi)
viii (xxvii)
ix (xxviii)
x (xxix)
xi (xxx)
xii (xxxi)
xiii (xxxii)
xiv (xxxiii)
xv (xxxiv)
xvi (xxxv)
xvii (xxxvi)
xviii (xxxvii)
xix (xxxviii)
part three
i (xxxix)
ii (xl)
iii (xli)
iv (xlii)
v (xliii)
vi (xliv)
vii (xlv)
viii (xlvi)
ix (xlvii)
x (xlviii)
xi (xlix)
xii (l)
xiii (li)
xiv (lii)
xv (liii)
xvi (liv)
xvii (lv)
xviii (lvi)
thank you

xix (lvii)

188 10 10
By hydrangearen


immediately after the ship you and ben were in broke through the atmosphere of whatever planet, a sense of warmth, ease, and familiarity hit you.

"i feel like ive been to this place before, but i dont recognize this area." you said to him as he slowly began lowering the ship.

there were many buildings- beautiful buildings, and lots of people scattered everywhere. it was a breathtaking view to say the least- the entire planet looked like perfection.

"hm, that's interesting" he replied as the large city-ish part started to move farther and farther away, and a more nature-filled part came into your vision.

it wasnt the same as ajan kloss, but somewhat similar. there were more bodies of water here, and not as large forests either. the more you looked, the more the name of the planet started to form on your tongue.

"ben, when are you going to tell me where we are?" you asked, hoping he would just tell you so you wouldnt have to use your brain too much.

"you'll find out soon. in the meantime, close your eyes so nothing is spoiled." he smiled as the ship was close to landing.

"no." you replied to him.

"dont make me do it for you."

"you are annoying." you groaned as you listened to what he told you to do. you felt the ship land, then suddenly you were picked up from your seat and carried out bridal style. "hurry up, i dont like being carried as if im a little baby."

"aw, do you want me to walk slower?" ben teased as you lightly slapped his shoulder.

"dont you dare." you threatened as you felt his pace begin to slow. "stop it!"

"okay okay, we are almost there dont worry." he said as he kissed the side of your head.

he kept walking for a few more minutes, and your patience was wearing out. "can i open my eyes yet?"

"not just yet, i want to see your initial expression"

"oh my stars, fine." you rolled your eyes even though they were shut, and you felt him come to a stop.

he set you down in what felt like grass, and a faint noise of what sounded like a waterfall was heard. "okay, on the count of 3 open em."

"alright..." you sighed.

"1....2....3!" ben said and you immediately gasped.

absolutely staggering, astonishing- you couldnt even put into words how wonderful the scenery was. there were multiple huge, gorgeous waterfalls that all fed into a miniature pond, which eventually led to a river.

the water was glistening under the warm sun, with a greenish blue tint to it. the waterfalls surrounded vast meadows that were filled with various colorful flowers. there were these strange looking animals roaming around, but they seemed pretty harmless so you didnt pay much attention to them.

what really made your heart melt was the small picnic set-up that was in the center. you quickly ran over and the tears almost started pouring right then and there. "nobody has ever done something like this for me...ever."

you knew that ben had finally reached where you were standing, so you quickly gave him a big hug. "well, i guess that has changed...right?"

"thank you, i adore it." your answer was muffled due to your face being stuffed into his chest. you let go and plopped right onto the soft blanket that was carefully laid down. ben did the same thing and sat right across from you. "how did you do know, since we pretty much spontaneously came here without a plan?"

"i have some...connections." he placed a hand above his eyes, blocking out the sun so he could take in the landscape.

you hummed in response and did the same as him, but as you continued looking at a specific spot that was at the top of a waterfall, it hit you.

"naboo...lake country" you muttered outloud.

it all made sense now. the feeling that youd been on the planet before, the name being on the tip of your tongue- even ben saying he had connections was sensible. "you've been here before?"

"yes, but no. i have been to this exact place in a dream. im surprised it took me so long to connect the dots, maybe i was just so amazed at how beautiful it is here."

"a dream?" ben asked as he turned to you.

"yeah, and a darn good one. why?"

"this is so werid because you know how we both had a dream about if you said i love you too?"

"mhm..." you responded.

"well, i had a dream here in lake country too. actually, when we were talking on the bed it just randomly came back to me- that was where i got the idea to take you here."

"no fucking way. this is honestly just creepy because the dream reappeared in my head at the same time as well! i actually wanted to take you here, so it looks like we dont have to go anymore."

"what was your dream about, hm? now that i think about it, it was more a warning- at least for me. it obviously took place in lake country, and my grandfather anakin appeared to me. at first, i didn't realize he was my grandfather because when people would talk about him it was always darth vader- helmet and all. that being said, since i didnt see a man that was dressed head to toe in black, i didnt recognize him. he looked real young, and it was very strange at first. he told me to stop denying and do what's right, and i argued with him saying he was probably just trying to hold me back and that i wasnt going to listen. i even accused him if not being my grandfather! when i woke up, i regretted pushing him away and not asking more questions. gosh, i still do."

"what a surprise, but my dream was also a message type thing like yours. i was here, and this woman like lead me up to that exact spot." you said as you pointed up towards the top of a waterfall. "she introduced herself as padme-"

"my grandmother?"

"yes, your grandmother. she was so sweet, kind- she offered me advice as well. she told me to listen to my heart and give in. to not be afraid and that simple isnt always better."

"funny how she gave you advice and he gave me some." ben laughed.

"yeah, i guess. it all worked out though."

"i can toast to that." ben exclaimed and he grabbed a bottle of champagne. "sparkling cider, too early for alcohol."

you laughed and he handed you a glass. you chugged it down with ease. "hm, that stuff is real good."

the both of you started to eat the food that was in the picnic basket. there were a variety of different fruits, cheeses, crackers, sandwiches- it was all very delicious. as the 2 of you ate, you talked about a whole bunch of things. experiences, encounters, memories- even some jokes were shared.

"come on benny boy, last one! you got this!"

"i-" ben started to choke on the grapes, "i cant do it!"

you reached over and popped the last of 30 grapes into his mouth. "there! all done." you clapped.

all at once, the grapes shot right out of his mouth- flying everywhere. "sorry.."

"no no! that was some real talent!" you said as you ate a piece of your sandwich. the strange looking animals that you saw when you arrived suddenly rushed over- eating all the grapes that landed on the grass. "do you think they should be eating those?"

"theyll be fine...i think. shaaks are herbivores, and grapes arent meat or anything sooo-"

"how are you so smart?" you questioned.

"hm, i dont really know" ben crossed his arms over his chest in a joking manner, trying to act all vain. you laughed and looked over his shoulder, causing your eyes to go wide. "what is it?"

ben turned around and looked in the direction you were staring blankly at. "padme?" you called out.

"y/n." she replied with a smile.

her and a man began walking closer to you and ben, hand and hand. you knew they were force ghosts because they had that blue tint- the one luke had when you talked to him.

" was you? that voice i heard that one night...that was you?" ben asked padme.

"yes ben, of course it was me."  the 2 of them stopped fairly close, but maintained a distance.

"what are you both doing here?" you asked.

"we just wanted to say that we are very proud of you ben, and very thankful for you y/n." the handsome man answered.

"do i know you? i feel like i've heard your voice before." as you continued your sentence, you realized that you had heard his voice before. "oh, so you were that voice."

"yes." the man gave you a charming smile. "i am anakin skywalker."

"oh wow, okay now i know why ben said you looked real young." you muttered to yourself.

"anyways" ben said changing the topic, "im sorry for being so rude and inconsiderate that one time you tried giving me advice. y/n and i were actually just talking about it, and we realized you both helped us out at the same time."

"yeah" padme chuckled- so did anakin, "we planned it that way so when you finally did come back together, it would be all cute."

"her words, not mine." anakin added which caused you and ben to laugh as well. "but it is all fine ben, trust me when i say i know what it is like to have the darkside blind you. i knew even when you were acting like that that you didnt mean it- thats why i stayed so calm."

"well i appreciate your patience with past me, grandfather." ben chuckled.

"i just wanted to say thank you guys for helping us as well. it means a lot to get advice from you both, speaking for the 2 of us." you thanked as you sat on bens lap.

"no problem at all, we were more than happy to do it.  im just glad that everything that was meant to happen? happened." padme replied.

"me too." you smiled back.

"just know that if either of you need anything, reach out to the force and we are here for you." anakin stated.

"i appreciate it, mr. skywalker." you chuckled a bit.

"of course, ms. solo." anakin joked back.

you leaned backwards into bens chest and took a deep breath in. ben pushed all your hair onto one shoulder, and rested his chin on the other.

"we must go now, but may the force be with you both." padme held onto anakins arm. "we are most delighted to finally see you together again."

"we will be watching over you, so until next time." anakin said as he rubbed circles on padmes back.

"until next time, grandmother and father."

"until next time." you added.

you saw the couple turn around and begin walking away. with each blink, the more faint their figures got and the more they disappeared into thin air.

"that was a extremely pleasant surprise" you said as you ruffled his hair slightly.

ben picked you up so that you were now facing him and said, "it very much was."

you placed a small kiss on his cheek, and as you did ben thought he saw something. "diamond, is that-"

you turned around and barely visible in the distance were yet again 2 figures. you squinted your eyes and immediately recognized one of them. "luke."

"and my father- han."

you looked back at him and could faintly see tears in his eyes. you rested your head on his shoulder as you softly patted his back.

a wide smile appeared on lukes face, which caused one to form on you as well. you were glad you were able to fulfill what luke asked you to do, and he looked like he was as well.

even though the 2 men looked like they were miles and miles away, you were still able to hear hans words to ben. "i love you, kid."

all the negative emotions seemed to drain from ben face as he nodded his head slowly. you assumed that he was afraid his father wouldnt have been proud of him or something.

"i love you too." he replied back, barely over a whisper.

you could tell that han turned his attention over to you, causing you to nod your head in acknowledgment.

"and gosh, what would i do without you?" he laughed. "thank you, seriously y/n."

"i really dont know, but there is no need to thank me. i guess i was happy to help." you jokingly rolled your eyes.

"oh whatever!" ben said, causing all of you to laugh.

"see you around." han said as luke bowed his head. when he came back up, a small smirk was on his face.

him doing that said a thousand words, and han then luke disappeared as well.

both you and ben sat there in silence for a moment. so much had gone on that neither of you could tell if you were dreaming or not.

you fell back into the sea of flowers, causing you to take a long exhale. you felt bens hand tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, as well as a vibrant purple flower. he was laying down as well, so you moved on top of him- trapping him in place.

"why thank you" you said as you glared at the flower.

"you are most certainly welcome, diamond." he replied as he suddenly was on top of you, trapping you in place.

you maintained to get back on top, pressing extra hard on his hands to ensure he wouldnt be able to move. "so much has happened, but im just glad it happened with you." you said as you kissed his jawline.

within an instant, you were once again pinned down. "me too- more than you could imagine." he swooped down to kiss your lips, and you took this as a perfect opportunity to reverse positions once again.

but when you did, you were immediately back on the bottom. the cycle continued, and soon enough the both of you were hastily rolling around in the meadow- still trying to get on top.

your and ben's contagious laughs could be heard from across the vast area, but it didnt matter because it felt like you both were the only souls living.

you eventually ran out of breath and collapsed next to him, sucking in as much air as you could.

"i" a breath, "won "a breath.

"not so fast" he said as he abruptly got on top of you.

"fine fine!" you laughed as you pushed him off. "but next time i wont be saying that."

"yeah sure" he chuckled as he stared up at the sky.

you tilted your head towards the side, and your eyes quickly went wide. you sat up and scooched right over to the area you were just looking at.

"what is it?" ben asked as he moved over as well.

you kept your vision in the grass for a moment before looking into his eyes. "an asmarel."

you grinned wide as you gazed at the beautiful flower, and ben could understand why you were so intrigued by it.

"ive never heard of them before, but wow are they gorgeous." he said as he followed what you were doing. "though, not as gorgeous as you."

you rolled your eyes kiddingly and moved closer to him once again. "i first saw one back at a field on ah-ch to. i was practically blowed away, i just stared at it for stars know how long."

"hm, that is cool."

"rey actually was the one who educated me on them. she said they are real rare- only one or two are ever found in a meadow. but if there is two, it must be a special place."

ben looked over and right near his left knee, another one was found. "no doubt there."

you saw him point to it and you immediately collapsed right onto his body, causing him to fall back. you both laughed before you just sat there- limbs and hearts intertwined, breathing the same and so was your heartbeats.

you rested the side of your face on his chest before you moved over only inches away from him. you put your elbows down in the grass as your hands supported your head up.

you looked down at his angelic face, thanking the force silently for everything. you leaned down and said, "i love you, ben solo."

he looked right back at you, slowly sitting up at well. "i love you more, y/n y/l/n."

a grin erupted on both your faces, which eventually escalated into a laugh. you wrapped your arms around his body, him doing the same to you. you softly placed your head right on his heart, listening to the beating of it.

"it beats for you, you know." he said as he pulled you away to look at your face.

a small blush was found on your face, ben noticing but not saying anything. "and i am glad to say the same."

you stared at eachothers faces for what seemed like a lightyear before he pulled your face into his, pressing your lips together once again.

your mouths moved in harmony and your tongues worked effortlessly. in that exact moment, everything just felt right.

it felt complete, it felt easy, it felt like for once? things did indeed happen for a reason.

in that moment, the stars aligned. in that moment, the galaxy stopped for the both of you. in that moment, you and ben deserved every single second of it because well?

you were meant to be. it was written as clear as space for you, for the both of you, for literally everyone to see. even though it took a stars- awful amount of time and energy for it to really become...well apparent, it was true- it would always be.

you drew yourself away from him, taking in a deep breath. "hey, ben?"

"what do you want now, y/n?" he joked.

"taken upon what your grandfather jokingly called me earlier, wanna like uh...get married?"


authors note

and booM just like that? BROKEN AS I • A KYLO REN STORY IS COMPLETE WOOHOO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IM SCREAMING CURRENTLY AHHH GURLLLL BYEEEE. anywaysss, i am honestly so shocked it has come to an end, but not entirely no no- not just yet ;)) watch out for a lil something something coming your way extremely, very very soon, but until then my favorite people in the entire galaxy?? see ya <33 also btw my love for each and everyone of you is galacticly, galacticly? galacticly large, and you should all knOW THIS BY NOWWW COME ON GET WITH THE PROGRAM ALREADYY but i appreciate yall so so much, and i know i say it so frequently but it is because i truly mean it ok bye ily


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