The 12 Elementals

بواسطة just-A_potato

205K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... المزيد

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 38

2.7K 195 40
بواسطة just-A_potato




   I stand on my tippey toes, trying to get a good look on the higher shelf all the while cursing my height. I know I'm a soon to be princess in a castle that rules over every mytical being in existence, but that will not stop my pig tendiences.

   You are to powerful to be doing something this childish. Zayden scolds.

   All I ask for is one damn can of Beefaroni. Is that too much?

   That is, as you would say, muggle food. You should eat better.

    I roll my eyes, I like muggle food.

   Something Zayden said caught up with me. I am too powerful for this- it's a waste of energy

  She sees the light! Zayden praised.

    I go to the walk in freezer, tear open a bag of ice and grab a cube. I hum "Circle of Life" as I put it on the counter and have a stare down with it. I place my hand over the cube and will it to transform. The ice moves and takes on the shape of a can. I push harder. The ice becomes more solid and then ta-da! there's my can of Beefaroni.

    Power is a waste with you. Zayden joked.

   I'd say it's well used.

   I grab a pot and turn on one of the many stoves. My next mission. Get the darn thing open.

    "You can make it out of ice, yet can't open it. Not surprising." Reason said.

   His voice doesn't shock me; I knew he was near because of our Elemental power. But he still had to sneak up on me. Why do I like him?

   Because girls like assholes. Zayden replied.

    "Go to sleep. It's past your bed time." I fumble with the can.

    "I'm older than you." he reminded and watched as I struggle with the lid, "This is sad. Use your power."

    That's not a bad idea. I snap my fingers and off pops the top.

   "Give it." Reason reached his hand out.

    What if he eats it?

   The guy is trying to make a guesture.

   I smile a bit then hand the can to Reason. He taps it three times and gave it back warm and steamy.

   "Sweet." I turn off the stove, grab a fork and dig in.

   "What kind of girl eats Beefaroni at eleven at night." Reason's black eyes have humor shining in them.

   "The kind that can't cook, puta." I say around mouthful.

   "If you're that hungry, I could make you something." He suggested.

   I cock a brow, "You cook?"

   "On of my many talents." he says.

    The only one.

   I surpress a smile, "I don't think Chef would be too happy about you using his kitchen."

   "If it's to feed you, he won't mind." He went to a cabinet and started pulling out ingredient's. "Cooking is a chick thing, you should learn. How else do you expect to feed you husband?"

   I glare at him, "Should I marry and my bitch husband demands that I cook, his ass better get used to cereal and grilled cheese. And Beefaroni, lots and lots of Beefaroni."

   Reason glanced up and I could see him fighting back that smile I was desperate to wanted to see.

   "Good thing we'll never marry." He went on with his work.

   Way to ruin the moment. Zayden said.

   I couldn't get past the lump in my throat. This ignoring each other crap is really not working for me. We fight, tease and bump heads but we're Beloves. Once this is all over. Once I have control of Enchantment and Laufeia is silenced, then I can build a relationship with Reason. That is, if he starts liking me and we get past the "no breeding" rule.

    Little wave-

   No words of wisdom. Let me wallow.

    I finish off my Beefaroni and a bowl is placed in front of me. Stuffing my self pity to my very core, I take the spoon and crackers Reason offers.

   "Tomato soup?" I question.

   "Eat." He has his own bowl and spoons some into his mouth.

   Smells good, doesn't look poisoned. I get a cracker, dip it in the soup and take a small bite. My eyes go wide. "That's amazing."

   The soup is yummy and filling. As I rinse my bowl I peek at Reason. He seems different. Same piercings, same tattoos but the hateful glare is strangely absent. Along with his usual blank expression and is he slouching? He isn't standing tall and brooding anymore.

   What happened to him?

   I could feel Zayden's shrug.

   "You're staring." Reason muttered, shuffling his feet and tugging his lip ring. Where did "Stop fucking staring" go?

   Reason is nervous. Holy crap.

   Feeling brave I say, "What's that tattoo on your back?"

   He doesn't answer, instead he turns and takes off his shirt.

  On Reasons back is a phoenix in it's burning stage. It's wings are spread wide, covering his shoudler blades, the head is thrust back and it's beak is open in a silent scream. It's tail is partially burnt and the talons are clenched in immense pain. The phoenix itself is engulfed in red and orange flames, so bright and colorful it could be real.

   I take a step and run my fingers over the phoenix's wings. This close I can now see the marks, hidden under the ink. Long jagged scars, smaller ones, burn marks and others I couldn't even make out.

   I grab one of his arms, underneath all the flames and skulls are more marks. I need to puke. "Who?"

   Reason simply shrugs, "Rita, Marco or someone else."

   "Cherry told me some of the New York stuff." I pause, wondering just how far I can go with this, "I wanna hear it from you." Reason observes my hand on his arm. His face was a perfect mask, I couldn't read him.

   Finally, he put his shirt on and sat on one of the stools. "Don't feel sorry for me, I don't want your pity. What do you know?"

   "You were in an orphanage run by Rita, she hit you all. You beat her ass and she kicked you out. Marco made you a gambler for his gang and one night you saved Cherry from being raped." I sum everything I had been told.

   He nods slowly, "Our parents wanted us to grow up the hard way. You guys were loved and happy, we weren't."

    "Why don't you smile?" The question I've been dying to ask.

   "I can't ever remember smiling. The orphanage wasn't a place for laughter and around gangsters, you don't smile." He easily explained, "There was never a reason to, till-" he stopped abruptly.

   Obviously he won't say more. I move on, "Why are you being open? What changed?"

   He tugs his lip ring and stares blankly at the counter, "In New York I was a shitty person, a shitty person I'm tired of being. I don't want to be that jerk no one wants around or the ass who ruins everything. I want to be better, not just for myself, but for Enchantment, for the other Elementals, for -" He catches himself. "Darkness has had it's claws holding me long enough. It's time I let Light help me."

   Is he serious? I ask.

   Zayden's awe mixes with my own. Little wave, Reason has let Light into his life, help him keep it there.

   I place my hand on Reason's shoulder, "I'm proud of you. This won't be an easy transition, but I will be here to help. You have so much here, Reason. The other Elementals, me, our parents, hell, an entire kingdom. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of Light soon enough."

   He put his forehead on mine, "Nunca sabrás lo mucho que esas palabras significan para mí, viniendo de ti."

   Reason then kissed me. There was no wandering hands, no rough, hot demanding lips. He moved his mouth slowly, almost tenderly. Smelling of burning wood and tasting of coffee even though I've never seen him take a sip.

    As I was enjoying it a little too much, it was him who pulled back, "Non riesco a immaginare una piã perfetta amato."

   I sigh heavily before Cherry and Ester came bounding into the kitchen.

   Cherry joyfully glanced between Reason and I, "Using protection I hope."

   Reaso winks at me cheekily, "I knew we were forgetting something."


Hope y'all enjoy some Melody-Reason. After that fight I wanted my OTP to patch things up, so I wrote this.

Only a few more chapters left, it makes me want to cry!!

Have a nice day!


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