The Return Of Rebel

By freakypizza18

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Meet Tina Mehta an Indian girl studied in USA returns back to home town after 4 years and after 2.5 years fat... More

Chapter:15 (Part 1)
Chapter:15 (Part 2)
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 44
Author's Note


140 5 0
By freakypizza18

5 years later..

“Tina, I would record the match for you go get ready or else you would be late”. Tyler said with a grunt.

“No, there’s no fun in it”. I whined like a five year old.

“Okay, I will let this play in the background while you get ready and you can video call your cousins so that you can have a live commentary”. He said.

“Fine”. I pouted and my way towards the closet in our room.

It was already five years of mine and Tyler’s wedding and I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl and we named her Tiara Maddison Clarke.

People said she was a spitting image of me and while she had got her intelligence and nature like his dad sweet, innocent and caring.

Tiara Clarke, was one of the kids who didn’t like to be served in silver spoon even though she could have all the things in the world and we never wanted our children to be brats, we wanted them to understand the meaning of hard work and seriously we were enough lucky to have such values already inculcated in her since she was able to walk or you can say she could comprehend things.

Yesterday she turned three years old and she is so smart that she grasps everything that her teacher teaches her and much quicker than the regular grades.

“Mum, cwan ywou plwease welp me to pwut thwe dwress?” My three year old said.

“Yes Ree Ree, I will”. I said with a smile on my face.

I immediately helped her with her dress and once she was done she rushed out of the closet.

“Ree Ree, don’t run or you might fall”. I shouted from the closet while grabbing a blue coloured dress from the hanger.

I quickly put on the dress and my routine makeup thing which I am following for so many years and put my heels and walked out of the closet.

“Oh you bitch don’t take that run you are going to get out”. I practically screamed at the screen when I saw the batsman hit the ball and run for the runs.

“Boo! Fucker!” I yelled.

I didn’t find Tyler in our room so I figured he would be with Tiara in her room.

I quickly switched off the TV and called my cousins so that we can watch the cricket match together. My love for cricket match never diminished it always grew more and more as the time passed and after Ree Ree I started to cuss a little less because she was a lot around me.
All my cousins quickly picked up the call.

“It sucks!” I exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.

“I know, right?” Krish chimed.

“I swear to God, if they lose I am sure as hell I am never watching cricket ever again”. Raj and Yash said simultaneously.

“Me too”. Krish agreed.

While the other girls were never interested in cricket it was only we both sister’s and rest of our brothers.

“You said the same thing when they lost the match last time”. I pointed out the obvious.

It was so hilarious whenever there was a match between India vs some other country and if India would lose they would cuss plus and would swear to never watch the match again but it was all bark and no bite.

“So, where are you right now, Krishika?” Meet asked.

“Venice”. She said.

“Last we talked you were in Paris”.Raj said with a confused expression.

“Yup, that was last week and this week I am coming back to Indiaaa”. My sister sang.

Krishika was now a huge thing and she was in the industry for almost five and half years now and she is named as one of the youngest models and everyone wants her to be in their magazines, billboards, etc. it is crazy like one moment she is in onepart of the world while the other moment some other part. She sometimes gets overwhelmed but she gets it away after a pep talk from me or either or our cousins or my best friend’s Tess and Tyson and also Tyler is always there for her when I cannot calm her down.

Speaking of Tess and Tyson they were now married four years and are blessed with a baby boy they named him Jacob William Stone. Jacob was same age as of Tiara’s and they are best friends and they are literally inseparables and that part warms me the most.

“Oh, we are having a huge feast”. Yash said.

“When are you coming?” Krishika asked me.

“I don’t know I have a lot of work plus I am on my way to an another interview and this match isn’t helping my mood”. I said.

“Come soon, we miss you”. Raj said.

“Yes we do”. My rest of the cousins said at the same time.

“Me too” . I said with a sigh.

I left my room and went towards Tiara’s room only to find my husband and daughter playing with her doll set.

“Ty, I am leaving are you both coming with me?” I asked.

“Yes, we are”. He said picking up our daughter and kissing me on the cheek.

Ree Ree let out a laugh and we made our way towards the car.

All my friends were in good place even Amy and Christin’s daughters were all grown up and they were six years old and they have grown to be beautiful.

As of Aadil we are still in touch and we have our daily dose of video calls and make sure we at least meet once a year despite being in two different parts of the world and my school best friend Seema she and her husband couldn’t conceive a child thus they adopted a baby boy and all of the kids are like a close pack of friends which reminds me of my teenage, we have our daily dose of gossips and I make sure to give my friends enough time.

We sat in the car and we made our way towards the studio where my interview was scheduled.

“So, what is this interview about?” My brother asked.

“It’s about a new fashion line I am going to start for plus size models”. I informed.

“Wow!” Raj exclaimed.

“That’s great! Even though we have come long way on accepting the fact that no size matters, no colour and gender matters when it comes to clothing and fashion but in someway they are always shoved down and seriously people should wake up its high time now to bully anyone who has a different, gender, pronouns, shapes and sizes, everyone should be free and allowed to dress what they want to”. My sister said.

“Period”. Raj said.

“Ahem”. Yash said at the same time as Raj.

“Exactly, my point”. I told.

“Meet, are you there?”  I asked when I didn’t hear him say anything.

“Yes, I am! I mean Krishika Mehta and Tina Mehta Clarke never fails to amaze me they are unstoppable and yes ahem to that, Krish”. He praised us, one could hear the pride in his tone.

We talked for a bit and we ended the call while I searched for the live updates of cricket on the internet so that I can keep a track while we are on the way.

Soon I found myself in front of the studio and there was an another person who would help me to the green room for past five years I have got so accustomed to this routine that now I know how the interview thing works.

“Hello Lily, how are you?” I said as soon as I stepped out of the car and saw the lady in all formal attire waiting for me I have done so many interviews for this show that I am on the first name basis with all of them.

“Hello, I am good just the usual. How you doing?” She asked.

“All good!” I exclaimed as I hugged her.

“Oh, my God! Tiara hello and Tyler it’s so good to see you again”. She said.

Lily was one of the most bubbly person I have ever met, she is one of those people who would be a total weird person once you vibe with her and I still remember my first interview with the show I found her very intimidating but than only after ten minutes we warmed up and now we are here.

“Okay, so I would walk you to the green room while I run down the questions for the day as we are on air in thirty minutes”. She said.

“Off we go!” I said while checking the score one last time.

“So, you know the regular ones about the work which you already know, than this time they would like to ask you questions on Tiara like how she is at home, how you manage everything between the work and home, also there might be a small game thing where you have to place your phone on a stand and there would be a list of apps and it rotates in circle and whichever app it stops you got to show the last thing you did on it. Is it fine with you?” She said all of that in almost one breath, as she has worked as a producer and an AD for the as long as I remember.

“It’s cool”. I said with a reassuring smile.

I was in the green room while touching my makeup for one last time and screaming profanities for the life in me.

“No you idiot, you shouldn’t take an another run”. I said as I watched it live on my phone.

“Ugh”. I groaned.

“You know Tina there’s no point in screaming at your mobile screen because they can’t hear you”. Ty pointed.

“Yes Mr. Smarty pants, I know that but you do the same thing while watching soccer”. I retorted.

“No, I don’t”. He replied with so much confidence that for a second anyone could’ve being confused if he is stating a fact or not.

“You sure, babe?” I said with my eyebrows cocked, challenging him.

“Of course”. He said and shrugged his shoulders.

“Just a second”. I told him while going through my phone to show him a video which I had captured some time where he was watching a soccer match and was literally cussing in front of a screen.

I shoved my phone screen in front of his face and pressed the play button.

“No fucker, pass it to no. 13 he is open why are you being a jerk”. He shouted.

I heard a groan from the video when the player missed the shout.

“Ass”. He muttered.

I than locked my phone with a smug expression, his bewildered expression almost made me laugh.

“So in conclusion, Mr. Clarke you are no better than me”. I said and pecked him on the lips.

“If I get this from you I would never get better”. He said and pecked me once again.

There was a knock on the door and Tyler let out a grunt.

“Yes? Come in”. I said to the person other side of the door.

“Tina, you ready? You are on air in 5”. Lily said once she opened the door.

“Okay, do you want me to bring my phone with me or they would want it after the break?” I asked.

“We will need it after the break, so Tyler can carry it with him”. She replied.

“Okay”. I told her.

I quickly put my phone on silent mode and in the DND mode and so did Tyler with his phone and we made our way towards the stage.

Tyler went to sit with the audience with our daughter and I was signaled to go on stage.

“Now, we present you the very cool and talented personality Tina Mehta Clarke”. The host introduced me on the stage.

The claps from the audience was reverberating throughout the studio room and I went up to the front stage and chimed a hello with a smile towards the audience and then hugged the host.

“Ah Tina, it’s great to see you again on the show”. The host said.

“Well Joe, it’s great to see you too and thank you for having me here”. I replied with the same warmth.

“Without a further ado let us take a seat”. He said.

He went around the table and took his seat while I sat on the sofa opposite to him.

“So Tina, first of all how are you doing?” He asked.

“I’m really doing great! How about you though?” I asked making a conversation.

“Now I am great when you are here”. He said with a laugh.

Which made me laugh too as well as the others.

“Well thank you”. I said and pushed my hair back.

“So we heard that you have some exciting news to share, what is it?” He asked.

“Um my team and I have started this new line dedicated solely to the plus size people and they would be really comfortable you can say comfort chic style”. I replied while nodding my head.

“That’s a great thing! What was the idea behind this comfort chic style?” He exclaimed.

“I feel like even though we have come long way on accepting the fact that no size matters, no colour and gender matters when it comes to clothing and fashion but in someway they are always shoved down and seriously people should wake up its high time now to bully anyone who has a different, gender, pronouns, shapes and sizes and even colour, everyone should be free and allowed to dress what they want to and shouldn’t be shun away from the world of fashion”. I said remembering how my sister had put all these words so beautifully.

I made a mental note to thank her for putting this beautifully.

“That’s a great message and seriously you said something that has to be given a lot of importance and not only physical is important but emotional and mental health are important too”. He said.

Although we did something similar to this earlier but we wanted the whole brand dedicated to them.

“Yes, exactly and thank you”. I said.

“So, when is this new project launching?” He asked.

“Soon”. I answered and nodded my head.

“Okay, so I wanted to ask how’s the motherhood so far?” He asked.

“It’s great! To be honest I am getting to know why my mum told me somethings which I didn’t listen to and didn’t understand them at that time but now I totally understand so yeah kids, mumma knows better”. I replied.

“Sure mamma does know better”. He said with a laugh.

“Yeah”. I said with a smile too.

“In general, if you write a memoir what would be titled?” He exclaimed.

“Brown girl, because I am proud for who I am and what my background is”. I replied with pride swelling for India in me.

“That’s great!”. He replied.

“Tina, what’s one thing you can eat without you getting bored?”. He questioned.

“um fries, and my mum’s home-cooked food”. I said.

“You cannot go wrong with it”. He said.

“Totally”. I replied.

“Tina, what it like to be married and being this successful how do you juggle both responsibilities?” Joe questioned.

“It’s bit difficult sometimes I mean there are some days when you are tired after your work and everything or sometimes you don’t feel like going to work but even after all this my work and home always gives me peace and when I feel down they are the ones that keeps me going.”. I explained.

“Impressive”. He remarked. “Okay, it’s now time for a short break, don’t leave your screens because we will back in few in conversation with Tina Mehta Clarke”. He said and the studio went black for a few seconds.

The producer came back to the stage with my husband and my daughter. I quickly took my daughter from Ty’s arms and kissed her.

“Oh Tina, is so good to have you back”. He said while he side hugged me.

“It’s always a pleasure to be here, thank you for having me here”. I said and pulled away.

“Oh yeah, you were unstoppable”. Joe, the host said.

“Aw Joe, thank you”. I replied.

“Pleasure’s mine”. He replied me back.

The makeup artist came by and asked me if I needed a touch up and I told I don’t need it and she left the stage.

“So, now is the game time thing-y and I guess you might need your phone now”. He said.

“Okay”. I replied and Tyler handed me my phone.

The break ended we were in the second part of the stage when the lights went off again for a second lit again with the intro music.

“Hello and welcome back to the show and we are in a conversation with Tina Mehta Clarke”. Joe introduced.

“We are now playing ‘Let me peep into your phone’ with Tina, in this game you have to keep your phone on this stand’ he pointed the stand which was on the table in between us “and we press the buzzer which is here in the middle and then this icons would revolve around and it stops on its own and whichever app it stops you got to open that and show your last activity also after the last round we have a one dare and one confession to make too”. He explained.

“Are you ready for this?”  He asked, looking at me.

“Yes”. I said enthusiastically.

“Okay, let’s start and you go first”. He said.

“Okay”. I said with a shrug and pressed the red button.

The icons started to revolve around in a circular motion and after around ten seconds it stopped on the music application icon.

“It’s a music application icon”. I said.

“Yes, so let us peep through your music application”. He said.

I unlocked my phone which was on the stand and opened the application which showed that was the last played song was ‘Back to December by Taylor Swift’ from ‘My morning routine playlist'.

“Ah! We have a Taylor Swift fan here”. He said with a smile.

“Oh indeed we do have one”. I teased.

“Okay, so tell us the backstory when you played the song”. He said.

“So I was playing this song when I got up today this morning”. I answered.

“Oh, so you listen to her everyday?”  He asked.

“All day, everyday. Duh”. I said and flipped my hair.

“Ohh”. He sassed.

“Oh mister, you ain’t getting away it’s your turn now”. I told him.

“Sure”. He said and quickly put his phone on the stand and pressed the button.

When the button stopped and it landed on the iMessage application.

“Oh! Spill the beans!” I exclaimed and rubbed my hands together with sort of an evil laugh.

“Okay, but I know there’s no tea in it, I hardly ever use my messaging app”. He said with a  shrug.

“That’s something I decided”. I countered.

“Oh please”. He said while opening his application and showing us the last text which he received was from his mother.

Son, I would like to tell you please don’t forget to bring my scarf which you stole from me when you last visited. Please and thank you. Love mumma ❤️😂

“Oh, my God! Joe, you steal people’s scarves?” I asked him jokingly with a side eye.

“Oh no, that day was cold and I didn’t have one I asked her oh God!” He groaned “God! Mom, you are embarrassing me”. He added.

Which made all of us laugh. After having a good laugh we continued the game.

It was my turn and I did the same process and it landed on Instagram.

“Okay show us the last DM”. Joe said.

“Oh yeah”. I said and opened the application.

“Oh God! You never reply your DMs open them they are like hundreds of them just from your Primary DM box”. He said.

“Ugh! I really am bad at replying that is why people now just give me call and say just send me this or that document and I send it to them”. I defended myself.

“Now that makes sense”. He said.

“What?” I asked.

“Oh the other day we had an interview with Tyson and he said that you are really bad at replying the text back and now I know”. He answered.

I hid my face in my hands and laughed at my embarrassed self.

“You didn’t have to expose me plus you are embarrassing me on the national television”. I playfully scolded him.

“So you better start answering”. He said with his arms in mock defense.

I quickly opened my DM and opened the last text I had replied which was like three weeks ago to my friend Seema where she had sent me a post from a meme page.

The face you make when someone you hate passes by and your best friend says that it is your best friend passing by.

It was actually a thing between me and Seema which goes back to when we were in 11th and 12th grade when there was this girl who had some problem with me and even I don’t know what and she would always try to pull me down or embarrass me and I was civil enough to not create a mess but one day I was already pissed off and our teacher announced that the test schedules are already posted on the website but I didn’t have the time to check so by instinct I blurted out aloud saying ‘already’ and she being a bitch had to comment ‘I guess she was asleep until now’ and laughed which made me even more pissed so me being a rebel  I scolded her ‘did I ask you’ which almost create a huge battle ground but the teacher present in our class meddled in between and stopped the conversation and from that day onwards Seema teases me.

And to the meme I had replied to my best friend ‘Oh God! Would you please let that go I mean that was in high school and now I am grown adult and a mother of one I don’t even care about her anymore plus why would you do this to me’.

“Oh, my God! You are so riled up in this no wonder your friend teases you and plus I believe it has to do something with your high school feud”. He said and emphasizing on the word your.

“Oh God! I was a kid”. I groaned.

“Sure! Okay let’s not get into the story and move forward”. He said with a laugh.

I laughed it off too and replied a yeah.

He did the same thing again and he landed on YouTube.

“Okay Mr. Joe, show us your YouTube history”. I told him.

“Bien sûr”. He replied with an awful French accent.

“You are officially banned form doing a French accent that was awful”. I commented and laughed.

“I know, right!” He exclaimed and laughed too.

Oh God! My sides are hurting now from all the laughing.

“Okay this is the last round and I am showing you and the world my YouTube history”. He said and put the phone on the stand.

Everyone in studio along with me was surprised when we saw what was the last searched  it was ‘How to make to chicken tenders'

“Aww Joe, that’s so cute!”I exclaimed.

“Thank you! And it was from last week when my wife was mad at me because I forgot to put the toilet seat back”. He answered with a serious expression.

“That’s serious”. I told him with a serious expression. “I am presuming that your wife loves chicken tenders”. I added.

“Yes, she does and not to sound rude but how do you find this cute I mean I was trying to make up for her and also why did you say cute and how did you know I cooked for her and not asked anyone else?” He asked.

“Of course you were trying to cook a meal because point number one that’s romantic, number two you can win a girl’s heart by food and number three I just had a feeling you would’ve cooked for your wife and you would do it by yourself if you wanted to make it up to her”. I told him.

“Wow”. He said with an amused expression.

“Did it work?” I asked.

“Oh totally she forgave me”. He said proudly.

“I am so proud of you”. I said while clapping my hands and so did everyone present in the studio.

“Thank you! And now is the time for the dare and truth round”. He said.

Than an envelope came on the stage from the people who work on the show which had our dare and truth.

“So, in this envelope there is the dare and the truth and we both have to do the same thing”. He instructed.

“Okay..” I said and trailed off while nodding my head.

“So, first is dare you have to make a call to one person who might never picks up your call”. He read out loud.

“Okay I might call my wife”. He said.
He dialed her number and put it in speaker, after few rings it went to the voicemail.

“She didn’t”. I stated the obvious.

“She might be busy”. He said.

“Yes she might be”. I told him. “Okay my turn!”

“Okay..” He trailed off.

“Actually everyone picks up the call but I might call someone from India as they might be sleeping right now”. I said while scrolling through my phone.

“What time it would be there right now?” He asked.

“It’s 4:30 in the evening here, so that means in India it is 3 in the morning. Perfect time to see if my cousins pick my phone up”. I said with an evil smile and failed my cousin Meet’s number.

It ring four times before he picked it up.

Before I could say anything he spoke,“I swear to God, Tia if it isn’t urgent to wake me up at 3 am than I would surely get my revenge so spill”.

“Okay, you picked up the call you proved a point now go sleep”. I said.

“Oh, my God! Tina. What is wrong with you? Why would do that to me”. He whined.

“I promise, I’ll explain you later tomorrow first thing in the morning go to sleep. Good night”. I said and before my brother could speak an another word I quickly end the call because I didn’t want the entire world me and my brother cussing each other.

“There’s not even a single person who won’t miss your call I am impressed”. Joe commented.

“Thank you, and yes we pick each other’s call because that’s our rule and if it isn’t possible we just text them back and it rarely ever happens we miss each other’s calls”. I explained.
“Ohh I see”. He said while bobbing his head.

“Yup”. I said.

“Okay it’s the spill the tea time that is truth”. He said. “So, as decided may go first”. He added.

“Okay, so I will ask you the question and you ask me”. I said.

“Go ahead”. He said.

“So, who were you star struck by?” I asked.

“Um.. you aren’t laughing at me for this but Mr. Barack Obama”. He said.

“Why would I? But you got to tell us the story”. I said.

“That’s embarrassing please”. He whined.

“No whining, start spilling”. I said it in a sing-sang voice.

“I had to do this interview few years back and I was told that I had to interview President Obama and I was like okay cool and then I had prepared everything and than it was the D-Day and even before the interview I was chilled and la la la, before he entered the studio I was singing and relaxed, he than stepped into the studio I literally got up from my seat and I am putting it lightly by saying got up but I literally jumped and, and” he almost laughed while ranting his speech out.

Which made us all of us laugh too.

“And than I was so nervous my hands were shaking, I couldn’t even stand on my feet I had to sit down, I also remember drinking lots of water, I got a bad acid reflux and during interview from the inside I was freaking out thinking I am interviewing President Obama and on the outside was as cool as cucumber.

Oh, my God! I was never star struck by anyone like I was for Mr. Barack Obama”. He completed on hysterical laughing.

By the end of his whole narrative I was about to fall on the ground by all the laughter and my sides were really bad.

“The story was funny but I agree with you I mean you were interviewing President Obama and if I were in your place I would have died dead even before he would have walked in the studio”. I confessed.

“Oh, please you won’t. Trust me”. He said. “Anyway, let’s start with you I am asking you the same question, who were you star struck by?”

“There’s no shocker but Taylor Swift”. I confessed hiding my face behind my palms.

“Wait! How did you meet her?” He exclaimed.

“I designed her a pant suit during her Lover era”. I said.

“Oh yeah now I remember, it was the talk of the town at that time. But tell us the full story”. He said.

“Yeah okay it is worth it though it’s like I can brag about it even though it is embarrassing so what happened that day was I was already a bit down that day, I was home sick and all and Tyler told me that there’s someone who needs something designed from us and you are meeting them today and I didn’t knew who the person was, I tried to get the name of the celebrity but he wouldn’t budge so I gave up asking him. Than to calm my nerves down I decided I should complete my work while blasting music on full volume with my earphones on and this guy in the audience knocked twice but courtesy of my earphones I didn’t hear a thing and I was listening to 'Don’t blame me by Taylor Swift' and remember the bridge the most famous thing she did in her two tour?” I questioned him.

“Oh yeah I know that, that’s just Amen! So pure and powerful”. He said.

“Yup sure it is! So what I did was I went all ahhhh ahhhhh on that high note when the note ended I turned around in my seat and saw Taylor Swift herself with Tyler standing on the threshold of my office cabin and I was so embarrassed and star struck for moment I was like a gold fish I couldn’t say anything I mean I opened my mouth and closed hut could not say anything and than I quickly recovered and I offered her a seat and bottle of water and told my husband and then boyfriend I literally went in all professional mode at that time and said ‘Mr. Clarke, may I speak to you for a moment alone?’ and than Taylor said 'oh you guys can stay here I might wait in the lounge and I was like no no you make yourself comfortable it would be real quick' and the moment we stepped outside the cabin I went all mad woman on him I was like why didn’t knock, or why didn’t you tell me first hand, I made a fool out of myself.

He literally had to calm me down and pushed me in the cabin.

I went in and apologized for everything and she was like oh, 'it’s not a problem you were great with that high note', she even hugged me and shook hands with me and in my mind I was like I am amputing my hand and framing and I am even never washing this dress oh, my God! It was crazy that day! I clicked pictures, she signed me the book and than we designed her the dress and also I gifted her an another dress which was an Indian attire and all and I don’t think I would be this star struck by anyone but Taylor Swift even today I would be zipped up if Taylor Swift would be standing in front of me”. I ranted.

“Oh, my God! That’s wholesome I mean I have never even once saw you star struck or even heard it from someone else that’s so wholesome”. He commented.

“You are correct because I won’t be star struck as I will ever be in front of Taylor Swift”. I replied confidently because that was true.

“I know, right”. I commented.

“Right”. He commented. “It’s sad, that the interview has come to end but it was great having you Tina. And that was it for today. Stay safe, be healthy”. He added.

I waved my arm around to all the fans in the studio and lights dimmed to black for a second with the closing song and than it dimmed again and there after it was time for pack up all the other people got busy with it and than Tyler and my daughter were allowed to come to the stage and we all hugged and exited the stage while we talked about where do we next hangout that night.



So, it's finally the end of 'The Return of Rebel' I started this story a year back and I didn't knew I would be able to complete this work. I never thought I would reach around 400 reads I always thought it would be mere 2 or 3 reads and we have a long way. I have grown as a person and so did my characters and I am so proud of myself for this work.

Bye, until next time.

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