Snape's Daughter • Draco Malf...

By bxdlovin

2.3M 62.8K 41K

"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked. "Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about... More

Hogwarts Letter • Chapter 1
Reunited • Chapter 2
Welcome Welcome! • Chapter 3
Introductions One • Chapter 4
Introductions Two • Chapter 5
Slytherin • Chapter 6
Potions & Dress Robes • Chapter 7
Dances • Chapter 8
Longbottom • Chapter 9
Ball Proposals • Chapter 10
Parkinson • Chapter 11
The Yule Ball • Chapter 12
New Friends • Chapter 13
Really Dad! • Chapter 14
Detention • Chapter 15
Apologies • Chapter 16
Second Task • Chapter 17
Rescued • Chapter 18
Cedric Diggory • Chapter 19
Year 5 • Chapter 20
New Professor • Chapter 21
I must not tell lies • Chapter 22
Medevial Methods • Chapter 23
Professor Potter • Chapter 24
Betrayed • Chapter 25
Caught • Chapter 26
We're in this together • Chapter 27
Just the begining • Chapter 28
He's back • Chapter 29
Glad your safe• Chapter 30
Year Six • Chapter 31
Amortentia • Chapter 32
Hexed • Chapter 33
Secrets & whispers • Chapter 34
Chosen • Chapter 35
Sectumsepra • Chapter 36
Proof? • Chapter 37
Three Words • Chapter 38
Malfoy's Mission • Chapter 39
Letters • Chapter 40
The Dinner {1} • Chapter 41
The Dinner {2} • Chapter 42
Silver Locket • Chapter 43
O Children • Chapter 44
Murmers • Chapter 45
Held Captive • Chapter 46
Lovegood • Chapter 47
Teasing • Chapter 48
Is it him? • Chapter 49
Girl-to-Girl • Chapter 50
Escape • Chapter 51
Battle of Hogwarts I • Chapter 52
Battle of Hogwarts II • Chapter 53
Battle of Hogwarts III • Chapter 54
Battle of Hogwarts IV • Chapter 55
Stay with me • Chapter 56
All is said, all is done • Chapter 57

• Nineteen years later •

32.8K 1K 889
By bxdlovin


Y/n's P.O.V

"Ready?" I asked the blonde boy. "I'm ready mom." he smiled as he held Draco and I's hand as we ran through the wall.

"You know it feels like just yesterday when I saw you run through that platform." I heard a voice say as we passed through.

I turned around seeing Emaline and Blaise holding hands.

"Hey Em!" I greeted hugging her. "You just saw each other two days ago." Blaise complained. "Oh be quiet!" Emaline scolded her husband hitting him lightly.

"Hi aunty Y/n!" I heard a little girl cheer from Emaline's side.

"Hi there Ava!" I moved over picking up the small girl. "Where's Scorpius?" Blaise asked.

"I'm here." he grinned walking over to him. "You're almost my height man!" Blaise told the boy, chuckling as he fist bumped him.

"Not even close." He complained walking back between Draco and I.

"Where's your sisters and brother Ava?" I asked the young girl. "Over there!" she giggled pointing at the three Zabini's.

"Three of you over here!" Emaline called out to them. They turned walking over with small smiles. When Emaline first got pregnant she had a boy and then twin girls after that. Ask me how? I have no idea.

"Hey Draco and Y/n." her eldest son grinned walking over hugging us. Ava made grabby hands towards Draco so I passed her over as I greeted the three kids.

"Hey!" Scorpius said excitedly as he walked over to his three friends. They basically grew up together so it's no surprise they're already so close.

The train blew a horn letting the kids know it was time to get on. "You're going to do great!" I said hugging Scorpius.

"Yes you are." Draco added hugging the boy as well. "Thanks mom and dad. I'll write to you about how it goes." he grinned.

"You better." I told him jokingly as I messed up his hair.

"Mommmm" he groaned fixing it. "We love you." I kissed his cheek. "I love you guys too bye!" he waved, walking inside with the other three. We watched them board the train and find their seats.

"They look like us." Emaline laughed. "They do don't they?" Draco asked. I nodded leaning into his side.

"We should hang out and have a sleepover after this." Emaline cheered. "Remind me how old you are again?" Blaise asked his wife.

"Don't test me Zabini." She scolded.

"He's growing up way too fast." I sighed looking at the blonde haired boy.

"Then we will just have to make more." Draco shrugged. "Be quiet!" I laughed hitting his shoulder. "What? I was just saying." he defended. "Mhm sure."

"Bye!" The four yelled out the window as the train began to move. We waved back with smiles on our faces.

"When do I get to go mommy?" Ava asked Emaline. "Oh in a few years..." she explained hugging her tightly. The young girl cheered clapping her hands together excitedly.

"Do you think he'll be a Slytherin?" Draco asked me. "Who knows?" I shrugged. "I feel so old." Emaline complained. "You look exactly the same as you did when we got out." Blaise told her annoyed.

Draco and I laughed at the couple arguing. "At least we have the house to ourselves now."

"Draco I swear if you make one more comment I'll-"

"You'll what?" he smirked. "I'll tell my dad." I grinned. His face went pale. After all these years the thought of my dad still frightened him.

"Tsk I'll stop." he said with a small pout. "That's what I thought." I replied with a smirk.

"I still can't believe you're Snape's daughter." Blaise told the group.

"It's been twenty two years Blaise, get over it." I told him playfully with a smile, as we walked right out of the station.

This book is finally done! I just want to thank you guys for everything! You have given me so much motivation and support throughout this time! I'm a little sad that this is going to be the last chapter! Love you guys so so much! Like always don't forget to leave a comment and a vote! 🤍

Feel free to private message me at anytime!
Leave a follow if you want to know what I'll be up to!

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