Wolf Leader S2-(KTH)

By Galaxy_Rose9

20.1K 1.2K 21

it has been 60yrs all wolfs have split up taehyung and his man has left to the human world name LA where they... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45
part 46
part 47
part 48
part 49
part 50
part 51
part 52
part 53
part 54

part 38

261 17 0
By Galaxy_Rose9

Angel was having a nightmare she was moving her head and shaking them.

A: no...

Angel was fighting with jris and lay all by herself she had deep cuts and her red side was out she got stab by lay and then she saw taehyung came to help her.

A: no! Taehyung get away!

Taehyung keeps fighting them it looks like they were fighting in the woods and where their home was angel sees all the packs dead. Then she saw taehyung get stab by lay and Kris from the back and front.

A: NO!!!!


A: ah!

She stood up and realized she was in her bedroom she looked next to her and taehyung was gone, she look at her clock and it was 12pm angel climb out of her bed and open the room door.

A: taehyung?!

No answer but she sees the lights was still open so she thinks taehyung could still be here, she walk downstairs and and was looking around she saw that the pots was boiling but taehyung was nowhere.

A: mom! Taehyung!?

She was starting to get scared and thinks that her dream was real, snice their house mansion was big and had long hallways and guest rooms angel run back upstairs and look inside her moms room and no one was there she then went to each guest room and couldn't find taehyung.

A: taehyung!

Angel was starting to panic she went back downstairs.

A; taehyung! *crying*
T: angel?

Angel gasped and saw him at the other end of the hallway she rans to him and hugs him tightly taehyung was confused but hug back.

Taehyung pov:
I was making dinner for angel when I put her to bed in her room I was making her favorite food steak and porridge, I didn't have the spices so I went to look for it in the pantry but it wasn't there so I went to the long hallway and walk to the biggest door that I see and as I open the door all the spices was there. I walk in and started looking for the spices that I need, I was listening to music on my earpods. About a minute later I got them and was heading back to the kitchen and then I saw angel awake it looks like she was crying, I pull out my two earpods and yell her name out.

T: angel?

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and came running to me and hug me tightly I felt her shaking, I hug her back calming her down.

A: where were you? *sob*
T; I was making food and needed the spices I was looking for so I got them.
A: you scared me half to death. *sob*
T: hey...

Taehyung broke the hug and cup her face and wipe her tears away.

T: whats wrong?
A: I had a nightmare you die...
T: its okay. Im right here im not going anywhere.

Angel nodded he walk her back to the kitchen she sat down.

A: what you making?
T: dinner.
A: at this time?
T: yeah. Your mom call and say she well go overseas.
A: I see.

Angel was eating chips, she looks at chef taehyung she was amazed at his skills.

A: Normally I see the others do dinner in the past.
T: will I do it now.

Angel smiles. About a hour later food was ready, angel and taehyung ate together.

A: mmmmm.....so good.

Taehyung chuckled. After eating taehyung was doing the dishes angel went and backhug him.

A: aiya! I'm so small. And your so tall.
T: I grown.
A: well you look handsome.

She ruffle his back hair and went to lay down on the couch.

T: you tired?
A: no! I just woke up how can I be tired?
T: go changed your clothes.
A: right. I'm gotta shower and go changed.

Angel ran upstairs and taehyung watch her and smiles. Angel then hop in the shower and got out minutes later drying her hair with her towel then blowdrying it.

After that angel went back downstairs and saw taehyung sitting kn the dinning table on his phone she smiles and ran to him and wrap her arms around his neck from behind.

A: whatcha doing?
T: playing league legends.
A: mmm...im bored.
T: do something fun then.
A: I want you to play with me.
T: later i got to win this round.

Angel let go his neck and walk to the couch angel grab her phone and looked at her Instagram q idea then pop out of her mind she looked at taehyung and smirk.

A; not gotta play with me? Fine ill make you come to me.

She went to her own account and looked at her photos and model pictures and faked that she was looking at guys.

A: oh my God. This guy name Alex looks super hot..most of his posts are just him in bed and looking shirtless.

Taehyung looked at her while playing his game, she gasped again.

A: wow! Hes single look at that body.
T: who is he?
A: one of my followers..wow he looks like a model my mom should hired him so incane meet him.

Angel can tell that taehyung was getting jealous even tho he's playing his game, angel was laying down.

A: wow! He has more followers then me...maybe I should hook him up and get to know him and see how good he is in bed.

Taehyungs blood boil he slam his phone down she flinched he saw her stand up and taking off his jacket.

T: I seenyou wanted to make me jealous.
A: whatever. You were the one annoying me.

Angel was about to get up but then taehyung ran to her and hop on the couch on top of her.

A: yah! Ahh!! Hahaha.
T: let me see.
A: nooo! Hahaha.

Taehyung and angels leg was in-between each other he got her phone.

A: no! Hahaha..!

He looked and it was just her looking at herself he snap his lips angel was dying laugher.

A: you fault for it haha!
T: what you playing?
A: to get your attention not your phone. *sigh* give me my phone back!

She grab it and pretended to drop it on her face without  taehyung looking.

A: ow!
T: what now?
A: my phone fell on my face..ow
T: let me see.

He move her hands she laughed again he sigh and put his head down on her collarbone.

A: you fault for it again haha! I got-ow!

Taehyung had put her hands above her head.

A: what you doing? We did it 2 days ago ik not doing it again.
T: I know.
A: then what are you-mm!

He smashed his lips on hers to keep her quite she kisses back he let her hands go she wrap them around him he put his right hand on her leg and made it go up on his back so he can touch them more. Taehyung broke the kiss.

T: i gotta go home.
A: hmmm no your not.

Angel pull him in for another kiss he loved when angel takes over he then slide his right hand under her shirt and in her bra and squeeze it she moans in the kiss the kiss got hotter. He slide his hand out of her pure body.

T: let's go to your room.
A: we're not doing it.
T: I know. Let's go.

He made her wrap her legs around his wist and bring her up her room she hugs him smiling.

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