Hannibal's untold story (Hann...

By skelly_bob

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18+ Grace's mind was supposed to be fixed and return home to Maria and be her perfect daughter. However, she'... More

(1) sticks and stones
(2) Lies
(3) therapy sucks
(4) friends
(5) heartbreak
(6) wicked witch
(7) the big escape
(8) expected of him
(9) the FBI
(10) first impressions
(11) I didn't want this
(12) survival of the fittest
(13) the minnesota Shrike
(14) love triangle
(15) sweater weather
(16) God's plan
(17) Mixed emotions
(18) quick decisions
(19) The Body
(20) Aftermath
(21) Truth sometimes hurts
(22) Hannibal
(23) Grace
(24) reunited
(25) Wicked Witch
(26) Destiny Almost
(27) rest in hell
(28) reality or imagination
(29) Sinners
(30) Mason Verger
(31) Mason and Finn
(32) No more room in hell
(33) God help me
(34) Finding Grace
(35) The Ball
(37) Home Bitter Home
(38) Dreams
(39) where are you?
(40) 10 months later

(36) The Pigs

228 7 17
By skelly_bob

Hannibal's POV

I was separated from the others (Jack, Clarice, Will, Margot) and was taken into a large barn full of squealing pigs. They sounded hungry and violent. I was tied in a pen and it was extremely uncomfortable, the hay was stale and didn't cover much of the concrete floor and my arms were held up for god knows how long, they had a very bad case of 'pins and needles'. Men would change shifts often and Carlos did double shifts since Mason trusted him the most. He was leaning on a metal pillar while using a knife to cut off a slice of apple to eat. His knife was pretty, it looked sharp and seemed like a hunters knife.
"I see Mason is fond of you" I said to Carlos, starting a conversation. He looked up at me and seemed angry I was starting a conversation with him, I only smiled.
"You better shut up" he pointed his knife at me, I saw he had a pattern carved into the blade.
"Mason isn't here, I'm sure we could be friendly since I might be here a while" I recommend. He chuckled while itching his beard, I noticed he had dirty finger nails and an unclean face, he was a very unhygienic man.
"Mason won't be long. He's a busy man" he said, his accent was very rough.
"I think respect that" I responded. Carlos threw the apple cord into the pig pen and we listened to their squeals of harmony, I could hear how heavy they are and their pain while being trampled.
"They can and they will eat anything. I've seen it all, I fed a person to my own pigs twenty years ago and these pigs, I saw Mason once feed them raw ribs of a boar and it was gone in seconds, even the bones. Imagine them with human meat, you're our lab rat." Carlos opened my pen door and kneeled down to my height.
"Are they tight enough?" He asked me. He grabbed my wrists and shook them about.
"They seem loose" he chuckled. He tightened my rope even more and I looked down at the ground to hide my pain that was shown on my face. He chuckled and walked out of the pen, closing the gate. I noticed he dropped his knife and he didn't realise, I used my feet and kicked it beside me, I kneeled on it and to hide the knife, I shuffled some hay on top of it. Carlos lit a cigarette and it made the room smell.
"I will go get my brother. Watch this mother fucker" Carlos spat at the ground and walked out. The man on this hours shift seemed scared and weak, he dug his face into a newspaper article and I saw his hands were trembling slightly.
"New?" I asked him. He peered his head around the papers and caught my eyes, I startled him then he looked back into the articles.
"May I ask you help me take off my blazer? It is very hot. I promise there will be no harm done" I said to him, softly.
"I-I can't do that" he trembled in his words.
"Nobody will know and we could maybe get along since I could be here a while" I comforted him, he folded up the newspaper and looked at me proper for the first time.
"Carlos... said he had a-a plan" he said, fiddling with his fingers.
"What's your name, dear boy?" I was beginning to like this man.
"C-C-Caleb" he said.
"Well, Caleb. I see that we are bonding and therefore, I cannot lie to you. I promise you Mason shall not find out and I shall make your shifts worth while" I promised him. He nodded his head at me slowly.
"I have to use... caution though sir" he picked up a pistol from the table beside him and walked over to me, he aimed his gun at me and I noticed he had never held a gun before since he didn't hold it properly and he had the safety lock on. He slowly opened the gate and walked towards me. He tried to use one hand to untie me but Carlos had it on tight.
"You don't have to aim it at me. Place down somewhere you think would be safe and untie me" I recommended to him. He hesitantly put the gun in his jeans and used both hands to untie me. I felt the ropes all fold off of me and fall down beside me, I felt my wrists and they were bruised and thumping in pain.
"Thank you" I took off my blazer and rolled up my sleeves and I then voluntarily held my arms up to tie up again. The young man tied me back up onto the hitch and left my pen. He sat himself back down and began to read his newspapers again. The rope was less tight and it was becoming loose so I had to hold my arms up so it seemed tight. Carlos entered back with his brother, Carlos stepped on his cigarette and blew out his last puff from his mouth.
"Hey, your shifts over" Carlos told Caleb. Caleb quickly stood up and rushed out.
"How the fuck did you get your blazer off?" Said Carlos' brother. He marched over and punched me across my face, I felt a nose bleed come through.
"what did you do to Caleb huh?" He asked off me. I simply looked up at him and pulled a confused look, I liked to play with peoples emotions, especially angry and violent people, it is entertaining.
"You think this is a JOKE?" He punched me in the stomach, I took in a large gasp of air and Carlos pulled his brother away from me. They spoke in their language, I would've been able to translate if I wasn't gasping for air or bleeding. I saw the two brothers looked at me, angry. Carlos felt his Jean pocket and noticed his knife was gone. He scanned the room quickly in hope to see it.
"Shit! My knife, I must've left it inside. Watch him" Carlos hurried out and shut the barn door. I watched Carlos' brother open the gate and kneel down to my height.
"Im gonna love to watch the pigs eat you like it's their last meal..." he said to me, smiling.
"May I ask why?" I responded.

"I've heard what you've done 'Chesapeake ripper"

"You think I've committed these awful murders?"

"I know you have... so does Mason and Carlos"

"Why haven't you suggested me to the FBI?"

"You have them wrapped around your little finger, so Mason has done the heroic thing to kill you and save Baltimore"

"I don't think that's the whole reason on why Mason wants me dead"

"Why do you think that? About Grace?"


"Grace likes Mason and she will soon understand her emotions, you're just in the way of it all. With you out the picture, she will understand her feelings to Mason and she can stay here forever. I promise she will be fed well, treated like a princess and she will be happy."

"Thank you, but you must know she doesn't enjoy her time here"

"I've noticed she's only got worse around you. Everyone mysteriously died around her. Tell me, did you kill Maria? drive Finn mad? Kill Franklin? Told the Minnesota shrike you were coming?"


"How did you do it, driving Finn mad?"

"Anonymous text messages. It's easy to drive someone mad"

"Would you kill Grace?"

"I kill for her"

"That wasn't the question"

"I feel something towards her I haven't felt with anyone"

"Not even... your sister?"

"...what do you know about her?"

"You were orphaned then you ate... Misha... did she cry out your name as you cooked her-"

The ropes fell off and I swung at Carlos's brother. I grabbed the knife and I tackled him to the floor. I tried to stab him in the stomach but i was a little weakened from being punched in the face and the stomach. He spat in my eyes and flipped us over, I was a little blind but I could open my eyes. I noticed the knife was kicked away and he had his hands around my throat, he was squeezing the life out of me. I tried to reach for the knife but I ended up pushing it away with my finger. Carlos' brother shouted as he tried to hurry the process. I realised that I couldn't grab the knife so I grabbed his head and brought it close to my face and I head butted him. He was dazed and I pushed him off me, we were now in a fist fight rally. I raised my fists and he did the same, he tried to punch first but I grabbed his elbow and bent it the wrong way, I heard it dislocate. He screamed in pain and dropped to his knees. I let out a sigh from the sight of him, he was on his knees, screaming while supporting his broken arm. I walked over to the knife and picked it up, wiping the dirt away with my trousers. I walked up behind him and grabbed his hair and pulled at it, his head was now lifted up and I pressed the knife against his throat.
"Have mercy-" he cried. I felt none towards him and slit his throat. He gagged on his blood and fell to the floor. I stood over his dead body and saw the barn doors slide open, I saw it Carlos and he stared at his brother bleeding out on the floor. He tried to say something but he was tongue tied.
"What the fuck did you do!" He pulled a gun out on me. I raised an eyebrow at him and stepped back once. I closed my eyes, accepting the fact he was going to shoot me but I heard a loud
Carlos fell to the floor, knocked out. He bled a little but it wasn't major. I looked up and saw Grace standing behind him, holding a silver candle holder. She dropped it and stepped over Carlos and she leaped into my arms. I held her tightly and I felt the dried, cold blood on her from the two agents who tried to carry her out the ballroom but their brains were painted on the floor.
"I was so scared they were going to hurt you!" She said to me.
"I know.." I responded, she let me go and looked at Carlos' dead brother on the floor.
"Are you scared?" I asked her.
"No" she simply said, still staring at his corpse.
"May I just saw how beautiful this dress is on you-"
"Hannibal not now.. but thanks" she smiled at me. I smiled back.
"I need your help to save the others" she murmured to me.

"I'm all in"

"I knew you would be. Now, they have Margot, Will and Clarice chained in the same room and Mason currently has Jack. Mason wants to know everything about the Chesapeake ripper for some reason and wants to know about me, before my sessions with you"

"How do you know all this?"


"Who are we saving first?"

"Margot, Will and Clarice"

"Lead on"

Grace stepped over Carlos and I followed. We crept back to the house and we slowly opened the back door. Grace slowly took off her heels so she could walk quietly and I walked ahead. Grace whispered the directions to go and I listened.
"Right" she whispered. I took a sharp, cautious right and I saw two guards walking down the hallway towards us. I took cover behind a wall and I pressed my finger against my lips at Grace. She nodded her head, understanding me. We held our breathes for extra stealth and the only noise was the two guards talking and their footsteps.
"What're your plans for the weekend?" Asked the first guard.
"The family want to go to Disneyland, gotta listen to the kids." Said the second guard. They both broke out laughing and both walked right past us. I peered around the corner and noticed it was safe again. We crept down the hallway until Grace whispered me to stop. We slowly opened the door and saw it was a cold, damp room. It looked like a chamber in the medieval times. They were all attached to chains by their wrists.
"Guys, guys! You're all okay" whispered Grace. Everyone looked up and smiled, knowing they were going to be rescued. Me and Grace hurried to get the shackles off. I tried to get Will's off but they were locked tight. I concentrated hard and they came off. Will jumped up and hurried to Margot.
"Are you okay!" He asked her. She hesitantly nodded her head and I went to help get Margot's shackles off. I heard Clarice's shackles drop to the floor, I glanced back to see Clarice had jumped in to hug Grace. I never saw them both smile so much in my entire time knowing them. Margot's shackles came undone and we were all set free.

"Mason has Jack. We shouldn't all go, maybe a few" Grace suggested. Everyone agreed.

"Me and Clarice. We're the only FBI agents here" Will said.

"I must accompany. Mason wants me dead the most and I could be a distraction." I added, almost giving them all puppy eyes.

"Its a good idea but that's dangerous" Grace seemed concerned and she looked at the others for backup.

"It is, but nothing on the field is safe. Hannibal should come" Will said to Grace. Grace's shoulders slumped and she looked down at the ground. Clarice put her hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"Well, what should the others do?" Asked Clarice, she asked this in favour for Grace and Margot

"We can Get a vehicle, Mason has a whole garage us girls could search" Margot suggested.

"Okay... girls trip" Grace said to Margot.

"Where is Jack located?" I asked Grace.

"In Mason's office, it's near his bedroom" Grace informed me.

Now that we've all decided what's going to happen, we parted ways saying goodbye.
"How are we going to save Jack?" Asked Clarice as we crept down the hallway to save Jack.
"I assume there will be guards, we can get the guards and since their guards... their going to have guns. We could take them and burst in, saving Jack" Will improvised.
"Sounds good" Clarice said. I heard the two guards walk back down the hallway, I pushed Will and Clarice into the nearest room and told them to be quiet. It was silent and we listened to their footsteps walk past.
"Their going to see we're gone" Will said. I rolled my eyes because this meant more actions and I was already fatigued. We slowly opened the door and crept behind the guards.
"Dude.. their Gone" said the first guard, the second guard looked at the empty chamber and cursed out loud and began to bring out their cellphone. I grabbed the first guard and put him to sleep and Clarice grabbed the other, strangling him to death.
"Another unnecessary death.." I said to her while searching the guard for his weapons.
"We wouldn't want him to wake up and track us down, would we?" Clarice argued back.
"I heard he had a family" I informed Clarice. She realised what she had done and sighed, looking back down at the corpse of a father. We were now armed with two carbine rifles and I gave mine to Will. We now didn't have to creep and we stormed to save Jack.

Grace's POV

Me and Margot crept out back and ran to the garage, it was dark but Margot knew where she was going, we held hands so we wouldn't lose each other in the dark.
"You know how to hot wire a car?" Whispered Margot.
"Been a while, I've had my moments as a teenager" I chuckled at her.
"You gotta tell me more about yourself" Margot said to me. I smiled. we opened the garage door and saw three guards, marching around the garage. Me and Margot rushed behind a car and the garage door made a little bang while hitting the ground.
"Huh?" A guard says.
"Quiet" said another. They raised their weapons, looking into the scope and slowly walked over to check the garage door. For an idea of the layout of the garage, this Mason's smallest garage out of three. It has his Bentley's and other vehicles stored in here. There was three cars on the right hand side
and five cars on the left hand side. The garage door was rather close to the left side where me and Margot were. We were on the left with the five cars and we used them for cover. Now, the three guards were caught onto the noise. Margot took a hold of my hand and pointed to another car, saying 'we're going to move'. I nodded my head and we crawled to the other cars. We watched the guards search the area.
"Keep your eyes peeled, men. It might've been an intruder."
I looked at the guards locations and came up with a plan.
"Their armed with rifles. We could take out one guard, hide is body under a car and take his gun. We could take the other guard hostage and then One of us could go behind the remaining guard" I whispered to Margot.
"Okay.. okay, I'm not good with killing so I will take the guard hostage if that's okay" Margot asked of me. I nodded my head at her and I crawled to the right of the garage, where there was only one guard standing there. I snuck behind them when the time was right and I slowly choked him out. I dragged his body behind a vehicle for cover and searched him. He had a pistol, knife and a carbine rifle. I took the knife and pistol. I put his body under a car and crawled back to Margot.
"I'm going to get the guard on this side, you crawl to the other side and grab the only guard on that side" Hold this gun to his head and grab the other guards attention. Kapish?" I said to Margot. She nodded her head hesitantly.
"Repeat it" I said to Margot.
"Crawl to the other side, grab the guard and hold this gun to his head. Get the other guards attention and you can go behind him" she said to me. I smiled at her and Margot crawled to the other side.

"Hey, where's Mike?" Asked the first guard.
"Pissin' probably" said the other. I crept to the vehicle next to where the guard is. I watched Margot crawl behind the guard. She leaped up and grabbed the mans neck, she had him in a headlock. She held the pistol against his temple like I told her to.
"Hey, asshole!" She shouted. The other guard aimed his gun at Margot. I suddenly leaped up and stabbed the man in the back countless times. He fell to the floor with 21 stab wounds. Margot hesitantly shot the man.
"I thought you wanted me to kill him?" I said to Margot.
"I... let's just get the car" she seemed distracted almost. I gave it a large thought and then went back to our main goal, the car. We went into a Bentley car and I opened the box full of wires in the driver seat. A lot of wires of different colours sprung out.
"Uhh.. okay" I scratched my scalp in confusion.

"Careful..." Margot begged of me.

"I don't plan on dying today" I stared at the wires and wondered which one I needed to cut. I cut a random wire and a red wire and began to clip them together. They sparked and sparked with no show of the engine starting. I did it one last time and the headlights flickered on and the engine roared. Margot clapped in astonishment and I shouted a victory.

Hannibal's POV

The closer we got to Mason, the more guards we saw. I realised we should've hid the bodies of the two men we killed / knocked out, in case any guards were to go down that hallway. It was too late to turn back so we could only hope for the best. As we strolled down the corridor, I noticed Clarice's face was still long and sad.
"Long day?" I asked her. She woke up from her daydream and looked at me.
"Yeah... wish I didn't kill that man.." she said to me. I put my hand on her shoulder and smiled at her, she glanced at me with a quick smile and we carried on walking.
"Stop" Will said to us both. Me and Clarice halted and I tried to get a view of what Will was seeing.
"Two guards posted at his door. Clarice, are you ready?" Will said. Clarice nodded her head and had her gun at the ready.
"Is that really necessary?" I asked them both.
"Yes" Will said to me. I sighed at them both. Clarice and Will opened fire the second they had a view at the guards. They hit the wall then slowly fell to the floor. There was bullet holes and blood stained onto the walls. Will burst into Mason's office and aimed his scope at Mason.
"Put your hands where I can see them!" I heard Will shout. Clarice also then entered the room but I felt something touch my ankle, I looked down to see the guard was on his last moments of life. I decided to accompany him so he doesn't die alone.
"I-I'm scared" he said to me, gagging on his blood.
"It's okay. Hard part is over, you're slowly drifting away to somewhere clean and nice" I knelt down beside him.
"How do you.. you k-know?" He asked me.
"Because there's always something waiting for us on the other side" he smiled at them then he passed away, his eyes were still open and his entire body dropped. I closed his eyes for respect and I walked into the office.
"Hannibal? So lovely to see you again" Mason said to me, he had two scopes aimed at him and he had his hands up. I smiled at him and I went to free Jack.
"Are you hurt?" I asked Jack.
"No, they only tried to scare me" Jack informed me. He was tied to a chair by rope and it was easily undone. He stood up and stretched and walked over to Mason. Will and Clarice were still aiming their rifles at him.
"Why do you want to know about the ripper and Grace?" Jack asked Mason, sternly.
"You're so blind to who the ripper is. Even if I told you who, you wouldn't believe me" Mason scoffed.

"Tell me, then. Who's our person of interest?" Jack asked on.

"Dr. Hannibal Lecter"

The room fell silent for a moment. Clarice and Will both glanced at me but Jack still had his eyes locked onto Mason.

"Why Dr. Lecter?"

"The note. The mysterious murders of Finn, Maria and Franklin"

"Finn wasn't murdered"

"He was influenced that lead to his death"

"These haven't been released to the public, how do you know all this?"

"I have my ways"

"Jack, he's mad." Will reminded him.
"Yeah, Hannibal has had many opportunities to kill people but he's only knocked them out. He just accompanied one of your dying soldiers that me and Will just shot at" Clarice added.

"You'll all see one day. All the murders he'll commit again will be on your hands. All of yours" Mason growled at us. Jack slammed his head into the desk and knocked him out, cold.
"Jesus, Jack" Clarice said. I walked over to view Mason on the ground, he was murmuring in his sleep.
"Me and Will can sort Mason out. I'm sure the girls have a vehicle ready for us. You two go ahead" I said to Jack and Clarice. They both left and Jack grabbed Mason's desert eagle that was left on the desk. They walked over the dead bodies and headed outside.
"What do you want to do with him?" Asked Will. I hauled Mason onto my shoulder and began to walk to the barn.
"You'll see" I said to him.

We opened the barn doors and Will saw the two brothers on the ground. Carlos' brothers blood had been drained from him and his body was already decomposing.
"What happened in here?" Asked Will.
"They both attacked me" I said. Will didn't question anymore of it and I walked into the pen and began to tie Mason up where I was tied. Will walked behind me and watched me tie him up.
"Is this revenge or what?" He asked me.
"Not too sure" I responded.

Mason began to wake up. Me and Will had got one Boar out the pen and we held it so it couldn't run off or attack. Mason jumped at the sight of the pig.
"Why did you let it out!" He asked us, startled.
"You were going to let me inside the boar pen. Let them eat me alive" I said to Mason. He trembled at my words and he saw Carlos unconscious on the floor.
"C-Carlos!" He shouted. I glanced back to see him out cold still.
"Open the pen, Will" I said. Will opened the pen and I let the pig go. The boar charged at Mason and began to eat his face. He screamed in agony but me and Will were not startled. I saw the blood begin to drip and the boars face change to a maroon colour and their teeth red.
"Let's go" Will said. We walked out of the barn, shutting the door and began walk back to the others.
"Are you going to tell the others?" I asked Will.
"We would both be guilty" Will said.

We arrived at the garage and opened the garage door and saw the car waiting for us. Jack was in the drivers seat and Clarice was in the passenger seat. I went into the back seat, next to Grace, who was in the middle seat. She hugged me again and I smiled.
"We're all okay..." she said to me. My face slowly drooped as I pulled away from Grace.
"What did Mason do to you?" I asked her. She looked down and said to Jack.
"Take me to Katz" she said. I sighed, Will looked out the window and Clarice fiddled with her fingers. Jack changed gear and we set off. Grace rested her head on my shoulder and she drifted to sleep. I decided to do the same and I fell asleep, resting my head on the window.

Okay so. I don't know if you all want to see something different in the book, so please comment it and what are your thoughts about Grace and Clarice? Im trying to paint the characters as I want you to see them but I don't know if it's working, I would really appreciate it if you comment your thought on the two characters.
Thanks so much!

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