COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce...

By LuxNic

111K 3.5K 1.4K

"I'll be home soon baby." Cameron Boyce finds himself smitten with Ada, a girl brought in by his mother to es... More

1: ada.
2: are you that somebody?
3: that you?
4: mamas.
5: the disconnect.
6: let me know.
7: comfortable.
8: please don't deny me.
9: the come around.
10: cam's baby.
11: got her.
12: my boo!
13: anything for you.
14: take me back.
15: all i want is you.
16: bet you won't.
17: i need you.
18: no me w/o u.
19: be back soon.
20: all night.
21: things be lookin' up.
23: cut safety net.
24: lost you.
25: space.
26: message.
27: for you.
28: back for mine.
29: baby in the corner.
30: happy together.
31: scared.
32: she needs me.
33: burdens.
34: smile.
35: mask off.
36: therapy.
37: new normal (1/2).
38: new normal (2/2).
sequel <3

22: sharing is uncaring in love.

2.1K 72 66
By LuxNic


And you starin' at my comments
Fearin' it's gone always be you sharin' me with all them
How dare I say ignore them?
Preparing for that day, I leave you here
and switch you for them


Week 2

Ada picked up her phone, bored out of her mind. She had been doing homework for the past two hours, and she was absolutely sick of it. She looked at her homescreen before deciding to go to Instagram, which she never used. She had maybe used the app twice since Lauryn created her profile. She would always get notifications, saying that people were going "live" or that a person had just posted a picture, but she never opened them. Ada looked at her timeline and the first picture she saw was from Maya as she posed with her friends. She pressed the heart button, giving her a like before she scrolled a little.

She perked up a bit when she saw a picture of Cameron pop up. It was a picture from one of his recent photoshoots. He was sporting a turtleneck, his hands clasped as he stared into the camera. She gave the picture a like, staring at it as a smile formed on her face. Lauryn's name caught her eye in the comments, and she was a bit confused when she accidently pressed it, taking her to the comment section.

laurynspeights: ooo I like this one ❤️
thevictorboyce: 👌🏾
karanbrar: change the caption to "hot spicy man"
~thecameronboyce: my spice has been ripped from me from this cold 🤣
camsfave: so hotttt 😍😍😍😍
tajspeights: lookin like uhh caramel macchiatto bwoy
~thecameronboyce: i'd rather be a mocha mint java chip
kelseycheavesmua: 😍
alana767: ugh my husband
thomasdoherty: nice one 👏🏻
chanelpradagucci_: baby daddyyyy 😻

Ada swiped back, going back to the picture. She glanced at it again before pressing Cameron's username. All of his posts popped up, and she found herself scrolling through some of his most recent posts. About five posts down, a video automatically began to play, with Cameron laughing and smiling in a chair, his name in bold letters going across the screen. It was a 10-second excerpt from an interview of his.

thecameronboyce: thank you @instonemag for having me! full interview on their page 😉

Ada pressed the username, going to the page, curious to watch the rest. She laid down on her stomach as she waited for the IGTV video to load. She watched as Cameron sat in a chair next to a woman, answering her questions about his work and his life. It felt different for her to see him in that light.

She never really saw the "celebrity" side of Cameron, with the interviews and photoshoots and the movies and the TV shows and the fan pandemonium. Every time he showed her new photos from photoshoots or she saw a video of him acting, it was like seeing a different element of him. Even seeing his Instagram page filled with celebrity and fan comments and the millions of likes on his pictures that he modeled for were jarring for her. To Ada, Cameron was just... Cameron. He was her boyfriend who made her laugh and held her hand and played basketball and listened to music. So, it created an unfamiliar feeling for her when he was in "Cameron Boyce: The Actor" mode.

{"And how was your hiatus? We saw on your Instagram you took a small break."

"Yeah, yeah I did! It was refreshing, honestly. I've spent about five years constantly on the go, traveling from place to place. I felt like it was getting to be too much, I wasn't taking care of myself because I was too busy being on the go, you know?"

"So was it a hiatus from work completely or just from... you know, the acting side?"

"More of the acting. I was definitely still doing a lot of photoshoots and interviews and things like that."

"Oh yes, we've seen your many photos you posted over the summer and even well into the fall."

"Yes, and while I was posting those I was at my house with my friends in my sweatpants with chip crumbs in my hair," Cameron laughed along with the interviewer.

"Well since you were on hiatus, how did you spend your time? Spending time with family, friends?"

"Definitely a lot of time spent with friends and family. I don't get to see them very often, so I was so excited to get such a good chunk of their attention. Especially my family, I only get to see them every so often now-a-days."

"Well how about your love life? Are you seeing anyone?"

"Ah, no. Not seeing anybody right now," Cameron chuckled.

"Really? Any particular reason why?"

"Uh, no," Cameron nervously giggled as the interviewer laughed. "It's just... you know I'm young and working and... I don't know, I just don't uh... just am not in a relationship." Cameron laughed as he rubbed his thigh, his cheeks getting a bit red.

"Ah okay. So no girlfriend right now?"

"No, no girlfriend for me right now. Single and happy," Cameron said as he slightly shook his head, giving a small smile.}

Ada bit her lip as she watched the interview, feeling her heart drop a bit. She took a deep breath, knowing there was no need to get worked up about what she had just heard him say. Cameron had already told her that he wanted to keep the relationship private, so him saying that in an interview made perfect sense.

But it was something about hearing him say it that kind of hurt her feelings. Her thumb roamed to the comment section.

View all 1,067 comments

empressmia: i cant believe he would say he's single like im not at home waiting for him ~loveforcameronb: right 😭 like baby please you dont mean that
kaybaby__: i couldnt even get through the interview because he so fine
~sorryj9: who you telling 😍
~inezsopretty: fine for no reasonnn
primetimeveah: i hope whenever he get a girlfriend she know how to fight because im coming for that ass 😭
~camxchixdove_: you gonna have to fight me because he's mineee

Ada rolled her eyes and shook her head as she exited out of the app. She sat back up, grabbing her laptop and putting it on her thighs, but couldn't really focus with Cameron's words echoing through her head.

"Ah, no. Not seeing anybody right now." "No, no girlfriend for me right now. Single and happy."

"Ada?" Ada looked up from her computer screen, seeing Maya in the doorway. "Hey, did you want to go to Target with me and mom?"

Ada thought for a second before slowly shaking her head.

"You sure?... Okay well, we'll be back." Maya watched as Ada gave a small nod before looking back at the computer screen. She left out of her brother's room, heading to the front door where her mom was standing.

"She's not coming," Maya informed Libby as she slid on some shoes.

Libby sighed as she looked towards Cameron's bedroom. It seemed like they could never get Ada to leave the house anymore, let alone Cameron's room. She stayed in there, cooped up doing her lessons or watching TV. The only time she would come out was to do homework in the kitchen sometimes, but even that was becoming rare. It had been like that since Cameron went to New York, and it was worrying Libby since it had been two weeks, almost three since he left. Ada had even stopped talking, and was back to her shrugs and nods. The only reason Libby wasn't so worried was because Ada did talk to Dr. Christian during her first therapy session. Ada had another therapy appointment scheduled for the next day, so maybe the therapy was going to work as a crutch as intended.

Maybe. Hopefully.


Week 3

Cameron slightly swayed side to side as he looked at his reflection in the mirror as one of the costume designers, Jessica, tugged at the jacket he was wearing, trying to see if it fit right. He had been there for almost thirty minutes at that point, trying on different ones to see which one would look best in one of his scenes.

"I like this one. But, I'm still stuck on that other one," Jessica mumbled out loud as she took a step back, looking at the casual ensemble she put him in. "What do you think? This leather one or that beige cardigan one, with the black buttons?"

"Um... I think this one. I think the cardigan might be-.." Cameron began as he thought carefully about his options, swaying his hand a bit. Jessica began to nod in agreement.

"Yeah, a little formal. I think you're right...okay we'll go with this jacket. And that shirt fits great. You can take those off now," she said, causing Cameron to start removing the pieces of clothing.

"Now pants... One of my little helpers went out and bought some jeans but they ended up buying the wrong one-" she began before she was interrupted by the door opening. "Oh, hey girls."

Cameron craned his neck a bit and paused as he was taking off his shirt when he saw three women come into room, one of them being Kelsey. She had her long hair up in a bun with sunglasses covering her eyes. She had on some stylish joggers, holding a Frappuccino from Starbucks with her Louis bag on her shoulder as she sashayed in, giving a small wave to Jessica with the two other women.

"You guys here to help? Or are you doing makeup planning and stuff?" Jessica giggled.

"Both," one of the girls laughed. Cameron watched through the mirror, putting his shirt on the hanger as Kelsey sat her stuff down on the small couch in the room before sitting down. She lifted her sunglasses and pushed them into her hair before looking at the mirror, seeing Cameron's eyes on her. Her eyebrows raised, not realizing that was him at first. She blushed as she gave a small smile, causing Cameron to realize that he was staring. He gave a sheepish smile back before looking down at his clothes, trying to busy himself by looking at the details in the cuff of his jacket as it laid on the counter.

"But yeah, they got the wrong one. And I was confused as to how considering they had your measurements but then I realized we actually never got your pants measurements," Jessica chuckled, causing Cameron to chuckle along with her as he watched her grab her clipboard.

"Oh yeah, I think we only did like... my upper body the first time," Cameron giggled as Jessica nodded.

"Yep, so before you leave, let me get-" Jessica began before she was interrupted again.

"Hey Jess, Carter is on the phone for you," one of the girls announced as she poked her head in from the other room.

"Damn, I didn't think he would be calling right now. Um... damn I have to get his measurements," Jessica mumbled as she looked down at the clipboard before she perked up a bit. "Oh! Oh, the girls are here. Hey, can one of you take his pants measurements? I need waistband, hip, and thigh!" Jessica hurriedly asked.

"Uh," one of the girls started as she and Kelsey looked at each other. "You can do that, I'm not good at wardrobe things," she giggled.

"Yeah, I got it," Kelsey replied as she got up from the couch, sitting her coffee down.

"Thank you! I'll be back. Goodbye Cameron, in case you're gone before I come back!" Jessica quickly said as she jogged to the other room.

"Bye," Cameron chuckled. He kept his eyes on his reflection as he watched Kelsey from the corner of his eyes as she reached into one of the drawers to get the measuring tape.

"Fancy seeing you here Cameron," she said playfully as she walked toward him.

He let out a small laugh before picking the leather jacket up from the counter and beginning to put it on the hanger for Jessica. "So, you're in the costume department too?"

"You could say that. I kind of do both, since there isn't much makeup except you know... the basic concealer," she shrugged as she moved the clipboard to the counter so it was closer. "Can you turn around for me?"

Cameron laid the hangered jacket on the back of the chair beside him before turning around. He gave a small, friendly smile as her eyes scanned his body before her eyes met his.

"We're like, the same height," she softly giggled as she ran her fingers across the measuring tape to straighten it out before she reached behind him to put it against his waist.

"Is.. I don't know whether I should take that as a compliment or not," Cameron laughed.

"It's not... a bad thing," she assured him as she brought the tape to his front, letting her fingers rest against his belly button with one of her fingertips landing on the top of the waistband of his Calvin Kleins that were peaking out of his jeans as she looked at his measurement before reaching to write it down on the clipboard. Cameron took his bottom lip into his mouth when she peeked up at him for a second, her green eyes glistening as a small smile formed on her face.

"So, are you going to be at Julius' little get together tonight? We're celebrating Hailey's video dropping," she asked as she moved the tape down to his hips. Cameron slightly jumped when she almost put the end of the tape on his crotch, but instead she rested it on his thigh, but she was pretty damn close.

"Uh, yeah... yeah I am," he slightly cleared his throat as he looked at her hand, trying to stop his penis from rising. "I'm in the video actually."

"I heard, I heard," she quietly sang as she wrote down his hip measurement before sitting the clipboard behind him on the counter. "I was supposed to be there for the shoot but I had to do someone's makeup... can you spread your... there you go."

Cameron spread his legs a bit to allow her to his thigh measurements. He looked at the wall as she bent down, her hands going through his legs as she wrapped the tape around his thigh. He knew if he looked down and got the image of her damn near on her knees in front of his dick he would have to leave immediately.

She stood back up, giving him a smile as she reached behind him again to get the clipboard, brushing against his side. He looked to the other side of him when his phone vibrated from a text from his dad. He glanced at it, but not before looking at the picture of Ada on his lockscreen. He had changed it to a Facetime picture he took of her when they last talked, a small smile on her face as she was listening to whatever he said to her.

He looked away from his phone, deciding to answer his dad when he was done. He looked back up coming face to face with Kelsey as she wrapped the measuring tape up to put it back. She gave him a small smile which he returned before looking elsewhere.


"Did you want to write it?"

Ada paused before she nodded, her bottom lip between her teeth as Dr. Christian reached behind herself to grab a notepad and pen out of a drawer.

"Okay," Dr. Christian started as she laid the items in front of Ada who looked down at it. "So, tell me about your week. I'm going into the hall really quick."

Ada nodded as she picked up the pen before opening the book, flipping two pages that she had written on at their last meeting over to a brand new page.

Libby looked up from her phone when Ada's therapist came out of the door. She gave her a smile as she came and sat next to her on the bench.

"Hi Libby. I just wanted to have a quick chat."

"Yeah, sure," Libby replied as she clicked her phone off.

"So. Ada isn't talking again."

"She isn't?" Libby asked, her shoulders dropping.

"She's writing on the notepad right now. I wanted to ask how you've observed her at your household. Has she been talking there?"

"No. Not at all, not a single peep," Libby shook her head.

"Has she always been that way since she came to your home or is it just starting? Because she was talking a little in our first session."

"Well, she was like that when she first came. She wouldn't talk at all until maybe a week after. And even then, it started off with her saying... maybe one or two sentences a day. And then gradually it worked up to maybe one short conversation or she'd chime in and say something when she wanted or needed to. But for maybe... the past three weeks she's just been completely silent. And I was hoping that it would change because I know you said she was talking in your first session. But now that she's not talking here either I don't really know what else to do. I don't want her to go fully mute or something-..." Libby shook her head, getting worried.

"No, we can work with her and make sure that doesn't happen. I just need to try and find the root of why she's decided to stop completely talking suddenly. So you said it's been about two, three weeks?"

"Yes, three weeks ago around... around the time my son left. My son, Cameron, he's an actor and he goes off to film and shoot movies and shows a lot, so he just went off to New York for a few months. He and Ada have a little relationship going on," Libby explained.

"Yes, she's mentioned that. Well does she talk to your son? Does he call home to you guys, does she get to talk to him?"

"Well, he doesn't call very often. Our family, we usually just text him, because... you know he's always so busy and tired that phone calls don't really work. Especially when there's a difference with the time zone. But he calls from time to time."

"Do you know the last time she talked to him? On the phone?"

"...Um, I'm not sure."

"Okay, what I want you to do next time they talk on the phone, I need you to watch how she responds when he calls. See if she talks to him or if her mood slightly shifts. Anything like that. I'm not saying eavesdrop...but I am saying eavesdrop," Dr. Christian giggled as Libby cracked a smile and nodded.

"Because I think what could be happening is that Ada might have gotten attached to your son and now she's dealing with some form of separation anxiety, which could easily be blamed on her growing up in the foster care system which usually develops abandonment issues. BUT, I don't want to jump to conclusions and misdiagnose her situation. But since she's not talking, I need you to do that little homework assignment I gave you so we can figure out what's going on."


It's hard,
you know temptation and all
Bitches out here tryna see if my relationship's strong


"Ayo, turn you up!" Julius yelled as Cameron jokingly milly rocked to the blues music being strummed on the guitar.

"Don't turn me up too high, the Ciroc is throwing me off," Cameron laughed as he plopped onto the couch. He pointed and let out a loud giggle when Hailey began to play the 'Grass Skirt Chase' from SpongeBob on the ukulele.

The smell of alcohol and the sound of guitars and a ukulele were filling the apartment. Julius' get together was definitely smaller than the other two ones Cameron had attended in New York so far and he was so thankful. He was having a great time, talking to his new friends and meeting new people that Julius invited over and celebrating Hailey's music video and strumming a bit on the guitar while a little tipsy.

The door to Julius' apartment opened, and they all craned their necks to see who was coming in.

"Aye!" they all screamed when Jackson, Kelsey, and Jasmine walked in, holding more alcohol.

"You fuckers drank all the Ciroc?!" Jackson yelled as he looked at the empty bottle on the counter.

"It was the only alcohol we had, damn! We got horny for more while you took your sweet time getting back here", Julius chuckled.

Cameron laughed as he got up, following the others as they surrounded the kitchen counter. He leaned his elbows on the counter as he watched Jasmine lift out various bottles from the brown paper bag, sitting them in a row.

"Eugh, Hpnotiq," Cameron said as his face scrunched up when Jackson pulled the bottle from his bag.

"You don't like Hpnotiq?!" Jasmine inquired as she looked at him in disbelief.

"I did like Hpnotiq until your little party. That jungle juice was 95 percent Hpnotic and soggy gummy worms and 5 percent juice," Cameron shook his head as people began to laugh at his comment. "I thought I needed my stomach pumped."

"He came to my door the next morning looking like he got hit by a truck," Jackson cackled as he looked around for the corkscrew before Kelsey handed it to him. "Oh, thank you."

"That's because I almost did trying to get to my Uber," Cameron laugh before he felt a hand on his arm. He looked to his left seeing Kelsey handing him a red cup. He quietly thanked her as he took it before she began to pour some Fireball into it.

"Oh hell no, you're trying to get me fucked up," he laughed as she finished pouring.

"Just take it slooowww," she quietly teased as she went to put the top back on before playfully gasping when Hailey took it from her and began pouring some in her own cup.

"Cameron! 'Baby' chick emoji heart emoji texted you!" Julius teasingly announced when he saw Cameron's phone vibrate and screen flash on the coffee table when he went over there to grab his own phone. Cameron looked over his shoulder at him in confusion before realizing he was saying the contact name he made for Ada in his phone two days ago.

"Baby chick emoji heart emojiiii?" Jackson repeated louder in a teasing manner as Cameron's face blushed as he reached his hand out to Julius as he handed him his phone.

"Who is Baby chick emoji heart emoji Cameron?" Jasmine asked, her eyebrows raised with a smile plastered on her face as she watched him put his tongue in his cheek to keep from smiling.

"Exactly what it sounds like," Cameron chuckled as he read the text.

"You have a girlfriend? I didn't know that!" Hailey said as she leaned over the counter at him, her eyebrows furrowed with her mouth opened wide as she laughed.

"Trust me, no one knew that," Jackson laughed as he drank from his cup.

"I wanna see her!" Jasmine pouted.

"Let us see her! I know you have a picture!" Hailey yelled as Cameron bit his lip to keep from smiling, keeping his eyes locked on the screen as he texted Ada back.

"He literally has her face plastered on his lock screen," Julius pointed out.

"Let me see!" Jasmine squealed as she went around the counter and got close to him to look at his phone with Hailey following suit. Cameron chuckled as he locked his phone before pressing the home button again so they could see her picture.

"Aww, she's so pretty! Stop itttt!" Jasmine gushed as she pinched Cameron's cheek as she looked at his lock screen. "Aww Cameronnn!"

"Her eyes," Hailey slightly gasped. Kelsey stood next to Cameron, glancing down at the screen. She simply looked at it before reaching for another bottle and beginning to mix some drinks.

"Wait, before we take another sip of anything, let's make a toast to the great Hailey Knox! For that beautiful ass video she just dropped!" Julius yelled, causing everyone to cheer as they began to hold up their cups.

"Andddd! Thank you Mr. Cameron Boyce for being my leading man! Getting my views the fuck up!" Hailey pointed her cup to Cameron, causing everyone to cheer again as Cameron smiled at her.

"And cheers to young creatives making it in the city!" Julius yelled as they all put their cups together, hooting and hollering before they drank whatever various alcohol they had.

Cameron let out a breath as he felt the warm sensation of the alcohol move down his chest before looking down at his phone when it vibrated.

baby 🐥❤️

Yea and i finally finished it
Can u call tomorrow

oh thats good baby
and i'll try but i got a lot
going on tomorrow

Its ok it was
just because i missed u

i mis

Cameron stopped typing when he felt something graze the bottom of his chin. He raised his eyebrows as he looked up from his phone, coming face to face with Kelsey.

"Here, try this," she demanded as she held a wine glass up to him.

"I don't know if I want to try that considering you put it in a wine glass," he joked, looking at the red substance.

"It's good, it tastes like strawberries or something, here," she said as put it to his lips. He let her hold it for him as he took a sip, and he could feel her put her fingers under his chin to help him tilt his head back. He looked at her as he swallowed, giving a nod as she playfully looked at him under eyed.

"It tastes like candy, what is that?" he asked her. She answered him but he didn't really hear her, her lip gloss intriguing him as she talked. It painted her lips pink, and the way the ceiling lights bounced off of them made them look... soft.

He looked back at her face, giving a nod to pretend like he was listening before he felt his phone vibrate in his hand, seeing a text from Karan. He opened it, texting him back before going back to he and Ada's thread.

baby 🐥❤️

i miss you too ❤️
i could call you later tonig

Again, Cameron was interrupted in his texting when Kelsey latched onto his arm as Julius yelled for everyone to huddle together for a picture. Cameron looked up from his phone, looking at Julius' phone that was propped on the counter on a self timer.

Cameron smiled a silly smile as they all posed together, and he felt himself jump a bit when Kelsey rested her other hand on his thigh.

"Make sure I didn't blink!" Hailey said. "I think I blinked."

"Is it really a tipsy pic if someone doesn't have their eyes closed?" Jackson asked.

Cameron chuckled before he picked his phone up again to finish his text, but not before Kelsey held up a red solo cup to his lips. Cameron scrunched his eyebrows, looking into the cup.

"What is that?" he asked.

"It's Jose Cuervo and Cola," she informed him.

"Cola?" he repeated, his face scrunched in slight confusion.

"Yeah, Coca-Cola," Kelsey laughed.

"...I don't think I want to drink that since you just called Coke 'Cola'. I can't trust you," he joked.

"Enough of the excuses! Now try it, I just mixed it," she grilled him playfully before putting the cup to his lips, putting her fingers under his chin again.

"Fuck," he muttered when he felt his throat burn, causing him and Kelsey to laugh. He looked down at his phone again, trying to let the burn travel down his body. He looked at the text he about to send before erasing it. He knew at this rate he would be too fucked up to call Ada later, so he just erased it so he wouldn't get her hopes up and have her staying up all night waiting for him. He would just try and call her another time.

"Ayo, let me see that red drink again!" Cameron shouted to Kelsey as she smiled, handing him the wine glass.

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