Guns & Diamonds.

By AaliyahSione

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On the west coast of the United States, lies the city of Los Angeles. At night, this city is where you would... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
The End.

Chapter Sixteen.

349 9 0
By AaliyahSione


It had been a few hours since I seen Daniel. I didn't really feel like being bothered with his drama with Tiana and Justin. Honestly, I didn't think it was fair how he dragged me into it like I was supposed to do something. I know that he wanted me to be with him, but why would he drag me into such an uncomfortable situation?

I just decided that I wouldn't talk to him for a while. I didn't feel like dealing with him or his crazy, stubborn cousin. Daniel always picked on me about being stubborn, but she was a million times worse than I was. I actually felt sorry for him because he had to watch over her while she stayed here.

Anyway, I was lying across the couch in my apartment listening to the sound of the music playing on my television. I was so bored, as usual. I really hated being alone, but sometimes I didn't really have a choice. I was kind of glad to be alone because I felt safe and more comfortable. I guess because I had escaped Justin's front yard alive.

All of a sudden, I heard my phone begin to ring on the coffee table. I reached over and grabbed it, and answered it knowing it was most likely Dalilah or my mother.

"Aaliyah?" My mother said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said. "I just got home a few hours ago."

"Okay, don't leave again unless someone is with you." She said. "Can you do me a favor, Nina?"

"Sure..what is it?"

"Wash the dishes for me." She said. "I'll be home in a couple of hours."

"Alright." I sighed. "I love you, mom."

"I love you, too."

She hung up the phone and I threw my phone on the end of the couch. I got up and went into the kitchen so I could wash the dishes and get it over with. I really hated washing dishes, but it was the least I could do for my mom since she never had time to do them.

As I started the dishes, I could have sworn I heard something in the living room but I brushed it off thinking it might have been the television. I was known to over-react and be paranoid about the littlest things, but my mom always told me to follow my instincts. I guess my friends didn't understand that, but we all had our differences.

I continued washing the dishes, trying not to take too long so I could go to bed. I was extremely sleepy, and I just wanted to be in my bed.  As I was about to start on another dish, a hand suddenly covered my mouth and I screamed out of shock.

"Shut up!" I heard Justin bark.

I elbowed him in the stomach and his grip loosened as he fell back. I dashed out of the kitchen and tried to escape up the stairs. I nearly got to the top of the steps when he yanked me back by my hair and I fell down the stairs.

I felt one of my bones crack and I screamed as I fell onto the floor. He came down the stairs and smiled as he stood over me.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"What do you want, Justin?"

He grabbed me by my neck and slammed me into the wall. "We haven't talked in a while."

"Good." I choked out.

"I've been thinking about you, so I thought I would come by." He said in a low tone. "You should know not to run from me."

"Now you got what you wanted." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. "You probably broke my leg, and almost yanked my hair out. You can leave now, Justin."

"But, I'm not done, yet." He smiled.

He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, until I heard a crack. I wailed out in pain and he tightened the grip around my neck.

"Does that hurt?" He asked.

Tears poured down my face while I winced in pain. He violently shoved me on the ground, then turned around and began leaving.

"I'll be back." He said.

He left me sprawled out on the floor, crying my eyes out. I was bleeding and could barely move. I eventually crawled to the front door, and pushed it closed so nobody else would suspect something was wrong with me. After trying to crawl back to the staircase, I tried to stand up and balance myself.

But, my leg hurt so bad that I couldn't. And I could remember was falling onto the floor again.



I was on my way to Aaliyah's apartment so we could study together for our upcoming test in Language Arts. I hadn't seen her at school today and I was a bit worried since she didn't answer any of my phone calls or texts. Hopefully everything was okay.

When I got to her doorstep, I noticed that the door wasn't fully closed. I walked inside and to my surprise, Aaliyah was lying on the floor seemingly unconscious.

"Aaliyah!" I rushed over to her side, trying not to panic.

Fortunately she was still breathing. I sighed in relief—Thank God she was alive. Who knows what I would do if I found her dead?

"Aaliyah?" I tried to shake her awake. "Aaliyah, wake up."

She slightly opened her eyes, and looked at me, groaning. It was obvious that she was in pain. The way that she was lying gave it away.

"What happened, Aaliyah?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." She mumbled.

"Nothing?" My eyes bulged. "You're sprawled out on the floor like you're half dead or something. What happened, Aaliyah?"

She began crying and panting heavily. "Justin came into the apartment last night and threw me down the stairs. I think he broke my wrist, too."

"Oh my gosh." I frowned. "We have to tell Carlos and Daniel!"

"No, no no!" She nearly jumped up. "Please, don't tell anyone about this, Dalilah."

"Why not?"

" know that they will kill him." She said in between breaths. "Just don't tell anyone, please."

"Fine." I sighed. "But, I'm gonna call an ambulance."

Aaliyah nodded and I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance.

I was glad that she was okay, but I still felt bad because of what Justin did to her. You would have thought that the last time Justin did this to her he would've stopped since he got Jumped by Daniel, Alfonso, and a few other LM members. I knew for certain that if Daniel found out about this, they would kill him this time.

I don't exactly know why Justin had the nerve to do this, but I was going to give him a taste of his own actions. I've had enough of his psychotic bullshit. He was nothing but a big bully.

When the ambulance arrived, I lied and told the paramedics that Aaliyah had fallen down the stairs. I knew that it was wrong, but Aaliyah was serious about me not telling anyone.

They took her away on a stretcher after they got a hold of her mother. I was told that Shonalee quickly left her job and went straight to the hospital. So, I went down the street to let Carlos know what was going on, and maybe he would take me to the hospital.

"Carlos!" I yelled as I made my way onto his lawn. He was already sitting on the porch smoking a blunt with Juan.

"What's up, Dalilah?" He chuckled.

"I need you to take me to the hospital." I said. "I called an ambulance for Aaliyah, and her mother is already on her way there."

"Wait, wait wait.." He put out his blunt on the ash tray. "What's going on?"

He stood up and began rummaging through his pockets. "She fell down the stairs and it did some pretty bad damage."

Man, I hated lying!

After Carlos took nine years to find his keys, we finally left the neighborhood and began making our way to the hospital.

"Do you think she will be alright?" Carlos asked me as he kept his eyes on the road.

"She seemed fine when I found her, but her body was kind of tore up." I said. "I think she might have a broken bone somewhere."

"Well, you did a good thing, Dalilah." He smiled. "You're a good friend."

When we got to the hospital, we went straight to the waiting room and Shonalee was sitting in the chair crying her eyes out. Carlos and I tried to comfort her, but we knew there was nothing that we could do to make her feel better.

After about an hour of waiting one of the doctors informed us that Aaliyah had a fractured wrist and a broken leg. They put a brace on her leg and secured her wrist and put her in a wheelchair so we could take her back home.

"Are you okay, baby girl?" Shonalee asked her.

She looked mentally dead sitting in the wheelchair. As expected, she didn't give her mother an answer.

"Everything will be alright." The doctor smiled. "Just be sure that she takes her medicine when needed. You'll be healed in no time, sweetheart."

"Thank you." Shonalee smiled.

"No problem, Mrs. Santiago." The doctor said. "Have a wonderful day."

We helped Shonalee wheel Aaliyah out to the car and helped her to get inside. Afterwards Carlos went in his own car and went home, and I decided to stay with Aaliyah so I could spend the night and watch over her to make sure nothing else happened.

"Do y'all want something to eat?" Shonalee inquired. "We can stop by McDonald's."

Aaliyah didn't say anything.

"Probably not." I said.

Aaliyah didn't say anything the rest of the car ride. I didn't want to make her upset or anything, so I just decided to keep my mouth shut and listen to her mother's Mexican music blast in the stereo.

I knew she probably felt bad about the I decided not to say anything to make her feel worse. I know they said what happened in the dark always comes to the light, but was it wrong for me to not want that to apply to this situation? Especially since I was in the middle of it. I just sighed and threw my head back on the seat, hoping that we would be hope as soon as possible.



I sat in the dining room at the table with Bella, Jenny, and their father, Emilio. We were currently planning Jenny's birthday party, since her birthday was coming up.

"I want pink everything." Jenny said. "Pink stage, pink food, pink tables, pink chandelier, pink lights."

"Pink food?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you serious right now?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"Um, no." Bella gave her a weird look.

Suddenly our conversation was interrupted by the house phone ringing. "I'll get it." Emilio stood up and went out to the entrance.

Jenny and I began talking again, until her father began talking louder.

"What?" I heard him shout. "Well, is she okay?"

"That's good, Shonalee." He chuckled. "I'll send them over tomorrow. Goodnight."

He walked back into the dining room and Jenny looked up at him and gave him a confusing look. "What was that about?"

"Aaliyah had another accident." He sighed.

"Oh my gosh." Bella slapped her forehead.

"Is she okay?" I Inquired.

"She's fine." Emilio replied, "But, I'm sending Jenny and Bella to her house, to take care of her for the week."

"But, we have school!" They both yelled in unison.

"Do you really think that matters right now?" Emilio asked. "I'm going to bed."

He left us in the dining room by ourselves. Jenny and decided they were going to hang out in her room, and Bella followed behind us. We all sat down on the floor.

"So when are we leaving?" Bella inquired.

Jenny rolled her eyes."Tomorrow, I guess. You're so annoying, Bella. You ask too many questions."

"Okay, well I guess I'll go to bed now." She stood up and left the room.

Jenny turned and looked at Nichole, after giving Bella a foul look. "Why does she have to come? I wish it was just me and you."

"Can't you just be nice to her for once?" Nichole rolled my eyes, "She's your sister, Jenny."

"She is not my sister." She scoffed, "Wouldn't you hate her, too?"

"No, she didn't do anything wrong." I said. "She didn't know. How do you think she felt when she didn't have a dad all these years? Yeah, he screwed up, but at least he's trying to do what he should have thirteen years ago." She sighed, "Imagine if he kicked you to the curb. How would you feel, Jenny?"

She didn't respond.

"Exactly! Just give her a chance." I smiled, "She's not even bad."

I was more than happy to tell Jenny what she needed to hear. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't? I stood up and left Jenny in the room by herself so she could think.

I walked down the hallway and softly knocked on Bella's door. Bella opened it and I came in and sat on the bed.

"Are you okay?" I inquired.

"I'm fine."

"I know it seems like Jenny hates you, but she really doesn't." I said, "She just doesn't know how to deal with this right now. But, you coming with her to help Aaliyah should make her happy."

"Thanks, Nichole." She smiled.



January 9th


I came to school, more than eager to see Aaliyah. I opened my locker and got out my books for first period. After I closed it, I began to walk down to Aaliyah's locker, and noticed she wasn't there. In fact, I didn't see her anywhere. Justin happened to be standing across from her lockers, and he looked at me and smiled, then  walked away. Thinking he was just being a jerk like he always did, I ignored him and went to go find Dalilah.

She was cleaning out her locker, and when she saw me, she rolled her eyes.

"Where's Aaliyah?" He inquired.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

"Dalilah, you and I both know that-"

"Oh, shut up!" She cut me off. "She's probably sick at home or something."

She slammed her locker shut and walked off. I guess she wasn't in the mood for anyone, today. I shook my head and decided to just make my way to first period.

I walked inside of Mrs. Clark's class and took a seat in the front next to Alfonso. I hated first period. Not only did I hate History, I wasn't too fond of Mrs. Clark, either.

"Did you hear about Aaliyah?" Alfonso inquired.

"What's going on?"

"I heard she broke her arm or something." He frowned. "I was texting Dalilah, and she told me that she was at the hospital for Aaliyah."

"When?" I asked.

"Last night." He mumbled.

"When I asked Dalilah about her, she was acting like she had an attitude or something." I shook my head.

"Aaliyah probably didn't want you to know." He said. "You know how she is about stuff like that."

"Yeah, I guess so.." I shrugged, "That must have been why she didn't text me."

"Didn't you call her last night?" He snarled.

"Why wouldn't I?" Alfonso shook his head, "She didn't pick up the phone."

"I wouldn't, either." Alfonso joked.

"You're hilarious." I shook my head.

"Alfonso, where is your homework?" Mrs. Clark asked, looking at Alfonso.  "You haven't turned anything in last month, and you're failing my class."

"Homework?" He asked in a sarcastic tone and laughed. "What do I look like to you?"

"I'm going to ask you one more time." Mrs. Clark snarled, "Where is the homework?"

"And, I'm going to ask you one more time." Alfonso stood up, "What the hell do I look like to you?"

"You know what, that's it!" Mrs. Clark yelled, "You're getting wrote up!"

Alfonso laughed and gave her a sarcastic look, "Yeah, you say that everyday."

"I am serious this time."

"I am serious this time." Alfonso mocked her, "Do you guys hear that? Sit your old ass down."

The whole class burst into laughter.

"I am calling security down here to get you out of my class!" She hissed.

"Man, whatever." Alfonso laughed, "They aren't going to do anything."

Mrs. Clark called security while I chuckled under my breath. I knew there was no point in me  telling Alfonso to calm down, because this happened everyday. After about five minutes, security arrived to the classroom and knocked on the door. Alfonso got out his seat and opened the door for them.

"What took you so long?" Alfonso asked.

"Sir, come with me." One of the officers said.

"Hell." Alfonso scoffed, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Come with us, or we'll have no choice."

"Choice for what?" Alfonso laughed, "What are you gonna do, throw a doughnut at me? Go somewhere."

The class laughed once again as the officers hand-cuffed Alfonso. "If I give you guys a doughnut, will you let me go?"

The class laughed again.

"I don't even like doughnuts." One of the officers said.

"Nobody is falling for that." Alfonso chuckled, "You look like the black Santa Claus."

That added even more laughter to the classroom.

"Get him out of my class!" Mrs. Clark snapped. "Now!"

The officers took him away, as Mrs. Clark sat back down in her desk. The class began talking about how what just happened. That's Alfonso for you.



I was packing my suitcase with clothes and other things I needed. When I was done, I kissed my father goodbye and went out and got inside of the limo.

After I got settled in, the limo took off. It was silent inside since I was the only one. I looked out of the windows as the cars moved until we stopped at a boutique. I came here all the time to get my nails and hair done. It was one of the most popular places in California, since they had A bakery and items for women.

I walked in and went up to the woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, standing at the register. She looked up at me and flashed a smile, showing her white teeth.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Adams." She said, "Please, show me your ID."

I pulled out my wallet and showed her my ID. "Oh, Ms. Ortiz!" She cheered, "Welcome back!"

"I scheduled an appointment for my hair the other day." I said, "Oh, and get me some hot pink roses, and a Vanilla cake with pink designs, please."

"Okay, your things will be ready in forty." She smiled, "Please, take a seat in the salon."

I went and took a seat in one of the chairs. I told the stylist what I wanted her to do with my hair, and she got it done under forty minutes. She handed me a mirror and I saw that my hair had the perfect, natural curls.

"Beautiful!" I squealed, giving her a tip.

A bell went off and Mrs. Adams called me over. I got up and went to see she had my things ready. I pulled out my card and swiped it for her. When I was done paying, I grabbed my bag and went back outside to the limo.

It wasn't too long after we left that we had arrived at Aaliyah's apartment. Her mother wasn't home as usual, so I opened the door with an extra key and walked inside.

"Aaliyah!" I shouted.

"Huh?" She shouted back, "Jenny?"

"That's me!" I cheered as I walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

She was lying in bed, looking exhausted, wearing a plain tee shirt with sweat pants that were way to big for her. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she looked more pale than the last time I saw her.

"Are you okay?" I inquired.

"Not really." She mumbled. "I feel like someone ran me over with a bus or something."

I handed her the roses and the cake, and she looked up at me and smiled. "These are pretty, thanks."

"What happened?" I asked.

She quickly looked away and didn't respond. I knitted my eyebrows together and shot her a confused look, "Aaliyah?"

"Remember Justin?"

"That Jerk?" I gasped. "Did he hit you, again?"

"Yes..." She said, "But, don't tell anyone!"

"Aaliyah, you have a broken leg!" I stressed, "You have to tell someone before this gets out of hand."

"It's not going to get out of hand, because he's not coming back anymore." She said. "All he wanted to do was scare me."

"Scare you?" I raised an eyebrow. "He broke your leg and fractured your wrist. If he came back after a year to do this to you again, then he wouldn't mind coming back after a day. You can't even defend yourself, Aaliyah!"

She didn't say anything.

"What are you going to say to Daniel when he sees you?"

"I don't know.." She shrugged, "I'll make up something."

I definitely thought that Aaliyah was making the wrong decisions based on what she wanted to do about this situation, but little did I know, she felt the same way.

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