The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

206K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 42

3.4K 187 37
By just-A_potato

  This is the last chapter!





   "Cleo." Dad said drearily. I could tell he expected something like this but never wanted to deal with it.

   A crack of lightning sounds and the lights go out. Suddenly Squishy, Doug and Seth are in front of me. An unsettling giggle comes from the middle of the room. There are loud cries of frightened Enchantains, shuffling feet as they moved around the room. It's immensely dark, even with my improved vision I can't see a thing and I hate not knowing what's going on. I turn my telepathic on full blast, only to wish I hadn't. Without much warning I could sense the fear in everyone, hear their thoughts. Feeling the emotion coursing through those surrounding me is all so much, overriding my self control and drowning me in their sorrow but I can't shut it down. Instead I stuff it as best I could in a hidden part of my brain. I feel rather than see Reason put a spot light on the sound of the voice.

   Laufeia is there, floating in a ominous mist of black smoke. If I stare too long at the mist my eyes begin to ache and I know a huge migraine is in store for me. Whatever the black smoke is made of I quickly acknowledged that it only comes from the inmost dept of Darkness. I made the mistake of looking directly at the mist and a dizzy haze clouded my mind. To have this sort of effect on me, I can merely wonder how the other Elementals and the guests view this smoke. The crowd parts as she flies by. "I am not Cleo. I am Laufeia, powerful immortal, hidden ally of Darkness."

   The crowd gasps, and I'm guessing she's revealed her true self. I try to read her mind but all I get is a blur of images and buzzing sounds. The bitch can somehow block me. How, when not even the other Elementals can do that?

   Slight panic slices me. Suddenly I'm wobbly. Between experiencing hundreds of feelings that don't belong to me, the black smoke and my own nerves it's not surprising that I'm lightheaded and unsteady in my heels.

   Dad steps forward and pats my arm. He knew the turmoil inside me and with his touch came a soothing wash of tranquility, "Laufeia, leave! Darkness such as yours is not allowed in the Kingdom of Light."

   "Light," Laufeia sneered, "has ruled over Enchantment for too long as have the precious Elementals. Darkness thirsts for it's turn and that time has come. I'm taking over as Queen of Darkness and to begin my rein I will kill the Elementals. Even if I have to hunt you, just know that no realm could ever shield you from me."

   Here time froze. Dad and I shared a short glance, both knowing what's coming but too stunned to react. Despite the many things going on in my head Dad forced his way into my mind and left me a message I could never forget. Surprising me he stayed there, inside my mind with me; safe.

   "Starting with the princess!" Laufeia points a sharp fingernail at me.

   My powers are in self defense mode, with her threat automatically the whole lot of abilities I had went up and threw what they could at her. But is wasn't much considering my brain just hadn't been in battle status, in this moment I am vulnerable and not in the right state of mind to fight. In slow motion, I see a dark tendril coming at me faster than it should. I resist the urge to close my eyes, Darkness isn't going to get the satisfaction of me being scared when I meet death even in my befuddled condition.

   Since Dad was safely in my head, it was a two way street, meaning I knew his thoughts. I saw it coming a second too late and before I can do anything, Dad leaps in front of me. The dark tendril hits him square on the chest and suddenly my dad isn't comforting me in my head anymore, his body thuds to the floor where he remains still. 

   Laufeia laughs, "Not expected but funny."

   "Dad!" I cry. I felt it, I felt my father give his life.

   Then all hell breaks loose, my powers intensifying the worst of it. The Enchantains scramble for the doors, pushing and stepping over one another in their hurry to get out. I feel their panic, their worry, their impending doom.

   Doug bravely gets his sword, points it high in the air and yelled, "The witch has killed our King. Warriors, to me!"

  With bleary eyes, I watch my courageous Warrior charge forward, I feel the courage thriving in him, not one ounce of fear.

   "Oh, that's cute." Laufeia snaps and Doug is tossed into a wall, his head making an awful crack.

   "Doug," I sob brokenly, proud to have called that young man my protector.

   Hundreds of Warriors pour out of thin air and charge Laufeia, who stands perfectly calm as they are flung away from her.

   "Arg!" Hope shouts in agony. I pay attention to what's going on in my Beloveds mother. Her emotions are dictated by her fire, or so I thought. Naturally there's rage, passion and some other feeling I can't distinguish but will later on understand.

   I twist to see Hope, Fay and Owen encased in fire. I feel the vengeful need coursing in all three dragons, particularly strong in Hope. As one the dragons walk to Laufeia, giving her everything they have.

   "Wonderful." Laufeia winks at them and as one they fall.

   Anna screams.

   I put my hands to my ears; it's too much. The screaming pain and anguish. Everyone in the room, whatever they're going through, I feel it. Feel it all. The fear, the pounding hearts, the hopelessness, the death of every fallen Enchantain.

   LITTLE WAVE! Zayden had been yelling for some time, his small presence drown by my horrible surroundings. Your telepathic powers are wide open. Shut it off.

   I can't. I can't. I can't. I sob.

   Pull yourself together! Get that damn cloak on!

   I can't. I can't...

   With a cry of frustration, I stagger back. Zayden has taken over. He stands us talk, "Squishy, Seth the Elementals must leave."

   James taps our shoulder, "Elemental Zayden, take the kids to safety. We will buy you time." Andrea, Jackson, Matt and the other Elementals stand behind him.

   NO! I wail.

   "Fight hard, fight strong. My children, I could not be more proud. Should you die, Light will be honored to accept you."

  They rush forward. Matt and Andrea fall. That's all we see before a thick wall of ice is separating us from the utter chaos. Zayden turns to the others, they are a complete mess but luckily not nearly as severe as me. Anna, Vivian and Aliyah are bawling their eyes out while the others are either silently crying or standing there in total shock.

   Zayden snaps, "Jordan, Dmitri, Delcan get rid of the wall."

   Jordan numbly blinks, "Huh?"

   Zayden invades their minds and convinces them to be calm and then tear the brick wall down. Zayden uses water to clear the debris and dust, letting the air to ruffle the girl's dresses. "Come on, time to go!"

   The others still can't move.

   "Reason, Charlotte and Anna, dragon up. Angels get those wings."

  "We haven't yet." Vivian meekly said.

   "Where's Melody?" Reason aggressively asked.

   "Melody is broken at the moment." Zayden sighs.

   "How could Melody be bro-" Reason started to demand.

   Growing tired of childish games, Zayden enters Reason's mind and forces him to shift into a dragon. He then makes Cherry and Anna mount him.

   A flapping sound and the Creature Warriors land in the opening. "Warriors, you have done well. Get on your Creatures." The angels go to their pegasus', the wolves to their griffins, and the mermaids to their thunderbirds. Everyone numb and in a zombie like state. "Seth, ride with Aliyah on Joel, we will need your assistance." Seth listens.

   Zayden climbs onto Squishy and we take off. The moment we're airborne, Zayden straightens himself, "Shadows of the night, cover us. Conceal us. Hide us from the evil that wishes to harm us."

   Somehow, the shadows listen. You could gaze directly at us and not see a thing.

   Little wave? How are you?

   I can't answer. I can't do anything.

   Zayden nods, somehow comprehending what I am going through. We fly over the Enchanted Forest smoothly.

   "Where are we going?" Ester dully asks.

   "Away from the Light Kingdom." a heartbreaking frown creeps over our face, "Darkness is now in control."

   And so we fly on into the late night with disappear and pain branded in our hearts. Two words repeating themselves in my tormented mind.

   I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.

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