A new beginning

By think247365

255 6 0

realizing that i live for you More

At it Again
to be a child
the unknown
what time is it?
take me back in time
the girl in the mirror must die
pitifully petty
bouncy ball
it is life
where are the shooting stars
mom's broken tiara
night of the living dead
daydream paradox
itsy bitsy spider
looking for love
my room
burning in the sun
sweet little babe
morning rain
late night drive
RCA factory service request
the room with the yellow door
jan. 2000

im struggling

1 0 0
By think247365

i'm struggling
and i'm not sure what for
i'm struggling and
you're struggling more
and all i can think about
is how i'm cold to the core
and i want someone to hold me
the way you don't anymore
i'm struggling
between what i want
and who i am
the me that's blunt
tells me love is a scam
the other part tells me
i'm kind of a tramp
for wanting more
wanting someone else
and now i'm at war
it tells me i should walk
straight out the door
but i can't leave you
as i've proved before
but maybe i can cheat you
despite what i swore
i swore i'd never leave you
never thieve you
never do anything
to try and deceive you
i can not believe
what i huge piece of shit i am
i can not believe
i'm fucking back here again
contemplating the same things
i have time and time again
it only every brings
confusion and pain
i never sort through the knot
never unpick
the lock
i can't solve the puzzle of us
or me
i can't figure out anything
i'm in a constant rut
that i can't drive through
i try to be happy
but i'm always so blue
i'm struggling
and youre struggling more
i'm in love with you babe
but you're dating a whore

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