Change of Heart

By Reasonstosmileathome

2.9M 98.7K 152K

"You're lying." Zavier spoke so low that even he barely heard his words himself. "Huh?" He picked up the vol... More

character looks
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
alternate chapter 20

chapter 32

59.3K 2K 2.9K
By Reasonstosmileathome

Zavier POV:

A week had gone without seeing Isaac and to say I missed his smart remarks would be an understatement.

My dad said he had 'the flu' but I wouldn't be surprised if Isaac had done this just to stay away from me.

Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for me, I had been elected- definitely elected, not that I had asked for this- to take some work to Isaac for him so here I stood on his doorstep, ringing the doorbell multiple times because even though his parents weren't home, I knew he would be.

"Yes, yes, I'll be there in a second." His voice sounded kind of breathy as I heard him mumble a few curse words.

"What is it?" Isaac opened the door, his eyes widening as he saw me and trying to shut the door but I stopped him. "What do you want?"

"Wow, you do not look great."

That was a lie.

He still managed to look good even when he was proven ill, standing in a hoodie and joggers and a tissue box in the other hand.

I then noticed a fading bruise on his face with a scratch next to it, "What happened to your face?"

"Did you just come to insult me?" He deliberately ignored the question but I didn't look into it more, shrugging.

"Can I come in then?"

He rolled his eyes but moved to the side, allowing me to enter in.

"If you hadn't known before, you know now that I am truly ill so I don't know why you came." Isaac spoke as he carried on walking. I took this as a sign to follow him up to where he went to his bedroom.

On his bed lay his laptop and phone with two bookmarked books laying there. His desk was filled with papers but the rest of his room was clean. I placed his catch up work on his desk then turned to face him, seeing him already lying on his bed with his laptop turned on.

"Are you not even gonna talk to me?" I questioned him. After what had happened last week, I had expected a bit more than a few hellos then goodbyes.

He paused whatever he was doing and turned to me, "Aren't you leaving now?"

That question seemed so passive aggressive but I put on a smile and shook my head. "Why should I?"

"Uh maybe because I'm ill and I could make you sick too." He responded back, playing his video again until he could sense I wasn't leaving and faced me. "Okay, damn, what do you want to talk about?"


That got his attention as he repositioned himself on the bed, sitting up. "Us?"

"Yes, us. What are we?"

"Do we-" Isaac sneezed twice, sniffing a bit. "Do we have to do this now?"

"Well when else?"

"Oh I don't know, lemme think.... oh yeah, when I don't feel like shit." Isaac stared at me with a sort of coldness before looking back at his laptop.

"Yeah whatever."

"I'll see you later then." He mumbled.

But I stayed standing in my spot, unwilling to leave so soon.

Isaac looked deep in thought before he shut his laptop and got up, facing me. "Fine then, if you're so reluctant to leave you can help me with something."

"Help?" The last time the word help had been used between the two of us had been a bit of a rollercoaster.

"Follow me." So I did. I followed him to his kitchen, seeing what seemed like baking ingredients laid out on the counter.

"You're gonna bake for me." He looked at me and smiled.


"We can talk through the art of baking. Now wash your hands and I'll give you instructions."

"I'm not going to bake for you." I shook my head at him but his smile barely faltered as he walked towards me.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

Isaac went quiet before looking back up with an evil grin. "I'll cough on you if you don't."

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" I moved away from him still but he moved right with me.

"Cough or help."

I could run, maybe get a few metres away before being coughed on but I think Isaac could see my thought process as he shuffled a bit closer, making it as if he was about to open his mouth.

"Okay, okay I'll help but only because I'm pitying you, not because I was scared of your empty threat." I was finally able to breathe fully when he stepped away from me.

"Right then, let's get started. These are for my mom by the way, she said something about her friends kids but I didn't listen that well. The instructions are on the table." Whilst I walked to the counter, he walked to the door, about to head out.

"You're leaving?" I hadn't meant to sound so needy but I had only stayed for his sarcastic conversations yet he wasn't even going to stay.

"I'm going to the toilet, Jesus, you want to wipe my bum too?"

I flipped him off, biting my lip to hide the smile that was growing and scanned the instructions.

Alright, weigh the butter and sugar, add an egg then the weigh flour, that's not too bad, I thought.

Turns out I was probably not the most cut out for a baker. Isaac came back whilst I was trying to get the butter off of the table and he had to take over the weighing of flour since he said I had made too much of 'a mess' weighing the sugar.

"Maybe I should've just done this myself." Isaac sighed after letting me weigh the rest of the flour and sift it in.

The flour had changed its destination to not only the bowl, but the floor and everywhere surrounding it, including Isaac and I's clothes.

"I think I'm pretty good."

"You are, just without the good." Isaac mumbled very quietly before snapping his mouth shut.

"Hm?" I pretended that I didn't hear as he shook his head, quickly looking down at the flour on the floor.

How cute.

"I can't watch this anymore. You're a shit baker, I'm sorry I have to break it to you this way." He pushed me out of the way and whisked the mixture himself.

"Your idea for me to bake in the first place."

"Yeah my mistake for giving high expectations for you when you can't even crack an egg neatly."

"Take that back."

"I wish I could take those minutes back." Isaac put the cookies in the oven and let out a huge sigh. "That was really nice. I'm gonna go have a shower before I start sneezing out flour."

"What do I do?"

"Wait there." He ordered, leaving the room with me in it.

I got bored in less than a minute, checking the oven, debating whether to clear up the mess or not.

Thanks to my boredom, I willingly chose to clean up and when Isaac came down with his eyebrows raised looking into the room, I felt a small glimmer of satisfaction.

"Looks like you're a better cleaner than baker." Isaac joked and went to check the oven. "It's got ten minutes left."

"What do we do now then?"

"Relax." He walked out and I followed him to his living room where he turned on the tv.

I sat a bit away from him to try and avoid any germs jumping on him from me.

For the next 10 minutes, surprisingly, Isaac and I didn't have any petty arguments and it was actually... nice.

Almost seemed like I needed to make showing up to Isaac's house uninvited a regular occurrence.


Third Person POV:

Back at school, Isaac made his way to maths, having avoided his friends walking into school.

Harrison and Gemma already sat in the class and waved as Isaac walked in, Isaac responding with a small smile.

Mrs Madison came in soon after and her droning voice reminded him how tedious maths was.

When the lesson was finally over, and Gemma had gone off to her locker before the word "go" could even be uttered, Harrison immediately started to talk. "You should come to the party tonight." Harrison suggested.

"I'm good." Isaac easily declined.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun. It can get your mind off of things." Harrison still tried to convince Isaac who shook his head again firmly. "You haven't gone to a party in a while, you should let yourself have a bit of fun."

Isaac frowned at him, "I don't need fun."

"Take that stick out of your ass, and we can have some fun."

"Do you not understand the word no?"

But Isaac's words fell on deaf ears again. "10 minutes tops, then we can leave."

"God, fine then, just stop talking." Isaac sped up his walk to separate himself from Harrison, hearing one last shout from Harrison, something about seeing him there as Isaac walked into his Chemistry class, dread washing in at going to that party.

He would not be attending it, he finalised to himself.


But he did. As soon as Harrison and Isaac had gotten to Zavier's, Harrison had disappeared as usual, and Isaac wasn't bothered to find him, not willing to look after drunk Harrison.

Isaac himself wasn't sober either, his view was blurry, the figures of people morphing into each other as the ground became deeper with every step he took. He hadn't planned on drinking, he really hadn't, but once Harrison had forced one drink into his hands, claiming it to be water, Isaac had instantly recognised the bitter taste but had carried on drinking, and now, he was fully drunk.

Slowly walking up the stairs, trying to recognise his surroundings, he tried to open a door that seemed familiar to him but it was locked, so he knocked firmly on the door, multiple times.

"Wait, I'm coming!" Isaac heard a shout from the other side of the door and slightly laughed to himself at what the sentence could've also meant.

Zavier opened the door, to which Isaac brushed past him and into the room. Zavier shut the door after, locking it to prevent any intoxicated couples stumbling their way into here.

Wasn't this Zavier's party? Isaac wondered, or maybe he was getting mixed up. Whoever's party it was didn't really concern him at the moment, what did occupy his mind was how good Zavier was looking right now.

"Hi Zavier." Isaac smiled, flopping onto the bed. Zavier followed after him but stayed standing up. "I've got something to tell you." Isaac whispered. "You have?" Zavier's brows knitted as he tried to get his vision to focus on Isaac, not the duplicate that kept forming.

"Yeah, come here." Isaac motioned with his hands as Zavier leant down, then Isaac quickly wrapped his arms around Zavier's neck, and pushed him down onto the bed next to him. "Oops." Isaac smirked, leaning over Zavier.

He stayed like that, seeing if Zavier would make any opposition but when Zavier didn't, he slowly leaned forward, and forward, and forward, until the gap between their lips closed.

It was a gentle kiss at first, as if they needed time to warm up to each other's lips, before getting gradually faster as they got more comfortable. Zavier wrapped his arms around Isaac's neck, pulling him closer to himself, and felt Isaac's hand slip underneath his shirt.

Isaac's hands was electrifying on his skin, making him curl more into Isaac, as he and Isaac's tongue danced in a rhythmic movement. Isaac then removed his lips from Zavier's neck and left a trail of kisses from on his cheek, going down all the way to Zavier's chest, but a phone ringing made him stop, and he pulled away.

"Fuck." Zavier muttered, leaning over the bed to get his phone whilst Isaac rolled to the other side of the bed, far away from Zavier. The person calling on the phone was Dillon but Zavier quickly declined the call and switched off his phone, then turned to Isaac to see him facing the other way.

"Isaac." But Isaac didn't respond. "Is, hello."

"We shouldn't do this." Isaac mumbled, a bit of sobriety washing over him but before Zavier could speak, he carried on. "I'm tired, goodnight."

"Thanks for that." Zavier rolled his eyes, and got out of the bed then glanced back at Isaac.

"What am I doing?" He mumbled to himself before walking out.

Instantly merging back into the party, he was met with drinks being offered but he still couldn't stop thinking about a certain person.


Isaac POV:

Waking up, I felt a weight on my chest and looked to see Zavier's head resting on my chest, with one arm draped across my torso as my leg was slung over his.

Zavier still seemed perfectly asleep but my head was starting to pound and more urgently, I could feel something hard that I would not want Zavier to notice.

So I shook Zavier gently, waking him up, then shoved him off of me and stood up. I tried to think of valuable reasons for why, and how, I would be sleeping in the same bed as Zavier, let alone the same room, but nothing sprung to mind.

"Why was I in your bed?" I watched Zavier snuggle back into his bed, being seemingly unaffected on how we ended up in the same bed.

"I don't know." He mumbled, closing his eyes but before he could, I shook him awake again, a frown growing on his face. "Can we talk about this later? Preferably when I'm not half asleep."

"No, wake up now. I want to know what happened."

Zavier sighed but still answered, "I was in my room. You came in drunk. I left to go back to the party then came back in. You were still here. I slept then voila, we've both woken up now."

I still didn't believe him, he wasn't even making eye contact with me, "You're hiding something, what else happened?"

"You did what you do best Isaac. Reject me as usual." Zavier looked up, a sense of vulnerability written over his face.

I tipped my head slightly to the side at his words, "What do you mean... 'what I do best'?"

"We do shit, then you say oh I regret it, I didn't mean it, you're fucking toying around with my feelings."

His feelings? What 'feelings' was he possibly on about?

"We're not a couple, I don't know what you expect me to say, I love you or something? Because we both know that'll never happen."

"Yeah, yeah okay. You're right." Zavier kept quiet, seeming deep in thought, then glanced up again at me. "You should leave."

"Are you mad?" I stumbled back a few steps as he brushed past my shoulder.

"No, just get out. I'll see you on Monday."

"Oh, okay. Bye." But he had already gone into his bathroom.

I walked out crestfallen, glancing back once to see if he would magically appear, but he didn't.

I always managed to say something wrong.

A/N: quite short chapter, hope u enjoyed it :) (written 23/01/21)

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